Primordial Devouring Technique

Chapter 977 Entering the Cave Mansion

Chapter 977 Entering the Cave Mansion
Immediately, Ye Xuan's cultivation was imprisoned by this woman, unable to mobilize the slightest holy power.

"In this case, then I should also set a prohibition."

When Lan dreamed of this, with a wave of his hand, a white light entered Ye Xuan's mind, and set up a barrier around his shrine to confine his spiritual power.

So far, except for his powerful physical body, Ye Xuan is no different from ordinary people, and can no longer display any supernatural powers.

Ye Xuan wished to peel these two female saint kings alive, and thought secretly, "Waiting for you to fall into my hands, I must let you know how stupid things you have done to me today! "

He called out to Xiaohei in his mind, "Xiaohei, can you find a way to lift the ban?"

"Quack, of course. Although these two women have strong cultivation bases, they are only forbidden, and I don't pay attention to them."

Ye Xuan felt relieved when he heard this.

"Are you sure you can break through these two prohibitions?"

"Well, Ye Xuan, I will teach you a method of breaking the ban. With your powerful skills, you can easily break the two holy bans."

"very good."

Ye Xuan was no longer worried about the sealing technique, he did not choose to break the ban immediately.The powerful cultivation bases of the two women will definitely be sensed immediately once his cultivation base recovers.And now that he is sealed, it is easier for the two women to despise him.

Lan Meng released a white jade flying boat, with a wave of jade hand, Ye Xuan was rolled up by an invisible force, and with a 'plop', Ye Xuan was thrown on the bow of the boat, causing him to grin in pain.

The 'two daughters', the Holy King, stood in the middle of the boat and stood at the tail of the boat.

"The location of the cave?" Lan Meng, who was in the middle of the boat, asked.

Ye Xuan also simply sat on the bow of the boat, followed the route given by Xiao Hei, and pointed to the east.

'call out! 'The white jade flying boat flew away suddenly, turning into a long white rainbow, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

"The two seniors are both heaven-reaching and knowledgeable. The junior has some doubts about martial arts. I wonder if I can ask the two seniors for clarification."

Ye Xuan sat at the bow of the boat, facing the two women behind the boat and said with a smile.

The two women were slightly taken aback, and looked at Ye Xuan in surprise, as if they didn't expect Ye Xuan to be so calm in such a situation.

A hint of admiration flashed deep in Lan Meng's eyes, but she ignored it. In her eyes, Ye Xuan was a human race. How could she teach a human martial arts with such a majestic monster.

"Hehe, tell me what you don't understand." Lin Lanyue said with a slight smile.

To her, Ye Xuan can't survive tonight, so it doesn't matter how much she teaches.


Two hours later, the white jade flying boat finally came to a huge deserted island, in front of the mysterious cave.

Along the way, there were two beautiful beauties with different styles who were 'accompanied'. Ye Xuan didn't feel 'lonely'. , Talking and laughing along the way.

"This is what is recorded on the map. The junior once came here to investigate, but the junior's cultivation base is low, and he was blocked by the ban."

In front of a big mountain, Ye Xuan got off the flying boat and said, when he came to the entrance of the cave, he suddenly let out a soft 'huh'.

"What's wrong?" Lin Lanyue frowned and asked.

Ye Xuan replied: "Fairy Hui, when this junior came last time, there was a huge silver restriction at the entrance of this cave. , but now it's gone."

"Could it be that someone else is here?" Lin Lanyue's eyes turned cold, and a smoldering look flashed in her eyes. The rapid change of expression made Ye Xuan speechless.

"will not."

At this time, Lan Meng, who hadn't said a word, glanced at Ye Xuan lightly, and said, "There are no traces outside this cave. When he left last time, he must have cleared all kinds of traces, and there are obviously similar forbidden areas around." With the existence of the air ban, it is very difficult for you and me to use the flying technique to get in."

"Haha, so to speak, this cave mansion made me look forward to it even more. A ban on space is so powerful. I think the previous master's cultivation base is definitely not low. If that's the case, let's go in and have a look." Lin Lanyue With a sweet smile, he said.

Ye Xuan didn't say anything, just followed the two women into the cave.

The cave was dark and stretched downwards. The three of them walked about a thousand feet before encountering a restriction. Lan Meng hit it with a few white lights and broke the restriction. Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan was secretly startled by the woman. The power of the big monster.

He secretly wondered how he could get out, and he wasn't that stupid to ask the two women to let him go.

Previously, Lan Meng only said not to kill him, but did not say to let him go. Obviously, he didn't want to really let him go. If he didn't do it well, it might make his life worse than death.

After entering the cave, Lin Lanyue, who had a wild temperament, became silent.

The three walked forward in silence for about half a stick of incense, and finally stopped in front of a black bar.

Lan Meng released the demon light again, but found that there was no movement in the restraint.

She snorted softly, stepped forward with jade feet, a long sword appeared, and said softly: "Chop!"

With a "crack", the restriction was broken.

After finishing everything, Lan Meng said lightly: "Let's go."

Ye Xuan felt bitter in his heart. Just now, Lan Meng's sword seemed to have little power, but he felt an unspeakable sword force. Even if he was the empress of Jia Luo, it would be difficult for him to resist this sword.

Along the way, various restrictions gradually increased, and several restrictions were even broken by the joint efforts of Lan Meng and Lin Lanyue.

After a long time, Ye Xuan, who was walking behind, suddenly narrowed his eyes and found a light coming from not far away.

Seeing the light, the second daughter's expression changed and she quickened her pace.

Soon the three of them came to the light source, and a two-foot-high stone gate appeared in front of the three of them.

On both sides of the stone gate, there is an ancient beast carved, lifelike, like a living thing, and the gate emits a faint golden light, obviously with special restrictions.

"Okay, this prohibition breath is obviously a powerful prohibition handed down from ancient times."

Lin Lanyue's charming face revealed a look of joy, her eyes were bent into crescents, and for a moment, she was so charming and seductive that Ye Xuan's eyes flashed.

This woman is so immoral, I'm afraid she has experienced double cultivation... Ordinary men may not be able to control her.

Ye Xuan glanced at Lan Meng again, and found that the banshee also showed a hint of joy on her face. Obviously, this ancient cave also made her very excited.

"Lan Meng, let's work together to break the restriction. I think there must be a lot of treasures in this ancient cave." Lin Lanyue giggled and waved her hand, and the pink silk wrapped around her arm flew out, and the tyrannical and boundless holy power flowed towards her. Infused with powder silk.

"Okay!" Lan Meng replied, and an astonishing coercion was released from the long sword in his hand.

Ye Xuan stood at the side far away, watching the two great powers each use their means to break the restriction on the gate. For some reason, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

This feeling is a faint throbbing in his soul.

"Xiao Hei, help me break through the ban." Ye Xuan said thoughtfully.

'boom! '

At this moment, there was a loud noise, but it was Lin Lanyue's pink silk and Lan Meng's demon sword that hit the golden light barrier at the same time.

After a burst of golden light flickered violently, it shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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