my age of magic

Chapter 1008

Chapter 1008
140 Two magic spars are placed on the gemstone bases in each corner of the Vengeance Queen. When the last magic spar is placed on the gemstone base on the control center, all the magic rune boards on the Vengeance Queen will be full of magical light. Flowing, exuding a golden brilliance.

Jacques was standing in the pilothouse and manipulating the rudder of the ship. The Queen of Revenge slowly sailed away from the Rock Turtle Floating Island. The sailors raised the sails halfway. Senior Dylan was nervously making final adjustments to the center of the magic teleportation array on the ship. , one after another magical glow spreads outward from the core of the center, and the power of space overflows from the center of the teleportation array faintly,

Senior Dylan's expression seemed a little dignified. After seventeen days of non-stop fighting day and night, the teleportation array on the golden sea ship had been completely installed, and the debugging of the magic rune boards in each area had also been passed. His body became thinner, and his eye sockets were sunken due to staying up all night. These two days were completely supported by mental power potions.

I think the potion of mental power has no effect on him, what he needs is rest, but after the completion of the Queen of Vengeance magic teleportation array, he has been in a state of excitement. For a magic scholar, after several After years or months of preparation, at this critical moment, it is naturally impossible to go to rest.

Senior Dylan's eyes were bloodshot, and his voice became a little hoarse. When everyone looked at him, their eyes were full of worry, but he seemed to be unable to see our worried eyes at all. In between breaks, tell us a joke or two that isn't funny.

Senior Dylan is very optimistic. He said to me more than once: The magic teleportation array has very high requirements for the coordination of space geometry and magic runes. Many magic lines are not constant. Space magicians They all rely on their years of experience and formulas for mana calculations to design those magic pattern routes, so a successful magic teleportation array cannot be completed overnight, it requires constant debugging, three times if it fails once, ten times if it fails three times Fifty times if ten times fail, until the magic teleportation circle works normally.

The length of the debugging period actually depends on luck. It may be successful once, and it may not be able to operate normally after a hundred times. Therefore, I think that space magicians must have two qualities: the first is to be able to endure loneliness, and the second is to To withstand the blow.

Ying Li and Shirley Newman are very soft-hearted girls. Seeing the working state of Senior Dylan, they couldn't bear it and worried at the beginning, and then began to help him do what they could, even if it was to take a magic crystal Shi, they rushed to do it, which made Senior Dylan very embarrassed.

Noah asked me: "Jijia, do you think that in your Imperial Academy of Magic, are all the magic scholars working like Senior Dylan?"

I thought about it seriously, and thought of the Yerkes scholar, he often shut himself up in the magic laboratory without sleeping and eating, and often forgot the time.Thinking of Qige who lived in the magic laboratory for half a month in order to supply enough crazy potions to the Prince of Wales in time, and even called Lucia to help, and Schindke University, who has almost never seen him Walking out of his magic laboratory, I think these scholars are far more persistent in magic research than Senior Dylan.

So I nodded approvingly.

Noah was standing on the deck, leaning against the railing on the side of the ship. On the outer wall of the ship next to him, a sailor was riveting a magic rune board. The magic rune board was a little loose, causing the magic to flow The transmission of mana in the slot is not very stable. Senior Dylan just ran over and asked the sailors to reinstall a few rune plates here.

Noah and I were watching from the sidelines.

Noah suddenly said to me: "Ji Jia, I suddenly had some changes in my thinking recently, it was about my future and my dreams."

I can understand Noah's complicated mood at this time, and I said: "Oh? What's the matter, is it because you have such a rock turtle floating island, and you think it's good to be a lord?"

Noah scratched his hair and looked at the setting sun at the end of the sea in the distance. The surface of the sea seemed to be covered with a layer of golden fish scales.

He sighed for a long time, and said to me: "I had a little idea. Seeing Senior Dylan like this, I feel a little scared! I'm afraid that I will be so obsessed in order to study mixed magic in the future. Maybe every magic scholar is like this, but I don't want to become like this, I'm afraid that if I sink into the magic world, I will gradually forget those who love you, forget what is the best life, and then gradually Be a loner."

Noah's mood seemed a little anxious. Maybe the burden of the Rock Turtle Floating Island suddenly fell on him, which made him a little out of breath. He needed to adapt to his new identity, and he needed to think about many things that he had never thought about before. past things, but I think, maybe this is growing up.

Noah's anxiety comes from worrying about the future. He has always been determined to take the path of magic, but at this moment he has some shakes.

I said to Noah: "Probably not. I think Yerkes scholars are quite good at enjoying life. Occasionally we will find a pub to have a drink together and relax."

Hearing what I said, he seemed to have found a reason for himself, and his expression became much more relaxed. Maybe he just wanted to find someone to say something to comfort him.

Noah looked at Jacques in the captain's room. He sailed the ship out of the Rock Turtle Floating Island just to conduct the first teleportation experiment.

Now, Senior Dylan is making preparations.

There was some confusion in Noah's eyes, and he asked me, "Jijia, do you think we can do it this time?"

I nodded firmly, and said to Noah confidently: "Maybe the process will be a little tortuous, but there should be no problem! What's wrong?"

Noah rubbed his hands and said to me: "I can't wait to go back to Illinas City now, I think Louis will definitely support me in building this city, I need to ask a master builder to plan it for me , I want to build it into a hanging garden, anyway, the wealth left to me by the Pirate King is enough for me to squander, since I decided to build it, I have to make it better!"

I asked him: "You promised Ramos?"

He nodded and admitted: "Yes, why should I refuse? Thank you, Jijia."

I thought he might think about it, but I didn't expect to give Ramos the answer he most wanted so quickly.

"Why do you say that, it makes me a little uncomfortable." I said to Noah.

Holding on to the railing with both hands, the night began to color the sky above the head, the blue sea water gradually turned into azure blue, and the brightest star had already appeared above the head, this night suddenly became a lot of emotion.

"... By the way, I asked you to come to Vashj with me in order to find the horn of the soul. Didn't you agree to accompany me without hesitation? Originally, our summer vacation plan was on the white sandy beach of Emerald Bay We are on vacation together, if we follow that plan, so many things will not happen, maybe we should be sitting in the classroom of the Imperial Magic Academy at this time, and I should also prepare to participate in the coming-of-age ceremony." I said to Noah He smiled shyly and said.

Noah was startled.

I said to him again: "Look, we were trapped in Vashj because I insisted on coming to Vashj's plane. No one said anything to complain about. What do you say thank you now?"

Noah smiled, and counted the gains of this trip to Vashj to me: "In short, we have gained so much from this trip to Vashj's plane, it is really a worthwhile trip! Goodness, maybe we will miss the coming-of-age ceremony held in the imperial capital, but how about we go back to Hausshof Island and participate in the coming-of-age ceremony held by Earl Evan for the young people of Connerson Island?"

Putting his arms around Noah's shoulders, he said to him: "Let's rebuild the Revenge Queen honestly here first!"

Noah replied: "Well, well..."

While Noah and I were chatting on our own, I suddenly felt that the diffused brilliance on the ship turned into a huge six-pointed star magic circle. The dark red magic circle centered on the Queen of Vengeance, covering the entire Golden Sea Ship, the power of the starry sky is like a string of bubbles, floating from all corners of the magic circle to the sky. These magic bubbles are all caused by the incompleteness of our magic transmission circle, but although the magic power is constantly leaking , but the magic teleportation array is still in operation.

At this time, Senior Dylan came out of the control room and excitedly shouted to Noah and me: "Jijia, the control center of the teleportation array is fine! Everything on the Golden Sea Ship is running normally now!"

The sailors on the ship watched with great panic as the hull was shrouded in a dark red color. The power of space was like silk, forming a huge cocoon above the Queen of Vengeance. Those magical silk threads wrapped the Queen of Vengeance. I felt the magic rune plates of the whole ship absorbing the power of the magic crystals on the gemstone base.

Ying Li and Shirley Newman just came out of the central control room, and they also cheered excitedly when they saw the Queen of Revenge being wrapped in such a strange magical light.

Everyone's goal is very simple. It is the first time to run the magic teleportation array, and they don't have the extravagant hope of directly teleporting back to the naval port bay of Illinas City. As long as they can emit the magic light of space power, everyone is already very satisfied.

Unexpectedly, with the help of the magic spar, the magic mask—the light cocoon—needed by the Queen of Vengeance to cross the space rift was successfully activated, and Miss Cherry, Helena and Becky followed closely behind. Behind Li and Shirley Newman, holding many magic blueprints and magic materials, seeing the light cocoon outside the hull, several people were shocked by this grand scene.

"The connection of these magic rune boards is still very problematic, and the overflow of mana is very serious." Noah said to me looking at the steaming magic bubbles on the huge dark red magic circle.

Obviously, this is a problem in the connection of these magic runes. The magic lines are not perfectly connected together, which leads to a waste of a lot of magic power drawn from the magic spar.

However, my focus is different from Noah's. I watched those magic rune boards light up one by one, and the magic ideas that Senior Dylan wanted to complete were also being completed one by one. The magic spar on the base is all brand new magic spar, so it survived.

Watching those magic circles light up one by one, I couldn't help but hold my breath, looking at the scene in front of me.

"Ah! What's that?" Someone on the boat finally noticed the change in the magic circle. At this time, someone shouted.

Suddenly, a black vertical line appeared not far from the bow of the Queen of Revenge, very thin and very long, standing in the air like this, extending to the bottom of the sea.

Countless magical elements of the power of space flocked towards the black vertical line like a tide, leaving black trails in the air.

I never thought that it would be so smooth. The Revenge Queen even completed half of the last procedure. It seems that success is just around the corner.

That's why Senior Dylan looked very excited...

It's just that at this time, the extremely thin space crack in front of us did not slowly shrink and disappear as we expected, but it was still absorbing the magic elements in the space, that thin crack was like The eyes of a sleeping giant, the giant's eyes kept opening as if he hadn't woken up.

Those magical elements poured into the space rift crazily, slowly opening up the space rift, and the space rift continued to grow in front of the Revenge Queen.

At this time, Senior Dylan was the first to react. He jumped up on the deck and shouted to Jacques in the captain's cabin: "Jacques, Jacques, hurry... Set sail, a space rift has appeared!"

"Understood!" Jacques poked his head out from the captain's cabin and shouted at Senior Dylan.

The Queen of Vengeance began to sail slowly towards the space rift, and there was no wind near the small island. The Queen of Vengeance was hoisted with half-sail, so there was no power to speak of when setting sail, so it moved extremely slowly.

The sailors hurriedly ran to the oar room, where 24 huge oars protruded from the hull and rowed in unison.

However, that spatial rift became a little unstable. As it continued to grow, the edges continued to collapse, and the mana gathered from all directions propped up the spatial rift again. It continued to grow, and at the same time became very fragile.

The Queen of Vengeance was moving a bit slowly, the space rift was constantly collapsing, just as we were looking at the space rift and sighing, a huge sea breeze blew from behind us, the Queen of Revenge was like an off-string Like an arrow, it rushed out and pierced into the space-time rift in front of him.

"Where does the wind come from?" I asked.

I suddenly thought of this question, so I looked back and saw the huge head of Ramos appearing behind the Queen of Vengeance. With just one steady breath, it blew the Queen of Vengeance far away...

The Revenge Queen was wrapped in a light cocoon and entered the space rift.

The magic teleportation array was inexplicably successful for the first trial run, which is a bit unbelievable to me.

(End of this chapter)

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