my age of magic

Chapter 1020 121. Goddess' Favor

Chapter 1020 121. Goddess' Favor

After taking the oath in the Municipal Square, the second stage of the rite of passage begins: the 'Blessing of the Goddess'.

The avenue where the magic caravans of the nobles drove into the Municipal Square before the ceremony was still under martial law. We young people participating in the bar mitzvah were ushered in, 30 people in a row, like a military parade. The same, neatly walking on this street.

It's a good season of autumn, with red maple leaves and white sycamore leaves constantly falling on the street. At the end of this street is the Temple of the Statue of Liberty. It's not too far, it takes an hour and a half to walk.

The sidewalks behind the low bush walls on both sides of the street were crowded with onlookers, and their eyes kept wandering over the faces of every young man.

I originally thought that adult oaths had the nature of a magical contract, but it doesn't look like this now, and there is no power of contract to bless me.

Ying Li walked side by side with me. She was wearing a white and holy suit of knowledge. We were mixed in the crowd, chatting in low voices, while walking slowly, but I didn’t feel that the coming of age ceremony was so boring like others. On the contrary, I think this event is very interesting.

Yingli told me that on the eve of this coming-of-age ceremony, there were huge differences among the House of Representatives, the royal family and the temple in the imperial capital on how to hold this year's coming-of-age ceremony. There are many disputes.

However, the main reason for this great controversy was that during the plane war, the temple did not give any support to the grand dukes and lords of the Green Empire, so that all the grand dukes felt the damage caused by the plane war. Heartache, so the movement to boycott the Temple of the Statue of Liberty began to erupt from the territories of various lords, and spread to the entire Grimm Empire little by little.

The fact that the swearing-in ceremony was not held under the Statue of Liberty on the large square in front of the temple was an expression of dissatisfaction with the temple by those in power in the imperial capital.

However, to everyone's surprise, the goddess blessing ceremony was still held in the temple.

This section of the road is also a kind of exercise for some girls with weak bodies.Fortunately, Yingli has the habit of running and exercising every morning, and the walk does not feel strenuous.

She held the hem of the skirt with one hand to make it easier for herself to walk.

The two of us just passed Qige, Helena and Becky. Although Qige had a smile on her face, there was a trace of unconcealable envy in her eyes as deep as the starry night, perhaps in her heart at this moment. I also hope to walk side by side with me on this long street.

She stood beside Mrs. Manda. Almost all the people in this area were nobles who came to watch the ceremony. Helena and Becky held on to the fence on the edge of the square and waved at us vigorously. Mrs. Manda was stern and cold. He deliberately didn't look at Ying Li's face, but Ying Li brushed his long hair and smiled at Mrs. Manda, but there was a taste of showing off victory in it.

After walking in front of them, I whispered to Ying Li: "It can be seen that she still loves you very much."

Ying Li blinked and whispered, "Well, I know."

She bit her lips lightly, leaned close to my ear and said: "She hopes that I can be very happy all the time, but I hate her elf concept, she thinks that only elf men know what love is, hum! Those arrogant elf men have always liked to point their chins at others, and I don't bother to care about them."

The conflict between Mrs. Manda and Yingli lies in this issue. Mrs. Manda hopes that Yingli can focus on elf men in choosing a mate. She believes that elf men are the most perfect , They have received the best education since they were young, know the etiquette among nobles, are good at poetry and music, are proficient in art and painting, have handsome facial features and a life span of 800 years, these are the best spouses for Yingli.

With a 'tsk tut' sound in my mouth, I asked Yingli: "Men of the elves, oh, how is that Nichols doing now?"

Ying Li gave me an annoyed look and hummed softly in a nasal voice: "How do I know?"

The team moves very slowly, the front team always stop and go for some reason, and the back of the team will inevitably cause congestion.

At noon in the autumn of the imperial capital, the bright sunshine makes the city heat up quickly. Standing in the crowd, secretly holding Ying Li's hand, talking and laughing along the way, you don't feel that time passes slowly, but the team There are many young people here who can't bear to stand under the sun, and gradually become irritable. Some impatient young people start to complain. At first, some people want to stand in the shade of trees, some people want to drink water, and make many demands. In the end, the knights of the guard battalion rushed to stop the chaos one by one, and then brought the chaotic scene under control.

The situation with Yingli and I is much better. The young people around are magicians, and most of them have magic belts. There will always be some food and water in the storage space where things can be stored, and occasionally secretly Take a sip of water without anyone noticing.

Finally, at a street corner near the temple, I saw the tall figure of the tauren Luka standing in the crowd. I followed his figure and looked to the side, only to see Leant, Fanny, Kalantso and Katrin Na, these people are all standing behind the isolation fence. My 'Wrath of the Earth' magic pattern structure is also extremely eye-catching in the crowd. Deborah has sharp eyes and saw me first in the crowd, maybe because of her There is a kind of induction with me spiritually.

I happily waved to Fanny and Lyont. They were obviously confused by such a lively scene, and they were also extraordinarily excited to see me in the crowd.Just as I walked in front of them, I vaguely saw Fanny leaning on Lente's shoulder, secretly wiping tears.Seeing Fanny like that, my heart suddenly became very uncomfortable.

Perhaps in Fanny's view, the coming-of-age ceremony is like the first test flight of the chicks in the nest. Every grown-up chick will eventually fly away from the nest after reaching adulthood. I am also one of the many chicks , and was about to leave the nest, Fanny's inseparable feelings were revealed, which made my heart feel heavy all of a sudden.

Yes, eight years have passed in a flash. The poor child who used to be like a stray dog ​​grew up slowly under the care of Fanny, Lynn and a group of people around me. It took me five years, Only then was he able to get out of the haze in his heart, and then follow the steps of Sister Guoguo, step by step on the road of magic, and become a water magician.

From the junior School of War Magic to the advanced Royal School of Magic, what I have experienced is also accumulated in countless days and nights. Every time I draw magic runes all night, the sunset has not completely set when I am buried, and the sky is full of red. The sky of El City was covered in red like clouds, but when I looked up, the sky turned white. I was able to draw magic runes so proficiently, not only because of my talent, but also because of my hard work and hard work.

Fanny's eyes were red, and she covered her mouth with one hand and leaned on Leonte's shoulder. Leonte's big hand hugged Fanny tightly. The scorching gaze seemed to be like a light on his back.

One and a half hours away, our team took more than two hours to arrive at the square of the Statue of Liberty Temple. From a distance, we saw the Statue of Liberty standing in the center of the Temple Square. It was originally a temple. The place where healing holy water is distributed to the citizens, but since the outbreak of the plane war, the temple has completely closed this place.

Looking at the somewhat blurred tall palace complex in the distance, one can know the status of this temple in the hearts of the people of the imperial capital. There are twelve golden arches tens of meters high, and human figures more than ten meters high stand on both sides of each gate. The statues, I originally thought they were like the statues of heroes on the Imperial Capital Mountain Road, but after a closer look, I found that those statues were exactly the statues of the gods who came to the world.

At this time, those young people who arrived at the temple square first had accepted the blessing ceremony of the priests, walked out of the square one after another, and gave up their seats to the young people behind. However, not everyone will be blessed by the goddess. Young people who discipline themselves and taste the forbidden fruit in advance cannot get the blessing of the goddess, and young people who have evil thoughts and no gratitude are also unable to get the blessing of the goddess...

There is a row of priests standing under the Statue of Liberty in the square. There are about [-] priests in the square. They are wearing the sacred suits of the high priest, standing on the steps, holding a holy prayer in their hands, with solemn and solemn expressions. There was a low singing voice that seemed to be able to purify people's hearts. The singing flooded into my ears. At first I thought it was the sound of the wind, but when I got to the back, I felt like I was on a battlefield in the wilderness. The scene of the stallion shrouding the body, the battle flag flying, and the flames hitting the sky impacted my spiritual sea.

A row of young people walked up the steps neatly. In front of us was a wrinkled old priest with white beard and hair, encouraging and smiling in his wise eyes, watching me step by step.

Ying Li is right next to me, the middle-aged priest in front of her looks younger, seeing Ying Li walking up step by step, she nodded slightly to her, with a smile on the corner of Ying Li's mouth, the middle-aged priest looked at Ying Li It's like looking at your own juniors.

We went up and stood on the steps in front of the priests. They stood a step higher than us, so they seemed much taller.

After our group stood up, the priests began to chant a unique prayer.

I have never been in contact with priests. When I was in El City, I didn't have a good impression of that temple. After the incident of 'Su' happened, my impression of the temple was even worse. In my In my impression, there is basically no difference between the Temple of the Statue of Liberty and the Black Magic Retreat. If there is any insistence, it is that the Black Magic Retreat is illegal in Grimm, while the Temple of the Statue of Liberty is in the Grimm Empire. Benefit.

The prayer books held in the arms of the priests radiated sacred power. The holy power poured into the bodies of the priests, making them glow with white light. I could hardly look at them, so I could only lower my head to avoid them. That dazzling holy light.

"Statue of Liberty, please hear my prayer!"

"Statue of Liberty, please bless this young man in front of you!"

After two simple sentences, beams of light fell from the sky, and each beam of light surrounded a young man. Those who could not receive the blessing of the goddess were surrounded by emptiness.

I felt the majestic sacred power pouring into my body, as if soaking in the warm sea water, the whole body was comfortable, and those sacred powers turned into leaf-shaped white spots around my body. A huge vortex formed around my body, and it kept gathering in my body. I felt that my spiritual sea was full of sunshine, and my heart was peaceful.

After recovering from that extremely comfortable state, I couldn't help but take a look at Ying Li beside me, only to see that she was also covered in a white beam of light, turning her head to look at me with concern.

At this time, I realized that the old priest in front of me was also looking at me with a surprised face. The sacred prayer in his hand was gradually dimming. The beam of light above my head was like a huge chimney hundreds of meters high, which was exaggerated. The pillars of blessings from other people around me were only a dozen meters high, and everyone in the square looked at me in astonishment.

"After the ceremony, step back!"

At this time, when I heard the command of the etiquette officer, I suddenly woke up. After receiving the blessing of the Statue of Liberty, we are already considered adults. I smiled and extended my hand to Ying Li, and Ying Li was generous. Gently put the soft jade hand into my palm, I took Ying Li's hand, and walked down the steps slowly under the surprised eyes of everyone.

"That light of blessing is so exaggerated!"

"Who knows that kid? How did he get favored by the Statue of Liberty?"

"Such a sacred light has not appeared for many years!"

"Why did this happen?"

"That's the favor of the goddess! Usually only the most outstanding priests can receive this honor..."

All kinds of doubts came from the crowd watching the ceremony.

"Quiet, next group!" The yelling voices of the priests came from the square, the voice was extraordinarily loud, and the voice kept echoing in the huge square, as expected, those noisy discussions suddenly disappeared many.

"What's going on here." As I walked out, I asked Yingli next to me in a low voice.

"I don't know either! How do you feel now? Do you have any strange feelings?" Ying Li responded to me in a low voice.

"No!" I checked my physical condition and found that there was almost no change in my body, and then asked Yingli: "What are we going to do next, are we going to participate in the square dance at night?"

"En!" Ying Li shyly agreed.

"Will you come with me to the open-air plaza in the third block?" I continued hastily.

"En!" Ying Li buried his head in his chest in embarrassment.

Just when Yingli and I followed the flow of people and were about to walk out of the temple square, we were stopped by two priests in the temple...

(End of this chapter)

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