my age of magic

Chapter 1036 137. The Spring of the Imperial City Magic Market

Chapter 1036 137. The Spring of the Imperial City Magic Market

A group of fanatical Statue of Liberty believers gathered on the north side of Pena Square. A man was wearing the white robes that temple priests often wear. He stood on a high platform and gave a loud speech with a high expression.

His words are full of admiration for the Statue of Liberty. He seems to be attacking the girl who lives in the building on the other side of the road with his words. At the same time, he is also attacking the people of the imperial capital. Yes, I have always been blessed by the Statue of Liberty, but now there are only some minor situations in the Temple of the Statue of Liberty, and everyone's belief in the goddess has begun to waver.

The believer of the Statue of Liberty made a generous statement: For a long time, the people of the imperial capital and even the entire Green Empire have been protected and blessed by the Statue of Liberty, whether it is injury, disease, or pain in the heart, struggling and tormenting, wandering in anxiety , the goddess will bestow divine water to heal the pain, and send down the oracle to guide the lost.These gifts have become an indispensable part of life for the people of the current imperial capital. Now that these gifts have all disappeared, shouldn’t the people of the Grimm Empire reflect on it?

There are many oak benches under the maple trees on the edge of Pena Square for people to rest. Sitting on the wooden chairs and listening to the speeches of those temple believers gathered not far away, I glanced at Su sitting next to me and asked in a low voice. She: "Listening to those temple believers standing in the square and giving speeches, will there be an urge to rush up and tear them apart?"

Su looked at me with a strange face, even though she pouted angrily, she was quite cute.

She asked me: "Is it in your impression that I am the kind of girl who is irritable and has a bad temper?"

"No." I replied seriously, and then said, "In my memory, you will always be the girl next door who likes to read under the lemon tree."

Su was wearing a very cool beige suspender skirt, revealing white and straight beautiful legs and white lace pantyhose, delicate crystal sandals on her feet, a ponytail on her head, and a little light makeup on her pretty face Well, many girls in the imperial capital are dressed like this, even if her appearance is clearly printed on the magic newspaper, but when we sat casually on the benches in the Pena Square, no one could recognize us.

Justus was standing in front of the statue of Swordsman Benar, and he had been there for a long time, and he seemed very interested in the statue.

Katerina went to the shops such as grocery stores and tailors on the streets on the edge of the square, looking at the layout of those shops and the types of goods sold, since I handed over some trivial matters of planning the town of Trume After meeting Katerina, she has already begun to investigate the actual situation of such stores in the imperial capital.

So, in such a quiet afternoon, Su and I sat on the bench and chatted casually, enjoying the good time in the afternoon.

I asked Su: "Did that priest trouble you later?"

Su smiled lightly, and then said to me: "Aside from standing in the Bena Square and gathering people to protest, what else can he do? I really want him to rush into the nursing home, but unfortunately that person seems to have very little courage."

At this moment, Justus walked around the Place Pena, and just came back, so I hurriedly called him over.

I said to Su: "This Mr. Justus has the same trouble as you..."

Su leaned over, looked at the strong and healthy legs, and turned to me and asked, "Mr. Justus's leg is also broken, and do you want to buy a set of artificial legs from Orianna's store?"

I shook my head, looked at Justus, and said, "He was captured by the Black Magic Priory some time ago, and he was fed some demon blood by those guys, and now he has demon blood in his body." The drug addiction caused by blood, I brought him here this time just to see if there is any solution on your side."

Su asked me: "Are you sure, he didn't drink the 'Shadow Body' potion?"

I replied, "Should be able to."

Justus stood aside and said with certainty, "It's the blood of the devil."

Su put his chin in both hands, and said to me: "Because of the previous incidents, I have been researching to eliminate the side effects of the medicine for treating the shadow body. Unfortunately, I haven't found any answers for so long, but my previous research It's completely aimed at the 'Shadow Body' potion, but you are always unwilling to give me more of that stuff, and the research is always artificially interrupted, what can I do?"

It seemed that Su didn't have a good way to deal with the 'devil's blood' drug addiction either.

"If that's the case, forget it. I don't dare to give you that thing. I know how attractive those things are to you. Don't try to convince me about it. It's impossible." I said to Su.

Su gave me a pitiful look and said nothing.

Seeing that it was getting late, I asked Su: "Do you want to have dinner together?"

Su shook his head, stood up from the bench, and said to me: "It's been too long, I have to go back. There are still patients waiting for me in the nursing home. Thank you for coming to see me."

She stood on the spot and stretched out her hands. The movements are self-evident. I hugged her. Her body is very light. It is hard to imagine how Su burst out with such a powerful force at the wedding that night. Priest uniform.

Leaving from my arms, Su had a faint smile on his face, and seemed to be in a much better mood.

Su said to Justus: "Mr. Justus, if nothing happens recently, would you like to stay with me in the Campbell Nursing Home for a while? I can share with you some experience in fighting drug addiction."

Justus thought for a while, then looked at me again, and I made a casual gesture, so he replied to Su: "It's an honor!"

Just like that, Justus stayed with Sue in the Campbell Nursing Home, and I found Katerina who was frowning at the door of a grocery store. She saw me looking for her, and a trace of reluctance appeared on her face. smile.

I asked her: "Do you feel clueless about the preparations for the town of Trume?"

She nodded first, then shook her head, her red eyes blinked and blinked, and the waves of her eyes were clear and transparent, with an indescribable beauty.

"Don't be too impatient. This kind of thing has to be done slowly. Anyway, we won't be able to go to Trume for a while. It's such a long distance. Even if we go, the School of Magic will be on vacation this year." I said to Katerina.

But at this moment, I was thinking again: I still want to go back to El City during the winter vacation, and I don’t know if the trip to the plane of Hierro will be possible.

I said to Katerina again: "You can ask Bernd more about architecture. Although that guy was born as a dwarf warrior, dwarves are born to be excellent blacksmiths. They also have a strong talent for architecture."

Bernd, who doesn't drink, is quite reliable in everything he does.

Seeing Katerina nodded, I said again: "As for the business, you can ask Mrs. Alia for advice. By the way, I should write a letter to Marvin in Ayer City and ask him to come to the imperial capital to help Me, he is very good at these shops, he is my classmate, the two of us studied magic for three years at the Academy of War Magic."

Katerina asked curiously: "Is he a magician?"

Thinking of Marvin, this time is his graduation season at the Academy of War Magic, maybe he has already become a magician by this time.

So I said: "At this moment, I think he should have changed from a magic apprentice to a magician! Maybe not yet... He is not very good at magic, but he is a very talented businessman. Cheng also partnered together to open a grocery store, basically he was in charge of it, I just got involved, and sometimes, I would draw some magic scrolls and send them to the grocery store for sale. Our grocery store is in In the small market next to the Academy of War Magic, the business is usually pretty good."

Listening to my description of El City in this way, Katerina let out a long breath and said to me: "It seems that I have visited El City to see what kind of place you live in. Qige and I have been to the North Territory Sloit City, but it happened to be summer when I got there, and I heard that the winter there is very cold.”

I said, "Not only is it cold, but there are more terrifying things than cold."

Katerina said: "You mean those barbarians on the icy tundra?"


Katerina and I walked and chatted all the way, and then ate some stew and scones in a restaurant. This kind of restaurant abounds in the imperial capital. To get crispy scones, you can tear up the scones and soak them in the thick soup, or you can dip them.

Afterwards, we took a magic caravan and rushed directly to the Magic Research Institute.

Walking into the Tower of Pride, I found that the trading hall on the first floor of the Tower of Pride was almost full of people. I didn't expect the magic market, which had been depressed for several months, to suddenly explode to such an extent. The 130 magic airships flying from the city of Buenos really looked like a stream of clear spring water poured into the dry riverbed, instantly restoring the place to its former vitality.

The biggest shortage in the imperial capital is healing potions. With such a large number of herbs, the most important thing is to meet the needs of the lords, big and small, for healing potions. It seems that magic pharmacists are going to be crazy busy for a while these days.

Thinking about Qige, at this time, she might be very busy.

Walking into the Institute of Magic, Katerina and I parted ways. She went to Qige's laboratory with ease, while I went to Yerkes' laboratory.

Scholar Yerkes had been waiting for me in the laboratory early on. When he saw me push the door and walk in, he quickly pushed me to the workbench. Hanging on the wooden shelf, there were not many pleasantries. In front of the workbench, I re-familiarized with the magic pattern structure of the 'Magic Snake Tooth Magic Pattern Construction', and then began to devote myself to busy work.

Smooth magic patterns spit out from the tip of the pen, and I entered that kind of "spiritual focus" working state, as if everything around me was frozen. In my world, there is only one pen in my hand, and only one workbench in front of me. There is a wind snake leather breastplate on it, and the magic pattern on the leather armor accumulates and breeds little by little.

When I stopped the magic engraving pen in my hand, a complete set of "Snake Demon's Tooth" magic pattern suit has been initially formed, and the next step is to add accompanying magic pattern to this set of perfect magic pattern structure - "reduce demand" .

Scholar Yerkes stood beside me every step of the way. When I stopped writing again, the set of 'Snake Devil's Fang' magic pattern structure was already placed in front of Scholar Yerkes with brilliance. I let out a sigh of relief, this time the drawing process is really incisive and vivid, I found that drawing the 'Magic Serpent's Fang' at this moment is far more determined and proficient than before the adventure on the Vashj plane.

Almost venting the pressure accumulated in my heart, this set of magic pattern construction was almost done in one go.

The Yerkes scholar stood aside, with disbelief in his eyes, and asked me, "Is this done?"

I put down the magic engraving pen, exhaled deeply, and said to him, "Well, it's done."

Looking up at the time hourglass, it was already midnight, so he didn't continue to prepare for drawing the next set of magic pattern structures, but slowly cleaned up the messy workbench.

Although the Yerkes scholar didn't know that it was the first time I saw me draw the magic pattern structure, he still couldn't help expressing emotion, saying: "I don't know, what would those inscription masters think if they knew the success rate of your drawing magic pattern structure? !"

I smiled and said, "Whatever you think, the most you can say is: Yerkes found a good helper!"

Yerkes laughed heartily and said: "Haha, I'm really worried that you will be trapped in Vashj and won't be able to come back! Those orders at the summer festival have been suppressed until now. If you don't return on time, it will be considered as liquidated damages." , it will make me unable to turn over for the rest of my life."

He took out a magic sealing box from the shelf in the laboratory, and carefully placed the set of magic patterns in it.

I feel the almost exhausted mental power in my body. It seems that such continuous drawing of magic lines consumes too much mental power.

I hung the magic engraving pen on the pen stand, and said to Yerkes: "If this is the case, then you really have to thank someone."

Yerkes pressed me, "Who?"

I said: "Senior Dylan, if he hadn't found a new way to design a sea ship that can pass through space rifts, I am afraid that Noah and I will be trapped in Vashj by now!"

The Yerkes scholar asked in surprise: "Is he also a student of the Royal Academy of Magic?"

I replied: "Yes."

Yerkes said a little dumbfounded: "Now the magic students of the Royal Academy of Magic have become so powerful?"

I smiled lightly, and didn't say that Senior Dylan was preparing some academic papers. Maybe it won't be long before a young magic scholar appears again in the imperial capital, and he is also the coldest and most partial space magician. .

Afterwards, the Yerkes scholar and I sat down in the lab break area, and I took out a bottle of golden cider, poured Yerkes half a glass of golden cider, added some crushed ice, and poured myself One cup, the two of us sat on the sofa in the lounge area, resting and drinking.

The Yerkes scholar seemed to remember something, slapped his forehead vigorously, and asked me: "Eve was still asking me about your wedding this morning? If we hadn't read it in the newspaper, I'm afraid I don't know that your kid has been married quietly, and the bride is really the Queen Qige from the Magic Research Institute?"

I took a sip of my wine and said, "Yes, there is Princess Yingli, the daughter of Prince James."

"Are you crazy? You married two girls of such a great background in one night. Is it because their families disagreed that you chose to have an unmanned wedding at night? One is the daughter of Prince James, and one is the daughter of Prince James. This is the close lover of the Prince of Wales, you are really brave enough." The Yerkes scholar said while scratching his hair in distress.

Then he said: "That guy Bruce told me a long time ago that 'you have an affair with the Qige scholar from the Ministry of Magic and Potions'. Thinking that this incident is actually true, and then there is more than that, you actually married a princess of the Angibald royal family in silence."

I sat on the sofa opposite him, smiling 'hehe' without much explanation...

(End of this chapter)

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