my age of magic

Chapter 104.

Chapter 104.

Alloy bow, as the name suggests, the whole war bow is made of alloy, whether it is the back grip or the reeds on the wings, even the bowstring is made of mithril, which is made of hair-thin steel wire and is very thin and tough. Such a war bow can be used as a weapon even in close combat. If combined with the close combat skills of the war bow, the powerful bow string can be used to strangle the enemy. Another advantage of such a combat bow is that the bow string is not made of beef tendon. , is not afraid of water and fire, and is very adaptable to the environment, that is, during normal maintenance, it is necessary to frequently apply grease to the key parts to prevent the alloy bow from rusting.

This rain caused a large number of iron and wood bows to lose their original power, and the bowstrings became slack, making even basic throwing difficult.

Therefore, at this time, Kurtz held an alloy bow in his hand, showing extraordinary lethality and deterrence, just like the three robbers at this time, seeing a werewolf boy standing on the back of Yagui Beast, He was holding an alloy bow in his hand, and a Wind Spike Arrow was already on the bowstring, staring at the three robbers in the distance.

The bandit leader also hesitated for a while. During these days and nights of plundering in the wilderness, it is not uncommon to meet someone who dared to resist. On the contrary, most hunters who walk alone or form a team in the wilderness have some skills they rely on. And most of the hunters chose to resist, but even if they met some eighth or ninth-level fighters or hunters, the bandit leader's psychology was never as uneasy as it is now. The werewolf boy's eyes were burning with an uncontrollable fighting intent, but where did such a strong confidence come from in his eyes?
The entire wasteland is dominated by orcs.In the past years, the gray dwarves on the Pai Plateau acted as robbers in the wasteland, causing the orc hunters in the wasteland to suffer, not only losing a lot of property, but often losing their lives together. The belief of the orcs makes them seem not afraid of death, but this does not mean that the grumpy orcs will endure the plunder of the gray dwarves, so a war of expulsion and annihilation took place at the most inappropriate time to start a war. At this time, the orcs The world has been emptied by the luxury goods sold by human merchants. At this time, a war also needs to spend a lot of resources. The orcs finally ushered in the victory of the war, but they also need to tighten their belts to live.Far away, what I want to say is that the entire northern foot wasteland is dominated by orcs. Humans usually come to this wasteland for many reasons. The most important point is that they don’t know how to survive in the wasteland. , food, demonic beasts, and the invasion of orcs will cause the strong human beings to lose more than half of their combat effectiveness. Even if human merchants want to obtain a large amount of magic antelope paper, most of the time they only choose to buy it. It is not cost-effective to organize hunting in the wilderness. It is also easy to offend the hunter forces on the Pai Plateau, so it is not easy to meet humans in the wasteland.There are even fewer opportunities to meet human women in the wasteland. In the human world, most women choose to stay away from wars. This is their right, so correspondingly, human female warriors are the rarest among all races.

The bandit leader thinks that the two beauties on Yagui Beast, who are both stunning in appearance and figure, are no threat at all. The gorgeous sabers they wear are also mostly decorative, let alone thinking about magicians, what a joke!In the human world, magicians are notoriously scarce, and there is a one in a million chance of a noble magician appearing. How could they appear in the wasteland so easily?
So where is the real threat?Could it be that he was just such a werewolf boy?I huddled under the broken wolf skin, and it was a gray mist that kept flowing. Although my vision was very blurry at this time, at such a close distance, I could still see clearly the strong liger bandit leader. Finally, he asked, "Did his brother help us kill two of his subordinates, and then escaped with our benefits?" Such a ridiculous statement.

"They're all dead!" Kurz said honestly. I saw burning fire in his eyes. I knew he was on the verge of eruption, but he was still able to endure it at this moment. According to his previous temperament, this was fundamental. It's impossible, Kurz is such an impulsive werewolf boy!At this time, I was able to hold back my temper, [-]% because I was accidentally picked on the point of the gun.

A giant saber that was also huge and blood-stained was picked up by Kuz, and he waved it casually. With his unique expression of wolf-like pride, Kuz threw the giant blade weighing a hundred catties in the Asian city. At the feet of Gui Beast, at this moment, I suddenly felt the killing intent from the leader of the ligers and tigers. The chilling killing intent made me shiver directly in the wolf fur mattress. At this moment, the solid spiritual defense finally loosened a little bit.

This is the moment!

In the last few seconds when I was still able to maintain the "shadow cloak" state, the vigilance of the leader of the liger was broken by the huge anger, and a rare loophole appeared, and I even bit the bullet and grasped this only Opportunity, driving myself into a mist, spiraled down the barrel of the spear like a grass snake, and crouched behind him as a faintly human shadow. The horse pedaled its hind hooves very restlessly, and the liger carrying the spear thought that Gu Bolai's horse had lost his temper, so he kicked the stirrup very unaccustomed to it, and pulled the rein to try to calm Gu Bolai's horse Come down, stay in shape and prepare to charge.

But at this time, I have returned to my human form, squatting on Gubolaima’s hip like a little monkey, holding a spiked dagger in my right hand against the young liger warrior’s back, walking along The dagger was inserted fiercely through the seam of the leather armor.


The liger felt a sharp pain in his back, and with a loud cry, he grabbed it with his backhand.

I have experience with this!When I was fighting the dwarven bandits at the exit of the road of death, the gray dwarf I killed first was killed by me in this way, and I was caught by him backhand, if Kurz hadn't caught me at that time , I was caught by the dwarf with one hand at that time, and fell to the cliff to death.

At this time, the liger also grabbed his backhand subconsciously. According to the strategy I had thought up, I drew the dagger to meet his arm that was grabbed backwards, and used the sharp edge of the dagger to block it. , I have practiced a lot in normal times, and there is no hesitation in the movements I am making now.

A big fluffy hand with a one-inch-long wrist flew back along my ear with a handful of blood, and there was another heart-piercing scream, the entire left hand of the gun-wielding liger warrior was covered by me The sharp dagger was cut neatly along the wrist, which happened to be the place where the leather armor could not cover, and at this moment I also felt a heavy object hit my chest.

It was the half of the stump that lost the palm that hit my chest with the inertia of being thrown backwards. I had no time to resist, and was knocked away by the huge force. I felt a salty taste in my throat, warm liquid It rushed out of my mouth, turned into a blood arrow, and sprinkled in the air.And I was shot off my horse like a sandbag.

The liger took advantage of the situation to turn his horse's head, and when he saw me rolling in the mud, he growled angrily: "Ah! It's an assassin, so it's you, you little bastard!"

The entire four-meter-long black iron spear was swung by the liger warrior with one hand, as if he was swinging a bat easily. Taking advantage of the momentum of Gu Bolai's horse, he slammed it round at the top of my head. .

"I rely on!"

I also didn't expect that a liger warrior who was stabbed in the back by a poisonous dagger and had his left hand cut off still had such powerful fighting power, and was so brave that he could swing such a heavy iron spear and use it as a stick.

Our original plan was that after I launched such a surprise attack, I would hide in the trap array set by the frost scroll. At this time, Kuz and Qige would hold back the other robbers on Yagui Beast's side. We have been relying on these The frost trap in the puddle is the best choice to use them to contain the enemy as much as possible, but I just didn't expect that the liger who was stabbed in the back by me and cut off a hand would have such a counterattack method Sharp, if this gun hits me, I can be smashed in two.Even with the powerful "self-healing" power, it is impossible to recover me.

In a panic, I rolled in the muddy water.But my magic perception is walking around, and I can clearly feel the movement trajectory of the big iron gun that has reached the breaking sound and cut through the air. The round meat ball let me roll backwards as much as possible with the power of the liger's punch on my chest.

But after all, it is a roll, how can the speed catch up with the iron spear that is waving over, and the moment the iron gun is used up, and it is already chasing after me, I use my strong perception to accurately judge the iron spear drop point.I never thought that the perception ability of my body could spread to the surrounding body, and I could feel the iron gun's approach more clearly. At the last critical moment, the whole body was like a stretched spring, and my legs kicked on the ground like a Like a carp, relying on the inertia of fast rolling backwards, it jumped half a meter into the air, which happened to be this height. The big iron gun was able to sweep past the cotton clothes on my back spine, and the strong wind it brought was like sharp claws , tore the cotton clothes on my back to pieces, and I felt a burning pain in my back.

I also never imagined that even if I opened my eyes behind me, it would be impossible to grasp the fleeting moment so accurately, and to make the most perfect evasive action when the iron gun could not change the castration. , At this moment, I broke out in a cold sweat. I knew that if I dodged the shot without risk, I would have just confessed here.Relying on my very keen perception again, I avoided this fatal blow at the most appropriate time. At this time, my body was already close to the edge of the frost trap and entered the set trap array

(End of this chapter)

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