my age of magic

Chapter 1040 141. The Taste of Roasted Chestnuts

Chapter 1040 141. The Taste of Roasted Chestnuts
The sweet smell of roasted chestnuts in the square floats from a distance through the crowds, evoking a long-term memory for me.

In El City, this kind of thing is called tree rice. Wild chestnut trees can always be seen on the hills in the wild. This time of year is the season when chestnuts are ripe, and the hairy thorns are exposed to the direct sunlight. Those spikes have become incredibly hard, which means the chestnuts inside are ripe.

Farmers use long wooden poles to poke off all the rice from the top of the tree, spread it on the threshing ground and expose it to the sun for three days, those hard and thorny husks will open their mouths, as long as they are gently tapped with a wooden stick , those tree rice will peel off from the shell, this kind of nuts that taste a bit sweet when eaten raw, if you cut a knife on the shell with a knife and stir-fry it in a large iron pan, it will emit a tempting taste. The scent comes.

Before winter comes, people living in the city of El will go into the wild hills in groups to collect these tree rice. Although the people there think that the taste of wheat is better, this tree rice is also maintained by the El people. One of the main food of life.

Liont and Fanny are a well-off white-collar family in El City. They certainly don't need Tracy and I to go to the mountains to collect rice in the autumn.

But Tracy is always invited by friends. She regards this kind of activity as an autumn outing, collecting tree rice with friends. It is a very happy thing for Tracy, and she will bring me occasionally. Usually this happened when Fanny didn't want Tracy to run around like a tomboy, and each time Tracy and her friends would find a hiding place, build a fire, and dump the things they picked up. Chestnuts are thrown into the fire and cooked.

To be honest, even in the orc tribe, I have never seen such a poor picnic. The rice in the fire is almost always burned into black charcoal, but the fragrance of the rice is the same .

The aroma of roasted chestnuts lingers in the memory of my mind, and also in this noisy square.

At this time, I saw Mrs. Alia's personal maid holding a bag of roasted chestnuts wrapped in paper, walking deftly through the crowd. She was wearing a white sleeveless silk dress with a deep 'V' neckline and waist The belt around the waist can make her slightly tall and thin figure appear plump, and the long golden hair is draped softly behind her head, walking like a cheerful deer.

Among the crowd coming and going, there will always be some businessmen who are very active in the imperial capital. Someone recognized Mrs. Alia, but before confirming the identity of Mrs. Alia, he recklessly chatted up a lady. A very rude thing, all the businessmen stopped in the crowd and kept looking over here.

In the imperial capital, if a commoner harassed a woman with noble status, he would be severely punished with flogging. If he said some obscene words during the process, then slapping his mouth would be inevitable. The torture tool for slapping his mouth was an oak board , It only takes three or five strokes to knock out all the teeth in the mouth. Don't expect those gentlemen from the Justice Bureau of the Imperial Capital to take any special care of the civilians.

Mrs. Alia is wearing a gorgeous long dress imitating the court style. This kind of delicate long dress will reveal a large piece of tall, shrugging, chest and round fragrant shoulders. Instead, two black gauze gloves spread to the elbows, On her right arm is a jade bracelet, which is crystal clear and seems to be flowing with magic, like clouds and mists flowing in the bracelet. Under the reflection of the setting sun, it emits a magnificent light. It attracts the attention of many passers-by.

No matter where she is, she can be the focus because of the dazzling light on her body.

I stood up from the bench, stood in front of her, and asked her with a smile, "Why are you here?"

"I have an appointment with His Highness Qige. Today is the day of reconciliation. I have to go to the Academy of Magic every week at this time, but I rarely meet you." Mrs. Alia raised her delicate eyebrows, Lifting her fair chin, her sexy and bright red lips parted slightly, and casually said to me.

I watched her condescendingly, her eyes were clear, with a strong confidence of a woman.

I can clearly see how majestic her chest is, and the deep groove squeezed out by the long dress looks more and more bottomless.

Mrs. Alia pointed to the paper bag in the hand of her personal maid Betty, and said to me with a smile: "I really like the baked tree rice in the Tower of Pride Square, it tastes like home!"

Betty handed over the paper bag at the right time, and she reached out and took out a roasted chestnut that was burnt yellow and cracked like a smiley face, skillfully peeled off the shell, and put it in her mouth naturally, her white teeth gently He bit the chestnut, put his hand in front of his mouth, chewed it twice, swallowed the chestnut in his mouth, and said to me with emotion: "This roasted chestnut will remind me of the town of Marco that is no longer there, and my whole life. Childhood, I feel that the days at that time were really happy.”

Mrs. Alia seems to have recovered from the grief of Earl Zimmerman's death, but she is a little nostalgic for the past. It seems that she misses her life in the north.

I asked her, "Do you want to go back to the north to live for a while? If you want to go, you have to go early, winter is coming soon."

She shook her head silently, and there was a moment of silence between us.

I just stood in front of her like this all the time, without sitting down, and Mrs. Alia didn't stand up from the bench. After a while, she casually stretched out her hand to cover her chest, and said to me nonchalantly: "I just came from arrogant Walking out from the door of the tower, I saw you sitting here in a daze, as if I came to see you, do you have something on your mind?"

I smiled and said, "I'm thinking about how I can leave those lingering troubles behind me and live a happier life."

Mrs. Aliya spat lightly, and asked me: "The most beautiful princess and the most beloved princess in the imperial capital married you in silence, aren't you satisfied? What can you worry about?"

I pondered for a while, went to Mrs. Aliya's side, and whispered in her ear: "...More or less, I am still a little troubled, such as whether I can pass the junior inscriber qualification exam next month! How about it?" In order to get the approval of the Angibald royal family, or how to go in the future!"

"Many people in the imperial capital are watching me silently. If I don't perform well enough, they will point at me behind me. Maybe some people will say: Look, that person is married to His Royal Highness Qige and Yingli. The princess's man, he's not that good..."

I don't know why, but there are some things buried in my heart that I have never said to others, but I just want to say them to Mrs. Alia.

She looked at me with a smile, and stuffed a peeled roasted chestnut into my mouth. There was no trace of ridicule or contempt in her eyes, but she felt that she was listening carefully at this moment.

I felt that she was a good listener. I looked at the gradually darkening sky around me, half of the sky was lit with fire clouds, and the square of the Tower of Pride was shrouded in huge shadows, but our side was surrounded by more and more people. people pay attention.

Scholar Yerkes will arrive later, and the Qige laboratory is also very busy. I rarely have some free time, so I asked Mrs. Alia: "Would you like to find a place to have a drink?"

"Okay! But are you sure?" Mrs. Aliya readily agreed, then stretched out her finger, pointing to the Tower of Pride.

I scratched my head and said, "I can't drink too late with you, I have to finish drawing a whole set of magic patterns tonight."

Mrs. Aliya stood up from the bench with a faint smile, a smug look in her eyes, and stood beside me waiting for me.

I stood up with her and stretched out my arms. She took a step forward and took my arm. We walked through the crowd in the square.

Her valet followed quietly.

"Why didn't you see Katerina?" Mrs. Alicia asked me.

The fragrance on her body seemed to smell good, and she put her slender hand on my arm, followed my steps, and walked towards the back street of the Tower of Pride.

Of course, those merchants who secretly stopped by the side knew clearly that what was waiting for them was Mrs. Aliya who was gritting her teeth and holding grudges, so they backed away silently, so that at least they could see each other in the future.

Speaking of it, Katerina is still very concerned about the small town of Trum. She has a deep affection for Trum. Town, for Katerina, is also a very meaningful thing.

For the past few days, Katerina has been preoccupied with this matter.

I said to Mrs. Alia: "She has been busy with the construction of the town of Trume recently. Some trivial matters made her a little bit burnt out. Originally, I wanted to ask you to help her. She is not very concerned about these shops. OK."

Mrs. Aliya seemed very interested and said to me: "Okay, you can let her come to me at any time, or I can go to her. You want to build a town? Where is it?"

When she was talking, she was like a happy little girl, and the hand holding my arm didn't seem so peaceful. The whole upper body leaned over, and the plumpness and softness were tightly attached to my arm.

I can clearly feel the heat emanating from Mrs. Aliya's body, but she doesn't seem to be aware of it.

While looking at the taverns lined up on both sides of the back street of the Tower of Pride, I said, "Trum area in Tanton City on the plane of Yero."

Mrs. Aliya tilted her head and asked me: "If I remember correctly, I heard you talk about the outside, the plane where the Royal Academy of Magic organized training this year?"

I nodded.

She asked me in surprise, "You have territory over there?"

I coughed lightly and nodded again.

She asked me again: "So, which duke is in charge of that plane?"

I replied, "Duke Samoyed."

Mrs. Aliya knows all about the noble families in the imperial capital, and of course she also knows the Duke of Samoyed. When she heard his name, Mrs. Aliya's eyes lit up and she said to me: "It turned out to be him! No wonder he didn't hesitate to If you offend Duke Ryan Busman, you have to stand up and speak out for you, it turns out that you own a large territory on that plane, which is big enough to build a town!"

I corrected, "It's just a small town, not a town!"

"That's not bad, I didn't expect you to be a little lord at such a young age." Madam Alia said happily.

Madam Aliya looked around, with a trace of contempt in her eyes.

There are many wine shops on this street, and many nobles and magicians like to come here for a drink or two.

She leaned into my ear and said, "Speaking of which, the imperial capital is full of nobles, how many of them have rich private territories?"

Every noble with honors has a piece of private territory of his own, just like me, when I was studying at El City Junior Magic Academy, I also had a private territory, but it was a barren land, and It can be interpreted as a piece of land in an abandoned plane whose resources have been mined. Those dukes have a lot of such barren land in their hands.

As for the rich territory, it is very precious to the nobles.

These territories require the nobles to organize their own combat teams to fight on those undeveloped and rich planes. The occupied territories will be dedicated to the royal family of the Green Empire and the rulers of the planes according to the "four-three-three" distribution system. , and the rest are your own.

Mrs. Aliya said again: "But building a small town is a very energy-consuming thing. Is it really okay if you are still studying in the imperial capital?"

As I walked, I said, "I'll try to squeeze in some time. The Duke of Samoyed asked me to build a small town within two years, otherwise the territory will be taken back."

To be honest, since I discovered the secret of opening the two mountain portals on Hammer of the Time Breaker, I am full of confidence in the construction of the town of Trum. All the problems that I had to do before were all solved, because I can rely on The Hammer of the Space-Time Breaker can cross the space-time rift at any time, shuttling back and forth between the Trum area and the imperial capital.

But before that, I must go to Trume again, and memorize the spatial coordinates there.

Speaking of this, I also tried to open the third portal later, but it turned out that it was not feasible.

At the corner of the back street of the Tower of Pride, Mrs. Aliya stopped and said to me: "I heard from Qige that you have been drawing magicweave structures for Yerkes scholars recently?"

Her eyes fell on the plaque of a bar with an attic. There was a row of goblets hanging on the plaque. When the wind blows, it will always make a clanging sound.

"Yeah!" I replied, and then to Mrs. Alicia, "It's been a while since we've had a drink together, but you look more refreshed now than you did before."

Mrs. Aliya brushed her long hair by her ears casually, and smiled noncommittally, her smile was so charming.

We stepped into the gate of that bar, only to find that the interior of the bar was decorated with special features.

The bar is a circular room, with plenty of light coming in from many bow-shaped glass windows. The colorful spotlights make the floor covered with tiles mottled, making the slightly faded blankets bright and bright. Some beautiful girls in transparent gauze dresses stand Dance under the lights on a raised platform.

The walls are decorated with carved wood paneling, patched here and there with paintings affixed with gold leaf. An alcove covered with white gauze curtains supports the platform, which is surrounded on three sides by a large upholstered sofa with It was of gilt brocade, fringed with silk upholstery, and huge wardrobes and two rare inlaid wooden crates lined the walls.

(End of this chapter)

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