my age of magic

Chapter 1090 193. The Life of the Dwarves in Xinliu Valley

Chapter 1090 193. The Life of the Dwarves in Xinliu Valley
During the period after I returned to the imperial capital from the plane of Hierro, apart from attending classes at the Royal Academy of Magic, I spent most of my time hiding in the laboratory of Yerkes scholars, repeatedly experimenting with the simplest elementary magic lines With regard to the matching of energy-gathering accompanying magic patterns, Yerkes scholars have worked hard on the outline and structure of these magic pattern structures so that those magic pattern structures are fine and compact enough.

He likes to design these magic pattern structures on ankles, wrists, auricles, finger joints and other insignificant places. Generally speaking, those senior inscribers would not choose these parts to engrave magic pattern structures.The reason why Yerkes scholars designed these elementary magic pattern structures in these places is to avoid conflicts with those intermediate and above magic pattern structures in the future.

In addition to the previous 'Light Wind', subsequent Yerkes scholars have successively designed auxiliary primary magic pattern constructions such as 'heavy strike' and 'weak spot detection'. These magic skills all have a common feature , that is, the consumption of magic power is extremely low.

He also made some other active-aggressive magic pattern configurations, the most special is that he designed the magic skill of 'Fireball' on the back of his hand, and the 'Energy Gathering Magic Ring' was designed in the style of a bracelet. on the wrist.The biggest problem with this kind of magic pattern construction with active offensive skills is how to trigger and control it.

Of course, the Yerkes scholar did not expect that the warrior who obtained the magic pattern structure could control the 'fireball' magic, so he spent some careful thought to disassemble the magic pattern circle of the 'fireball technique', and made the simplest magic pattern The pattern extends on the thumb and middle finger. Only when the fighter clenched his fist and clasped his thumb on the middle finger can he trigger the magic pattern circle of the 'Fireball Technique'. After a short period of energy storage, a fireball will be released. Although this kind of small fireball is not very powerful, it can have unexpected effects in battle.

Every time I successfully design a magic pattern structure, the Yerkes scholar will take me to the backstreet of the Tower of Pride to find a commoner who looks good, no matter what he does, sometimes it will be Young street girls are sometimes small vendors pushing grocery carts, and sometimes they may find a corpse-bearer waiting at the door of the bar. They are selected by us, and we will consult their opinions, and even give Some of their small money, such as a few silver coins, will not be too much.

Regardless of success or failure, there is no loss to these civilians. The lucky ones will get a free magic pattern structure. Perhaps in their later lives, this magic pattern structure will bring them more or less some help.

Sometimes, even if the magic pattern structure is successfully tattooed on the experimenter, Yerkes scholars will make some changes according to the strength of the magic effect of the magic pattern structure.Of course, it is not every day that there are experiments on drawing such magic pattern constructions. Most of the time, I still want to make the magic pattern suit of the 'Magic Serpent's Fang'. I don't know how many orders the Yerkes scholars have received. It feels like there are too many wind snake leather armors in his laboratory. I even wondered for a while, if this continues, will those demon hunters kill all the wind snakes in the Ziqing Mountains.

My life is so busy. Katerina and I counted the days silently, quietly waiting for the magical airship that will berth at the airport outside Pereira in half a month. The Tauren Luka, Kalancuo and others are going to take this airship to Tanton City.

The light rail in the Xinliu Valley underground cave has been completely erected, and the first mine car that can carry stones has also been built. After several experiments of carrying stones, it has been proved that the light rails laid in the underground caves are still very good. Conveniently, these mine carts can rush all the way from the orc village to the underground warehouse without any power, which means that all the stone materials for the construction of the small town of Trum are ready.

The dwarf slaves living in the underground caves of Xinwillow Valley are very satisfied with life.This is mainly reflected in:
The living environment, these dwarven slaves now live in the stone chambers in the underground caves of Xinliu Valley, which is completely in line with the daily living habits of the dwarves. The dwarves like to dig out huge holes in the mines, and then build underground cities in them.

The quality of life, for the dwarves, they can eat the roughest grain and do the heaviest work, but they can’t live without good wine. There are nearly [-] barrels of golden cider stored in the underground warehouse for these dozens of dwarves to drink. They probably can't drink it all their lives, and the golden cider on the table every day is the meaning of their life.

For the pursuit of ideals, dwarves have an innate attachment to blacksmithing. Dwarfs call themselves natural blacksmiths, so they engage in blacksmithing not just for living, but almost as a part of their faith. In the underground cave of Xinliu Valley, in the past few days, Bernd has moved all the facilities of the blacksmith shop in the orc village to the underground warehouse, and built a brand new blacksmith shop in the underground stone room.

Probably no one thought that those old dwarves who were lying on the coffin boards and dying in the cave for half a month would actually get up from their sickbeds one by one, perhaps because their lives became more comfortable, or perhaps because of the availability of good wine. Mo Mo, the four old dwarves stepped out of the hospital bed one after another, and even started to help Bernd to build an underground blacksmith shop.

Because the tauren Luka and Justus will appear on the Hierro plane, they cannot live in the rented house in the imperial capital. They have been living in underground caves recently.

Occasionally, I would go to the underground caves and read the hextech blueprints stored in the stone chamber.

Many times, Katerina would come with me. When she came to the underground cave, she would run to the blacksmith shop that was being expanded, and ask Bernd and a few old dwarves some questions about the blacksmith shop.

I checked the information on the stone room, pushed open the door of the stone room, and found that there were only some Yero natives sorting supplies in the square outside, and I couldn't see Katerina, so I had to go to the blacksmith's shop.

The underground blacksmith shop has not been fully built yet. Two days ago, the two old dwarves personally found a natural wind tunnel in the cave, so Bernd planned to build the furnace flue in the blacksmith shop. , as if it was just laid today.If we just wait for this flue to be connected to that wind tunnel, the large amount of thick smoke generated when the blacksmith shop smelts iron will not disperse into the entire cave to choke people.

Bernd is leading a group of Hierro natives and goblin slaves to inspect the flue. It seems that the flue is a bit blocked. He is driving this goblin slave into the air duct to check the situation. The air duct is built on the stone wall, and it is a bit too narrow, even not much bigger than a dog hole. Only thin goblins can get in.

"Hey Bernd, how's the smithy going?" I said to Bernd.

After I was ready to say hello to him, I took Katrinara back to the imperial capital.In the stone room of this blacksmith shop, there are more than a dozen chained goblins who are digging the stone room beside the rock wall. It seems that Bernd thinks that the stone room of this blacksmith shop will be expanded a little bit.

When Bernd saw me walking in from the outside, his eyes lit up immediately, he rushed up and grabbed me, and said to me: "Jijia, you came just in time, I just happened to have something to ask you, you must give it to me this time." Get these ready..."

After speaking, he took out a wine bottle from his pocket, put it back into his pocket immediately, and searched for a long time before finally finding a piece of crumpled parchment, which was written crookedly in imperial characters: " Twenty large chopping boards, thirty No. [-] hammers, fifteen small hammers, ten carts of coke, twelve magic bellows, five bags of clay, solvent..."

I can still understand the previous ones. There is nothing wrong with blacksmiths needing chopping boards and hammers, but why do I have to buy clay in the imperial capital?And what exactly is a co-solvent, why haven't I even heard of it?I don't know how much Aliya knows about blacksmith supplies, but it seems that it is most reliable to ask her to help purchase them.

"Don't worry! Bernd, these things will be purchased for you soon!" I patted Bernd on the shoulder and said to him.

Only when I stood in front of Bernd and looked at the top of his bald head did I feel an inexplicable sense of superiority.

There are also some dwarf female slaves in the blacksmith workshop. I heard from Bernd that these dwarf female slaves still look good when they wield the blacksmith's hammer.

The dwarf female slaves sat in the corner of the workshop, and carved some wooden shapes with fine-grained pear wood. Whenever they carved some wooden shapes, they would send them to an old dwarf for inspection, and often the old dwarf They will clearly point out the defects of these wood models, and if they can be repaired, they must be fine-tuned with fine sandpaper. If they cannot be repaired, they will be ruthlessly thrown into the furnace by the old dwarf.

I found that there seemed to be some carved wooden models beside the old dwarf. These wooden models were actually parts of certain parts of the magic engraving machine. The parts are carved into wood type.

It’s just that these dwarf female slaves are not very good at carving. Even for some extremely simple parts, the wood patterns they make will have some defects. However, the old dwarves are so strict, and even a slight deviation will ruin the rework. It made the dwarf female slaves all cry.

There are also some dwarven female slaves who are sifting some fine sand. They are wielding square shovels. Although they are doing physical work, they are talking and laughing.

Bernd stood beside me, with his hands on his back, showing his big belly, and said to me with a red face: "Ji Jia, I must build an underground blacksmith shop this time, and those Hextech drawings The shape of the parts is a bit more complicated, and many of them require precision casting molds, so we can only train our hands a little bit, and you know, we dwarves are not good at wood carving, but if you practice more, you will always be able to do it successfully."

I stood aside and asked him strangely: "Woodcarving! Why don't you go find those Yero people, who have lived in the forest since they were young, and even their clothes are made of bark. I guess they must be proficient in woodworking. "

The dwarf Bernd patted his thigh and said, "Oh! It seems to be true. If you don't tell me, I almost forgot..."

Scones, broth, ale and hammers, these are probably all the life of the dwarves, maybe they will sing and dance in some festivals, but the pursuit of casting technology has never changed.

I secretly asked Bernd what keeps these old dwarves so motivated.Bernd told me that those old dwarves were probably stimulated by the precision parts in the design drawings of Hextech.

All in all, life in the underground cave is slowly changing, and everything is developing in a good direction.

Of course, there is also some bad news, for example: the physical condition of the sixty giant spiders is deteriorating, maybe they should be given some good food.


The turmoil about Senior Dylan's academic papers had not yet completely subsided. At this time, a piece of news was published in the magic newspaper, which once again ignited the public opinion circle in the imperial capital.

A clear photo of magic was published in the magic newspaper, which was the brawl that happened in front of the elementary school of magic in the imperial capital that day. You can clearly see how those inscription masters cast fireballs on Yingli and me. Yingli and I fell on the street in embarrassment.

Next to the photo was a brief description, and the title was even more succinct: 'The newly promoted junior magic inscription master was beaten at the press conference of the magic pattern of life'.

The imperial capital has never been short of topics of public opinion, but once this news was published, it immediately aroused heated discussions among many high-level people, mainly because the nobles and lords usually like to pay attention to the inscription masters, and there is a 'life magic pattern' in this news The content of the book attracted widespread attention from the magic world, and then my name appeared in the mouths of the people on the streets and alleys again.

For this matter, the magic union did not give a clear solution, and I did not wait for the apology from the inscribers.Instead, the Inscription Union sent a magician to the Royal Academy of Magic to find me, comforted me, and then gave me a pass to the Magic Union Library.This magic guild library pass is the reward after I promised to announce the 'life magic pattern' on the fish skin hood, and I deserve it.

But then another news pointed out that the 'life magic pattern' of the fish skin hood I demonstrated at the demonstration meeting was fake, because it has been a week since the demonstration meeting, and there is still no inscriber , and successfully produced the fish skin hood with the magical effect of "increasing mental power". The news even exaggerated that the murloc skins in the imperial capital will probably be sold out soon.

Some inscribers even went to the Royal Academy of Magic to look for me in person, but they were all turned back by the academy, and those inscribers didn't even see me.

The students in the college's Inscription Club had some doubts about me, and I didn't have time to answer them.

As for the other news about me, it is more positive. The news came from the residence of the Duke of Samoyed. Constructed knights, this means that auxiliary water magicians still have a place on the battlefield of the plane war.

Although my name was not clearly mentioned in the news, many people at the Academy of Magic know that I did this, because during this week, the magic caravan with the Duke of Samoyed’s emblem was on the road every day. Waiting for me at the school gate, the news guessed: I was probably invited to go to the residence of the Duke of Samoyed to heal the wounds of the three constructed knights.

Alia held such a piece of handwritten parchment filled with various rumors about me, sitting in front of a desk and looking at me with a smile...

(End of this chapter)

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