my age of magic

Chapter 1103 206. Questions about Goblin Language

Chapter 1103 206. Questions about Goblin Language
The third page of the magic newspaper published a brief introduction of the participating legions in the battle of the Vala Valley on the plane of Kenda, followed by the Grand Duke of the Mo family's follow-up treatment plan for this battle and his reflections on the victory of the battle. The Wind Corps and the Duke of Jingyue made outstanding contributions in guarding the northern exit of the valley, and directly expressed their gratitude to the Duke of Jingyue in the magic newspaper.

After the overall victory in the Kenda Plane War, the Grimm Empire finally ushered in an upsurge of full-scale confrontation. The lords of all parties have set their sights on the two rising generals of the empire-the Prince of Wales and the Marquis of Moxiang. In this magical newspaper, praises were also written for these two young generals.

The magic newspaper did not mention why the imperial capital did not hold a large-scale celebration. It only said that His Majesty Charles held a ball in the palace of the Floating King City last night.On the following pages, there are only some love stories between a certain Duke and a certain princess, or a certain noble lady went to the civilian area in a magic caravan in the early morning to meet her lover privately and so on.

Katerina stood behind me, and followed me to read the newspaper with relish, sometimes pointing to the ugliness of a certain nobleman in the photo and covering her mouth with a chuckle.

Not long after, Scholar Shawn’s magic caravan slowly drove up and stopped in front of me. With envious and jealous eyes, I took Katerina to board the magic caravan of Scholar Shawn. In the magic caravan, seeing a magic newspaper in my hand, he asked me with a smile: "Is it a little uncomfortable to disappear from everyone's sight all of a sudden?"

I rubbed my nose in embarrassment, then sat down on the soft leather couch across from Scholar Sean, and said to him, "Better never put my name in the paper again, I've had enough."

"Prince James led the crowd back to the Imperial Capital. The editors of the Imperial Capital Magic News finally had some fears. They probably didn't want to publish the embarrassing photos of Princess Yingli in the newspaper at this time, which attracted the attention of His Royal Highness. I'm not happy, that's why all the news about you and Princess Yingli was removed." Scholar Xiao En explained the reason why the magic newspaper no longer has my name, and it turned out that it was related to Prince James.

"Although those people in the Magic Guild are a bit ugly this time, but if you do this, it will cause dissatisfaction among many of them. It can be made more tactful." Xiao En Scholar continued.

Scholar Xiao En took a deep look at me, and said, "If you want to be an excellent magician, you need to learn to keep a low profile at least."

Yulin Street is covered with a thick layer of golden leaves. Several magic caravans run over the leaves. The color of dusk covers the entire imperial capital. Looking at the top of Majaro Ring Mountain from a distance, under the gradually darkening sky, it becomes It was pitch black.

I opened the car window a little, and let the cold wind outside the window blow my face, and the cool breath was like drinking a sip of spiritual power potion, which made people feel indescribably comfortable.

Seeing me posing like this, Scholar Shaun shook his head slightly, and muttered in his mouth: "Why are you people from the north so stubborn?"

"We northerners, who else is there besides me?" I smiled and asked Scholar Xiaon.

"What do you think? Who else can there be besides Heidi?" Scholar Xiaoen showed a look of helplessness. It seems that Teacher Heidi really occupies a very important position in Scholar Xiaon's heart.

There was a moment of silence in the magic caravan.

I have seen Teacher Heidi standing on the top of the city of El, fighting against those barbarians. I have also seen her standing in front of Sister Guoguo after turning into an ice element body. I think no one is more crazy than her .

As I became more and more familiar with magic, I gradually understood that if an ordinary magician wants to be promoted to a first-rank magician, he needs to understand his own 'potential'.And the prerequisite for a first-rank magician to be promoted to a second-rank magician is to have an "elemental body" that can control magic elements. Teacher Heidi has already had an "elemental body", but she has kept herself at the nineteenth level of first-rank It wasn't until the crisis in El City that the elemental spirits needed to be awakened to release the fourth-level group ice magic. Teacher Heidi broke through the city wall and became a second-rank ice magician at level [-].

It has to be said that she is such a crazy woman. In my impression, she seems to be indifferent to everyone except Sister Guoguo.

Today's Sister Guoguo is sealed in the ice tablet, and she is lying in the ice room at the bottom of Xinliu Valley. However, when I visited her a few times recently, I found that she, who was originally the spirit of the water element, seemed to be slowly moving in the ice tablet. Slowly transforming into an ice elemental body, I worry that once she transforms successfully, the ice magic seal of Scholar Xiao En will no longer have an effect on Sister Guoguo.

But fortunately, I have already obtained the soul gem and the soul horn. As for the ancient altar, there is also news. The only thing standing in front of me is the group of flying dragons in the swamp jungle. Killing a flying dragon is not difficult, but hunting a group of flying dragons is not something I can do at this stage.

Scholar Sean warned me: I can no longer forcibly increase my magic level. It is not a good thing for some magic students, such as me, to increase the magic level too fast.

Sitting in the magic caravan, my thoughts are a little messy.

The voice of Scholar Xiao En sounded in the carriage again, and he said to me: "The inscribers in the imperial capital spent half a month, and they just proved one thing: the 'life magic pattern' on the fish skin hood , Even if you put the sample worth thousands of magic crystals in front of them, they can't learn it in a short time. If this is the case, you can actually be more generous."

Although Scholar Xiao En has always supported me on the matter of the 'Magic Pattern of Life', what he said to me at this moment may be his attitude towards this matter. His disapproval is in front of me, but won't change anything.

"Actually, I didn't expect things to turn out like this. I know that making that fish skin hood would be very difficult. Every time you make a fish skin hood, you always need a little bit of luck in it. The so-called I can't actually see the 'Magic Pattern of Life' either, I'm afraid I have drawn too much, maybe my magic perception is a little better than others." I sat in the carriage, shrugged my shoulders lightly, with an innocent face Said to Xiao En scholar.

Obviously, he scoffed at my explanation.

Then, he said to me: "I'm afraid you don't know something. This morning, news came from the workshop of the inscription master Evind Owen. Master Evind spent two thousand fish skin hoods. Successfully made a fish skin hood with the magical effect of 'increasing mental power'. Speaking of which, this value just fulfilled the prediction of the group of members of the Stargazer Guild. One thousand and eight hundred magic crystals were bought in one go. I bought thirty fish skin hoods, this deal is really worth it!"

What is the concept of [-] fish skin hoods... It must have been drawn non-stop for half a month before it could be completed!But the luck of this inscriber named Edwin is really bad!

The manor of the wizard Mackintosh is located in the second district, not too far from the Royal Academy of Magic.

The magic caravan stopped at the gate of the manor. Scholar Xiao En showed an invitation letter, and the attendants would open the big iron gate, and the magic caravan drove straight in.

The garden in this manor is very beautiful. Even in such a late autumn season, the lawn is still green, the shrubs and low walls are covered with small lantern fruits like red lanterns, and the lawn is full of pure white flowers. In such a dusk near night, under the backdrop of the colorful lights of the manor, the magic caravan walks through the path in the middle of the garden, as if returning to the midsummer season. The strong visual contrast makes me feel that the manor is full of people. The smell of magic.

There are some magic caravans parked in the square in front of the castle, not many, and they don't look so gorgeous.

The gathering of water magicians was held in the castle in front of me. I followed behind Scholar Shaun and walked into this somewhat quaint castle. There was a magic wall lamp on the limestone wall not far away. The waiter at the gate pushed open the gate of the castle for us, and soft lights shone through the crack of the gate.

I stood behind Scholar Sean and looked in through the crack of the door. I saw some magicians wearing black magic robes gathering together in twos and threes. Some of them sat around the soft leather sofa in the living room, some Some people stood on the stairs holding on to the banisters of the stairs, and some people stood on the terrace on the second floor with wine glasses. These magicians talked in a gentle manner, and the atmosphere in the living room on the first floor of the castle was very good.

When a magician saw Scholar Xiaon coming in, he quickly stood up from his seat, greeted him with a smile on his face, and they hugged.

The mage was tall and strong, and his body was full of magic. His skin was wet, like it was covered with sweat, and some moss had grown on some of his skin, which looked a bit disgusting from a close distance. But I am not surprised by this. This kind of mossy skin disease is very common on the sea ships of the Vashj plane. More than half of the sailors on the 'Slave Trader' suffer from this kind of skin disease.

The magician probably lives at sea all year round.

"Hey, Magician Sean, you are late." He said enthusiastically to Scholar Sean.

Scholar Sean laughed, pointed at me and said, "No, Mackintosh, look... the timing is just right, and I've brought a newcomer."

"Let me see who it is?" McIntosh finished speaking, and then his eyes fell on me. He is the kind of person who can make a magician's hat smell like a pirate. I smelled something on him. I have an inexplicable affection for this familiar taste of sea salt.

At this time, he said to me: "Hehe! I know you, young man, your name has been appearing in magic newspapers recently, the discoverer of the 'life magic pattern' on the murloc skin, the healer of water magic, Ji Jia magician."

I looked into his face and said to him, "Hello, Wizard Mackintosh."

Mackintosh laughed and said: "It's been a long time since there has been such an outstanding magician in the Water Magic Guild. I hope you can continue to surprise everyone. The Royal Academy of Magic is really the cradle of excellent magicians. Welcome to my castle." As a guest, please be casual."

Almost all night, I sat on the sofa in the corner, quietly listening to these water magicians discussing a topic that was very unfamiliar to me. Occasionally, Scholar Xiaon would introduce some water magicians to me. I think this is probably The purpose of bringing me here is that at least I can get to know some famous water magicians in the imperial capital. Probably only in this way can I officially join this circle.

Of course, not everyone is participating in the discussion on this topic. There are only six magicians sitting together in the living room, forming a small circle, seriously discussing the feasibility of jointly releasing the 'Rain of Healing'.

The other mages sat or stood around, listening quietly. No one would interrupt others casually. Some people would put forward different opinions, but they would not appear to be confrontational. How should the 'Healing Rain' spell be cast? Everyone put forward a lot of ideas.

I benefited a lot from just sitting in the corner and listening to their chats. Everyone thinks from different perspectives, and there are always some novel things that come into my view.

Regarding the topic of Healing Rain, I didn't understand what they were talking about from the beginning to the end, what kind of joint spellcasting, what kind of magical resonance, in short, it seems impossible for a water magician to cast "Healing Rain" As a matter of fact, these magicians lamented that if they could release the 'Rain of Healing', they might be able to make a Constructed Knight Order win the war.

The discussion lasted until midnight before the salon was declared over.

According to the past practice, new members must give a speech when they attend the salon for the first time, which can also be said to introduce themselves. This speech is held at the end of the salon, so before the end of the session, I was pushed out by Shawn Scholar , First, I introduced my background, but speaking of frequent newspapers recently, as long as there are magicians who have read the Imperial City Magic News, they all know me.

I stood up from the corner, walked into the crowd, nodded politely to everyone, and then said: "It is a great honor to be recommended by Shawn Scholar and to participate in this salon."

"I received this news not long ago, so I didn't have much preparation for this speech." I said to everyone. "I usually like to study foreign languages. I have been doing research on ancient elf languages ​​and orc languages ​​in the Academy of Magic. I recently borrowed a book from the library. I was a little confused by the strange words on it, so I prepared I have a few questions that I hope to share with you.”

There is a small blackboard next to the fireplace. I strode to the front of the small blackboard, took out a piece of chalk from the groove under the small blackboard, and wrote a series of Hextech drawings on the small blackboard. Old goblin...

 …Unfortunately, my S8 is over, and I feel a little uncomfortable. I hope other teams that have advanced can have good results
(End of this chapter)

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