my age of magic

Chapter 1117 220. News from Zac

Chapter 1117 220. News from Zac

Overnight, the imperial capital seemed to have turned into a silvery white world. The tile eaves by the windows were dripping with melted snow. The weather in the imperial capital was not cold enough to hold the snow, but the fresh snow made The morning in the imperial capital is a bit dazzling.

Qige is like a lazy cat, curled up and wrapped in a thick quilt, her long, messy black hair covers the sheets and pillows like a brocade, her round fragrant shoulders are exposed outside the quilt, her skin is like outside the house White as new snow.

Lying beside her, I sighed softly, brushing away the messy hair on her face, she seemed to feel itchy in her sleep, a soft hand flexibly stretched out from under the quilt, and held me Pushing away his hand, he quickly retracted into the quilt and continued to sleep soundly.

I failed to convince Qige, but was forced to agree to stay here in the imperial capital, and to take care of her business when I had nothing to do. Last night, she pressed me down like a wild female leopard. It gave me an urge to jump out of the bedroom window.

Katerina helped me put on the magic robe, and I had to rush to the teaching building for morning class before the bell rang. On the contrary, Qige didn't have any plans this morning, so she could lie on the bed and sleep as much as she wanted. Anyway, Katerina Na and Takama would stay with her in the bedroom.

Takama huddled on the wooden bed in the corner of the bedroom. This wooden bed was specially moved from Xinliu Valley to prevent Takama and Katerina from sleeping on the cold floor. The human maid Takama always likes to curl up on the bed and sleep, looking a bit lazy.

Qige's magic pharmacy course at the academy is about to end. It is estimated that there will be other magic teachers who will help her finish the magic pharmacy. She originally wanted me to try it, but she wanted me to finally A few lessons talked about orcs' unique views on magic herbs, but I refused.

Before going out, I gave Katerina a kiss. No matter what time, Katerina would respond to me tenderly. Her ruby-like eyes always showed tenderness like water.

I pushed open the bedroom door and went out, only to find that Noah was standing obediently in the corner outside the door. Seeing me coming out, he jumped out and greeted me.

We walked downstairs together, and the cold wind outside lifted my spirits. I saw Shirley Newman waiting by the pool from a distance, and Noah sighed: "Ji Jia, I still remember when we first entered school, we We still foolishly waited together to watch Teacher Qige from a distance on the road that Teacher Qige must pass, at that time, she was still Her Royal Highness, and she became your bride in the blink of an eye."

"Didn't the girl I was sitting across from us become your lover in the blink of an eye at the dinner party at the beginning of school?" I said the same to Noah.

To be honest, Shirley Newman is considered to be the most beautiful girl among our magic freshmen. She is also cheerful and generous and likes to make friends. She is a very popular girl in the academy.And no matter what she does, she knows how to measure. When Noah is around, she can always see Shirley Newman. When Noah is not around, she will stay with her friends. Even those who take public classes are ugly. to her.

"Hey, Noah, Jijia, hurry up, the bell for class preparation is about to end!" Shirley Newman called out to us both.

"Here we come..." Noah answered loudly while pulling me forward in strides.

There are many aristocratic sons like Noah who came from rich and noble families in the imperial capital, like Senior William and Senior Adele, they all came from rich and noble families, as did Hiram and Josena, but like Noah There are not many noble sons with such an easy-going personality and a low-key manner.He likes to do some magic research, and he can chat with the students in the class. In the class, Noah's interpersonal relationship is many times better than mine.

The few of us trotted all the way to the teaching building for the magic class. On the way, we talked about the small accident in the experimental class yesterday. I didn’t expect that someone in the class had never drawn a magic scroll. Yesterday, I experienced the power of magic runes in the experimental class. , was to ask us to draw a few magic runes on the magic parchment. Unexpectedly, the magic power output by that student was a little disordered, and it actually detonated the milky white magic ink. Fortunately, she only suffered some minor injuries, but it scared her so much The whole person was dumbfounded.

I asked Noah what he was up to recently, and why he slipped faster than me after school in the afternoon, but he faltered and said that it would be kept secret for the time being.

After the disbandment of the Sword and Magic Club, Noah has more free time after school. I thought he would find a new club, but now it seems that he has no such plan at all, and now I am completely associated with the Inscription Literature Club Liang Zi, it is impossible to join the Inscription Club for the time being, and even if I join the Inscription Club now, those club activities will not help me much, so I might as well learn more knowledge about inscriptions at the Academy of Magic with Yerkes scholars .

As soon as I walked out of the dormitory area, Senior Vernon chased me from behind. He ran over and handed a letter to me, and then ran away quickly. Two beauties from the Advanced Swordsman Academy were waiting outside the dormitory area. The tight-fitting leather armor on their bodies is very elegant, and they seem to know that their family background is very good, and they should be from a certain noble family in the imperial capital. Seeing Senior Vernon walking between the two of them and leaving, Noah and I are both Showing a look of envy.

Then I opened the envelope, only to find out that it was actually a letter sent to me by Zach, the son of the Duke of Samoyed. Make an appointment with me to hand over these black-scaled horses. I didn't expect Zach to help me get rid of the horses so quickly. I didn't see the waiter who delivered the letter. I had to go to class at this time, so I hurriedly put away the letter paper.

Following behind Noah and Shirley Newman, they ran quickly towards the teaching building.


Qige and I had lunch in the dining hall of the Royal Academy of Magic. The appearance of the two of us broke the glasses of the magic students dining in the dining hall. Qige has a class on magic pharmacy in the afternoon. Lecture, and I was not in a hurry to go to the Magic Research Institute, so I opened the portal to Xinliu Valley in the dormitory.

Let's go to see the progress of the magic engraving machine first, because Bernd and I have made a new breakthrough in the magic engraving machine.

Unexpectedly, before the forging of the print head in the North Duisburg blacksmith shop was completed, there would be another good news from the underground blacksmith shop in Xinliu Valley.

After fully translating the annotations on the Hextech blueprints, we have complete blueprints, so the four old dwarves readjusted the prototype production plan. The prototype is a quarter of the size of the magic engraving machine, and some of the gear racks, turbines and worms are all made of soft magic red copper. The magic red copper is softer and easier to shape. Almost all the parts are It was polished by four old dwarves with a file.

This kind of magic engraving machine made of magic red copper can only be used as a functional prototype. According to the old dwarf, the service life of the machine core made of magic red copper is extremely short, and it is estimated that it will not be used a few times. The core part is made of magic red copper. It will probably be scrapped. Now I just need to fill in the magic rune plate in this printing head according to the method on the drawing, and use krypton gold to make the most expensive convex mold magic seal part of the printing head. This magic engraving machine can be regarded as finished.

I am going to bring these thirty or so miniature magic rune plates to the Magic Research Institute, and ask the master blacksmiths in the Magic Research Institute to help make them. I am sure that Yerkes scholars will also provide me with some good advice.

As for how to use krypton gold on the printing head to create the punch magic seal, it can only be processed according to the processing method introduced in the drawing notes, and it is not yet known whether it will be successful.

When I took out the magic krypton gold that was the size of an egg from Dennis and handed it to Bernd, Bernd was surprised. He widened his eyes and asked me: "Krypton gold, where did you come from?" Where did you get this thing?"

Krypton gold is considered an extremely rare top-level magic metal in Roland Continent, and it is difficult to buy even in auction houses. Bernd thought it would take a long time for me to find this magic metal, but he didn't expect that just after I mentioned it, I would I took one out of my magic pocket, which was actually the only one I had.

Then I followed Kalantso to the silk reeling workshop, where the sour smell was very strong.Katerina and Bernd were waiting outside the door, refusing to come in with us.

The smell here is really very unpleasant. Only the Yero natives can bear this stench. Their sense of smell is not so sensitive, and they like to coat their bodies with strong spices, and they are not so sensitive to the smell. It doesn't taste much better than here.

The giant spiders in the silk reeling workshop have begun to stop eating. There are two giant spiders that are so thin that only a shell is left, staring at a row of scary-looking eyes, lingering alive in the cage. It's possible to die at any time.Two Hierro indigenous women who have been working in the silk reeling workshop told me: These two giant spiders haven't eaten anything for more than half a month, and their abdomens are shriveled, so they can't pull out any magic weave spider silk for a long time .

I covered my mouth and nose with a thick towel in my hand, and pulled out a short flying spear from behind an orc warrior. Holding the short flying spear with one hand, I activated the 'flame tongue weapon' magic, and the entire short flying spear It is covered with a layer of flames. As my magic level increases, the power of the Flame Tongue Weapon also increases. Originally, when I was a first-level magician, under the magic blessing of the 'Flame Tongue Weapon', there was only one on the weapon. There was a faint layer of flames, but now the short flying spear was covered with a layer of raging flames.

I walked into the huge iron cage with the short flying spear in my hand. The giant spider huddled inside showed horror in its eyes. The non-stop friction between the two metal plates made the bones tingle.

Without any hesitation, I directly inserted the short flying spear into the giant spider's body, and the flame on the short flying spear exploded with a 'peng', quickly spreading to the whole body of the giant spider, and the dying giant spider was covered with The flames, their bodies trembling violently, they lost all their limbs and had no ability to resist, just like this, they were burned to death by the flames in the iron cage.

Then, holding a short flying spear in one hand, I stood in the silk reeling workshop and said to the Yero natives: "Get rid of the useless giant spiders, and clean these vacant iron cages. Next time I will bring Here comes a batch of fresh giant spiders."

When I said these words, I felt the bodies of the giant spiders in the iron cage all around trembling. They could feel my killing intent, so they were afraid, and they could also communicate with each other through subtle voices. mutual communication.Before walking out of the silk reeling workshop, I looked back at the giant spiders busy reeling silk, and I was so frightened that they trembled.

Walking out of the silk reeling workshop, I guess I put away the thick towel and asked Kalantso beside me: "How is the project of installing the ventilation device on the roof of the cave going?"

At this time, the dwarf Bernd who was waiting outside the silk reeling workshop came up and said to me: "The goblins are still digging ventilation tunnels on the top of the cave. Although they killed several batches of goblins who dug the tunnels, there is still no progress. Just leave In our sight, these goblins will be lazy to hide or run away, they are more afraid of the big guys in the workshop than me."

I said to Bernd: "Then keep an eye on them, let the clear passage be dug, and then seal it with wooden boards. As long as the passage is introduced into the wind tunnel, even if there is no need to install an exhaust fan, it will be blown away by the suction in the wind tunnel." This project must be continued, there will not be only this batch of giant spiders, and it is estimated that some will be caught and supplemented in the near future."

Bernd couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard me say that. It seemed that he didn't like so many big spiders living in the cave.

However, he finally agreed, "Okay, I'll keep an eye on the goblins myself over here."


Since Deborah served as a guide last time, she took Luka and Justus to the ground of Xinliu Valley and failed to return as scheduled. Deborah has been locked in the cave by Kalancuo. This time, she came to the cave to see She found that she was much more stable. When she opened the door of the stone room, she was still sitting obediently in front of the stone table practicing Chinese characters.

Seeing me coming to visit her, she immediately threw herself into my arms and complained to me in a low voice, telling me that Kalancuo always asked her to do this and that.

Her wings and fleshy wings could not be stretched freely in the cave, and the white feathers on the wings became a bit messy, and she was locked in the cave, without wings and without restraint, and she did not wear tight armor, with a slightly dark body Just wearing a suspender skirt, people from the imperial capital describe someone with a figure like a devil. The so-called devil refers to the succubus of the hell family, because their bodies are naturally uneven.

Deborah has inherited the pure angelic face of the Harpy Queen, but her body is that of a succubus, which has a great visual impact.So knowing that Kalancuo did this for Deborah, he couldn't help but plead with Kalancuo for her and let her go to Xinliu Valley to relax on the ground.

Kalancuo will naturally not refuse my request.

Then, seeing Deborah cheering and rushing out of the stone room with fluttering wings, before Deborah could go far, I wondered if my actions were right. Indulging Deborah in this way was beneficial to her growth. Or will she indulge her to restore the animal nature in her body...

The three of me, Katerina, and Kalancuo took another trip to the plane of Yeluo at the teleportation altar.

As a result, the tauren Luka and Justus were not found in Mr. Billy's hotel. After seeing Mr. Billy, they realized that these two people couldn't bear the loneliness again, and they actually joined the adventure group and went to Tanton. Take part in an elaborate hunt outside of town.

(End of this chapter)

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