my age of magic

Chapter 1137 240. End of term

Chapter 1137 240. End of term
I will not increase the purchase price because of the exquisite dark pattern printed on the black iron crossbow, and I will not ignore the quality of the bed crossbow arrow just because I married Princess Yingli. This is the bottom line that Earl Donald Raleigh sticks to in the end, Donald The count leaned back on the chair, folded his hands on the desk, and his eyes fell on me at this moment.

As an important weapon against alien aggression, bed crossbows are widely used in various fortifications. Therefore, the crossbow arrows used on bed crossbows are a kind of conventional reserve military supplies. There will be no such arrow purchases in peacetime. There are too many, but now that the Grimm Empire is caught in a plane war, the bed crossbow arrows have suddenly become a hot commodity for military supplies.

Earl Donald took a pen and wrote the number 'four' on the parchment.

There was shrewdness in his eyes, and he said to me: "If the price of the black iron crossbow can be lower than this figure, then it is necessary for us to continue the negotiation."

I asked him, "Four silver coins?"

Earl Donald nodded and said to me: "Whether it's North Duisburg in the imperial capital or the precision foundry in Haines City, every time we purchase crossbow bolts and arrows, the price is almost the same, but because of the recent magic black iron The selling price has been falling continuously, maybe we will lower the purchase price this time.”

In fact, the black iron arrowheads I bought back from North Duisburg are also one of four silver coins. The two kinds of magic runes were engraved on the smooth surface, and the ordinary arrows that failed to be engraved were originally planned to be installed on the shafts. When dealing with spider warriors or giant spiders, ordinary bed crossbow arrows can still show strong damage. force.

The reason why the black iron arrowheads that failed to be engraved were sold was to stock up as many magic arrowheads as possible for the bed crossbow.

Earl Donald was silent for a while, and then he turned his gaze to me and asked me, "Can Magician Jijia accept such a price?"

"Okay." I said briskly.

Hearing what I said, Earl Donald's heavy face suddenly became much lighter. He stretched out his hand and loosened his collar, and let out a long breath.

For me, as long as someone is willing to buy back at the original price, even at a discounted price, these ordinary black iron crossbow arrows that failed to be produced can greatly reduce the burden on the magic crossbow. I know that the success rate is 25 to [-]. The black iron arrows that succeeded at the same time in the magic circle, in fact, in the stamping process, there will be some bed crossbow arrows that succeeded in the single magic circle, these arrows simply have the magic attribute of 'sharpness', or only have 'penetration' This magical property.

I didn't expect this deal to be concluded so easily. Earl Donald told me that there will be three small batch purchases in the future. After confirming that the quality is correct and the delivery date can be guaranteed, the Southwind Army's logistics department will proceed from me. Buy Black Iron Arrowheads in bulk.

As a result, Murray, the manager of the Rune Plate Workshop, will soon become even busier.

Before leaving Earl Donald's villa, Earl Donald still didn't hold back the question.

He stood at the gate, raised his head and asked me who was about to board the magic caravan: "I can be sure that the two black iron arrowheads were produced in North Duisburg. They all went through the procurement channels of the Angibald royal family suppliers. This kind of black iron arrowhead is no less than four silver. You just added some dark patterns on the arrowhead and sold it to Nan Wind Corps, I can't think of this matter, what good can you do."

I put my hand on the frame of the magic caravan, and said to him calmly: "If I tell you that I am an inscriber, I can draw magic circles on the tips of arrows, will it change your life?" some thoughts?"

"You mean... the dark lines on those crossbow bolts are actually some magic lines carved on them?" Earl Donald said with a look of surprise on his face.

Earl Donald took out the black iron arrow from his pocket, carefully observed the decoration on it, and then said in a positive tone: "These arrows should all be black iron arrows discarded in the process of making magic crossbows. No wonder these The pattern looks so mysterious, it turned out to be some magic runes, so I feel relieved."

He seemed to have a satisfactory answer in his heart, and said to me: "Draw the magic pattern circle on the black iron arrow, even if these magic pattern circles fail, it should not affect the quality of the black iron arrow. It's just such an arrow with magic runes, how much can you provide us, Mage Jijia?"

Earl Donald said to me with a smile: "You may not know that even for the first three small batch purchases, the purchase quantity of each order will not be less than a thousand black iron arrowheads, so I hope you'd better prepare in advance... "

"I see. After I go back, I will actively stock up." I nodded, waved to Earl Connard, and said, "Then, I will wait for your first batch of orders."

Leaving the villa of Earl Conrad Raleigh, the magic caravan was speeding on the stone street full of snow in winter, the sunlight shot through the dry leaves and branches, and through the bright glass windows, into the compartment of the magic caravan. The two sat side by side, Yingli's head rested on my shoulder, Helena, Becky, and Katerina sat opposite us, and the carriage fell into a silence.

"It must be difficult to convince Prince James!" I squeezed Ying Li's little hand and said to her.

She is wearing a white knowledge suit, which always makes people feel that there is a layer of holy radiance on her face.At one point, I even felt that Yingli's attire made her more like a holy priest.

A peaceful smile appeared on Ying Li's face, and two shallow dimples appeared on his face.

She put her slightly baby-fat chin on my shoulder, held one of my arms tightly with both hands, and blew warm breath into my ears, and I heard her say: "It's actually okay. Seems like a stubborn guy, but I know how much he loves me!"

"Becky!" I yelled to Becky, who was sitting opposite and whispering to Helena.

"Mm!" Hearing I suddenly called her name, Becky raised her head and agreed, her face flushed slightly.

Her seaweed-colored wavy hair is scattered on her chest, and she is wearing a suit of well-cut tight leather armor. The tall and straight peaks stand out against the leather armor, and she looks very sexy. Becky always dresses boldly and sexy, But the inner world is very conservative, I said to her: "Your idea is great!"

In fact, when I was lying in bed last night, I kept thinking, in fact, according to Becky's idea, even if I don't sell these scrapped magic black iron arrows to the South Wind Army, there should be someone in the weapon shop Buy, after all, the face-to-face war is still going on, and the Green Empire will soon usher in an upsurge of counterattack across the board.

But since we can get in touch with the logistics department of the South Wind Army, it will save a lot of trouble.

In fact, Earl Connard did not know how efficient the production of the scrapped magic black iron crossbow arrow tips in the magic engraving machine workshop in Xinliu Valley is. The magic engraving machine can punch six black iron arrows at a time, and it takes about 3 minutes to complete one printing. That is to say, the second large-scale magic engraving machine can print about 120 black iron arrows in an hour, but the number of rune magic circles that can successfully operate will not exceed five.

After such a day, more than 2000 scrapped magic crossbow arrows were produced, because the magic machine was always working, and the female dwarf slaves only needed to take turns to work, so that the female dwarves could take turns to rest, and the magic engraved Machine is non-stop.

In fact, it can't stop for a moment, and it will stop halfway to let the spider warrior slave who is pushing the winch have a rest.

In addition, the old dwarf craftsmen will overhaul the magic engraving machine every time the time hourglass is turned over, because the transmission parts used by these two magic machines are poorly made, which directly leads to the low success rate of the magic engraving machine engraving runes. In addition, it also caused the magic engraving machine to break down frequently.

When the magic caravan passed a long street, the street was congested, the magic caravan was forced to slow down, followed the rear of the magic caravan in front, and squeezed forward a little bit. At this time, it was too late to turn around and change the route .

I pushed the car window open and poked my head out of the window, just in time to see a line of people at the entrance of a magic shop in front of me. Very decent, with noble badges on their chests, they were yelling at the shopkeeper for not keeping promises, while waiting in line.

The other row has fewer people, and their clothes are also very neat, but they don't have noble badges on their chests. They are a group of relatively well-off commoners. They wait quietly behind this group of nobles, and everyone is silent with each other. , waiting quietly.

A familiar smell of perfume came from behind, and a soft body squeezed beside me. Helena moved her head curiously, looked out the window with me, and asked me curiously: "Are they waiting in line?" What?"

Before I could answer, a nobleman came out of the magic shop with a copper hot pot in his arms. Immediately afterwards, a nobleman at the front couldn't wait to walk into the magic shop. The two passed each other and whispered. They exchanged a few words, but couldn't hear what they were saying.

Because I saw copper hot pots being sold in this magic shop, I stopped the magic caravan on the opposite side of the street and carefully observed the people coming out of the magic shop. Many of them were happily holding a copper hot pot , walked out of the shop, and of course some people bought other magic items, but more than a dozen nobles came out one after another, and almost half of them were holding copper hot pots in their arms.

The stone room wall of the magic engraving machine workshop in Xinliu Valley is full of copper hot pots made of this kind of copper. Several girls have also seen how the female dwarves process copper hot pots, and they know this unique copper hot pot. It was produced by Xinliu Valley Workshop.

"The copper hot pots you made seem to be very popular!" Helena exclaimed.

I also never expected that these copper hot pots would be so popular in the imperial capital.

Basically, the copper hot pot made in Xinliu Valley is brought to the magic grocery store every day. The serious problem now is not that there are not enough fire-focusing rune plates, on the contrary, these fire-focusing rune plates Three large magic-sealing boxes have already been filled, and the output of copper hot pots in Xinliu Valley can't keep up now. The main reason is that there are not enough copper hot pots handcrafted by more than 40 female dwarves.

So I asked Murray to find a blacksmith shop that is good at making copperware, and I want to buy a batch of copper pots from outside, and just stick those concentrated fire rune plates on the bottom of the pot.

Although these metal magic rune plates have not affected the rune plate industry in the imperial capital for the time being, the impression left by these cheap metal magic rune plates on the people of the imperial capital has gradually changed.

In the beginning, the people in the imperial capital chose to buy these copper hot pots because the heavy snowfall caused the temperature in the imperial capital to drop sharply. In order to keep warm, everyone was forced to buy this kind of cooking pot with the fire-gathering rune board.

But later, people in the imperial capital bought copper hot pots because they were very cheap. You couldn't buy a traditional old-fashioned fire-focusing rune plate with the same amount of silver coins, but you can buy metal magic pattern rune plates. An exquisite copper hot pot, the price difference between the two is very obvious.

But now, as the number of people buying copper hot pots gradually accumulates, people no longer think that there is anything bad about this metal magic line rune plate, and those inscription masters who said that the metal magic line rune plate is fragile They all shut their mouths. In terms of stability alone, the rune plates produced by these magic engraving machines are obviously better than the old-fashioned traditional hand-drawn rune plates.

These copper hot pots have gradually established a good reputation in the imperial capital, so more and more people want to buy this kind of life-like magic utensil that can cook meat and keep warm.

Although I missed a lot of class hours this semester, I still got all the credits I should have taken in the first year of the Royal Academy of Magic by stepping on the pass line during the final exam.

For the teachers in the School of Magic, the only highlight of my semester was the magic level that shot up like a rocket. I was actually promoted to the peak state of an eighth-level magician at the end of the first year. In the Royal Academy of Magic, some outstanding second-year seniors can reach the magic level, and even some third-year seniors are still stuck at this magic level.

Of course, there are some outstanding magic students every year in the academy, and they have huge advantages in terms of magic level promotion, so I am not the most conspicuous, but I am just a little more eye-catching in this year's magic freshmen.

The magic teacher in the magic level evaluation didn't give me a high opinion just because I was promoted to the eighth level in the first grade.What really impresses them is my 'potential'.

When evaluating the magic level, the magic teacher saw that the cursor on the triangular magic crystal skyrocketed to the eighth grid before stopping, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said to me: "Your magic level is about this The highest one, you can try to condense the magic power in the magic pool to slow down your promotion speed, and you must lay a solid foundation."

Hearing the same words from the magic teacher and Sean scholar, I knew he was reminding me, so I nodded obediently.

Then he asked me again: "Speaking of which, you should start to understand your 'potential'. Have you had any unusual feelings recently?"

"I have realized my 'power', teacher!" I said honestly.

(End of this chapter)

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