my age of magic

Chapter 1147 250. Dinner

Chapter 1147 250. Dinner
In winter, the night in El City always comes very early.

The residents of El City have a habit of preparing dinner only after dark. Every winter, the residents of El City hoard a large amount of golden apples, onions, potatoes, spinach and radishes. Stored in the cellar, it can last through the winter if stored properly.

People in El City like to boil tomatoes and golden apples into sauces and store them in jars and seal them with paraffin. On winter nights, they can cut a piece of frozen meat and throw it into a large iron pot in the fireplace. Throw in the onions, pour in some tomato juice or golden applesauce, and cook up a thick broth that's delicious with just a few scones and white bread.

In El City in winter, the expensive food is not meat, but some green vegetables in the greenhouse. Only aristocratic families can build a sunny greenhouse and plant some vegetables in it. The food with environmental characteristics made my heart suddenly feel warm.

The dining table looks a little old, and the brown paint has been worn off on many corners. On one leg, there is still a word I carved with a peeling knife, Ying Li, Katerina, Helena, Becky and I Sitting on one side of the wall, Noah and Shirley Newman sat across from me, Tracy and Cindy sat next to Shirley, Lynn sat in the main seat, Fanny and Nancy sat opposite him.

With so many people crowded on one dining table, the dining table seemed too small, so that the candlesticks on the table were placed on the window sill and the wine cabinet. Fanny was worried that the two three-pointed candlesticks would not bring enough light. She erected six candles on the wooden stand beside her. She skillfully dripped melted wax on the wooden board, and then quickly erected the candles on the melted wax. After the wax solidified, she stood firmly on the wooden board. On the morning, under the light of a dozen candles, the restaurant looked very bright.

Fanny and Nancy prepared a sumptuous dinner with their own hands. Each of Fanny and Nancy held a table knife in one hand and a barbecue fork in the other, roasting the leg of lamb until it was golden. Cut it onto everyone's plate. Like many northerners, Leant likes to smear some golden apple sauce on this secret barbecue. It tastes both salty and sweet and sour. Everyone likes to eat like this.

Liante graciously demonstrated to Yingli, Noah and others, and said that the golden applesauce in El City can be paired with anything. You can slice the white bread with a crispy crust and spread some golden applesauce.You can also spread the golden applesauce on the scones, then sprinkle the scones with chopped onions and sausage cubes, and then put them in the oven for 3 minutes.Or just add some golden applesauce to the broth, it's delicious any way you eat it.

"Jijia has never liked this very much." Lyant said, shaking the white bread with golden applesauce in his hand, scooped a large spoonful of thick soup into his dinner plate with a wooden spoon, and then put the white bread The bread is soaked in the soup of the broth, and it is very sweet to eat.

Noah also imitated Leant's appearance, except that he didn't have the courage to throw the white bread with jam into the thick soup, but directly took a bite of the white bread with jam. His expression was a little exaggerated, and he stretched his brows. With a look of great enjoyment, he stretched out his thumb to Liante and said, "It's delicious, this is really delicious."

In the War College in El City, many students don’t want to run home for lunch at noon. They usually stuff a few slices of bread with golden applesauce in their schoolbags. That said, golden applesauce is a versatile food.

After Noah finished speaking, he cut another piece of barbecue with a dining knife and stuffed it into his mouth. His expression became more colorful. I have to say that since Nancy married Ryan, the taste of the food at home has obviously improved to a higher level.

Seeing that Noah liked the carefully prepared food, Leant looked very happy. He took a sip from his glass and said, "Jijia is not like me at all. He doesn't like golden applesauce, and he doesn't like it much. Likes golden cider, I like a little golden cider in the morning, and he likes just porridge and milk or something, and two slices of white bread without jam."

Helena and Becky were more concerned about the setting than the food on the table. They only ate a little roast meat and bread, and they kept looking at the small dining room curiously. They stared at the patterns on the stained glass windows. Also very curious.

Yingli has been sitting next to me very shyly. Fanny and Nancy always take extra care of Yingli. The food on her plate has piled up into a hill, and Tracy, who is sitting opposite, finally can't stand it. , pointing at her empty plate, and said to Fanny tactfully: "Fanny, you should take care of your daughter's empty plate."

Fanny glared at Tracy, and said, "I told you to invite Alente over for dinner, what about others?"

"He's on duty tonight." Tracy said without confidence to Fanny's question.

She blew her bangs on her forehead, and looked at Fanny with a guilty conscience.

"Hehe, can you skip meals on patrol?" Fanny obviously didn't intend to let Tracy go, so she questioned her.

In front of Fanny, Tracy, who has always been unruly and used to it, is like a lady.

Tracy rolled her eyes and said to Fanny: "The guards provide dinner."

She winked at me, and she seemed to want me to help her out. After understanding, I immediately interjected and asked, "Is Ellen's military service completed?"

Tracy gave me an approving look and said to me: "Well, he returned to El City in the summer, but he joined the guard camp in El City."

I wondered why Alante didn't join an excellent adventure group to go out to experience, but joined the guard camp. I asked Tracy strangely: "Why is he so hard to think about it? Others join the guard camp to avoid serving in other places." Three years of military service, why did he join the guard battalion at this time?"

Tracy pursed her lips slightly, and said to me helplessly: "I asked him the same way, and he told me: Someone has to try to change, I don't know what he wants to change, I keep asking him, but He wouldn't explain it to me."

I asked Tracy, "When are you going to have your wedding?"

Hearing my question, Tracy's face was stained with a faint blush, she looked shy, and bowed her head in silence.

Liont laughed 'haha' and explained to me: "The two of them have always hoped that you can come back to their wedding. They were not sure when you would be able to return to El City, so there was no wedding ceremony, but since you are back , then let Tracy and Allente choose a date."

Unexpectedly, they were waiting for me to come back. I looked at Tracy with a moved face, and found that Tracy had changed a lot recently and became more and more feminine.

Tracy flicked the broken hair around her ears, but unfortunately her hair hadn't grown long yet, and asked me, "Jijia, when are you and Yingli planning to get married, after graduation?"

"Actually, we're already married, just after the bar mitzvah!" After a pause, I sat at the table and said to the crowd at the table.

Noah and Shirley Newman knew about this a long time ago in the imperial capital, so their expressions didn't change much.

But Liont, Tracy, Fanny, Cindy, and Nancy all gaped and looked at me in shock.

Although I got married on the night of the coming-of-age ceremony, at that time Leonte and Fanny were still in the imperial capital, but I was unable to invite them to my wedding. In fact, I was kept in the dark until I arrived at Qige’s lake Bian Xiaodao only found out about it. At that time, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, he didn't mention it to Leant and Fanny.


The crowd fell silent.

Only Tracy jumped up, pointed to my forehead, and said, "What? You're married? And keep us all in the dark, tell me... what else are you afraid to do?"

"The situation at that time was a bit special." I can only say in defense.

When Tracy heard me say this, she thought that I was deliberately perfunctory, and said to me suspiciously: "...No matter what the special circumstances are, I think you should introduce your wife to us before the wedding. Or are you worried that Fanny will force you to marry me when I come back from the winter vacation if no one wants me?"

I said to Tracy, "It's not what you think, let me explain! Actually, I had a very special situation..."

Tracy was a little angry, and said sarcastically to me: "Don't you want to tell me that Yingli is actually 25 years old, if she can't get married as soon as possible, she will be forcibly assigned to other nobles? "

I quickly said to Tracy: "Stop talking nonsense, it's not Ying Liman's 25th birthday..."

Tracy looked at me in surprise, and asked me: "What do you mean by this sentence? Can I understand that besides Yingli, there are other people married?"

Then, her eyes fell on Katerina.

"It's not Katerina either, it's Qiger!" I said to Tracy.

"Uh, didn't that girl named Qige come back with you?" Fanny interrupted and said to me at this time.

"Last month, something happened to her family, and she needs to go home to solve it! So she is not in the imperial capital right now." I said to Fanny.

Hearing what I said, Tracy just said: "Qige, this name sounds really nice. It's actually the same name as the Prince of Wales's soon-to-be princess!"

I asked Tracy, "Have you heard of Qiger, too?"

Tracy said to me: "Of course, the Prince of Wales is the youngest general of the Green Empire. His classic battles and glorious achievements in the Warsaw plane have long been spread to the North City. All the girls in our store They are all solid supporters of the Prince of Wales, of course I know a lot of information about him, and I also know that Her Royal Highness Princess Qige is still teaching at the Royal Academy of Magic, and she is the youngest magic potion scholar in the imperial capital..."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, she hesitated for a moment, and finally stopped and asked me: "You mean, you robbed the Prince of Wales' fiancée in the imperial capital?"

I said to everyone: "This is a long story, and I will have time to talk about it later. All in all, this is what it is."

I went on to say, "And I have one more thing to say."

Tracy looked at me speechlessly and said, "If there is anything more exciting, let's talk about it together! We can bear it for the time being."

I said to Leant: "Ying Li is actually the daughter of Prince James, the supreme commander of the South Wind Army. Her surname has the title of Princess Angel Boulder, so she is still the princess of the Grimm Empire."

"Your Royal Highness..." The wine glass in Leant's hand slipped on the dining table, and the golden cider in the glass splashed everywhere.

"You still call me Yingli, it will make me feel a little more friendly." Yingli said to Lyant with a smile.

Lyant wanted to smile too, but his face was a little stiff.When Leant and Fanny heard that Yingli was a princess of the royal family, their expressions were always a bit reserved, and their expressions were not as calm as before.

Nancy and Cindy secretly looked at Ying Li with astonishment, as if they wanted to see something else from Ying Li.

A princess from the royal family of the empire would actually marry into his own family. This was something Leonte never thought of, but this topic was quickly ended at the dinner table, which made me a little relieved.

This dinner ended in such an atmosphere.

Noah and Shirley Newman left early.

Because the rooms in my home are limited, there is no way to keep them at home. They live in the most luxurious hotel in El City.Worried that there would be no magic caravan for going out too late, Noah and his party did not sit down and chat with everyone after dinner. He hurriedly took Shirley Newman to the alley to find the magic caravan.

Our whole family took Noah out of the yard, and Fanny asked Tracy to follow us to help Noah and the others go to the street to find the magic caravan.

Before Noah left, he winked at me.

Then we went back to the house, sat around on the sofa in the living room, and Nancy made us a cup of lemon tea, and I started talking about what I had been doing for the last year.I did a lot of things during the year, so the story was very long, and it was heard late in the drawing room, but I only talked about the duel with William.

Tracy and Cindy were naturally bright and not sleepy, but Lyondt and Fanny were old and they didn't have the energy to stay up late, so I stopped and said to everyone: I'll talk about the rest tomorrow night.

Next, faced with the problem of allocating a room to sleep, Fanny asked Tracy to squeeze in with Cindy, vacating Tracy's room for Yingli to live in, while I still had to live in the small apartment on the top floor that belonged to me. The attic, that attic was thoroughly cleaned by Fanny, and when the wooden door of the attic was opened, one could smell the smell of saponins in the room.

There was still a thick pile of magic parchment on the writing table by the window sill, but the magic ink on the table had dried up. I picked up a magic engraving pen on the pen holder, smiled and said to Ying Li beside me: "Speaking of which, the magic grocery store that Marvin and I opened in El City has been doing very well!"

(End of this chapter)

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