my age of magic

Chapter 1158

Chapter 1158 262. Return
"Is there any new movement in the infantry regiment stationed in Tanton City recently?" I sat down on the chair by the desk, and Justus looked at the map of Tanton City on the table. Each region has some succinct analysis written all over it by Justus, an expert in gathering intelligence information.

The rack in the hotel room was still too short for the tauren. Luka couldn't stand up straight in the room, so he could only sit on the floor with his buttocks, but when he sat down, he moved a little loudly and made a dull sound , A lot of dust fell from the cracks in the ceiling.

There is no so-called winter in the Hierro plane. Luka sweated profusely and took off his full-cover fine gold magic pattern armor and piled it on the floor in the corner. Then he took out a rag and began to wipe the armor silently. Armor condensed with water vapor.

Katerina is stuck behind me, looking at the map of Tanton City with me.

Justus shaved the stubble on his chin with his hands, set his eyes on Tanton City, and said calmly: "Tanton City is still the same, and the raids by spider warriors haven't rushed to the city yet. , was lured and killed by the traps outside the city and the bed crossbows on the city wall, which made those spider scouts dare not approach Tanton City casually. I have to say that the Disraeli knight is really a city defender. Material, well, is a very good consul."

Being able to make Justus have such a parity, it seems that the Disraeli Cavaliers are doing well in Tanton City.

Justus saw that I didn't speak, so he went on to say: "As for the adventure group, if you don't come, I'm about to write you a message. Recently, an adventure group here found another We have established an expanding spider camp, and now several large adventure groups are gathering people to prepare to eradicate this spider camp before it takes shape."

These adventure groups in Tanton City have not made any big moves. I think these adventure groups are too cautious, but I didn’t expect such a big action to be brewed. If it is in the outskirts of Tanton City, there will most likely be a spider warlord sitting there to resist the invasion of the Tanton City garrison.

As long as I think of the fierce battle between the spider warlord and the sub-dragon, my spine feels a little chilled.

I asked Justus, "Have they thought about what to do if they meet the Spider Overseer?"

Although I hunted and killed five spider warlords in the plane of Hierro, one of them managed to kill them with the help of the ancient tree of war, and the other four warlords were lured to Telu by me. He was directly killed by a box of concentrated fire phosphorus bombs on the military field of the Mu stronghold.

Now that they heard that people from these adventure groups wanted to destroy a spider camp with a spider warlord sitting in it, they couldn't help worrying about Justus' safety.

Justus didn't care about this, and said to me: "These large adventure groups have invited three second-rank fighters from Pereira City, and they will be responsible for dealing with the spiders in the camp. Warlord, I am also preparing to participate in this cleanup operation to check the situation at the Spiderman camp. This time, these adventure groups have announced to the public that they will accept temporary cooperation from foreign construct warriors, and the distribution of specific rewards will also be announced. It was written on the bulletin board at the gate of Tanton City."

I hesitated for a moment, and said to Justus, "Then you have to be careful, those Nebru spiders are not as simple as you think."

"Don't worry about me, look here..." Holding a charcoal pencil, he pointed at a winding black line on the map of Tanton City.

"What's this line?" I asked Justus.

A scent of fragrance came from the side, and Katerina rested her chin on my right shoulder from behind, put her left hand on my left shoulder, and stretched her right hand to the map, pointing to the winding black line above, yes I said, "This river is called the Amur River by the people here."

As she said that, Katerina's slender fingers pointed to a mountain between Pereira City and Tanton City. The reason why I can see that it is a mountain is because the mountain is drawn more vividly on the map. I I found that last time Qige and I walked from Pereira City to Tanton City on foot, because we walked along a small stream, so we just went around the edge of the mountain perfectly.

Now it seems that the dying female sub-dragon brought us to the Yansai Lake in the valley at the edge of the mountain.

Katarina pointed to the central part of the mountain range and said to me: "This is the source of the river. It flows through the outskirts of Tanton from here, and finally flows into Dustwallow Marsh."

"Is this spider camp built on the banks of the Amur River?" I asked Justus.

"That's right, in case of special circumstances or danger, I can escape to this river. As long as I'm in the water, no one can catch me!" Justus vowed to me.

I patted Justus on the shoulder and said, "There is nothing wrong with being prepared."

Then I thought about it, and asked Justus again: "Since several adventure groups are working together, there will be accompanying magicians in the team, right?"

Justus raised his brows and said, "Well! There are a few magicians in the adventure group, but they are usually protected by the adventure group, and they are generally not good at contacting outsiders. I am not familiar with them."

"In that case, promise! This is for you." I took out a magic scroll from my magic pocket and handed it to Justus.

Justus took the teleportation scroll, looked at it again and again, and said, "What is this? A magic scroll? Can I use it?"

I pointed to the magic scroll and said to Justus: "This is a directional teleportation scroll, of course it is not for you. If you are in danger, you can take it to find the magician in the team and let it He used this scroll to open a portal, you must remember that you must not yield in a critical moment, and you must be the first to enter the portal when the time comes."

Justus immediately imagined a possibility and asked me: "But... what if the danger is not so close to me? Can I be a little gentleman?"

He is a siren descendant with a quick mind and a gentlemanly demeanor, but I shook my head decisively at Justus.

"Why?" Justus asked puzzled.

I replied: "The magician who uses this teleportation scroll may not have thunder and lightning magic elements in the magic pool, so don't expect the power of lightning in the scroll to make the portal last long. Before the portal collapses, I suggest You go in first, and you're setting an example for others, it's not against your chivalry."

"That's right!" Justus agreed with my words this time.

"Trust me, I'm always right!" I smiled at Justus and said, "Luka, you still have to go with me to hunt those barbarians in the south of Sloit, don't talk to Jia Mr. Staces is going to join that adventure party."

"Then I'll wait for you in Xinliu Valley! Waiting for you here, you have to reopen the portal to Hierro, so don't bother." Luka said honestly, he always thinks of others like this good cow.

Outside the window, the sky in Tanton City was still so gray. There was no rain in the sky, but the wind blowing in from the window seemed very humid.

This is the plane of Yero, and this is the city of Tanton.


When I returned to Xinliu Valley, I saw only the busy figures of the Yero natives in the square. Some indigenous women were holding their infant babies and sitting on wooden benches by the stone wall. The native language of the Luo plane was talking.

A group of female dwarves passed by the square with a large bowl of baked wheat cakes and beer. The indigenous women of Yero also chose to turn a blind eye. The female dwarves and the indigenous women basically had no communication. The smell of gunpowder.

When Kalantso was here, those Yeluo indigenous women were as obedient as quails in the sand, always hiding themselves in the shadows that Kalantso could not see, and they would never dare to run to Come to the underground square to chat, and the underground warehouse will operate normally.

The tauren warrior Luka has a small stone house of his own here, but he didn't intend to go back to sleep in his stone house, but chose to sit in a daze on the square, hesitated for a long time, and then looked at the various things in the square. I said, "Otherwise, I'd better send you back to El City."

"Huh? What?" I looked up at Luka and asked.

I was counting the amount of wheat flour, and for a while I didn't understand what Luka was saying.

"I mean, I'd better send you back to El City. I'm a little worried about leaving you in the fishing lake like this." Luka scratched his head with his hands, and the two horns on the top of his head were polished by him. Han Han said: "After all, there are still barbarians haunting here."

"That's fine!" I said heartlessly, and Katerina accompanied me to count the amount of wheat flour, and at this time she stabbed me twice secretly.

I glanced at her in amazement, and she sneered at me calmly towards Luka.

I looked over, only to find that Luka sighed softly, and said with a quiet expression: "Forget it, it's the same with Katerina protecting you. Are you planning to ride back to El City?"

Although I found that Luka was a little depressed, I still blurted out: "Well, it will be faster this way, but the magic handle can't carry you, haha! You are too big."

Katerina pushed me again from behind, and then I realized that leaving Luka alone in the underground warehouse of Xinliu Valley would probably make him very boring!
It looks like...he would like to return to El City with me.

I hurriedly rounded up my words and said, "But why are you and Katerina the same? Katerina is Katerina, and you are you. You both have your own strengths. If you're here, we'll go skiing back together." , compare to see who can skate faster!"

The tauren warrior's copper bell eyes suddenly brightened, and he grinned 'hehe' with joy on his face.

Luka is such a tauren who can't hide his mood. He puts his emotions on his face, whether he is happy or unhappy, you can tell at a glance. He has a gentle temperament. No matter what I ask him to do, he will promise.It is precisely because of this that I often ignore his feelings.

Now it seems that Luka also has his own ideas.

Katerina is always more careful than me when it comes to observing words and demeanor.


The cold wind blew across the face like a knife, the sky and the earth were white, the clear and pure blue sky, the sun was shining brightly, but the sun could not bring any warmth to the land, the snow on the ground was blown by the wind, like It was a puff of smoke and dust.

The three of us shuttled through the rolling hills, with the blessing of the magical effect of 'Wind Run', we rushed all the way down the snow slope and could slide far.

I squinted my eyes and saw the clear outline of El City finally appeared in the distance. A huge magic airship was moored on the airport tower next to the city wall. The wooden hull was suspended by hot air balloons. The device was emitting a faint blue magical halo, and one could see the high central mountain in the city and many manor-style buildings hidden among the mountains, as well as the high watchtowers and arrow towers at the four corners of the city wall.

The tauren Luka looked very excited. He stepped on his skis and rushed out of the wooded area of ​​the apple orchard. He took the lead and rushed to El City. Katerina and I did not have as good physical strength as Luka, so we could only follow behind him. , When we reached the edge of the city, Luka no longer kept his physical strength, and the distance between us suddenly fell far away.

The guards on the top of the city found the tauren warriors. At first, they thought it was barbarians attacking the city. They took a look, and then immediately turned around to warn their companions. Protruded from the wall to check the situation outside the city.

At first, the guards seemed very nervous. They even held their longbows in their hands, staring at Luka with their eyes and arrow tips.

The tauren warriors slid along the hillside to the main road outside the city, getting closer and closer to the city of El. Only then did the guards on the city wall realize that Luka was not a barbarian. Inside the city wall to avoid the cold wind, only one guard is left at a certain distance to be on guard.

For these guards on the city wall, they are no strangers to Luka, the tauren warrior of the Leant instructor's family. The city of El is only so big, and those who have a little reputation in the small town will be well known by the people in the small town. , like a lot of people know me and know that the youngest son of the Lant family is an excellent magician.

In the past two years, I often take the tauren warrior Luka out of the city to hunt in winter, and this is no secret.

The guards at the gate of the city saw me and Luka coming to the gate of the city, and asked me curiously: "Your Majesty, the magician, did you gain anything from hunting out of the city this time?"

While showing my magic badge, I said to them: "This hunting is not very good. I heard that those barbarians have gone to the south. You can't even see the ghosts of barbarians around the fishing lake. One or two are passing by, and you know that it is very difficult for us to catch up with those barbarians."

The city gate guard also began to complain: "You are right, the barbarians this year are much smarter than in previous years. They didn't hang out around El City, they all went south. I don't know if those towns in the south have done a good job. Preparations against savages, be damned!"

I am not interested in chatting with the guards. They are on duty at the gate of the city, and there are very few people going out of the city in winter. I always hope that someone can chat with them for a while, listen to new things, and pass the boring time.

(End of this chapter)

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