my age of magic

Chapter 1168 272. Blood Thistle

Chapter 1168 272. Blood Thistle
The two scouts first fired two magic flares into the sky, and then led us across a big snowy ridge. When we stood on the high slope of the big snowy ridge, we happened to see the other two soldiers from the North Wind Legion The scouts rode Gubolai horses, made a big circle on the snow, and ran towards Daxueling, followed by the barbarian warriors and more than [-] barbarian warriors.

The barbarian was left far behind by the scouts of the North Wind Legion, and ran wildly on the snow.

The two scouts used some unknown method to make their mounts burst out with strong physical strength again, and in this snowy field, the barbarians were thrown away by a full kilometer.

The two scouts ran to the top of the snowy ridge and immediately jumped off Gu Bolai's horse. Before they could say anything to us, they knelt on one knee in front of their mounts, holding Gu Bolai's horse's head tightly with both arms, as if they were Like a prayer, whispering to his mount.

Gu Bolaima, who they were sitting on, had bloodshot eyes, foaming from the corners of his mouth, and seemed a little agitated.

When he reached the snow ridge, he still couldn't stop, pawing the snow with his horse's hooves desperately, neighing loudly.

I know that the No. [-] crazy magic potion developed by Qige can stimulate the physical potential of mounts, let them overdraw their physical strength, and migrate long distances on the battlefield. Weak, so I didn't care too much, after all, the group of barbarians behind us were not too far away.

I also want to set up a large ice wall on the top of the snow slope on the other side of this big snow ridge. Just because it is on the other side of the snow slope, for these barbarians, this snow slope is an anti-slope. It just happened to block the vision of this group of barbarians. If they didn't run to the top of the mountain, they wouldn't be able to see the formation of the ice wall at all. After reaching the top of the mountain...

The barbarian ran so fast that he didn't have time to stop, and plunged into the pocket of the ice wall array.

Ten orc costume knights and four scouts from the No.17 Construct Knights of the North Wind Legion stood on the ice wall at the same time, holding a standard military crossbow and shooting five rounds of flat shots at these barbarian warriors. The ten orc costume warriors wore After Bai Yanxi constructed the hard leather armor, it was impossible to tell whether they were orcs or humans unless they looked carefully.

The barbarian warriors were not afraid of the scouts of the North Wind Legion at all, so even knowing that the ice walls were traps, they rushed over without hesitation. , stepped on the 'frost trap' on the ground.

The orc warriors took advantage of the icy fog to evacuate from the ice wall one after another, and then I detonated the ice wall with an ice blast technique, and more than [-] barbarian warriors were frozen in the crushed ice. The barbarian warrior But he struggled to crawl out from the ice debris ruins, covered in white snow and ice, and charged towards us, but was intercepted by the tauren warriors first.

Luka was wearing a full metal armor. Although his strength was not as good as that of the barbarian warriors, relying on the advantages of equipment, he was just on par with the barbarian warriors. However, the barbarian warriors were isolated and helpless, and Karu was followed by more soldiers. The mighty beast female warrior Kalancuo, the barbarian warrior, had no time to wake up from the frozen state, so Kalancuo who rushed up from behind chopped off his head with a sword.

The four Northwind Legion scouts watched in shock as more than twenty barbarian soldiers were buried by the ice wall array in an instant. They dragged them out and cut off their ears one after another.

A Construct Knights scout fell down on the snow and muttered to himself, "I pray to you devoutly, Statue of Liberty! This is simply a grave of ice and snow."

We were going to rescue the other three scouts soon, so we didn't stay on this snowy ridge, and we didn't have time to ask those barbarians whether to surrender or die, so we directly killed them and dumped their bodies on this snowy ridge.

Unexpectedly, when we set off, we found that the mounts of the two scouts who had just been rescued had fallen silently on the snowy ridge.Fortunately, the four Gubolai horses of the two legion scouts we rescued first were not damaged, and all four legion scouts had horses to ride.

We rode Gubolai horses all the way down the Daxue Ridge, ten orc warriors opened the way ahead, and Noah, Shirley Newman, and Yingli Zhunu sat on the sled.

The howling north wind whipped up the snow on the ground, gradually burying the traces of the battle on the snowy ridge. Even the footprints left by our group on the snow were gradually covered by the wind and snow. The footprints left by the previous three scouts and dozens of barbarian fighters.

However, the four scouts of the North Wind Legion pointed out the direction of travel very firmly. I really want to know how they discern the direction in such bad weather.

I looked up at Deborah in the sky. She was circling high in the sky ahead, signaling to us that the three legion scouts were in the area below her, but these four scouts probably didn't know Deborah's existence. , However, the direction they are pointing is almost the same as the direction indicated by Deborah, which I admire very much.

A scout riding on Gu Bolai's horse looked curiously at the two savages pulling the sled, and made a sound of admiration.

The yellow-orange collars on the necks of the two barbarian slaves showed everyone their status as slaves. If it weren't for the suppression of the magic contract effect on the slave collars, the two barbarians would probably run away immediately.

"Your Excellency, Mage, are they your slaves?" A Constructed Knights scout rode on Gu Bolai's horse and asked me curiously.

I nodded.

"This is really amazing. It turned out to be two barbarian slaves. For the two of them, this must be worse than killing them." said the Constructed Knights scout.

I glanced at the two barbarian slaves, they probably couldn't understand Imperial language.

I asked the scout: "What did you give those two ancient horses?"

The scout didn't hide anything from me. He took out a hay plant from his backpack and handed it to me, saying, "That's it. We found it from a barbarian. I don't know what it's called. I just looked at it." A barbarian warrior, badly wounded and dying, ate it, went mad, and killed two of our companions."

Seeing this dry grass, I immediately had a blurry image in my mind of a young boy in a tent looking intently through ancient parchment scrolls, before I woke up from my trance and remembered that I was in the caravan. I remember the name of this magic herb when I learned the magic herb from the old Kuru.

I stared at the dried flower and said. "Blood thistle, after taking it, it will make people become manic, but it will also stimulate the potential in the body. However, this magic herb contains high toxicity. Generally, after taking it, ordinary people will not live more than two quarters of an hour. Pigubo is too physically exhausted, otherwise he could run farther."

Holding the blood thistle flower, I saw that it had five monocotyledonous leaves and a dark blue flower bud on the top. Although it had been dried, a sweet smell emanated from it. I just took two sips and felt my heart beating wildly More than that, the taste is a bit like devil's blood.

The name of this blood thistle was mentioned in the book Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, and it is one of the ten banned magical herbs. Its origin is unknown, and it is said to be very rare.

I heard that the elves can't resist the smell of this magic grass, and many high elves like to use this herb to make magic perfume.

I frowned slightly and said, "This is called blood thistle? Isn't this magical herb banned by the magic guild?"

"I just used it as a last resort to get rid of those barbarians. We don't know that it is a forbidden herb, but we know that eating it will make people feel excited. We might be the same for horses." The scout Finding the serious expression on my face, he said to me cautiously.

Then he said to me: "I heard that the Prince of Wales used a magic potion with the same effect as the blood thistle in the battle of the Kampato River in the Warsaw plane, so he won the battle. We are just now in a critical situation. Using blood thistle at a critical moment should not be considered a violation of the law."

"...This blood thistle flower stimulates Gu Bolaima's physical strength for such a short time, it can't be compared with No. [-] Crazy Potion!" I said lightly, I didn't expect Qige's No. [-] Crazy Potion to be so famous.

"However, this thing is a very rare magical herb." I said.

I put the blood thistle under my nose again and sniffed it lightly, and the dizziness intensified.

Hearing what I said, the scout untied a leather bag from his waist, handed it to me and said, "If this thing is a forbidden herb, then please ask Your Majesty the Mage to help us dispose of the remaining magic herb."

I didn't expect that the scout would give me all the remaining blood thistles. I hesitated a little while holding them in my hand, thinking that Qige might like this special rare magic herb, so I took it away.

After thinking for a while, I dug out five bottles of No. [-] madness potion from my magic pocket and handed it to the scout, and said to him: "This is the No. [-] madness used by the constructed knights under the Prince of Wales in the battle of the Kempato River." Potion, it can be regarded as a little compensation for you! This thing..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw the scout took the crazy potion with an excited expression, glanced at the potion bottle, and then shouted excitedly to his companion, "No. [-]'s really No. [-] potion!"

Although the legion scout was very excited, he still seemed to be very clear-headed, and he still remembered to give the No. [-] madness potion to the three companions around him.


Seeing the four Borei scouts riding on Gu Bolai's horse and yelling, it really made me speechless. It's just five bottles of magic potion. Is it necessary to get so excited?

At this moment, I felt myself being stared at by a scorching gaze. When I looked back, I realized that Yingli was waving to me from the sleigh. Her cheeks were a little flushed, and she was staring eagerly at the blood thistle in my hand. .

I slowed down the old horse and waited for the sled to catch up.

Ying Li stood up from the sled, if Becky beside her did not help her quickly, she might have fallen off the sled.

I jumped off the Gubolai horse, trotted a few steps with the sled, jumped on the sled again,

"Jijia, can you show me the magic herb in your hand?" Ying Li stared eagerly at the blood thistle and said to me.

Only then did I realize that Ying Li's mother, Mrs. Manda, was a nobleman of the Silver Moon Elf, and the blood of the Silver Moon Elf was also flowing in Ying Li's body, and she could not resist the smell of this blood thistle.

I was just about to hand her the blood thistle in my hand, but Becky who was standing beside her shouted solemnly: "No, don't give it to me!"

Becky actually stopped me with a Yingli tone, she pushed my hand away, but when she touched the blood thistle, her body felt like an electric shock, she trembled suddenly, she retracted immediately, and said to me anxiously: : "Take that thing away!"

At this moment, Ying Li leaned towards me, entangled one of my arms, squinted his eyes, tried his best to hide the greed in his eyes, and stretched out his little white hand to me and said, "Give it to me!"

Helena also quickly came over and said to me: "Jijia, quickly put the blood thistle into the magic sealing box."

Hearing both Becky and Helena say this, I didn't hesitate any longer, and quickly put the blood thistle into a magic sealing box and stored it in the magic pocket.

At the moment when the blood thistle flower disappeared, Ying Li's eyes suddenly became a little absent-minded, and then she closed her eyes and leaned on Becky's body.

When she opened her eyes again, they became clear.

Ying Li smiled at me apologetically, but said nothing.

I helped her sit on the sled, and Becky and Helena sat beside Yingli, rubbing their heads in pain.

The "soul link" magic contract is a very old magic contract, which links the souls of Yingli, Helena and Becky together.

I have known Yingli for so long, and I have never encountered such a situation. Yingli would actually talk to me after Becky's body.

So I was thinking: who is that person who occupies Ying Li's body?

"What happened to you just now?" I asked Yingli.

Ying Li took a deep breath, calmed down his breath, hesitated to speak, and shook his head slightly.

I asked Yingli, "Who was the person who was talking to me just now?"

Ying Li said, "It's me!"

I was surprised and said: "You?"

Ying Li glanced at me tenderly, and said to me: "To be precise, I should be regarded as an elf, because I have the blood of the Angel Boulder family, so the blood of the elves in my body has been sleeping, as if It was another me, but that... suddenly awakened the elven blood in my body, and she woke up too."

Then Yingli stretched out his hand to take Helena and Becky's hands, smiled at me and said, "Fortunately, I'm not alone, Helena and Becky are helping me."

Ying Li didn't even want to mention Blood Thistle's name, seeing me looking at her with concern, Ying Li smiled softly at me and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine!"

Hearing her say that, I breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, I heard Ying Li say to me: "And even if I wake up with the blood of the elves, it doesn't matter, we all love you equally!"


(End of this chapter)

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