my age of magic

Chapter 1170 274. Lake Beran

Chapter 1170 274. Lake Beran

Eagle Mouth Rock, located on the edge of the mountainous area in the south of Nato City, is named for the shape of the peak that resembles the sharp beak of a harrier eagle. Passing through the Eagle Mouth Rock and turning over a mountain ridge, you can reach Beran Lake in Lavenham City.

Lake Beran, also known as the sapphire of Lavenham, is built on the south bank of Lake Beran.

The abundant rainwater on the northern slopes of the middle section of Ziqing Mountain converges into an inland river. This inland river named Lavenham has a rapid flow in summer and dries up in winter. The city of Lavenham was also built on the banks of this river. Hence the name.

The Lavenham River passes through Ziqing Mountain City and Lavenham City, and is blocked by two mountains in the south of Yingzui Rock. The two mountains converge in a 'herringbone shape' and enclose Beran Lake.

The two mountains did not completely isolate Lake Beran from Natuo City. The terrain of Lake Beran was relatively high, and there was a gap between the mountains to form a waterfall with a drop of [-] meters. In winter, this waterfall condensed into The ice has become a huge ice curtain, and the ice curtain still retains the spectacular scene of flying down.

It is said that the two mountains to the north of the city of Lavenham were formed by the arms of a deity named Lavenham who died on the top of his head during the War of the Gods in ancient times. The head of this deity was cut off by hostile deities. Down and carried away, his head smashed a huge crater in the ground, forming Lake Beran.

Legend has it that the bottom of Lake Beran still retains the appearance of a human face. However, these two mountains are also named "Left Arm Mountain" and "Right Arm Mountain". Even in summer, it is not easy to cross these mountains. thing.

The shortest road from the city of Nato to the city of Ravenna is the valley road at the mouth of the Beran Falls. If you don't take this road and you can't cross the Arm Mountain, you have to detour for hundreds of kilometers to reach Ravenna Mucheng.

The falcon team we met halfway told us that the 2000-strong barbarian brigade was hovering at the foot of Mount Arm. Returning to the ice and snow tundra with the slaves of ten towns, the remaining [-] barbarian brigades are going to cross the city of Nato and march towards the city of Lavenham at the farther south.

There are probably no more than ten barbarian brigades entering the Northern Province every year. These barbarians are scattered in the vast northern border and have extremely powerful destructive power. Under normal circumstances, behind such a barbarian brigade, Usually, there will be Constructed Knights of the North Wind Legion following, and the two sides will start a protracted war of attrition until the group of barbarians leave the northern border.

According to the captain of the Falcon Squad, when this barbarian army first entered the city of Nato, the number of barbarian fighters once exceeded [-]. Prepared Construct Knights.

Although these barbarians were not enough to capture Nato City, they plundered outside Nato City without the Constructed Knights of the North Wind Legion to restrain them. The Knights of the Guard Battalion in Nato City alone would have no effect. Those guards The knight lords in the battalion may not even have the courage to fight the barbarians desperately.

We chased the forty or so barbarians all the way to this point, and we also came to the southern mountainous area of ​​​​Nato City. I guess these barbarian fighters want to join the barbarian army in order to completely get rid of our team of falcons. , but their luck was really bad. They turned a large circle in the southern mountainous area, but they couldn't find the large army of barbarians.

The captain of the Falcon Squad told me that this was the most courageous group of barbarian fighters they had ever seen. Forty or so barbarians were chased and fled by the Falcon Squad with less than 20 members. Someone must believe it.

They learned that we were the Falcon Squad from El City, and saw that there were four magicians in our team, so they said to us: I have heard that the Falcon Squad from El City is good at hunting wild beasts with magic traps. People, it is said that this hunting method was thought up by a great magic apprentice in the city of El, and the falcons in the city of El have some secret channels to buy cheap magic scrolls, are these true?
In El City, it has long been no secret that the Falcon Squad used 'magic traps' to hunt down barbarian warriors. In the past two years, many Falcon Squads have been designing unique magic traps, so the Falcon Squad arranged There are also various traps, but no matter how these magic traps change, the ice magic scroll is inseparable in the end.

I simply drew some of the most common hunting methods of magic traps on the snow: there are hunting methods that use frost scrolls to create ice and snow fog, and there are also methods that use frost nova to freeze barbarian warriors in place and use spears to attack them together. There is also a need to build traps and pits in advance, which are full of barbed spears. In winter, these pits are covered with heavy snow, luring barbarians to the pit area. come out.

Both Falcon teams had their own achievements, and then we ran in two completely different directions in a tacit understanding.

Noah can't understand why the same imperial people have the same purpose, hunting and killing barbarians in the northern border, and they have to be so careful with each other.

Sitting on a sleigh pulled by a barbarian slave, I explained to Noah: "These falcon squads in the Northern Province were originally composed of strong men hidden in the streets of various cities. Most of these strong men came from the army. Retired from organizations such as adventure groups and mercenary groups, they will spontaneously organize falcon squads every winter to fight against the barbarians from the ice and snow tundra."

"However, in recent years, some demon hunter organizations, adventure groups, slave hunting groups, etc. will also take the opportunity to seek benefits in the Northern Province, and they usually pretend to be the Long Falcon Squad. The goals of many demon hunter organizations are not only Not just the Barbarian Warriors, but sometimes they hunt other Falcon Squads, taking the trophies of those Falcon Squads."

"What's even more shameful is that some slave hunting groups, when they were hunting barbarians, would also take in the northerners captured by the barbarians and sell them to other regions as slaves."

"So unless the Falcon teams are very familiar with each other, if they meet in the wild, they will basically guard against each other. Some Falcon teams will even choose to avoid them when they see them from a distance, so as to avoid contact between the two parties and ensure The safety of your own team."

Noah suddenly realized after hearing my explanation. He didn't expect that there were so many dark things hidden in the Falcon Squad.

Deborah has been watching the group of savages from the air, so the forty or so savages tried to shake us off several times, but failed.

During the hunt, the savages could only catch any prey they saw along the way and share it among them. However, there were not many prey in the forest. Forty or so barbarians could eat a big wild boar in one meal. They never carry dry food with them, so they have been running away hungry for days, and their physical strength has been slowly exhausted.

In contrast, our team’s logistical supplies are very sufficient. We have regular meals and rest on time every day. Anyway, with Deborah, we are not worried that these barbarians can escape. On the contrary, we are in the process of hunting down this barbarian team During the process, two barbarian teams composed of several people were also eliminated by the way.

In fact, this team of barbarian fighters is also gambling, they want to join the barbarian brigade before their physical strength is exhausted.

However, this team of more than forty barbarian fighters was eventually blocked by us in a mountain depression with a cliff on one side and steep slopes and dense forests on the other two sides. Their tall bodies are not suitable for drilling through the dense pine forest. Although the pine branches Can't hurt them, but hinder their progress.

When we surrounded them in the col, these barbarian warriors were already too hungry to walk.

These barbarian fighters gathered back to back to prevent us from attacking them suddenly. Seeing that they did not immediately counterattack us, I was sure that these barbarian fighters were going to be buried in this mountain. .

I slowly gathered ice walls one after another, and set up a large ice wall array at the exit of the col, and then signaled Ying Li to take out our secret weapon.

Yingli, Helena, and Becky each wear magic pockets on their waists. The magic pockets on their bodies are considered to be the best magic pockets that can be bought in the magic store in the imperial capital. They can hold a lot of things inside. This time, Yingli What was dragged out of the magic pocket was a pile of parts of the bed crossbow.

Ten orc warriors assembled the bed crossbow very deftly in front of the ice wall formation. Judging from their proficient movements, you can tell that they have received special training.

If I hadn't blocked these barbarian fighters in the valley, I wouldn't have brought out such a stupid guy as a bed crossbow. Out of range, these bed crossbows are useless against barbarian warriors.

"What else will these ten constructed warriors do? How can they give people different surprises every time?" Noah looked at the ten orc warriors in front of him and said enviously.

I shrugged my shoulders, pointed at Karan and said to Noah: "You can ask her about this."

Noah immediately shook his head, waved his hand at me and said, "Forget it!"

Two bed crossbows were assembled between the two ice walls, and then they shot at the barbarian warriors mercilessly. The three-meter-long crossbow bolts flew out of the bed crossbows, with a faint magical gleam on the tip of the arrows. The arrow tips of these bed crossbow bolts all have two magical properties of 'sharpness' and 'penetration', and the strong body of the barbarian has no ability to resist such giant crossbow bolts.

Every time a crossbow bolt flew into the crowd of barbarian warriors, there would be some casualties.

The orc warriors only had time to shoot for five rounds, and the barbarian warriors realized that they could only wait to die if they stood still, and they would die anyway, so they rushed over together and had a hearty battle.

It's just that the barbarians realized at this time that it was a bit late to rush over, because my ice wall array had already been erected, and when they rushed into the ice wall array, ten orc warriors quickly exited the ice wall array After a while, after entering and exiting, I looked for an opportunity to detonate the ice wall with the 'ice blast technique', and more than thirty barbarians were buried under the ice and snow.

Immediately afterwards, I began to try to subdue these barbarian warriors. They have been exhausted by me in the past few days, so I just asked a few barbarian warriors, and some barbarians chose to sign slave contracts.

Noah has recently become more and more curious about my Ice Wall Array and Ice Blast. He can't understand why my ice magic is so powerful.

This kind of large-scale group magic requires at least a second-rank senior magician to cast it, and I am only a junior magician, and I haven't even reached the first rank. Powerful ice magic.

If every ice magician can do this, then Sloit Province only needs a team of ice magicians to wipe out the barbarians on the ice and snow tundra.

In fact, there are two main secrets to my being able to cast such a powerful ice wall formation:
A secret is in the clear, but few people notice it. It is those 'frost scrolls' that can lower the temperature of the surrounding environment after detonation. Every time I cast the ice wall formation, I have to consume at least two 'frost scrolls' from the magic box ', use a large number of magic scrolls to make up for my lack of mana.

The other is related to my magic talent, my magic perception allows me to control ten ice walls at the same time in a detailed manner.

An ice magician of my level can't control an ice wall and at the same time cast ice blast while being distracted.

Another [-] barbarian warriors captured during this hunt signed a slave contract with me and became barbarian slaves.

Standing in the valley, you can see the Yingzui Rock in the distance, but these barbarians do not have a map of the southern mountainous area of ​​Nato City in their hands. We blocked them in the valley, which made them have nowhere to go. The exit was blocked.

Our team walked out of this mountain depression and circled from the edge of the Myitsone forest to the mountain in front. We found that some barbarian teams could always be seen in the nearby mountains. Deborah even flew to the sky above Eagle's Mouth Rock and circled non-stop.

When we turned over a mountain in front of us and watched Eagle's Mouth Rock through the dense pine forest, we found that a large group of barbarians were slowly walking along Arm Mountain from west to east. The number of people's brigades must be at least two thousand, and they also carry some imperial slaves, cattle, sheep and livestock in their ranks.

A large number of barbarians bypassed the Yingzui Rock from the foot of Arm Mountain and rushed directly to the ice waterfall where the left and right Arm Mountains meet. There is a pass in the canyon there that can directly enter the northern slope of Beilan Lake. As long as these barbarians enter the northern slope of Beilan Lake, they will The land of Wennum City was completely displayed in front of these barbarians, without any natural barriers except the city walls.

It seems that this group of barbarians wanted to break through the defense line of the pass directly and enter the territory of Lavenham City from here.

I stood on the top of the mountain and took a deep breath. Fortunately, the forty or so barbarians walked into a dead end on the last section of the road. Otherwise, they would be able to join this barbarian group as long as they crossed the mountain at their feet. In that case the savages would have escaped us.

And I also found that there are several falcon squads hiding among the mountains. They are all paying close attention to the movement of this barbarian brigade, probably wanting to secretly hunt and kill some stragglers...

(End of this chapter)

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