my age of magic

Chapter 1173. 277. The Guard Battle at the Pass of Lake Beran

Chapter 1173. 277. The Guard Battle at the Pass of Lake Beran
A narrow mountain road is looming next to the Beran Lake Waterfall. It is formed by relying on the steep mountain of the Arm Mountain. The place can only allow four barbarian fighters to run side by side.

The narrow mountain path was crowded with barbarians. The two rows of barbarian warriors walking in the front held beech tower shields that looked like door panels. A group of barbarians walked up the mountain path carrying logs tens of meters long and two meters in diameter. A barbarian warrior walked in the front, he should be the captain of this barbarian siege team.

Snow fell on the cliffs of the mountain road from time to time, and the solid murderous aura made a huge phantom appear behind the group of barbarians. Their morale increased greatly, and they approached the pass of Lake Belan a little bit, and the sound of their neat footsteps made the ground tremble.

Kalancuo stood on the top of the wall, with one foot on the one-meter-high wall stack, looking calmly at the barbarian warriors in the distance of the mountain road.

Several orc warriors were beside Kalancuo, skillfully calibrating the shooting angle of the bed crossbow, and they aimed the crossbow's front sight at the mountain pass.

Nearly a hundred orc warriors lined up in a long line, carrying bed crossbows and came out of the portal one after another, followed by a group of female dwarf craftsmen in hard leather armor.

When the group of female dwarves walked out of the portal, the bitter cold wind made them hurriedly wrap their open coats around their thick bodies and fasten their belts tightly. Above their heads, the female dwarves quickly took out iron rods as thick as forearms from their backpacks, and fixed the temporary sixteen bed crossbow bases on the rocky ground of the city wall.

As a result, twenty bed crossbows were crowded at once on the wall of this pass less than [-] meters long, and there was only a gap of one person's width between each bed crossbow.

The eight orc warriors who came out of the portal later carried out two large magic sealing boxes.

The magic-sealing box was extremely heavy, and it was still very difficult for four orc warriors to lift a magic-sealing box. The orc warriors lifted the magic-sealing box to the city wall, and an orc warrior lifted the lid of the magic-sealing box, and it was full of The tip of the magic crossbow arrow, the faint magic halo made the arrows of the crossbow arrow in the magic sealing box shine brightly.

The female dwarf gathered all the original giant crossbow bolts on the city wall together, removed the rusty crossbow arrows on the crossbow bolts, applied a layer of raw glue on the wooden pole, installed the arrows of the magic crossbow bolts, and put them on the magic crossbow bolts. Put magic spar fragments in the sharp gemstone grooves, and a magic crossbow is assembled.

The dozen bed crossbows left at the underground warehouse of Xinliu Valley were originally prepared for temporary maintenance of the heavy crossbows in the hands of [-] barbarian slaves, but now moving all the orcs to the pass wall has become a powerful weapon for defending the city.

Who would have thought that there are only four bed crossbows in such an important pass as the Bellan Lake Pass.

The tauren Lu carried two bundles of spears on his back and climbed up the arrow tower on the left side of the pass. More than a hundred orc warriors guarded the city wall.During this period of time, I have been hunting barbarians in the wild in the ice and snow, and I have not spared time to draw the magic pattern structure, so I only have time to draw twenty sets of Baiyan rhinoceros hide magic pattern structure, and twenty orc warriors wearing the magic pattern structure All stand at the forefront of the city wall.

They carried standard crossbows on their backs, broad axes on their waists, and armored suits, and they stared at the barbarian warriors who appeared at the mountain pass one after another in front of the city.

Ying Li's face was a little pale, leaning against me, I took her hand, and then I felt her hand was abnormally cold, I stretched out my hand to pull her collar, stood in front of me and pinched her face, Ask her: "Are you afraid?"

She squinted, her face was flushed with cold, she looked up at me, shook her head slightly, and tightly clenched the fir wand in her hand.

Helena and Becky borrowed two military standard crossbows from the orc warrior in charge of manipulating the bed crossbow. Although this standard crossbow has limited lethality, if it can accurately shoot the barbarian warrior's eyes, throat and other parts , can also shoot barbarians. This is the first time I saw Becky bring out the Honkai Gloves.

No matter what weapon Helena is holding, she looks very beautiful. Her graceful figure and beautiful face will make people feel pleasing to the eye.

Katerina is standing on the arrow tower on the right side of the pass. The frozen waterfall of Lake Beran is on the right side of the pass. Part of the city wall of the pass seems to have been built from the water, and now it has condensed into a thick ice wall. From the right side Looking down from the arrow tower, you can always see the bottom of the ice waterfall, but now there is a huge ice platform condensed at the bottom of the pool, which looks like thick white clouds from a distance.

The Beran Lake Waterfall divides the left and right arm mountains into two. In the middle is a deep canyon channel, winding and winding. The only mountain path is built along the rocky cliffs of the canyon channel.

Seeing the orc warriors under me crowding the city wall of the pass in a blink of an eye, the young guard at the pass of Lake Beran sat leaning against the wall in a state of exhaustion, his face condensed into a cloud of sweat white ice beads.

The female dwarves fixed the base of the bed crossbow on the city wall as quickly as possible, and then installed the giant magic crossbow. In order to deter these barbarian warriors, I plan to use this kind of crossbow with 'penetrating' and 'sharp' Crossbow bolts entertain them.


The shape of the mountain road where the city walls meet at the pass of Beran Lake is like a morning glory. The position of the pass is the narrowest place. The barbarian appeared from the pass, and a barbarian warrior walked in the front, calling me The incomprehensible barbarian language looked a little hideous.

Behind the barbarian warrior, four barbarian warriors held beech shields as thick as door panels in both hands. The barbarian warriors holding the shields lined up in two rows and followed the barbarian warrior step by step towards the pass wall.

Behind these barbarian warriors holding shields, nearly a hundred barbarian warriors walked behind carrying a huge log, which was six to seventy meters long. Behind this team of barbarian warriors, there was another team of barbarian The man was carrying the giant log, and I carefully checked the barbarian warriors carrying the giant log. They appeared and disappeared on the winding mountain road. I calculated carefully and found that there were eight groups in total.

It wasn't until these barbarian warriors were only [-] steps away from the pass that Kalancuo stepped onto the wall of the city wall, raised his double-edged sword high with one hand, and shouted to the sky: " glory!"

The hundred orc warriors standing on the city wall followed Kalancuo and shouted in unison: "We must win!"

Afterwards, the tip of a bed crossbow protruded from the wall of the city wall, and each giant crossbow was filled with light blue magic glow.

The "creaking" sound continued, and the orc warrior quickly turned the capstan, and the slider pulled the bowstring of the bed crossbow to move backwards, and the entire crescent-shaped crossbow arm gradually bent like a full moon.

"Shoot the arrow!" Kalancuo shouted loudly, holding the double-edged sword in one hand, pointing obliquely at the sky.




Giant crossbow arrows roared and flew out of the crenel.

"Raise the shield!" A deep, thunderous voice sounded, and the barbarian warriors standing in the two rows in front raised their large beech shields that were one foot thick, and they didn't stop moving forward.

A three-meter-long giant crossbow fell down and stuck on the beech wood shield. The beech wood shield was instantly pierced, and the sharp arrow tip of the giant crossbow poked out from behind the shield, piercing through the barbarian warrior behind the wooden shield with unabated momentum. The thick arrow tip of the arm tore a big blood hole in the barbarian warrior's chest, and the entire black arrow shaft soaked in tung oil also pierced into the barbarian warrior's chest, and the arrow tip of the giant crossbow pierced through the barbarian's waist Come out and plunge deep into the rocky ground of the trail.

The barbarian hung stiffly on the arrow shaft of the crossbow. He lowered his head and looked at the giant crossbow pierced into his chest with incredible eyes, and let out a roar of despair and anger.

All of a sudden, this roar sounded continuously from the barbarian army.

After two breaths, countless short flying spears were thrown out by the barbarian warriors, and the short flying spears flew into the sky overwhelmingly and fell on the wall of the pass.

The orc warriors standing at the top of the city hid their bodies behind the walls of the city wall, and the short flying spears fell like raindrops. Although most of the orc warriors avoided these short flying spears, there were still some unlucky orc warriors who were thrown by short flying spears. Spear stabs.

The injured barbarian warriors were immediately pulled behind the bed crossbow by their companions. These orc warriors were no longer freshmen on the battlefield. They had rich combat experience. They immediately bandaged the injured comrades' wounds with hemostatic bandages.

Twenty bed crossbows were reloaded with giant crossbow arrows, and with the sound of the winch, twenty giant crossbow arrows poked their heads out of the crenel again.

The barbarian warrior walking in the front was scratched with a deep blood groove on his arm, and the blood stained the barbarian warrior's entire arm. When the arrow pointed, he immediately shouted alertly.

With a loud roar from him, the shield-wielding barbarians who joined behind raised their beech shields high again.

"Raise your shield!"

The next moment, instead of a giant crossbow bolt flying out of the city wall of the pass, two big fireballs flew out from the top of the city. Ying Li and I threw the discarded 'Big Fireball' magic scroll down the city wall.

The two fireballs rolled and fell into the barbarian army and exploded. Behind the big fireballs were the boulders thrown by the two catapults in the pass city.

The eight female dwarves were manipulating the catapult. It seemed that they were quite familiar with this kind of ordnance. It must be said that the dwarves were born engineers.

Two huge boulders with a diameter of one meter fell into the barbarian army formation, knocking several barbarian soldiers to the ground. The boulders rolled down the mountain road, and were held back by the barbarians behind with their flesh and blood.

As the natural barrier of Lavenham City, Arm Mountain has always had the reputation of "one man guards the pass, ten thousand men can't open it". I don't understand what the pass guards are afraid of. They actually ran away and almost handed over such a pass. Leave it to these savages.

Under the walls of this pass, the barbarians could not take advantage of their numbers because of the terrain.

A few flat shots from the bed crossbow caused heavy casualties to the barbarian army, especially when those giant crossbow bolts pierced into the beech shield, it was like piercing into soft cheese.

After the group of barbarians left fifty or sixty barbarian corpses at the mountain pass, they were forced to withdraw from the range of the bed crossbow, and even the giant logs transported halfway were thrown on the ground.

Taking advantage of this short interval, Yingli and I started to cast 'hydrotherapy' on the injured orc warriors from the left and right sides of the pass wall. Yingli was carrying a bundle of water magic scrolls, and I cast 'water therapy' on the orc warriors directly. Hydrotherapy' magic.

The icy and snowy environment is not a small test for these bed crossbows, especially these bed crossbows have been stored in warm and humid underground caves before. It lost the elasticity of the original wood, and three bed crossbows were damaged in this way. Fortunately, we have female dwarf craftsmen who specialize in maintaining ordnance.

They transformed five hundred bed crossbows into heavy crossbows before, so they are very familiar with the structure of bed crossbows.The female dwarf craftsman quickly repaired the three bed crossbows.

At this time, the barbarians also rescued the barbarian soldiers who were wounded and survived on the battlefield.

When these barbarians set up their formations again and made a comeback, I found that the ones walking in the front had turned into eight barbarian warriors. Not thick enough.

After the eight barbarian warriors walked into the range of the bed crossbow, they ran quickly and rushed towards the city wall of the pass.

"Fire the arrows!" Kalancuo's voice was a little hoarse.

Another flat shot.

A row of giant crossbow bolts flew out, knocking down the barbarian warriors behind the barbarian warrior one after another, but several giant crossbow bolts were blocked by the giant log shield in the hands of the barbarian warrior, and the sharp giant crossbow bolts almost knocked down the barbarian warriors. More than one meter of log timber penetration.

The fallen barbarians did not include the eight barbarian warriors. These eight barbarians used the logs in their arms to successfully block the volley of bed crossbows, and rushed to the bottom of the city wall in the first place. The barbarian warriors behind also resisted. The 70-meter-long giant tree rushed to the city wall of the pass.

Seeing that the orc warrior couldn't shoot the barbarian warrior with the bed crossbow, Kalancuo jumped off the wall with a sullen face and kicked the helmsman behind the bed crossbow.

"Jijia, come and help me!" Kalantso called to me.

Hearing Kalantso's cry, I had no choice but to put the big fireball scroll in my hand into my arms, and ran to Kalantso's side. When I saw her eyes falling on the rudder wheel of the bed crossbow, I immediately understood her. Meaning, asked her: "Do you want me to come?"

Kalanzo nodded silently.

I stand behind the crossbow without saying a word, but holding the steering wheel with both hands is a bit reluctant, this kind of ordnance is still too big for me.

Two boulders flew over the top of the head, and Ying Li's 'big fireball' shot out accordingly.

Holding the steering wheel with both hands, I laboriously manipulated the bed crossbow, aiming the crosshair at the barbarian warrior who was running in the front, and the flight path of the giant crossbow appeared again in my eyes. I aimed at the head of the barbarian warrior, Trigger included.

With a sound of 'collapse', the giant crossbow bolt flew out of the slot with a piercing sound.

The giant crossbow shot at a low angle, as if it might hit the mountain road in the next second. At this time, the barbarian warrior running in the front was holding the round wood, as if he just hit the giant crossbow. .

The crossbow bolt passed through the top of the log, pierced directly into the mouth of the barbarian warrior, and came out from the back of the head.Seeing him fall together with the log, his head was covered with blue tattoos of the barbarians, and he probably didn't understand how the crossbow shot him until he died.

Seeing that the blow worked, Kalancuo immediately pulled me towards the next bed crossbow. The orc warrior standing by the steering wheel stepped aside immediately, and I shot down a barbarian warrior again.

Just when I wanted to control the third bed crossbow, the six surviving barbarian warriors had already run under the city wall of the pass. Aim for the barbarian in the back.

These six barbarian warriors climbed up the 30-meter-high pass city wall with bare hands, and twenty orc warriors leaned out from the top of the city, holding short flying spears in their hands and throwing them down fiercely...

(End of this chapter)

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