my age of magic

Chapter 1176 280. This Winter

Chapter 1176 280. This Winter
The full establishment of the Constructed Knights of the Grimm Empire is 500 people. This barbarian brigade originally had more than 2000 people. After 600 people were lost in the Battle of the Bellan Lake Pass, there were less than 2000 people left. A third of the savages were wounded.

Even so, the number of barbarian brigade is still more than double that of No.17 Constructed Knights.

The biggest advantage of Constructed Knights is flexibility and excellent equipment.

Almost every constructed knight is armed to the teeth, and even the horses under the crotch are wrapped in magic armor. In addition, the whole team advances and retreats together. Very strong impact.

As soon as the vanguard of No.17 Constructed Knights arrived at the top of the mountain, a squadron of barbarians with a size of about 500 rushed forward. Team human cavalry make dumplings.

The Constructed Knights and the Heavy Armored Knights of the Grimm Empire don't look much different in appearance, but their combat power is quite different.

Perhaps this barbarian brigade had encountered ordinary knights outside the city of Nato, so when they saw the Constructed Knights appearing on the hillside, they didn't realize how different this knights were from the ones they had encountered before. , the barbarians probably want to recover all the setbacks they suffered at the pass of Lake Beran on the field battlefield.

As a result, the injured barbarians stayed in place to guard the human slaves who had plundered back from the village. Other barbarians rushed towards No.17 Constructed Knights. The barbarians were not slow to run, especially when they were charging. At that time, holding a hatchet-like hatchet high in his hand, with a ferocious face, and howling, he rushed up the slope in one go.

The Constructed Knights didn't seem very flustered when they saw the barbarians rushing towards the hillside. They arranged the team in an orderly manner, comforted the mounts, and leveled the knight's spear.

More and more knights appeared on the top of the mountain, and their figures formed a black line on the mountain.

A knight commander stood at the forefront of the knight team, carrying a battle flag on his shoulders, and ran from one side of the mountain to the other, as if examining every constructed knight.

At this time, the barbarian brigade had rushed halfway up the mountain.

The slope of this mountain is not very steep, but it has a great geographical advantage for the cavalry charge.

With the low and whimpering sound of the charging horn, the sound was like a devil crying in purgatory.

The knights finally moved, the armor of the constructed knights gleamed under the scorching sun, and a faint magical halo surrounded the constructed knights' bodies.

Every knight in costume shone with a strong magical glow, and they poured down from the top of the hillside like a flood that broke a bank. Even during the charge, every knight maintained a perfect formation.

The barbarian threw a round of flying spears below the hillside. The knights raised their knight light shields with one hand to block the wave of flying spears. Several knights in costumes were stabbed by the spears and fell off their horses. Follow the brigade forward.

Immediately, the iron cavalry collided with the flesh and blood of the barbarian. The knight's spear pierced through the barbarian standing in the front row, and the five-meter-long knight's spear pierced through the barbarian's chest. Also strung together.

Only the dozen or so barbarian warriors in the middle of the team used axes to block the stabbing of the knight's spear, and collided with the horse with their strong bodies. Strangled together with the barbarian warrior on the horse, the other constructed knights stepped on the barbarian warrior's body and rushed into the barbarian army formation.

Relying on their excellent equipment, the constructed knights were closely connected with the war horses, and the moment they rushed up to the barbarian warriors, a series of 'atmospheric shields' appeared in front of the constructed knights, dispelling the barbarian warriors' stickiness. On the mountain, the costumed knights on horseback were about the same height as the barbarian. They swung their sharp long swords and stabbed the barbarian's neck. The moment the barbarian swung his axe, the knight's long sword had already been inserted into the barbarian's neck.

Whether it is speed or strength, Constructed Knights are much stronger than ordinary barbarian warriors.

The Constructed Knight is like a torrent, constantly devouring everything it encounters.

The defeat of the barbarian warriors was somewhat inexplicable. Before they even reacted, the five hundred barbarians were pierced by the constructed knights in an instant. The constructed knights did not compete with the remaining few powerful barbarians The warriors fought, and they rushed over quickly, distanced themselves from the barbarian warriors again, and lined up again for a new round of charge.

During the second charge, there were less than [-] barbarians left in the front, and [-] barbarian warriors became the focus of the constructed knight's care. Several knight spears stabbed a barbarian warrior at the same time No matter how strong the axes in their hands are.It can't resist the joint attack of digital knights.

The corpses of hundreds of barbarian warriors lay in the snow before the Construct Knights even had time to reap their trophies.The barbarians who outflanked the flank came around from the side of the hillside. The barbarian warriors saw the destruction of the main battle group on the front, and no one was afraid. They rushed up without hesitation, and the constructed knights lined up in a neat formation to fight.

They first chose the barbarian on the left. When the horses charged again, they left the barbarian on the right far behind. The battle situation seemed to be repeating the previous scene...


I hid in the Mypine forest on the other side of the mountain, and saw the battle between this Construct Knights and the barbarian fighters. I think the biggest mistake of the barbarians is to divide so many barbarians into three teams, and each team of barbarians The number of fighters is similar to that of Constructed Knights.

In this way, the biggest disadvantage appeared. After the barbarians formed, the constructed knights only needed to kill a barbarian in front of them, and they successfully pierced through the barbarian formation.

And the five-meter-long knight spears in the hands of the constructed knights stabbed the barbarian fighters, which the barbarians could not resist.

Kalancuo sat sullenly on the black-scaled horse. After watching the first charge of the constructed knight, he turned around and asked the orc constructed warriors beside him: "Can you do what they did?"

The young orc warriors riding on the black horses lowered their heads one after another, with a hint of frustration in their voices, and said to Kalancuo, "Boss, we can't do it!"

Kalancuo glanced at the ten orc warriors one by one, and asked them again: "Have you ever wondered where you are?"

A young orc warrior said, "It's our horsemanship that can't match them, sir."

Another orc warrior said, "We can't do what they do—keep order in the charge, sir."

I found that these young orc warriors can think and summarize through war, which is probably the real reason why Kalanzo selected them.

Then Kalantso said to these orc warriors: "Then we must learn from them, because we are orcs, we are born stronger than them, run faster than them, and are less afraid of death than them, and now we We have better armor and weapons than them, so we have more combat effectiveness than this group of constructed knights. When we gather a knight group of more than [-] people, I will send you to such a battlefield. I hope you can do better than them better."

The young orc warriors said confidently: "We will definitely be able to do better than them!"

For the first time, I felt that Kalantso's words were quite provocative. In just a few short sentences, the ten orc warriors were excited and ready to fight.

The ten orc warriors who can be selected by Kalancuo from more than 100 orcs, I believe they must be the best, and maybe one day they will be able to lead other orc warriors to fight on the battlefield.

The mounts of the orc warriors have always been ferocious wolves, but in the northern border and even the Grimm Empire, wolves are very rare mounts. The main reason is that the imperial people cannot domesticate them, even the wolves raised from childhood , Once they grow up, they will still attack their masters, so although wargs are very common on the Pai Plateau, they are very rare in the Green Empire.


Originally, this group of barbarian brigade could take advantage of the number of people, and have been dealing with the No.17 Constructed Knights in the wild. The two sides started a tug-of-war between you and me. Formation, just hugged into a ball, they retreated and continued to move forward.

But all of this was shattered because of the poor tactics of the leader of the barbarian brigade. More than 1000 barbarian fighters were divided into three teams, and they charged against the Constructed Knights, which was what the Constructed Knights dreamed of.

The battle lasted only half a day, and the main force of the barbarian brigade was defeated one by one by the Constructed Knights.

When the barbarian warriors realized that they would face death after losing this war, nearly a thousand wounded barbarians abandoned the human slaves in custody in the team, and they scattered and fled to the wilderness.

At this time, the falcon team hiding in the mountains saw an opportunity to take advantage of it, and came out of the dense pine forest one after another, desperately chasing and killing the fleeing barbarians.

However, the knights of No.17 Constructed Knights did not continue to pursue, but packed up the spoils in place. They cut off the left ear of the barbarian warrior, and they also took away all the wealth carried by the barbarian.

As long as there is a battle, there will be casualties, even if it is a one-sided battle.

In this battle, dozens of constructed knights from the No.17 Constructed Knights were killed by barbarians. In addition, they will inevitably suffer various injuries during the charge, and the injured constructed knights account for a large proportion. , almost two-thirds of the constructed knights in the regiment were slightly or severely injured.


Seeing these wounded orc warriors fleeing in all directions, they ran desperately among the mountains, I decided to point in one direction and lead the team to chase them down.

Perhaps it was because the pursuit battle could not set ice magic traps in advance, which made Noah sitting on the sled very excited, probably because he finally had the opportunity to show the power of fire magic in battle, so Noah hurriedly urged the sled The two savage slaves run quickly.

No matter how much Noah urged, the two barbarian slaves did not speed up. He sat on the sled, hugged Shirley Newman who was wearing a blanket, and yelled at the barbarian slaves. Unfortunately, the two barbarian slaves Has been indifferent.

I think the most effective tool to make these two barbarian slaves obedient is actually the whip. As long as the whip is on them, they will try to figure out what we want them to do.

Kalantso and the ten orc warriors rode Black Lin horses, which are extremely explosive and most suitable for short-distance charges. Therefore, they rushed out of the Myitsone forest and ran ahead at the head of a few people along the dense forest. Fleeing barbarian warriors at the edge of the pine forest rushed forward.

Katerina, Luka, Noah and others followed behind Kalantso, and within a few breaths, they fell nearly [-] meters away.

From a distance, I saw Clement riding a horse, in charge of guarding the outermost part of the Constructed Knights.

When I looked at him, he also noticed me, and he waved to me from a distance. I had no intention of going over to greet him, because I wanted to take the opportunity to hunt a few more barbarian warriors, so I waved goodbye to him.

No barbarian can run faster than the Helin horse, so the barbarian warriors targeted by Kalantso are destined to be killed by her and the orc warriors.

A large number of barbarians are running, they don't care about their companions, they just hope to run faster than others.

Noah and I were left far behind, and Kalancuo didn't need to worry about our safety, so she and ten orc warriors galloped through the snowy wilderness, chasing those who were left alone. Barbarian warrior.

For Kalantso, no captives are needed, her sword is used to decapitate barbarians.

We chased westward for more than [-] kilometers along the edge of the dense pine forest at the foot of the mountain on our left arm. Noah finally got his wish and burned a wounded barbarian soldier to death with a fireball combined with black oil. Found a precious 'Eluen Star', changed a new rope, and put it on Shirley Newman's neck.

There are wounded barbarian warriors all over the mountains and fields. This is the scene the Falcon team would like to see the most, because in this way they have more chances to hunt the barbarians.

However, this is not the scene that the Constructed Knights are willing to see. The Constructed Knights hope that the barbarians can gather together, so that a Constructed Knights can restrain more barbarians and wait for an opportunity to defeat them.

There is no winter like this winter. The North Wind Legion gave up defending the south bank of the White Elephant River, and dispatched the most elite [-] Constructed Knights to encircle and suppress these barbarians in the territory of Sluyte Province.

This winter, the barbarians from the ice and snow tundra also changed their attack strategy. They broke up and organized loose barbarian fighters together to form barbarian brigades. They chose to break through those Sluyte Small towns in the southern part of the province, this strategy has allowed the barbarians to have more slaves than ever this winter, but it has also cost the barbarians a terrible price.

As long as the barbarian team was targeted by the Constructed Knights, a layer of skin was gnawed off by these Constructed Knights like a pack of wolves, and even some barbarian brigades were directly eaten by the Constructed Knights bit by bit. , In the end, there was not even a bone residue left.

(End of this chapter)

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