my age of magic

Chapter 1179 283. Tracy's Wedding Gift

Chapter 1179 283. Tracy's Wedding Gift
A set of khaki-yellow women's flame snake leather armor with lava crack texture is hanging on the hanger in the attic cabin. This is the double-headed flame snake light leather armor I gave Tracy at the beginning. I promised her I personally drew the magic pattern circle on this light leather armor, and customized a magic pattern structure for Tracy, so this set of flame snake light leather armor has never drawn magic runes.

The flame snake lizard skin shoulder pads were placed on the writing table in front of the attic window, and I used a magic engraving pen dipped in ink to draw in front of the window for most of the night.

The moonstone desk lamp by the table emits soft light, reflecting my shadow on the gray-white wall of the room. The bookshelf by the wall is full of books about magic. These books and notes are all I studied at the School of War Magic Time stayed, and within three years, this small bookshelf was unexpectedly filled.

I carefully filled every gap in the leather shoulder guard with the associated magic pattern of 'reducing demand', so that the leather shoulder guard was filled with various magic rune patterns and magic stripes, even the original 'Magic Serpent's Fang' The magic pattern is difficult to recognize on the leather shoulder guard, hold your breath, finish the last stroke, take out a magic spar from the purse and insert it into the gem base, the magic pattern circle on the leather shoulder guard is instantly activated , There are streams of magic flowing across the entire leather shoulder guard.

Tracy sat on my wooden bed and asked me expectantly, "It's done?"

I picked up the leather shoulder guard and placed it on the shoulder of the Salamander's light leather armor suit. The leather shoulder guard is connected with the breastplate and arm armor with hidden buckles, and it outlines a human figure on the hanger.

I gently rubbed the magic pattern on the leather armor with my hand. There is only one piece of light leather armor for each part of this set of flame snake lizards. During the drawing process, I was always worried that the drawing of the magic pattern would fail. It must be very troublesome to make one piece, so the production process has been worried about the failure of the production, but fortunately the process went smoothly.

Standing by the window, I glanced at the night outside the window. There was a bright moon hanging in the night sky, and the moonlight fell on the city of El, as white as snow.

I said to Tracy: "This set of magic pattern structure is called 'the tooth of the magic snake' in the imperial capital. It increases the agility attribute, improves the speed and balance, it should be very suitable for you, but you want to use this set All the magic-weave outfits are worn on your body, at least you have to wait until you complete your first job change before your carrying capacity can bear the needs of this set of magic-weave outfits."

Tracy hugged her knees with her hands, and Helena wrapped her short hair around small wooden sticks. It is said that if you sleep by the fireplace for one night, you can have beautiful curly hair when you wake up in the morning. I quietly asked Becky, did she get her wavy hair like green algae like this, Becky nodded slightly.

Tracy's excited expression only lasted for a while, and then she said to me a little frustrated: "Ji Jia, I don't think I will ever understand that so-called 'geography' in my life."

I know that Tracy has no fighting talent, and her superb swordsmanship is just a result of studying hard since she was a child.

Many fighters are stuck at the peak stage of the ninth level, just unable to comprehend their own "potential", "comprehension" is difficult to express in words.

I looked down for a moment, then asked Tracy, "Oh, so don't you really want to wear it?"

Tracy jumped off the bed, stood barefoot on the cold floor, ran to the clothes hanger, stared at his magic pattern structure, and said to me: "Thinking about it, who I don't want to! This is a complete set of magic pattern structure, I want to wear this set of magic pattern structure to hold a wedding with Alan Te."

In a small place like El City, the magic pattern structure can be regarded as a huge wealth for some small nobles. The magic pattern structure can be inherited from generation to generation, just like land, houses, and gold coins. In the eyes of people in the northern border, having a magic-weave structure is considered a noble background, so people here are very fond of the magic-weave structure.

This set of magic-weave construction of the double-headed snake lizard is one of the dowries I gave to Tracy.

Hearing that Tracy said that she wanted to wear the magicweave costume for the wedding, I thought of the couple I saw on the street when I first entered the city during the day. They wore a beautiful and gorgeous dress, although it was also very good, But nothing new.

It would be a good idea if Allente and Tracy held a wedding in a magic pattern outfit.Another important thing is that I can do this.

So he smiled and said to Tracy: "Hey, this idea is very good. In fact, I also prepared a set of magic pattern structure for Alan Te. On the wedding day, you two will wear two sets of magic pattern structure for the wedding. It's cool to think about it!"

Tracy looked distressed, sighed and said, "Hey! But the carrying capacity is not enough, so what can I do!"

I put my hand on the gemstone groove of the magic pattern structure, and said to Tracy: "I can remove a few magic crystals from the gemstone groove of the magic pattern structure, and there is no magic pattern of the magic pattern. There is no difference between the construction and ordinary armor, in fact, according to your current magic level, it should be no problem to wear this magic breastplate!"

Hearing what I said, Tracy immediately stood behind me, strangled my neck with her arms as she did when she was a child, and said eagerly to me: "Ji Jia, quickly take it off! I can't wait to see it. Put it on."

I broke free from her arms, and while adjusting the pajamas on my body, I said, "Don't you usually wear this set of light leather armor occasionally? If you remove the magic spar, this set of light leather armor just has some more patterns." That's all, what's there to try on!"

Katerina came in with a basin of hot water and told Tracy to sit down and wash her feet. She was going to trim Tracy's nails and put some nail polish on them.

Probably determined to make herself the most beautiful woman on the wedding day, Tracy obediently obeyed Katerina's arrangement and sat back on the bed.

The dowry I prepared for Tracy, in addition to the 'Magic Serpent's Tooth' magic pattern structure made of this two-headed salamander light leather armor, I also prepared a set of heavy leather armor of the terrestrial bear, This set of leather armor was given to Ellent. This kind of heavy leather armor with thick fur is very popular in the northern border because most of the wars in the northern border broke out in winter. A thick and warm heavy armor Leather armor is far more comfortable than wearing a warm shirt over a hard leather armor.

After I saw Ellente last time, I sent the set of Earth Violent Bear Heavy Leather Armor to the leather shop, and asked the master leathersmith to modify it according to his figure. In addition, I have to personally ask about Ellente's battle I decided to focus on what aspect to focus on, and then I decided to make the set of earth storm bear heavy armor into the "power of the giant bear" magic pattern structure. Of course, this is the most sure way for me to do my best, because before Among the nearly one hundred sets of magic pattern structures that Yerkes gave to Mrs. Cecilia, half of them were the 'Power of the Giant Bear' magic pattern structures made of the earth storm bear's heavy armor.

Therefore, my work is not over, and I have to hurry up to make the set of magic pattern leather armor that belongs to Alente.


The next day, Ying Li and I went to El City's largest jewelry store.

This jewelry store is located on the busiest section of Central Avenue in El City. It looks like a beautiful palace from the outside. The huge floor-to-ceiling windows are filled with all kinds of jewelry. There are several beautiful models standing in the window with precious jewelry. If they didn't blink their eyes occasionally, I would have thought they were dolls from Orianna's magic shop.

Pushing the door and walking in, a blonde girl standing at the door greeted us immediately, and said to us very kindly with a smile: "Welcome to Van Cleef Jewelry Store, do you want me to introduce you to the jewelry here?"

The waitress' eyes fell on the magic robes on me and Ying Li, and there was a trace of restraint in her eyes.

I found that the pupils of her eyes were actually two colors, the pupil of one eye was blue, the pupil of the other eye was emerald green, the crystal clear ears were a little lumpy, with some fluff behind the ears, it looked like she had A little bit of orc blood.

The waitress seemed sensitive, and noticed that I noticed her eyes and ears, and subconsciously let her long blonde hair fall down to cover her ears.

I asked the waitress, "Oh, can you make custom jewelry here? I'd like to ask the master jeweler here to make a necklace for me."

The waitress said: "Of course, please come with me. The third floor of my place is an area dedicated to private custom jewelry."

After finishing speaking, she took us up the stairs and asked me as she walked, "Then do you know any jewelry designers here?"

"No." I said.

The waitress asked again: "What kind of gemstone do you like?"

I asked back, "Is the Star of Elune okay?"

The waitress caught off guard and coughed twice and said, "Ahem...ahem! Of course, it's just this kind of rare magic gem..."

I said to her: "I am here to provide the rough stone of the magic gem, I just need to help me process a necklace."

The waitress looked at me even more respectfully, and said to me: "Only our chief jeweler, Euphemia, can process such precious jewelry."

"I'm in a hurry..." said my waitress.

When I met Euphemia, a high-end jeweler, I explained my general needs. Master Euphemia gave me some understanding and suggestions on jewelry. Sure enough, she has rich experience in jewelry design. When it came to the delivery date, there was no consensus, mainly because I would like to get that necklace tomorrow and Master Euphemia couldn't spare the time.

Seeing that she couldn't accept the order, I had no choice but to give up, so I thought of other smaller jewelers to try my luck. In fact, I also know about the construction period. I am a bit too demanding, but the day after tomorrow is Trey. Xi held her wedding day, after this deadline, this wedding gift will not appear to have much sincerity.

But since Master Euphemia said so, I can only give up.

As soon as I walked out of the stairs, I saw senior Benjamin stepping in from the door with a female companion. He looked up and saw me, and said with a surprised face: "Jijia, why are you here? Some people said that you came back from the imperial capital It’s just that when I went to visit you at your house, Ms. Fanny said that you took a few friends to hunt in the wild, when did you come back?”

"Ah, Senior Benjamin, I'm here to order jewelry."

I didn't expect to see Senior Benjamin here. He was wearing a thorntail crystal lion leather armor, a noble viscount medal on his chest, and a short gun on his waist. He looked very energetic.

The fiery eyes of the female companion beside him never left his body.

I said to Senior Benjamin, "I just came back from Nato City yesterday."

Benjamin took my shoulders from Zhang affectionately, and said to me, "It's such a coincidence that I met you here. How are you doing recently? Do you have time to sit with me?"

I hesitated, and said to him: "I will visit you another day, and I will go to the jewelry store today to have a look."

Senior Benjamin asked a little surprised: "If you want to customize jewelry, why do you have to leave now? The jewelry master here, Euphemia, is the most skilled jeweler in El City!"

I explained: "I need a little time."

"If that's the case, wait a minute. I'll help you coordinate. I'm very familiar with Master Euphemia." Senior Benjamin pulled me up to the third floor after speaking.

The waitress followed us and came down the stairs. When she saw Senior Benjamin walking upstairs with my shoulders in her arms, she quickly stood aside to make way for her, and said respectfully to Senior Benjamin, "Master!"

After I walked over, I asked senior Benjamin: "Senior, why does she call you the master, this jewelry store is opened by your family?"

But I heard senior Benjamin say: "It's just a part of the investment. The waitress used to be a maid in our family. After she got married, she worked here, and she always called me by the old name. How do you think of ordering jewelry here? Why don't you go to the imperial capital? The jewelry stores in the imperial capital are much more upscale than our small border town."

I said to Senior Benjamin, "My sister Tracy is getting married soon, and I want to give her a decent wedding present."

Senior Benjamin heard what I said, and immediately said: "So that's it, don't forget to invite me to your sister's wedding!"

Considering that Tracy and Allente will always live in El City in the future, if they can get to know Senior Benjamin at the wedding, it may be helpful to them in the future. After all, Senior Benjamin’s father is the current El City Archon.

I said to Senior Benjamin, "I'll have someone deliver the invitation to your home tonight."

Senior Benjamin came forward to coordinate, and the Euphemia jeweler finally agreed to help me finish the necklace before sunset tomorrow.

Afterwards, I took out [-] magic rough stones of the Star of Elune from my purse and handed them to the jeweler Euphemia.

Seeing so many magic gemstones of the Star of Elune, even senior Benjamin who was standing aside couldn't help but exclaimed, "Jijia, are all the magicians nowadays as rich as you?"

Senior Benjamin and I sat in the tavern next to the jewelry store for a while. We chatted casually. He asked me something about the imperial capital and the current situation of the plane war. After all, the imperial capital He is more informed and more sensitive to these things. I also revealed to him some of the planes I know about, and told him some anecdotes in the imperial capital.

Senior Benjamin told me with great interest that the North Wind Corps in Sloit Province had won the battle against the barbarians across the board, and that the Constructed Knights had driven most of the barbarians back to the north bank of the Galloping Horse River.

In addition, Senior Benjamin also complained to me that if the siege battle three years ago had not been fought too hard, and the El City Council Hall had resolutely implemented the strategy of fortifying the wall and clearing the wilderness in the past few years, the number of barbarians outside our city It wouldn't be as rare as it is now. In that case, at least now that the barbarians have been defeated across the board, the local forces in El City can still make some soup.

We were chatting vigorously, when a clerk walked in from the outside, he hurried to Senior Benjamin and interrupted our chat.

The clerk whispered to Senior Benjamin: "My lord, Lord Franklin, the consul of Lavenham City, came to visit unexpectedly, and he was accompanied by Lord Barney, the leader of the Knights of the Guard Battalion of Lavenham City, They are currently at City Hall…”

Senior Benjamin said suspiciously: "Why did they come to El City at this time? Isn't it time to properly resettle the civilians outside the city who were invaded by the barbarians? Well, I see, I will go there right away!"

Then, he said sorry to me, and told me not to forget to send him a wedding invitation.

After he walked out of the tavern, he boarded the magic caravan and left in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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