my age of magic

Chapter 1185 289. Thank you for coming to Lavenham City

Chapter 1185 289. Thank you for coming to Lavenham City
I took out an opened bottle of golden cider from Liant's wine cabinet, pulled out the cork, and took two wine glasses from the top of the wine cabinet, poured the golden liquor into the glasses, and said to Alan Te: "this is nothing."

Our wine glasses collided in the air and made a 'ding'.

After taking a sip of the slightly sour golden cider, I said, "Ellent!"

"What?" Allen looked at me.

"Be sure to treat Tracy better in the future. Although she is usually a little irritable, she is not unreasonable. If she really did something wrong, then please accommodate her." I told Alent explain.

Turning her head to look at Tracy who was crowded on the sofa with everyone, she seemed to be in a good mood recently.

"I will." Allen said.

After a while, he said again: "I've been hearing about you from other Falcon teams, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful."

I smiled noncommittally, and said to Alan Te: "It was also a coincidence that I met a large group of barbarians planning to rush through a pass. We prepared well before hunting, gathered a group of people to guard it, and hunted. Killed a lot of savages."

Ellent's eyes were full of curiosity, and he said to me: "That's a magic box full of barbarian's left ear! Ji Jia, how did you do it? Even if it's owned by the Knights of the Guard Battalion in El City There is no way for the knights to capture so many barbarians."

"Do you really want to know?" I smiled and asked him.

"Is it okay? If it's convenient to say...Of course, I swear I will keep this a secret." Allen said excitedly.

"There is no need to keep this secret. If more people know about it, maybe we can block these barbarians on the north bank of the Benma River next year." I said to Alent.

After finishing speaking, I stood up from the high chair, waved to Alan Te and said, "Come with me..."

"Where are you two going?" Tracy sat on the sofa and asked me as she saw us walking outside the outer room.

"Ellen wanted to know how we hunted the savages, and I went out to the yard with him and showed him my secret weapon," I said to Tracy.

"Jijia, you are so hateful, you never told me this, and you never told me when I asked you!" Tracy immediately raised her eyebrows when she heard me say this, and complained to me very dissatisfied .

I spread my hands, shrugged my shoulders at Tracy, and said, "It was the dean of Steins College who ordered you not to join the Falcon Squad, and I can't help it!"

Tracy was furious and kept silent.

"You... are actually Falcons?" Horace said to Tracy and me with a look of surprise when he heard this conversation between me and Tracy.

"I'm not, only Jijia and Luka are. Every winter they go to the countryside to hunt." Tracy pointed at me, because she spoke very fast when she lost her temper.

"But... Isn't Jijia a magician? When can magicians go out to hunt barbarians in winter?" Horace asked suspiciously.

He probably couldn't understand what a magician could do in Falcon Squad.

It can be seen from this that the cities in the southern part of Sluyte Province do not have much experience in resisting barbarians.

For a long time, very few barbarians would go there. Nato City is probably the farthest place the barbarians have touched, especially the city of Lavenham, which is located at the southernmost tip of the province of Sloit. They probably don't have many Falcon teams there.

"The falcon team here in El City is popular to use some magic scrolls to set up magic traps. Each falcon team usually has a magician to accompany the group." Tracy spread common sense to everyone.

Uncle Horace put on a skeptical expression, but Gabriel on the side said very interestedly: "Can I go to the yard with you to have a look?"

I glanced at Gabriel, who was eager to try, and said to him, "Of course."

I took Ellen and Gabriel to the yard, and Yingli followed, because the bed crossbow parts were stored in her magic pocket.

Ying Li took out the parts for assembling the bed crossbow from his magic pocket and placed them neatly on the yellow lawn. There were no orc warriors and female dwarves here, so he had to assemble them by himself. I asked Luka to help.

Although the tauren seemed a little clumsy about these detailed installation tasks, he was tall and big. With his help, I quickly set up a bed crossbow in the yard.

Seeing a well-crafted military bed crossbow erected in the yard, Ellent was incomparably surprised. I didn't expect that I would have such an army to have heavy weapons. Ellent asked me: "Where is this bed crossbow?" bought it?"

"On the Yerro plane." I replied.

Allente and Gabriel leaned forward, looked at the thick arched back of the bed crossbow, and gently stroked the copper winch with their hands.

Allen asked me: "You all use bed crossbows to hunt barbarians in the wild?"

I said to Alan Te: "How is it possible! Such a bulky big guy has no mobility, and it is so cumbersome to disassemble and assemble once. Of course, it is impossible to kill a barbarian. I have to install a bed crossbow. Having said that, this is my secret weapon, and I don’t use it under normal circumstances, I only use it occasionally, and I usually use ice magic traps to hunt barbarians.”

"Your Falcon in El City is really amazing, even this kind of armament can be obtained." Gabriel looked at the crossbow on the bed and said to me enviously.

I said: "Isn't it a plane war! In Tanton City, many abandoned bed crossbows were thrown on the side of the road like garbage. I just bought some that seemed to be usable. After coming back, it went through a lot of tinkering before it became what it is now.”

Gabriel looked at the bed crossbow and said, "It turns out that's the case. No wonder this bed crossbow doesn't have an axle base!"

While those of us were watching the bed crossbow on the lawn in the yard, a team of knights poured into the alley outside.

Three luxurious magic caravans stopped in front of my house one after another. The three black magic caravans actually displayed the emblems of three different families. I recognized the family emblem of the magic caravan driving at the front. The family emblem on the magic caravan is the emblem of Senior Benjamin's family.

Our group was looking out of the yard when we saw Senior Benjamin leading a group of people into the yard.

Walking side by side with Senior Benjamin were two middle-aged noblemen, one of whom was wearing a black dress, with gray hair, sharp-edged face, majesty of a superior, and a dark gold medal on his chest. The order of rank means that he is a distinguished marquis.

The other one is tall and burly. Although he is wearing light leather armor, he has a faint murderous look all over his body. He has a knight's long sword hanging on his waist and the earl's medal of nobility on his chest. No matter where he stands, he They are like a sharp sword out of its sheath, making it impossible to ignore him.

I greeted Senior Benjamin: "Senior Benjamin, why are you here?"

Senior Benjamin smiled at me, and introduced to the honorable Marquis: "Master Bod, this is my junior Jijia, and it is his Falcon Squad who is stationed at the pass of Lake Beran to block the southward advance." savages."

I looked at these two nobles, maybe I have seen too many nobles in the imperial capital, even the Duke has seen several of them, so when I faced the Marquis of Bertie, I didn’t feel any pressure in my heart, and they looked at each other without fear. A few glances.

Hearing senior Benjamin introduce me like this, I had some general ideas in my heart.

At this time, I heard Senior Benjamin say to me again: "Jijia, these two are the Marquis Bertie, the consul of Lavenham City, and Emond, the head of the Knights of the Guard Battalion. To meet you."

Sure enough, as I expected, it was the group of people from Lavenham City.

Probably after receiving the news from Senior Benjamin, he rushed over to see me immediately.

The marquis named Bertie took a step forward, grabbed my hand enthusiastically, and said to me: "Young magician, thank you and your Falcon squad for everything you have done to Lavenham City, finally I found you warriors."

Seeing my blank face, he introduced himself to me formally: "Hi, I'm Bertie from Lavenham City."

"Hello, Lord Bertie, hello, Lord Edmond!" I turned my body to one side and said to the two.

The Marquis of Bertie and Captain Emond's eyes fell on the bed crossbow in the yard, and Captain Emond pointed to the bed crossbow and asked me: "You used this kind of bed crossbow without a base to guard Beran at that time. Lake?"

"Well, these are the bed crossbows, but not just this one," I replied.

Commander Emond approached and took a closer look. He saw the rivets on each joint of the bed crossbow, and exclaimed, "The bed crossbow can still be disassembled like this! These structures are ingeniously designed, but having said that, this kind of bed crossbow No matter how you look at it, the crossbow is not as convenient to use as the bed crossbow that can be pulled around by a carriage."

I explained: "Those bed crossbows with wheels are regarded as military supplies, and they cannot be bought without an army formation warrant signed by Emperor Charles the Great. I picked up these bed crossbows from the scrap market."

The Marquis of Bertie and Commander Edmond looked at each other, and then said to me: "We rushed all the way here, wouldn't Wizard Jijia invite us to sit in?"

I hurriedly invited them to sit in the room and said: "Sorry, there is a family gathering at home today, and the house is a little messy."

At this time, Cousin Gabriel of Aunt Basha's family stood aside, stood at attention to Commander Edmond, saluted a knight, and said stammeringly: "E...Your Excellency Commander Edmond, salute!"

Captain Emond thought for a while before calling out Cousin Gabriel's name: "Gabriel, why are you here?"

Gabriel looked a little excited, and he returned seriously, "We came to El City to attend my cousin Tracy's wedding."

There was a slight fluctuation in the eyes of Captain Emond, and he said to Gabriel, "Oh? Are you related to Magician Jijia?"

Cousin Gabriel seemed a little cautious in front of Captain Emond, and his words seemed a little hasty. He said, "Um, yes, Mr. Captain! He is my cousin."

Captain Emond raised his eyes to look at Cousin Gabriel, and said in a rough voice: "Horace has never told me that he has such a great relative in El City."

Gabriel said: "Father just happened to be a guest at Uncle's."

The Marquis of Bertie laughed, and said to Edmond: "No wonder Your Excellency the Magician Ji Jia would help Lavenham City when it was in danger. It turns out that there are relatives living in Lavenham City."

At this time, Leant, who was sitting in the room, saw a guest coming in the yard, and hurriedly walked out of the room.

I introduced Marquess Bertie and Commander Emond to Lyont.

Leant knew Senior Benjamin. Although he didn't understand why the two rulers of Lavenham City came to visit, he still enthusiastically invited them into the house.

Aunt Basha was lobbying Fanny at this time, telling her the advantages of marrying a commoner girl into an aristocratic family.

Aunt Basha's eyes fell on Cindy from time to time, but Cindy just sat aside obediently, her eyes slipping out of the window.

Uncle Horace was sitting on the sofa with a big face, and he didn't think about standing up to greet the new guests at all. He probably concluded that Leant's friends were civilians, and there was no need for him to stand up to greet them.

Until he heard a familiar voice calling him.

"Horace... Horace! Is that you?" Commander Edmund stood at the door and shouted to Uncle Horace in the living room.

At this moment, Uncle Horace turned his head to look at the door with a puzzled expression on his face, and saw Marquis Bertie and Captain Edmond standing there, looking at him with smiles on their faces.

Uncle Horace wiped his eyes fiercely, and found that it was not a hallucination, so he quickly stood up from the sofa, saluted the Marquis Bertie and Captain Edmond at the door, and said: "The ruler Why are the officials and the captain here, is there an emergency in Lavenham?"

"Haha, Horace, it's already this time, do you still want to hide it from us?" Commander Edmond strode towards Uncle Horace, and said loudly as he walked.

Aunt Basha's family watched Commander Edmond and Marquis Bertie walk in with surprise, but they looked at each other blankly.

" are also kept in the dark?" Captain Emond saw the expressions of Aunt Basha's family, and he didn't know that this matter had not been made public within the family.

"What happened...?" Uncle Horace asked Commander Emond with a strange expression.

"Didn't you say before that you must meet those Falcon Warriors who helped us guard the pass of Lake Belan, why didn't you notice anything when they stood in front of you!" Commander Emond frowned. , to Uncle Horace.

"Master, you mean the warriors who helped us guard the pass of Lake Belan, people like Ji Jia?" Horace asked, pointing at me.

"Horace, you're right!" After finishing speaking, Commander Edmond sat down beside Uncle Horace, casually looking at the layout of the living room in the three-story attic.

Marquis Bertie and Commander Emond didn't stay at my house for too long, they just learned about some of the situation stationed at the pass at that time, confirmed that my Falcon Squad really did this thing, and then they expressed to our family Thank you, and left here with a group of followers.

Looking at those luxurious carriages leaving slowly, I thought that some gifts from Lavenham City would be given to us, but I didn't expect to receive any gifts.

At the dinner that followed, Aunt Basha's family was completely silent. They probably still had a little difficulty accepting the fact that Marquis Bertie and Commander Emond would actually pay a visit in person. They were a little unaccustomed to the high-ranking posture in front of Ni.

I saw that the defense battle at the Belan Lake pass was made public, so I had to give a rough account of the battle process. Of course, I slightly shortened the battle scenes. Let's talk about the process in a more relaxed manner, so that Lynn and Fanny won't have to worry about me.

After the dinner, Aunt Basha's family did not stay any longer. They hired a magic caravan to return to the hotel in the dark night.

In the early morning of the next day, Aunt Basha’s family returned to Lavenham City in a magic caravan. Our family went to the city gate to see Aunt Basha’s family off. Before leaving, Uncle Horace sat in the magic caravan with a complicated look on his face. look at me.

Before leaving, Aunt Basha did not forget to tell Fanny how good her cheap cousin Gabriel is, and how wonderful the lives of nobles are. If Fanny wants to marry Cindy to Gabriel, she and Uncle Horace I will think about it...wait.

But looking at Cindy's expression, you can tell that Cousin Gabriel probably has nothing to do with it.

Noah and I booked airship tickets, and at noon, Noah and I boarded the magical airship bound for the imperial capital...

(End of this chapter)

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