my age of magic

Chapter 1193 297. College Registration

Chapter 1193 297. College Registration
Katerina walked into the room with a cup of fragrant milk tea. She was as silent as a civet cat. She placed the tray on the bedside table made of indigo wood, and then opened the curtains of bronzing and carved velvet, and the dazzling sunlight shone into the dark In the room, she pushed open the glass door of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and a slightly cool wind with the fragrance of earth blew into the room.

I pulled the thick quilt over my head, trying to get some more sleep.

Katerina walked to the bed and gently pulled away a corner of the quilt. Her body smelled like tulip flowers, and her long red hair was tied into a ponytail. She smiled and said to me: "You Didn't you say you're going to report to the Academy of Magic today?"

It suddenly occurred to me that there were still a lot of things to do this morning. I had to send little Ella to the Imperial Capital Junior Warrior Academy, and I had to go to Prince James’ manor to pick up Yingli early, and I had to report to the Royal Academy of Magic in the morning...

I sat up from the bed at once, looked at the bright sunshine outside the window, and asked Katerina: "What time is it?"

Katerina finally took off her light dragon leather armor, and put on a long skirt with elegant colors. She took out a pile of clothes from the closet and put them beside the bed, and said to me: "Get up now!" If you don’t, you can still catch up with lunch in the college’s dining hall.”

I tousled my shaggy hair and asked Katerina, "Did I oversleep?"

Katerina nodded to me and said, "The magic caravan is already waiting in the yard."

I jumped from the bed to the carpet, blessed myself with 'wind rush', a white wind circle appeared under my feet, and then rushed into the bathroom like a whirlwind.

Of course Ella would not obediently wait for me at home until noon, and I still didn’t wake up after breakfast. After greeting Katerina, she took Deborah to report to the Junior Warrior Academy.

When I walked through the restaurant on the first floor, I happened to see the cook put the carefully prepared breakfast on the table, warm buttered bread and stew, and a dish of very soft boiled peas, lying on a beautiful porcelain plate , the aroma floated out along the corridor, and seeing the expectant eyes of the fat cook, I hesitated, then stopped, and said to her: "Sorry, I don't seem to have time to eat this breakfast you carefully prepared .”

The fat cook lady standing at the door of the kitchen stared wide-eyed, and she covered her mouth with her hands, showing an incredulous expression.

Pushing the door through the corridor and going out, the cook stood behind me, screaming at me, and shouted excitedly: "My lord, you don't need to apologize!"

I ignored the excited cries of the cook, and directly took Katerina into the magic caravan, and said to Katerina who followed me into the magic caravan: "You said that Ella and Deborah would Won't you poke me some trouble at the Warrior Academy?"

"How about... I go to the Warrior Academy and watch them?" Katerina said to me while sitting on the soft leather sofa opposite.

I thought for a while before I said, "Okay, I'll go to the Rune Board Workshop later, you can find Ella and Deborah, you can take them there, or let them stay at home obediently .”

"Understood." Katerina agreed while cutting her red nails with a sharp dagger.

Before my magic caravan drove into the alley, a magic caravan with golden windows and a roof stopped at the door. Before the car stopped, Helena pushed the door and jumped out of the car, winning The figures of Li and Becky floated by the window.

"Jijia, you idiot, why did you leave the house so late!" Helena asked me while knocking on the window on the door while standing beside the carriage.

"Sorry, I overslept, I'll take your magic caravan later." I pushed the door of the carriage and pulled Helena up, and comforted her with my arms around her shoulders.

When Helena heard what I said, she really stood aside happily, and didn't complain to me any more.

I turned around and said to Katerina, "You take this magic caravan to find Ella and the others, and I will take Yingli's magic caravan to report to the Royal Academy of Magic."

"Okay!" She leaned lazily on the soft leather sofa and smiled softly at me.

Seeing the magnificent brilliance in her ruby-like eyes, I couldn't help but walked up to her and hugged her, and then reluctantly stepped out of the magic caravan.

Helena is like a proud white swan, walking side by side with me, raising her white pointed chin high, her eyebrows and eyes are incomparably beautiful, no matter it is a happy smile or losing her temper, there is a kind of embarrassment. The stunning beauty that takes one's breath away.

She complained to me rather critically: "We stick together almost every day, is it necessary to be so reluctant?"


Ying Li, as a freshman of the Royal Academy of Magic this semester, is also going to report to the Academy today. For this reason, she has made some elaborate dresses, with a layer of rouge powder on her cheeks, and a layer of light red on her lips. Although Ying Li under light makeup does not have the amazing appearance of Helena, she has a demure and graceful demeanor.

She sat quietly in the magic caravan, and when she saw Helena and I boarded the magic caravan, she complained to me, "Jijia, why are you just out now! I'm going to report to the academy today!"

All I could do was apologize and squeeze my way between her and Becky.

Becky glared at me angrily, her cheeks flushed but she didn't say anything, she just turned her head out of the window.

Fortunately, my new house is on the edge of the dividing line between the third block and the second block, not too far from the Royal Academy of Magic, and the magic caravan only needs to cross two streets to merge into Yulin Street, and then go straight on Yulin Street The Royal Academy of Magic is less than two kilometers away.


Finally, before the noon break, I accompanied Ying Li to complete the freshman report.

Now at the Royal Academy of Magic, I can be regarded as a man of the year among the freshmen of last year. No matter where I go, people will point and point, and then I will be whispered about my "glorious deeds". on the back.

I was called 'The Warring Northman' at the Royal Academy of Magic, but that was not a random nickname.

When he first entered the Magic Academy, he had fights with Ivan and Diego respectively, and became the most restless part of the freshmen in the academy.

Immediately afterwards, at the ball held by the third prince Eric, he competed with Duke Ryan to snatch the woman, and caused a lot of trouble in the city, and finally forced Duke Ryan to return to the Warsaw plane in embarrassment.

Later, on the eve of the summer vacation of the first semester of the first grade, he dueled with William from the Dragon Club on the roof of the teaching building, and defeated Senior William, a graduate of the fourth grade.

Of course, what I have done above only shows that I am indeed a 'militant Northman'.

But something even more unacceptable happened in the next semester. On the night I completed the "adult ceremony" ceremony, Her Royal Highness Qige, who had broken off her engagement with the Prince of Wales, and Her Royal Highness Princess Yingli, the beloved daughter of Prince James of the Green Empire, unexpectedly Wed with me very quietly at midnight.

What is even more incredible to the people of the imperial capital is that not only the family behind His Royal Highness Qige stood up to express opposition, but even Prince James, who has always loved Princess Yingli, seemed to acquiesce in our marriage.

Later, after I became a junior inscriber, the 'life magic pattern' incident on the fish skin was triggered, and all the inscribers in the imperial capital were offended at once.

At this time, the magic students in the academy suddenly discovered that I did not join the inscription society, but I successfully obtained the qualification of junior inscription teacher.

In the end, with the posture of riding the dust, I threw away all the first-year freshmen Sanjiejie in terms of magic level, and became the magic student with the highest magic level in this year's freshmen, and there is no bottleneck for me to be promoted to a magician .

This series of events directly made me a man of the day at the Royal Academy of Magic, but I rarely participated in the extracurricular activities of the Academy of Magic except for classes, so I always kept a low profile in the academy.

This school season, I have become a second-year student at the Royal Academy of Magic. Walking on campus, once I am recognized by someone, I will become the focus of the topic.

Of course, no one in the academy is willing to mess with me at this time, and these magic students in the academy still know how to restrain themselves in front of me.

Therefore, in the Royal Academy of Magic, my situation is completely different from Noah's. No matter where Noah and Shirley Newman go in the academy, magic students will come forward to greet and chat with them.

And no matter where I went, the magic students all silenced their voices, and when I walked over, they started whispering again, as if they wanted to separate me from this magic circle.

So when Yingli and I walked through the Royal Academy of Magic, Yingli immediately felt the unnaturalness and unfamiliarity in the eyes of these magic students. Of course Yingli would not mind these things, she just smiled He said to me calmly: "It seems that your interpersonal relationship in the Magic Academy is not very good!"

Ying Li stood on a bench under a fragrant tree and sat down, saying: "That's right, I married the campus goddess in the eyes of magic students quietly. Whoever knows will feel uncomfortable and alienated." And you are normal too!"

"I don't think you need too many friends, just three or two." I stood under the tree and said, "Let's go, I'll show you your dormitory. Your dormitory building is not far from ours." Far."

Helena and Becky accompanied Yingli on the left and right, even if some magic students didn't know me, they would look sideways at Yingli's three daughters.

Ying Li asked me curiously: "You haven't told me what you were up to last night, it was so late..."

I smiled and said to Ying Li: "I want to know what I've been up to recently! I'll take you to my rune tablet workshop later, and you'll know."

"Forget it, I will only add to your confusion by going to the rune board workshop." Ying Li had no intention of participating in the rune board workshop's affairs, and then she said: "By the way, I heard that James The soldier said that the South Wind Legion will purchase a large number of giant crossbow arrows recently, and the three batches of ordinary giant crossbow arrows with the magic pattern imprint that you sent have been approved. down the purchase contract."

Before, Earl Konrad purchased three batches of giant crossbow arrows from me one after another. It seemed that no one had any quality problems with the giant crossbow arrows produced in North Duisburg, so I said excitedly: "This is really a Good news, but the South Wind Legion alone may not be able to eat the giant crossbow arrows produced in the workshop, so I am going to find some new buyers."

"...Jijia, how many giant crossbow arrows have you made?" Ying Li asked curiously.

I did some calculations before saying, "For this holiday alone, the Magic Seal Workshop has printed more than 6 copies!"

Ying Li showed an unbelievable expression and said, "You actually made so many giant crossbow arrows."

We walked through the gate of the dormitory wall, and saw the pale yellow winter jasmine quietly blooming against the cold wind inside the wall, I said: "I will make more printed ordinary crossbow arrows in the future, but I think the empire is so big and small. Your lord, it shouldn't be difficult to eat these giant crossbow arrows."

"Actually, I think you may be able to make some standard military crossbow bolts, which are the most consumed military supplies of the Grimm Empire. If you can make magic crossbow bolts that match the standard military crossbows, it shouldn't be too bad."

"Isn't Prince James teaching you to say these words?" I said to Yingli with a wry smile.

Ying Li smiled slyly, but shook his head again and again.

"However, the arrows of standard military crossbows are only that big. Even if I want to do it, I must at least overcome the success rate of printing magic patterns on arrows that are not much bigger than my thumb!" It is not so difficult to draw the magic circle on the tip.

Then I said to Ying Li: "Even if it is successful, how many silver coins should be sold for such a standard military crossbow? The cost of a single standard military crossbow used in the military will never exceed ten copper coins. Even if the magic circle is successfully engraved on the arrow, the price cannot be too high..."

Putting Yingli's simple luggage in the dormitory bedroom, Yingli is curious and excited about everything in the girls' dormitory. It seems that she really wants her life to be more free.

We then had a simple lunch together at the Food Street.

After that, Yingli and I took the carriage back to the new house.

At this time, Katerina happened to be chatting with Ella and Deborah at the stone table in the yard. Seeing me coming back from the outside, little Ella pulled Deborah to come forward and reason with me, hoping that I could give They have some freedom, and I hope I can respect their choices.

I said to the two of them without turning my head: "Whatever you want to do in the imperial capital, you must listen to me, otherwise I will send you back to Kalancuo."

Hearing what I said, Ella and Deborah just kept their mouths shut and looked angrily at me not talking.

I stayed in the house for a while, and then took Katerina to the rune board workshop in a magic caravan.

(End of this chapter)

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