my age of magic

Chapter 1198 2. Cassandra

Chapter 1198 2. Cassandra
The year Cassandra Tolan graduated from the Bena Advanced Swordsman Academy coincided with the time when Captain Dick led the members of the Seven Trees Adventure Group to carry out missions in Bena Province.

Captain Dick went to the Bena Advanced Swordsmen Academy to recruit two swordsmen. Cassandra and another male student from the academy joined the adventure group. I remember that Cassandra just turned 20 years old that year. The laughing long-legged Bena girl was spotted by Captain Dick, not only because of her excellent sword skills, but also because she smelled like sunshine all over her body.

This sunny and energetic girl has almost no major flaws except that she is slightly flatter from the neck down to the ankles.

Three days later, Cassandra embarked on the journey with the adventure group carrying a package and a knight's sword.

In the past few years, they have been to the southernmost wild swamp to hunt petrified lizards, and they have also been to the northernmost mountains of Xinghu Grassland to hunt earth storm bears. The most daring time was to cross the endless sea with a group of slave traders on a sea boat. Captured a group of orc natives as slaves.

Two years ago, Cassandra followed the adventure group to the Hierro plane.

At the beginning, the adventure group carried out hunting activities in the forest around Pereira City. The forest around Pereira City was rich in products, and a large number of junior and intermediate magic herbs and Warcraft below the third level could be seen everywhere. The Seven Trees Adventure Group When he first entered the plane of Yero, he found the lair of the giant swamp crocodile, and made a fortune from it.

In this way, Cassandra followed Captain Dick to hunt monsters, collect magic herbs and ores, and perform some simple escort missions, etc. in the Hierro plane. In just one year, every member of the adventure group became Gotta be bulging.

Cassandra wants to take the money and leave the adventure group, return to her hometown of Bena Province to find an honest farmer to marry herself, and live a life of ordinary people.

The war on the Hiero plane swept across the southern part of the Black Forest, and the members of the Seven Trees Adventure Group, led by Captain Dick, were forced to retreat to Tanton City to live temporarily.

Last summer, the second son of the Duke of Samoyed, the Marquis Armand and Princess Nora, died in the battle of Tanton City. Silver Jewelry ran to Pereira City to wait for the opportunity to return to the mainland of the Green Empire.

Captain Dick and the members of the adventure group did not go to Pereira City to compete with the millions of Hierro immigrants for the tickets for the teleportation array, but decided to stay in Tanton City and wait for the Duke of Samoyed to lead them. The knights drove away the Nebulu spiders, and after waiting for the situation in Tanton City to stabilize, they followed the Knights of the Duke of Samoyed to take advantage of the Nibru spiders.

It's just that Cassandra didn't expect that she had waited in Tanton City for half a year. The army of the Duke of Samoyed and the Nebulu tribe's spider warriors almost smashed Tanton City, and the battle situation in the Hierro plane had not settled down. However, Captain Dick's wishful thinking failed, and the members of the adventure group were instead trapped in this isolated city.

If it wasn't for the Disraeli Knights who stepped forward at the most critical moment and led their heavy armored infantry regiment to integrate the defeated troops in Tanton City and re-form a defensive force, Tanton City would have already been destroyed by now. Fallen.

On several battlefields in the Yero plane, the army of the Duke of Samoyed and the spider warriors of the Nibru tribe launched a protracted tug of war. The territory of the Duke of Samoyed is gradually shrinking, and four of the ten legions under his command The branch was completely crippled, and the warriors in Durva Province seemed to be frightened by the Nebulu spider, and they did not dare to confront the Nebru spider on the land of Yero.

The most depressing thing is that the dozens of Constructed Knights under the command of the Grand Duke of Samoyed disappeared at this time, which made the morale of the soldiers and civilians staying in Tanton City drop to the lowest point.

Others in the adventure group usually spend the rest of their time lying on the belly of a woman in Tanton City except for soaking in the bar all day. In less than half a year, they almost lost their body With all his money gone, he is hardly different from a bum on the street in this broken city.

Cassandra is one of the few female warriors in the adventure group. She has been practicing sword skills unremittingly in Tanton City for the past six months, and she looks forward to returning to Bena Province one day.


The reason why I noticed Cassandra, the female swordsman of Bena, is that when she led the ancient horse through the black forest in the rain, she could still raise her sexy and white chin, swan Her beautiful neck is exposed outside the leather armor, so she is not worried that there will be cold arrows sneaking up on her in the forest.

The light rain drenched the leather armor on her body, and the wet silk shirt was tightly attached to her body. Her curly brown hair was softly attached to her forehead like the leaves of dead grass in late autumn, and the rain continued to flow down her hair. Flowing, I think she might need a hat in this rain.

She is not the kind of woman who makes people feel amazing just by looking at her. On the contrary, like other Bena girls, she has fair skin, but there are a few light pink freckles dotted on her cheekbones, and her eyes are big. But it is not dark blue, but light blue with gray and white. With thin lips, it will always remind people of those sharp-tongued female clerks in the city hall.

The Gubolai horse she was leading was the strongest in the team. Her riding boots stepped on the muddy grass, and the muddy water splashed made her leather pants covered with mud spots.

The most different thing about Cassandra from the others is that she puts the only cloak on the back of the ancient horse. She is probably worried that the horse will get sick in the rain on the way. Lines may go in vain.

Looking from her back, I don't know where I can always feel Miss Cherry's shadow on her body. They are probably also female swordsmen from Bena, and their walking postures are almost like holding their heads high.

Cassandra looked younger and brighter than Miss Cherry.

When I saw Cassandra for the first time, I almost mistakenly thought that Justus had abducted Shirley Newman's female bodyguard in the imperial capital to the plane of Yero, but I immediately thought that the portal of the Grand Duke of Samoyed was almost Working at full capacity every day, it is impossible for Miss Cherry to appear on the Hierro plane at this time.

Cassandra is different from other members of the adventure group with dark circles under her eyes. She has dreams and hopes for the future in her heart.

I don't see it in the eyes of the other adventurers, whose dreams and hopes have been forgotten in the taverns and casinos.

Looking at Captain Dick who was walking side by side with Justus at the front, the wrinkles on his forehead and the bloodshot eyes made me feel that he is under tremendous pressure to make every decision now, he has to consider Regarding the livelihood of the members of the adventure group, we must try our best to bring these members home safely, and we need to let these members of the adventure group earn a sum of money to support their families before returning home.

I suddenly found that forming an adventure group is not easy. If I were him, I would rather save a little savings and go to any small town in the central province of the Green Empire, buy a piece of land, build a house, and make a As a farmer, this simple life is much more comfortable than being the leader of an adventure group.

Although I haven't had any communication with Captain Dick, I know that he is under such a heavy pressure that it makes him look a little hunchbacked.

Occasionally, he would turn his head back to see if anyone in the entire adventure team was left behind, but his eyes would always pay extra attention to Cassandra in the team, and it could be seen that Captain Dick was very interested in this young Bell. Na female swordsman has given high hopes, maybe she will become the next head of the Seven Trees Adventure Group.


Everyone in Tanton City knew that spider warriors didn't like to go out of their caves on rainy days, and Justus took this opportunity to encourage a group of people to go out of the city to look for food so quickly in Tanton City.

Justus and Dick, the leader of the Seven Trees Adventure Group, met in a tavern. The adventure group led by Dick probably has more than 30 members.

There were nearly 50 people in this food sales team, and they were temporarily joined by a few adventurers who Justus had found in the tavern.

The old fox asked the members of the group to stay in the city as much as possible during the period when Tanton City was at a disadvantage. Therefore, in this small and medium-sized adventure group of less than 50 people, the Seven Trees Adventure of Captain Dick The group is currently the most complete adventure group in Tanton City.

Before Justus participated in the task of clearing the spider camp on the Amur River, he drank and chatted with Captain Dick in the bar. Captain Dick advised Justus more than once not to join those people from the big adventure group. , Unfortunately, Justus couldn't listen.

In fact, it can't be said that Justus didn't listen to Captain Dick's advice. It can only be said that the two of them have different goals in Tanton City.

After Justus came to Tanton City, he needed to integrate into Tanton City as soon as possible. At the same time, he also needed to help me collect a lot of facts about the surrounding areas of Tanton City. Therefore, he would do everything possible to temporarily join those adventure groups and go out of the city to carry out Task.

In the eyes of Captain Dick, Justus is the kind of smart person who can live well no matter in good times or in bad times.

In addition, the plan to clear the spiderman camp by the Amur River failed this time. As one of the few people in this team who was able to escape with a complete body, they not only escaped by themselves, but also escaped with a weak magician. He also gained the friendship of this magician.

Justus was active in the tavern next to Mr. Billy's Hotel, and he was quite famous here.

This is also one of the reasons why Captain Dick is willing to trust Justus, and another reason is that his team members need to use this mission to earn some living expenses.

Now in Tanton City, two catties of wheat flour on the black market have grown wildly to a silver coin, and copper coins have become scrap copper and iron that no one wants in the free market of Tanton City. Seventeen times higher, so there are many people who can't afford wheat flour.

At this time, Justus mentioned in the tavern that in the Trum area outside the city, a group of alien slaves found a large amount of living supplies in the mountains. They built a camp there, and the adventurers who came back from there Said that as long as you bring gold and silver coins to a few dwarves in the camp, you can exchange some wheat flour back.


I lead a group of Guborian horses that are not very bright in color, and follow behind the team. Most of the time, Katerina leads the two horses alone. The rain is isolated from the outside of the body, and occasionally chats with Katerina.

Katerina was wearing a tight-fitting Wurm light leather armor with a magic pattern, but because of the rain, she put on a rainproof cloak outside. Although she wore a hood to cover the upper part of her face, but The sexy lips, straight nose, sweet face and beautiful figure looming in the cloak still attract the attention of many members of the adventure group, and their lewd eyes will always linger on Katerina.

And in order to hide my identity, I not only covered the 'Fury of the Earth' magic pattern structure with a black cloak, but also carried my Thorium long-barreled shotgun on my back, and hung a sharp Shura sword beside the saddle. Axe, my figure is half a head shorter than Katerina, and my body is slightly thinner. The members of the adventure group didn't take me seriously at all.

Since leaving Tanton City, members of these adventure groups have always turned their heads to peek at Katerina frequently.

At this moment, Cassandra led the horse from the front of the team to the back of the team, and inserted herself directly in front of Katerina and me, using her body to separate the wretched eyes of those members of the adventure group, forcing the members of the adventure group to withdraw Gave a wretched look.

"Don't pay attention to them, they are not malicious, they just want to take advantage of their eyes, you are so beautiful!"

This is the first sentence Cassandra said to Katerina.

Katerina nodded slightly to Cassandra, and then asked her: "Are you Swordsman Benar?"

"How did you find out?" Cassandra seemed very talkative, she had a sunny smile and didn't mind the drizzle on her face.

"The way you walk and hold the sword, I have a friend who is also a Benar swordsman." Katerina said.

"What's her name? Maybe we can still know each other." Cassandra asked.

"We call her Miss Cherry," Katerina said.

"Oh, there is no one with that name among my friends." Cassandra thought for a while before saying.

In this way, Katerina and Cassandra gradually became familiar with each other through chatting, and then I also joined their chatting. Although it was raining, our chatting interest was not diminished at all. Cassandra traveled to many places, Having seen many anecdotes, she has always been able to tell all stories, be they sad or cruel, with hope.

I looked at Cassandra curiously, and couldn't help asking her curiously: "Aren't you afraid of offending people by helping us like this?"

Cassandra said to me indifferently: "Don't worry, they dare not."

The way she looked at me always had a trace of Tracy, and her words seemed to be careless, as if she was casually perfunctory to this not very sensible brother.

I looked up into her light blue eyes and asked her, "Why?"

Seeing my serious look, Cassandra laughed heartily and said to me, "Because they all owe me money! Haha..."

In the drizzling rain, we walked through the dense jungle to the Trum Camp, which had just had some outlines. We didn't meet any Nebru tribe spidermen along the way.

The members of the Seven Trees Adventure Group saw the tall barbarian standing in the rain, and then they stood in the rain and showed a little panic. They gathered around Justus and Captain Dick...

(End of this chapter)

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