my age of magic

Chapter 1203 7. Le Die's thoughts

Chapter 1203 7. Le Die's thoughts

Ever since Yingli left the lakeside manor to live in the dormitory of the Royal Academy of Magic, she was really excited about it for several days. These days, like a happy nightingale, she always told me about all kinds of things that happened in the dormitory. trivial matters of life.

Maybe female magic students know how to enjoy life better. They will raise small monster pets in the dormitory building, and they will also raise some magic plants on the balcony of the dormitory building. Sometimes they can hear some beautiful piano sounds in a certain dormitory. .

Ying Li also bought some vines from the street market of the Royal Academy of Magic and placed them on the terrace, and mobilized me and Katerina.Helena and Becky helped her build a trellis so that the vines could climb up the trellis.

Yingli likes her room very much, although there is only a small bed, a writing desk, a window, and a terrace, and Helena and Becky cannot be by her side, but for Yingli, the experience Take a look at the campus life, which is full of various novel elements and interesting things.

The bell for the end of the last magic class in the morning rang melodiously, and I put a thick black magic book into my magic pocket.

This bronzing magic book with a magic pattern on the cover was just borrowed from Shawn Scholar yesterday. It is a book about some manipulation skills in water magic. Shawn Scholar thinks I lack this aspect Knowledge.

In the afternoon is a self-study class for practicing meditation. My magic level has reached the bottleneck of the eighth-level magician, and I am only one window away from the ninth level. I was able to break through level eight during my time in Seoul, so I seldom took meditation classes at the Academy of Magic.

Running down the spiral staircase of the teaching building, I happened to see Prince George and Quentin mingling with the crowds on the opposite stairway. They obviously also saw me in the crowd. Prince George looked very gloomy, with eye sockets His gaze was deep, with a sense of superiority that can only be found in royal families and aristocrats.

This is the second time I met the two of them at the Royal Academy of Magic. When Quentin stared at me, the hatred in his eyes was obviously covered up, and he only looked at me before turning his eyes away, refusing to talk to me. I look at each other.

'Little Charlie' Prince George turned a blind eye to me, and after giving me an indifferent glance, he turned his attention to other people.

It seems that this Prince George is much less hostile to me, and Quentin is not willing to have a conflict with me at the Royal Academy of Magic. Seeing me walking down the spiral staircase, the two of them turned and walked into another room. The side stairs, deliberately avoiding me.

Noah pulled Shirley Newman up from behind, patted me on the shoulder, and asked me: "Ji Jia, we are going to the restaurant in the food street to try the grilled iguana, do you want to go together?"

Noah was followed by a large group of magic students in the class. Everyone chatted happily. It seemed that this lunch was more like a small-scale class activity.

I thought about it for a while, usually I seldom participate in class activities, and the relationship with other magic students in the class is very alienated. It is rare to have such an opportunity, but I should participate, so I said to Noah: "I will ask Ying Li Do you have any other arrangements at noon?"

"You and Yingli come together!" Noah and I went downstairs together shoulder to shoulder, Shirley Newman held his arm on the other side of Noah, Noah said to me with great interest: "Know You've been very busy recently, every day after class you slip faster than a rabbit, it's rare that I caught you today, come with us!"

I didn't comment, and said to Noah: "Oh, by the way, thank you Louis for me, the two architects and experts who repaired the city wall he helped me hire are great, the design of the town has been finalized, They gave me a lot of valuable advice.”

Noah smiled and said to me: "So, you also have your own town? Should I call you Earl Jijia?"

I shook my head slightly and said, "It will take some time to build the town, and the situation in the Hierro plane is very bad now."

Noah saw that I spoke so pessimistically about the situation in the plane of Hierro, so he became serious, and said to me in a low voice: "I heard from Louis that almost all of Duke Samoyed's army is in Pereira now. It’s hard to do anything.”

As the flow of people walked from the spiral staircase to the hall on the first floor of the teaching building, I said to Noah: "Zach and Ernestine have returned to the Knights, and the situation in the Hierro plane should change in the future." .”

Noah is not optimistic about my plan to build the town of Trum on the Hierro plane. He thinks that it is very risky to do these things before the situation in the Hierro plane is clear.

Noah said to me: "Let me see, you might as well come to the Vashj plane, with me and Louis helping you, I can give you a few small islands, and you can choose any one of these islands to build an island." It’s not much more reliable than building a small town in the plane of Hierro where the situation is so unstable, and Louis and I can help you prepare the materials for building the island city.”

"Hey, Noah..." I yelled at Noah, who had told me at least fifty times this month.

Noah knew that I was a little impatient, so he quickly stopped the topic and said to me: "Okay, okay, I won't mention this matter anymore, if you want to change your mind, you can come to me at any time."

A magic student from the same class behind Noah came over. He and Noah were used to joking around, and asked Noah with a smile: "People who have mines at home, do they talk so boldly? They will send their best friends away casually." An island city, you can choose which island to build on, Noah, can I choose one too?"

Noah laughed and said, "Of course..."

There was laughter among the magic students in the classes behind Noah.

Shirley Newman was by Noah's side, with a faint smile on her bright and pretty face, appearing reserved and proud.

Ying Li stood by the fountain, and the statue in the pool behind her sprayed several water jets into the air. After the water jets reached the highest point in the air, they turned into countless round water droplets and fell one after another. The bright sunlight penetrated these clear and pure water droplets. The small water droplets formed a colorful rainbow in the air.

Noah and I came to Yingli talking and laughing, and were about to ask Yingli if he wanted to go to the noon dinner party with Noah, when Yingli whispered to me: "Jijia , James wants to talk to you."

"Okay!" I readily agreed, "Did James say what time it is?"

"Manda is preparing lunch at the lakeside manor." Ying Li said softly.

I wanted to make some jokes with Ying Li, but now I don't know what to say. I tried to think about what special day today is, but I couldn't think of anything.

Noah, who was standing beside me, heard Yingli say this, sighed helplessly, and said to me: "Uh...Jijia, okay! I see, next time I have a chance to ask you... "

After finishing speaking, Noah pulled Shirley Newman, and the two chased the students in the class who had gone to the front together, and a group of people laughed and walked towards the west gate of the college.

Yingli and I walked out of the academy immediately, and boarded the magic caravan that had been waiting at the entrance of the academy. The coachman saw Yingli and me board the carriage, raised his whip and lightly whipped the horse's buttocks, and the magic caravan slowly entered the street of Yulin Street. in traffic.

I sat across from Yingli and asked Yingli curiously: "Did James tell you in advance what is the matter with me?"

Ying Li just bent down at this time, took off the long leather boots on her legs, sat on the soft leather sofa and curled up her calves. She lowered her head and rubbed her feet, probably not used to wearing these long boots , she said to me: "It's probably about Le Die!"

I hurriedly asked: "Oh! What happened to Ledie?"

Ying Li also said blankly, "I don't know either!"

I chuckled: "Could it be that this young sub-dragon also died unfortunately, and is planning to let me find a way to find a dragon egg in the plane of Hierro?"

"...Don't talk nonsense, let Le Die hear it, you'll have something to look at!" Ying Li gave me a look.

The magic caravan drove into the lakeside manor of Prince James. The butler seemed to be waiting at the gate of the castle. When he saw Yingli and me coming in a car, he hurried down the steps, opened the door for us graciously, and told me and Ying Li said: "My lord prince has been waiting for a long time."

Ying Li and I looked at each other, then followed my butler into the castle.

This lakeside manor is no longer unfamiliar to me. Even if I don’t come here often, I still have to go here at least two or three times a month, especially after signing a military supply contract with the Southwind Army’s logistics department. , the number of times to run here is even more.

Prince James also made an exception and opened the door for me to sell the backlog of giant crossbow arrows in my hand to the South Wind Army.

Step on the soft velvet red carpet, walk through the corridors full of precious oil paintings and magic rune panels, and climb to the third floor of the castle.

The butler led us into a spacious study room, which is where James usually works in the castle. In the huge room, there are only a desk and a set of sofas, and one side of the wall is full of bookshelves. , On the other side of the wall is a set of huge display racks, on which there are various materials from Warcraft, which looks like a place to place the commemorative trophies.

Prince James is sitting behind the desk, holding a quill in his hand, reviewing some documents.

Seeing the butler walking in with Ying Li and me, he quickly put the quill pen into the pen holder and motioned us to sit down on the sofa.

The butler brought some dignified maids to serve some refreshments, and then said to Prince James, "I'll go to see my wife..."

James nodded slightly, and the butler quickly stepped back.

Prince James was wearing a gorgeous dress, sitting on the armchair behind the office desk, and greeted me warmly: "Listen to Yingli, your trip to El City has made a lot of progress. reward?"

I nodded respectfully and replied: "I am the falcon of El City, and I go back to El City every winter to hunt down the barbarians who invaded the territory of the Northern Province. Basically all the Constructed Knights stationed on the south bank of the Benma River were dispatched, and this winter they drove all the barbarians back to the north bank of the Benma River."

Prince James nodded, and said with emotion: "Although the old Wall was a little mediocre in his life, he has cultivated a remarkable duchess. This time, the Green Empire gathered troops to expel Nak on the Kenda plane. The Ma people, Grand Duke Jingyue led the North Wind Legion to participate in the battle, and the battles they encountered were very difficult, and the fighting will shown by these northern knights is the most tenacious."

I know that the old Wall that Prince James is talking about is Wall. Duke Ellie is the grandfather of Grand Duke Jingyue.

Prince James stared at me and asked me, "I heard that you plan to build a small town on the plane of Hierro?"

I sat on the sofa and quickly said: "Yes, last summer, I participated in the experience of the Hierro plane with the training group of the Royal Academy of Magic. I bought a piece of land from the Duke of Samoyed at a low price—— Trume area."

Prince James listened to me patiently, looking out the window with deep eyes.

I went on to say: "Although the Duke of Samoyed agreed to sell this area to me cheaply, he also asked me to rebuild a small town in this area as soon as possible for a period of two years."

Prince James said with a smile: "This Samoyed doesn't want to suffer from anything!"

I said to Prince James: "I do have plans to build a town in Trume recently."

James heard me say this, his eyes became brighter, and he said to me: "You are really courageous. Under this kind of chaos, you dare to invest in the construction of a small town."

Then he pondered for a while, and stroked the beard around his mouth with one hand, as if he was thinking about how to speak.

I felt a little nervous for no reason, and couldn't help but glance at Ying Li next to me.

Unexpectedly, Ying Li, who was sitting beside me, also looked at Prince James seriously.

"I'm looking for you this time, and I want to ask you something." James stood up from the armchair and walked straight to the window, his eyes fell into the distance through the glass window.

Yingli and I exchanged glances, followed suit, and stood by the window with Prince James.

Looking down from the third floor of the castle, you can have a panoramic view of the large new green lawn in front of the castle, the royal garden in front of the square, and Weiyang Lake in the distance. Although you can’t see the lush green at this time, the color of the outside scenery is slightly Monotonous, but still very beautiful.

At this time, I saw Youdao's familiar figure sitting on a set of swings in the garden. The swings seemed to have stopped, but she still didn't realize it.

Le Die turned her back to the castle, her back was so lonely, the breeze brushed her long hair, she sighed softly.

A huge dragon lies at her feet...

(End of this chapter)

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