my age of magic

Chapter 1206 10. Anecdotes of the Dock

Chapter 1206 10. Anecdotes about the dock ([-])

Senior Dylan's magic caravan drove into the dock by Weiyang Lake.

Ten five-masted sailboats are moored side by side on the nearly kilometer-long dock. Each five-masted sailboat is surrounded by dense wooden frames. Surrounded by a group of sailing ships, each five-masted sailing ship's hull is wrapped with a layer of fine gold rune plates, making these five-masted sailing ships look like golden sea ships. Pattern array.

Some crew members stood on the deck of the ship tens of meters high, some crew members leaned on the side of the ship and looked down, some climbed on the mast to straighten the heavy canvas, and some were scrubbing the floor of the ship building. Watch the fun on board.

The boatmen in the dock, however, gathered on the pier. They surrounded several managers, looking more like they were protesting something.

There are some adamantine magic rune tablets piled up on the pier, but no one is working.

There were also several inscribers on the pier, wearing gorgeous magic robes, standing among the crowd of managers, surrounded by these boatmen.

Senior Dylan saw the messy scene on the pier from the magic caravan, and hurriedly urged the magic caravan to drive over. Before the magic caravan stopped in front of the crowd at the pier, Senior Dylan couldn't wait to jump off the magic caravan.

The group of boatmen on the pier saw Senior Dylan appearing, and they all gathered around the magic caravan.

"Bradford, why are you all standing here?" Senior Dylan yelled at a middle-aged man who looked like a manager: "What time is it, why are you still not starting work?"

The middle-aged manager was wearing a starched white shirt, a brown sheepskin vest, a woolen plaid skirt, and long leather shoes. He had a beard and was staring at the brass bell. Eyeballs, chasing after these boatmen, holding a whip in his hand, pointed at these boatmen with trembling fingers and cursed loudly: "You lowly civilians, what do you want to do? Why don't you go back to the boat? Live, do you want to disobey orders?"

Those boatmen simply ignored the manager called Bradford, and directly surrounded Senior Dylan. I was worried that Senior Dylan would suffer in front of these strong boatmen, so I quickly jumped out of the magic caravan , Stand beside Senior Dylan.

The coachman of the magic caravan also held his whip, jumped off the seat of the driver of the magic caravan, and stood in front of Senior Dylan tremblingly, already too nervous to speak.

However, those boatmen seemed to be very restrained, and the crowd was slightly surging. An old boatman who looked calm walked up to Senior Dylan, saluted Senior Dylan, and asked: "Master Dylan, we I heard that all the magic rune plates on these five-masted sailing ships have to be removed and reinstalled, right?"

Senior Dylan looked at the eager eyes of the boatmen in front of him, and asked in a deep voice, "Oh, is this why everyone gathered here today?"

The old boatman was wearing a linen jacket and trousers, and his dark brown skin was exposed from the open front of the shirt, which was obviously the skin color that would have been exposed to the scorching sun all year round. He was not from the imperial capital, and only people in the imperial capital would dare Shirtless.

Although the skin on the old boatman's body was a little loose, his skeleton was extremely tall. He bent his body as much as possible in front of Senior Dylan. Even so, he still looked tall and tall. He asked Senior Dylan: "What do we want to do?" You know, everyone worked hard day and night for nearly three months before installing these fine gold rune plates on ten five-masted sailing ships, and then spent more than two months on various adjustments. The inscription masters question the installation position of which piece of gold magic rune board, we have to correct it tirelessly, correct it, and correct it repeatedly until they are satisfied, isn't that okay?"

The old boatman's face looked a bit bitter.

Senior Dylan stared at the old boatman and shook his head, but the old boatman still couldn't give up persuading Senior Dylan, he asked Senior Dylan: "This is the result of our hard work and hard work for nearly half a year. Why do you have to tear it all down?"

Without waiting for Senior Dylan to answer, he continued: "If it's just that the pure gold rune plates cannot produce magical resonance, and the associated magic lines of the entire magic pattern circle cannot be perfectly connected together, we can continue Debugging! Remove this piece if it doesn’t work, and remove that piece if it doesn’t work. Is it necessary to completely remove it?”

At this time, the middle-aged manager named Bradford by Dylan's senior had already squeezed in from the crowd, and shouted at the old boatman, "Hanklum, what are you doing? Are you questioning the decision of the Dylan scholar? Or did our shipyard give you a penny less? The above asked you to dismantle these adamantine rune plates, so you can dismantle them directly. What is the use of you gathering here? The shipbuilding period, let me see everyone on the field, who can afford this responsibility."

The old boatman Hanklum also seemed to be in a hurry. He raised his head and retorted to Bradford who was wearing plaid cloth: "But...Master Bradford, we don't have much time left. , there is still less than two months before the construction period stipulated by His Majesty Charles. If the adamantine rune plate is removed in such a vague way, even if it is reinstalled non-stop, it will take at least three months to complete the entire ship. Replace all the gold magic rune plates on the galleon, who will bear the responsibility for the missed construction period?"

Obviously, as a manager, Bradford no longer has any prestige among these boatmen.

A boatman on the side followed Hanklum and echoed, "Yes, at least I want to give you an explanation. If there is a very large error in the position of the gold rune board installed by us boatmen, then let's try again. We have nothing to say about reinstalling it again, but if you can't find any faults in the installation position, then even reinstalling it will not help at all!"

The old boatman Hanklum Zhou Qi frowned, his old face was like a blooming chrysanthemum, he reluctantly said to Senior Dylan: "Now the installation level of the fine gold magic rune boards on these ships is already the best we can do. If the standard is good, we can’t do more delicate work.”

He paused, swallowed a mouthful of spit to moisten his hoarse throat, and continued: "So the magic circle on the five-masted sailboat cannot be activated normally. I hope that before dismantling these adamantine magic rune boards, you adults should give a clear reason for this matter. At least let all parties confirm where the problem with these rune boards is, so as not to delay the construction period in the end. When it comes to accountability, we blame the shipyard, and the shipyard blames us, the boatmen!"

Bradford, the manager, pointed at the old boatman's forehead and yelled at him: "Hanklum, you are delaying the progress of the project, hurry up and get back on the boat, if you continue to gather crowds to make trouble, then I have no choice but to Please, the knight masters of the imperial guard battalion, explain the truth to you, and tell you how to be a commoner dutifully."

Bradford glared at Hanklum sternly, but didn't make any further moves, which made me feel like he and the old boatman Hanklum were acting.

Senior Dylan expressed great dissatisfaction with Bradford, the manager of the dock, and he scolded, "Bradford, shut up!"

The manager immediately stopped making noise and looked at Senior Dylan with a look of horror.

"Masters of inscription masters, do you have anything to say?" Then senior Dylan set his eyes on a group of magicians wearing magic robes other than the boatmen, narrowed his eyes slightly and said to them: "Everyone Are you also very dissatisfied?"

Seeing Senior Dylan directing the flames of war to them, one of the inscription masters stood up unceremoniously and said to Senior Dylan, "If you are not convinced, then you really are not."

He glanced at his companions with his eyes slightly, and was encouraged by the eyes of the other nine inscribers, and then said: "We still admire the paper on the mobile magic teleportation array written by Scholar Dylan."

This inscriber is very good at finishing these words, and then changed his voice: "We have been drawing pure gold rune tablets all day for the past few months. If we can see some results during this period, it will also allow us to have a better understanding of the Weiyang Lake Dockyard. A little more confidence in the future."

He pointed to the fine gold rune boards piled up on the pier, and said with regret: "But the fine gold rune boards made in the past few months can be piled up into a hill, and for this set of mobile magic The success of the teleportation array is still in the foreseeable future. Even the most stable person will lose their patience!"

The scribe took a step forward and winked at his companion.

The inscription masters on the side immediately understood, and followed him to take a step forward, and the two of them stood in front of these inscription masters.

Then the inscription master said: "If one or two of the inscription masters among us made some fatal mistakes, which caused the entire mobile teleportation magic circle to fail to function normally, then we think it is normal Ah, with such a huge combined mobile teleportation array, each piece of pure gold rune board needs to be carefully crafted, and it is not difficult to understand that there are some small problems occasionally."

The two inscription masters standing in front shrugged their shoulders humorously, and then two more inscription masters stood up from behind.

The inscriber went on to say: "If three to four of our ten inscribers have fatal errors in the magic pattern circles made by them, then it means that there may be some small flaws in the design drawings, but they are not It is too big, and it is inevitable that some of us inscribers cannot control it."

Hearing what he said, the other inscribers all nodded in agreement.

Then two more inscribers stood up.

At this time, the tone of the inscription master became a little harsh, and his voice became louder, saying: "But if there are five to six inscription masters who draw the magic pattern circles all wrong, in fact, we have a lot to do." It is necessary to check whether the design drawings of the magic pattern circle have this defect in some places. Some young designers often lack the ability of self-examination, and are often blinded by subjective consciousness. Young people, something is wrong It is inevitable, as long as you clearly recognize your mistakes, you can still correct them, but this kind of thing is not absolute."

Senior Dylan kept looking sullenly at the inscriber.

The inscription master did not stop there, but continued to signal for two inscription masters to stand up from behind.

Then he said: "If among the ten inscription masters, seven to eight inscription masters draw magic pattern circles and install them on the ship, and the magic circles still cannot function normally, then I think this is enough to explain the problem, Di Lun! Please see if it is necessary to continue to modify these gold magic rune plates, or your astrologer union should re-examine this set of mobile teleportation magic circle blueprints, the final magic blueprint review and theoretical demonstration There is still a need for a comprehensive and thorough improvement.”

His tone seemed to be admonishing the younger generation, making Senior Dylan breathe heavily.

But he still didn't mean to stop, and finally the two inscription masters also stood up, and he continued: "Now, the biggest problem is that all ten combined magic pattern circles produced by ten inscription masters at the same time are all It can’t work normally, so it can be said that your set of magic pattern magic circle about the magic teleportation circle has a big problem!”

The group of boatmen on the pier felt that the inscriber's explanation made sense, and they all nodded in agreement. At the same time, everyone turned their attention to the inscriber.

The inscriptionist seemed a little proud. He walked towards Senior Dylan, and the boatmen all gave way wherever he passed.

He finally said: "Even under the order of His Majesty Charles, we scribes are here to cooperate with you unconditionally, but there are always mistakes of one kind or another and no effective solution can be found. We have been with you astrologers It took almost six months to work here, and we can't always spend it endlessly like this. Now that the situation of the plane war is so tense, we also have our own things to do. We don't care whether these five-masted sailing ships need to be refitted. What will it look like, but can you give us a more accurate construction period? After all, our time is also very precious..."

Senior Dylan stared at the inscriber, nodded, took a steady breath, and then said: "Your Excellency Eustace Inscriber, you want an exact time limit, don't you?"

The inscriber Eustace stood proudly opposite Senior Dylan, and said, "That's right, young scholar Dylan."

Senior Dylan said in a calm tone: "Then this matter is easy to handle, I can answer you now, the cooperation between our Astrologer Union and you master inscription masters can come to an end for the time being, and then I will discuss with our Astrologer Union The chairman will personally go to His Majesty Charles to explain this matter."

"I'm sorry for wasting everyone's precious time for nearly half a year." Senior Dylan apologized to the inscriber Eustace.

Eustace and the other scribes looked at each other with a look of color on their faces.

Senior Dylan turned around and asked the old boatman Hanklum again: "Hanklum, do you think it took so many of you three months to complete the work of laying and assembling the fine gold rune plates for these ten five-masted sailing ships? This is already your limit, isn't it? And you don't think it should be so hasty to destroy the fruits of your labor, do you?"

"Yes, Your Excellency the Magician Dylan!" The old boatman Hanklum said: "Actually, you needed to add some more manpower. Although we have a large number of people, they are scattered on ten ships. In fact, each ship There are only a few dozen boatmen, and such a big boat can’t even lift a wave, and you can see how difficult it is for us boatmen to assemble these fine gold rune plates.”

(End of this chapter)

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