my age of magic

Chapter 121 122. Contradictions and Conflicts

Chapter 121 122. Contradictions and Conflicts

During the days when I left the old Kuru, I felt that Kurz was like a dry sponge thrown into the basin. He was absorbing moisture from the outside world at a terrifying speed, and he was growing rapidly.In the past, I felt that he was more like a big child, but now I see him sitting firmly on the neck of the Yagui beast, leading the female orcs of the Raitu tribe to hunt enough food in the northern footland wilderness, and then climbed over the mountain. Yelian Mountains, led them to Gludin in an orderly manner. No matter how anxious he was at the moment, it never showed on his face. He began to mature more and more. That strange 14-year-old orc, in the spring and summer The rite of passage is available in the season of rendezvous, and Kurtz is coming of age.

He sat beside me, lowered his head and poked under the stove with a slightly longer dead branch, and straightened the slightly crooked scroll of the concentrated fire technique.Katerina squatted on the side of the iron pot to add water to it. Perhaps Qige had changed the formula of the Moonlight Ink. The flame of the Gathering Fire scroll was even hotter, and there was a sizzling sound when the water was poured on the side of the pot.

This pot is not too big, if you cook soup, it can only fill more than a dozen bowls.The beast girls sat around the stove, quietly waiting for a bowl of soup.These days, the female orcs in the Raitu tribe have long been used to it. We use magic scrolls to cook soup extravagantly. They wait quietly, and the female orcs sitting in front will take out some of their dried meat in advance. , cut the meat into cubes with a knife, put them in the soup pot, and piled the washed wild vegetables on the side, just waiting for the soup pot to be opened and put in, a pot of delicious beef and wild vegetable soup was made.

It was the same even when he was in Yelian Mountain. In order to supplement enough nutrition, Kurz divided the beast girls into groups of ten. They had to collect wild vegetables and put them into the beef soup pot after camping and before dinner.As much meat and wild vegetables as they put in, they will eat as much for dinner.The jerky that everyone carried on their backs belonged to them, and it was no longer a pure tribal big pot meal. When it was time to eat, the leader of Raitu gathered the food from all the orcs and distributed them uniformly.In this way, the beast girls who have been hungry began to know how to save, and slowly calculated carefully when their beef would be finished, and when there were wild vegetables, they would pick as many wild vegetables as possible. If the wild vegetables are eaten up, at least the beef can be used for a few days, and the heart will feel more at ease when carrying the jerky.

In this way, even if the steep Yelian Mountains are crossed, even if the climbable places in the valley road have been trampled by hungry orcs, even if the roots of wild vegetables are dug up and eaten, there will always be dead ends that have not been taken into account. At this time, the beast girls will carefully look for every wild vegetable, because they think that as long as they dig out one more wild vegetable, they will save themselves a piece of jerky.In this way, walking all the way to the western wilderness, Gribasqin was surprised to find that the beast women only ate less than [-] kilograms of meat on their backs, and the old orcs seemed a little silent in Yelian Mountain. , Always bow your head and think about things in your heart all day long.

The leader Raitu would only get into the tent every day before it was dark, and he and his wives worked hard to have a son.Once, when the beast girls were taking a bath by the river, Raitu suddenly strode to the stream, picked up a young beast girl with a well-proportioned body, tight and delicate skin, and walked towards his tent Go, at that moment, the beast girl was taken aback, but after seeing that it was the leader of the tribe, she gritted her teeth and didn't let herself shout out. She just clasped her chest tightly with panicked hands and tried her best. Bend her legs, close her eyes, hold her breath, and wait for that moment to come. You can see how flustered she is, wanting to struggle and resist but dare not.

The tribe has tribal rules. The women are all exchanged with the antelope skin and animals. The more beautiful the women, the more valuable they are. They are the private property of the orc warriors.When their men die, unless they choose to pay the tribe a large ransom, they are the property of the tribe. At this time, all the orc girls of the Raitu tribe belong to Raitu. She was originally the tribe's warrior. Wife, but now she has become an ordinary tribal woman.

Raitu murmured as he walked with the young female orc in his arms: "It seems that you eat a small pot of rice and eat your heart wildly. Are you afraid of me? You are all mine. After I eat you, try again." You carry such a big bag of jerky, you can really carry it! When you were in the northern foot wasteland, how much jerky did you carry on your back? Tsk tsk, look at this body, well-proportioned and strong, I can't believe that you have good physical strength! "

The wives of Raitu carry tents on their backs. In order to maintain the dignity of the leader of Raitu, they can’t carry too much dried meat. Along the way, they are reserved and don’t want to squat on the side of the road to dig wild vegetables. In this way, the jerky is consumed in a large amount, and I didn’t realize it at first. When I realized that the jerky was about to run out, I thought of saving it. What’s the use?

In fact, there were several sacks of jerky on our Yagui Beast. Even if Qige angrily claimed that she would tear off my ears, she couldn't replace these sacks of jerky with the hemostatic grass she picked.But he kept trying to save face and begged us for it.The chief of the tribe always wanted to keep his last bit of dignity.In the end, he put his mind on those female orcs who usually live frugally, have ample backpacks, are not burdened by orc children, and have a decent appearance and figure.

It stands to reason that these female orcs are his property, and we have no reason to say what he wants to do, but the problem is that he broke the rules, this newly established, very fragile rules.The purpose of our formulating this rule is actually very simple, which is to save jerky as much as possible.But once Raitu did this, he would exploit the beast girl below when he ran out of jerky. In this way, who would be willing to save food, even if the meat saved by hard work, didn't it end up in the leader's belly .So, at this time, I jumped out, blocked Raitu's way, and stared at Jing with his bare upper body. His strong bronze muscles contained huge primitive strength. Serious look.

Rajtu is full of hostility to the human race, which is why he retired to the edge of the death swamp as the leader of a small tribe when he was in his prime.At that time, the eyes full of murderous intent really startled me. At first, I thought that we would at least save his life. For a child like me, if I blocked his way, he would not show his dissatisfaction. At least he would save his face. Let's go!We found an excuse to save the beast girl, and then asked Kurz to explain to him, and added some dried meat to him, how could it be possible to starve the dignified tribal leader, not to mention that the food we brought was not insufficient.But his eyes almost looked like he was going to trample me to death, at least that's how I felt at the time.

Although in the end both Kuz and Gribaschin came forward to calm things down, but I began to find that as we slowly integrated into the tribe, what we did was gradually getting along with the leader of the tribe, Raitu. There was a conflict, a big conflict, although we felt that the reason was on our side, and the orc girls were more and more convinced of us, and they were more willing to help Qige collect herbs when they had time, but the dark cloud over Gribaschin’s eyebrows, It was getting heavier day by day, and his mind was like a mountain weighing on him.

The leader, Raitu, has become even more invisible. Sometimes, he even skips the necessary inspections every day. Unless it is necessary to eat every day, it is difficult to see him. He always likes to hide in the tent.We have been holding the fire-gathering scroll, so we can get together when cooking every day. Sometimes, I also whispered to Qige secretly, saying that it was a very happy thing, helping others, it is very fun to do. I have a sense of accomplishment, and I belong to the Yuanfang clan of Kuru. I can help if I can, but I don’t know how to do it. The more I help, the more I feel uncomfortable. It seems that something is missing.Qige looked at me with a smile, bit my ear and said to me, did you see that group of orc girls taking a bath naked, and they became spring at a young age.Hey, I can’t talk to Qige about things other than magic. Three words will definitely bring me to a woman. I don’t think Qige is like a big sister, but more like a girl of my age. child.

Watching the beast girls cut up the meat in an orderly manner, and skillfully threw their portion into the soup pot, Katerina kept stirring aside, the flames of the scroll were very sufficient, and the soup pot boiled away in a short while, the team The beast girl rushed over and put the prepared fresh and tender wild vegetables into the soup pot. With the constant stirring of the wooden spoon, they turned into green clouds in the soup pot.If it wasn't for the fact that the wheat cakes had already been eaten, we would have to take out half of the wheat cakes and break them into pieces and throw them into the soup pot. As the fragrance wafted up, the team of beast girls would fill their own bowl of soup. Leaving quickly, the next team of beast girls quickly made up.

There are many advantages to doing this. Every time the soup is cooked, it is always easy to count the number of people in the tribe.Sometimes, the orcs fleeing from famine see that our large group of people is still well-fed, and some people will mix in with our group and try to get a meal.Even if we see it in our eyes, we never say anything, but when cooking soup, this group of orcs will be helpless. They don't have a fixed team, and they don't have dried meat or wild vegetables. I want to have a meal, but who has extra.

The wise man Meyana and the old orc Gribaschin sat side by side opposite the soup pot. He was a little surprised to see our uniform soup cooking method, and he couldn't stop nodding in praise.The wise man Meyana is the old orc who is handed over to the orc boy to distinguish herbs and wild vegetables during the day. He is not an orc shaman with magic power, but one of the few wise men in Gludin Town. The wise man In the beast clan, it means a person with extensive knowledge, and it also means to inherit the civilization of the beast clan.After cooking twenty pots of wild vegetable broth in a row, the women and children belonging to our tribe are about to finish eating, and the flame on the scroll has not seen any decay. Meyer pointed to the scroll under the soup pot and asked the old beast personality Ribaschin: "Your department has always used magic scrolls to cook food?"

The meaning implied in the words is very clear, that is, if you have such a luxurious magic scroll, even if you can buy food in Gludin Town to survive the famine, why would you use it to go to the northern foot wasteland to hunt the one-horned wild wolf?
Gribaschin didn't hide anything, so he told the wise man Meyerna about the cause of the matter from beginning to end.

Both old orcs regarded us as young human merchants traveling in the wasteland for the first time, and the caravan consisted of a female magician, a female assassin and a child who could use a shotgun. During the travel, Met Kurtz and walked with him.The scrolls we use now belong to the female magician Qige, and Qige came to the wasteland to buy some magic herbs. Magicians need a lot of magic herbs to make scrolls.

During this trip, we just happened to meet the Raitu tribe and rescued this group of orcs from the northern footlands.

(End of this chapter)

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