my age of magic

Chapter 133 133. Leather Shop

Chapter 133 133. Leather Shop
The streets are not very wide, and the houses here are built very low. In order to occupy as much space as possible and allow more poor people to live in the narrow rooms, the orcs also cleverly expanded the wooden houses to the street little by little. At this level, the eaves of the houses facing the street are almost all stuck together, making this uneven stone road look too dark and damp. The gaps between the stone boards are covered with blue moss, and the gutters on both sides of the road are covered with green moss. Muddy sewage was flowing, and there were even dead rats or rotting animal offal floating in it. Congealed pieces of dirty grease hung on the side walls of the gutter, like black ice that condensed on the side of the gutter in winter.

We walked through such a dark alley, and saw a family of orcs set up a dining table under the rain on the side of the street. There were large pieces of vegetable cakes in the big wooden bowl on the table, which was made of a lot of wild vegetables and very few The black flour is mixed together, and the cakes are fried on the slate.It is said that this kind of cake will not be salted, but seeing the smile and satisfaction on the face of that family, in this second, I realized a little bit of happiness.

A mangy dog ​​with most of its hair lost was sticking its head into the gutter, constantly licking the condensed animal fat on the wall of the ditch. These fats are usually removed from the stretch with a scraper by the tanner before the leather is cooked. The fat particles scraped off the tight leather flowed into the ditch with the hot sewage, turning into gutter oil.

Several bare-legged orc children squatted on the side of the street, each holding a straw pole to poke the ant hole, playing very attentively.

Under the rain edge on the street, occasionally a beast girl stood.

Whenever male orcs who don't look too down-and-out walk by on the street, they will raise their eyes and take a look. If they think there is an opportunity, they will come out from under the eaves and show their figure and appearance in front of the male orcs. The face, or a look and movement, is an eye-opener for me. It turns out that there are such quiet and dirty streets in the towns of the orcs, and there are also street girls.

Kuz, a fledgling who doesn't seem to have any experience, is actually wearing a light armor made of precious magic antelope skin. This is the age when he has no resistance to women. Young orcs in adolescence are more eager to understand women. body, so when he walked through this street, he naturally became the target of these street girls competing for favor.

I saw that there was nothing unusual about Katerina's expression, and sometimes she looked curiously at the hairstyles on the heads of these street girls.Kuz was a little embarrassed, and at this time, blushing and walking forward silently with his head half lowered, he even carefully avoided the street girls blocking the road, and walked past in a panic amidst their indulgent laughter.

Qige looked very angry, and pulled me into her arms in a bad temper, covered my eyes with one hand, and asked me to follow her.

In fact, what made her feel unbalanced was not walking through such a street full of poor men and street girls, nor those orc street girls showing off their heads and their delicate wheat-colored skin, but me.The reason is that I gave the precious salamander skin to Katerina, but I didn't intend to give it to her.Although she didn't open her mouth to talk about it, she always pinched me for no reason, and I realized that something was wrong.

It's like buying a gift for the little wife and being discovered by the old wife, but she can't argue, hey, you are a magician, it is appropriate to wear a magic robe, the magic robe has a little effect of restoring mana, and can slightly How beautiful it is to increase the casting speed!If you really dare to say these things to Miss Qi, that would be pure courting of death. Wouldn't it be the same as telling Miss Qi clearly, I know your little thoughts, you are wrong to think so!Giga, you don't think you're dying fast enough, do you?
Qige and I walked side by side in this small alley. She held my arm with one hand, which looked like a sister leading a younger brother to go shopping, but her two fingers were pressed on the inside of my arm, bit by bit. I pinched the tender meat a bit, and it hurt so much that I grinned my teeth.Katerina followed behind the two of us. She saw this scene carefully, biting her lower lip with pearly teeth, and her wavy red hair kept fluctuating with the rhythm of walking. The eldest lady dared not complain at all.

The reason why Miss Qi likes this salamander skin is very simple, that is, there is a layer of red streamer on the surface of this leather, just like lava flowing inside the leather, it can emit a simple red color, very beautiful, this fire The lizard leather is not too big. If I cut a set of skin-tight leather light armor for a child like me, there will be surplus. If I save some materials, I can almost make a red pleat group.I unintentionally ruined her planned plan. In order to appease Miss Qi, I could only humbly and keep saying small things by the side. I whispered to Miss Qi: "Oh, please stop Pinch it, I can't feel it when I pinch my arm, have you heard of the agate beast?"

"A monster that looks like a black panther, exudes the luster of agate stone, and is good at speed and claw strike!" Qige quickly mentioned its characteristics, and asked: "I haven't heard of this kind of monster anywhere. , but I have seen a complete specimen in the Warcraft Exhibition Room of the Magic Guild in Green Emperor Capital, why do I think of asking this?"

I took the opportunity to quickly pull the red-faced Kuz to my side, put my hand on his shoulder very reluctantly, and proudly said to Qige: "This matter is a secret between our brothers, we know the trace of the onyx beast."

The Onyx Beast is very rare, it is a kind of Warcraft that is very picky about the living environment, it is very picky about food, and only likes to hunt dragonflies.Therefore, the agate beast has always existed in the rainforest of the swamp family in the southern wasteland, until a magician accidentally discovered that the leather of the agate beast has a very high affinity for magic, and it is excellent for making low-level magic robes Material.As a result, the agate beast skins that were originally a luxury item were targeted by the magicians, and a large number of orders flew to the hunters of the swamp clan like snowflakes. In the end, the agate beasts completely disappeared in the Southern Wilderness. Some scholars even speculated that these agate beasts may have become extinct.

"Do you know where?" Qiger didn't ask me, but Kuz next to me. I guessed that Kuz must have told me. It was much easier to ask Kuz than to ask me.

This kid Kurtz has inherited the good habits of the orcs, that is, anyone who doesn't like to lie, as long as it is true, will admit it without hesitation.At this time, when he saw Qige asking him, he nodded without any hesitation, and was about to open his mouth to speak.I quickly covered his mouth, my fingers were almost bitten by his sharp canine teeth.

I carefully looked around, then lowered my voice and said, "We'll talk about this when we go back!"

In this way, Qige's attention was successfully diverted, and I was saved from a physical disaster.

In the end, I scratched my head and looked at the intricate path like a spider web, so I took out two copper coins from my pocket, threw them to an orc child who was playing on the street, and said to him: "Take us to the three earth storm bears." 'Tanker, I'll give you two more coppers."

The orc kid blinked his big black eyes. At first I thought he didn't understand what I said or didn't know this leather shop, but seeing his clear eyes, it didn't seem like it.When he was thinking about what he was going to do, he suddenly stretched out his hand again, indicating that he wanted the remaining two copper plates. I could only remind him: "I will give you the two copper plates after you take us to the leather shop." you!"

After listening to my words, he blinked at me again. I followed his gaze and saw the three characters "Tailor Shop" impressively written under the wooden plaque of the shop on the opposite side of the street. Next to the lower doorpost, there is also a small plaque standing on it, leaning against the doorpost, which reads "Three Big Earth Bears Make Leather Shop".There is a line of smaller words below: Please enter the backyard!
Unexpectedly, when we came to this leather shop, we couldn't see the shop, so we could only follow the promise just now, and threw two copper coins to the child again. Only now, the child's eyes showed a smile , nodded happily at me, put the copper plate in his hand into his pocket quickly, and patted the dust on his hand, pointed at the shop, and said that he would send us in.

Sometimes, there is only one step away from the truth, but always hovering outside the door of the truth.

Inside the door of this shop is really a tailor shop, where several young orc girls are skillfully sewing linen trousers. The style of the trousers is the most common style worn by orcs on the street.Maybe it's because he's so proficient that he doesn't need to keep his eyes on the needle thread all the time, but he can let the needle go up and down quickly to sew the trousers.

When they saw the orc child leading us into the store, they joked with the orc child and tried to pull off the orc child's pants, but the orc child avoided it tactfully.The orc children didn't talk to them, and directly opened the curtain of the back door of the tailor shop, motioning for us to go in.

When we walked in the door, we found that we came to a small yard. The whole yard was lined with wooden shelves, and many of the wooden shelves were stretched with cooked leather, which seemed to be waiting to dry.The small courtyard is poorly ventilated. The leather on these neatly arranged wooden shelves exudes an unpleasant smell. There is a row of large water tanks filled with water by the wall. We walked through the gaps in the wooden shelves, so I Complained to Kurtz: "Why is this leather shop so hidden, it's really hard to find!"

The child laughed even more happily when he heard my words.

When we walked in from the back of the shop, we realized that it was because we got lost and walked to the back door of the "Three Bears" leather shop by mistake. We also happened to see the shop owner's child sitting outside playing outside. , he brought us in through the back door, and led us directly into the shop, looking for his father, and asking him to help us make a set of salamander leather armor.

The middle-aged shopkeeper turned out to be the father of the orc child. Originally, he did not agree to jump in line like this, especially if he was a stranger. There were many regular customers among the people waiting in line outside, but seeing the aggrieved face of the orc child, he will He hugged him again, and hurriedly said: "Isn't it just a matter of leather armor, your father and I are doing this, so you are afraid that there will be too much business?"

So we became the small group of people who disturbed the order. At this time, we absolutely couldn't appear in front of other people, so we had to huddle together in the middle-aged shopkeeper's measuring room and hide ourselves.

This "Three Violent Bears" leather shop has a very large storefront in front, and it is overcrowded.Fortunately, we were brought in by this little orc, otherwise, when we saw the orcs lined up in a line at the main entrance of the leather shop, waiting for tailor-made leather armor, we not only looked at each other, but also thought that if we waited in line , I have to wait a full day!

I also have my own thoughts about giving up the salamander leather armor to Katerina. Katerina's figure is already among human women, slightly taller than the average height.The figure is also very round and well-proportioned, very sensual, but not fat.The Salamander leather armor tailored according to her figure, even if you meet a better leather armor in the future and want to change it, you will easily sell such a regular-sized leather armor. Na will not be too bad, so it can be worn without major changes.

In this case, this set of salamander leather armor is a store of value. Even if Katerina encounters any difficulties in the future, this set of leather armor may help her tide over the difficulties.Speaking of the value of this salamander, it can be sold for at least ten gold coins in the leather market.According to the memory of the previous life, one gold coin in this world can probably buy two tons of wheat flour, and the difference in value is only 1 RMB, so this precious salamander skin is equivalent to a high-end mink coat.

The owner of the shop is a very burly wolf man, with beards all over his face, big eyes and thick eyebrows, which looks very imposing, especially his body is like a beer barrel, and he walks slowly with his stomach full.He was wearing a pair of suspenders, like a tailor, with a tape measure hanging on his shoulder, a knife and pen stuck in his ear, and a tattered parchment book hanging around his neck. He was sitting on a chair, which made me feel that The chair may fall apart completely anytime, anywhere.

We took out the salamander skin from our bag, and the middle-aged shopkeeper took a breath, and looked more formal when he looked at us. He rubbed his rough hands repeatedly on the skin, and said calmly, frowning. : "The quality of this lizard skin is good. It's a young salamander, but the skill of cooking the skin is mediocre. Who should I make the leather armor for? Light armor or hard leather armor?"

I pulled out Katerina who was hiding behind Qige, pushed her to the middle-aged owner and said, "Make her a light armor!"

Qige snorted dissatisfiedly at the side, and Katerina was so frightened that she cried and stood there for a while, unable to move forward or retreat.

"I'm really willing to spend money on your little wife!" Qige pouted with a sullen face, and there was 1 dissatisfaction in those big talking eyes.Kurtz has always stayed away from these incidents.

I had no choice but to go forward and hug Qige with both hands. I am short, and my head just sticks to Qige's slender waist, and then said to her in a rascal way: "Look, this salamander skin is just like this. If I do, I can’t make another one. This piece of salamander skin is already like this. If you think it’s okay, let the shopkeeper take a knife to peel it off and give it to you. Make armor?"

Qige held my armpits with both hands, picked me up from the ground, put her white forehead against my forehead, and whispered intimately to my ear: "What do I want you to do with all your skin? I'm disgusted, and I don't care if you can awaken the magic pool in the future, you have to promise me that the emperor will draw me a magic pattern structure on my body..."

As she spoke, her face flushed red.I was very uncomfortable being held by her like this, so I lightly nodded her slight bump, and asked half-jokingly, "Is that okay for that tattoo?"

"Do you think you have lived a good life for too long, and your whole body is starting to itch!" Qige was ashamed and angry when I asked her, she held my ears with both hands, dragged me to a corner, and beat me violently. Dare to fight back, because she is a magician, she has no strength in her hands, maybe she is afraid of really hurting me, so she just beat me on the back with powder fists.

"With your violent temper, how can you marry in the future." I squatted in the corner and counterattacked, and was immediately hit again.

Sometimes, I can't understand what Qige is thinking in her heart. Maybe her inner world is a multi-faceted contradiction.Some people say that if it’s the rainy season, don’t think about the results, just feel life quietly, savor the ups and downs in emotions carefully, don’t give up lightly, and don’t dig into the horns, just be so quiet and let nature take its course feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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