my age of magic

Chapter 1343 147. The Third Key of Power

Chapter 1343 147. The Third Key of Power

Walking into the stone forest of the Cracked Stone Cemetery, I saw a group of natives of the Jarawa tribe cleaning up the battlefield.

After these aborigines die, their souls will be converted to the embrace of the tree god. In addition to burying the bodies of the aborigines under the tree, the tribal witch will hold a requiem ceremony.

The most valuable parts of the spider warriors and giant spiders were collected together, and the natives of the Jarawa tribe would bury the remnants of the Nebul spiders in the soil at the foot of the pillar mountain in the Stone Forest. The dead spider man will eventually become the nourishment of the dryads.

Although we helped the Jarawa tribe defeat the Nebulu spiders, where Katerina and I passed by, the natives of the Jarawa tribe still looked at us with hostility in their eyes. Those who came from the Black Forest The aborigines in the north brought the seeds of hatred to the Jarawa tribe. Many aborigines looked at me in the same way as they looked at the spiders.

The only person who was treated specially by the indigenous people was Morayal. When she passed by every Jalawa native, she could see these indigenous people saluting humbly and telling Morayal a series of words that we could not understand language.

"priy mahoday, namaskaar."

The aborigines would not raise their heads until Morayal passed by completely, and the eyes of the aborigines looking at Morayal were full of awe and admiration.

Morayal and I looked at each other face to face. It would have been nice to have Pujaka or Koni by my side at this time, at least I could know what they were talking about.

Puyaka and Connie learned some first aid techniques from the orcs, and they learned to use some of the simplest magic herbs to make hemostatic bandages. Now they are leading the indigenous warriors of the Gilda tribe to treat the wounded of the Jalawa tribe. I was so busy at the time, I felt that there was no need to communicate in Imperial language to see the Ancient Tree of War, so I let them go to help the injured natives.

Thousands of stone forests with a height of [-] meters stand in the cracked stone cemetery. Some dryads and other ancient trees grow on the top of the stone pillars. The ancient war tree was surrounded by it. If it wasn't for the elders of the Jialawa tribe leading the way, it would not be an easy task to find the ancient war tree in the cracked stone cemetery.

This ancient war tree is located in the northwest corner of the Cracked Stone Cemetery. Led by the elders of the Jarawa tribe, we came to the back of an ancient tree growing next to the rock wall. There is an irregular tree on this rock wall. semicircular hole.Walk in from here and pass through a rock tunnel of nearly 100 meters. The tunnel is full of roots of various giant trees. It is the roots of these giant trees that protect the rocks in the tunnel from collapsing.

A few of us walked out of the tunnel and entered a valley of less than a thousand square meters, where the grass was lush, and a tall ancient war tree grew in the center of the grass.

My first impression of this ancient war tree is that countless thick roots are exposed on the ground. The diameter of the base is nearly 20 meters wide, and the real trunk grows in a conical shape at a height of 150 meters from the ground. At a height of about [-] meters, a huge umbrella-shaped tree canopy covers most of the gray sky here.

On the lawn of this valley, the wood-type magic element like catkins floats in the air. This is the first time I have seen the wood element materialize.

Morayal had just walked into this world, with one hand on her forehead and the other on her chest, she kept slowing down her breathing, and her face became as tender and charming as a blushing apple. I stopped and asked her with concern: "What's wrong with you? Do you want to take a rest first?"

"It doesn't matter, the wood magic element here is too strong, it filled my magic pool with mana in an instant, I'm just not used to it for the time being... ah!"

Before she finished speaking, the magic elements around her body began to stir uncontrollably. The wood magic elements formed a huge barrier around her body, and she was inside this barrier, constantly overflowing other colors The magical halo of a huge piranha completely overlapped with her, and the piranha almost turned into a real body. Under the wrapping of the piranha, she looked extremely calm , and his face became more or less holy, as if he had fallen into a short meditation.

I saw such a change in Moraya'er's body, and since she was passive, I wanted to rush forward to rescue her from the barrier.

Seeing the overwhelmed expression of the native elders of the Jarawa tribe beside him, it didn't look like he was planning to frame him, so I gave Katerina a wink, and Katerina went around to Gaara immediately. Behind the elder of the Lawa tribe, one hand rests on the handle of the dagger.

When I rushed to the side of the barrier, just as my fingers were about to touch the magic barrier, I felt a huge spiritual force enveloping me like sea water, and a huge voice came to my mind: "Don't move, young human , your partner has only been promoted to the magic level under the nourishment of the strong wood magic element, can't you even feel her promotion? If you don't want her to fail in the promotion, don't destroy that barrier at this time..."

I never thought that Morayal would be promoted at this time. After being reminded by that voice, I suddenly woke up, as if what the voice said--Morayal had advanced.

In the wood-type magic barrier, countless wood-type magic elements formed a huge vortex of magic power, which poured continuously into Morayal's body.

Under the protection of the phantom of the piranha, her body showed a crystal clear emerald color.

At this time, Morayal opened her eyes inside the barrier, and her eyes turned out to be emerald green. The wood magic elements were constantly washing her body, pressing other miscellaneous magic elements out of her body. dissipate……

At this time, I breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of my heart. I didn't expect that the middle-level magician would be like this when he was promoted.

Just when I was standing outside the wooden magic barrier and started to think wildly, that loud voice continued to enter my mind:

"Come on! Young human, since you are the one chosen by Sail and Weissman, come to me and let me see how extraordinary you are."

At this time, I couldn't help but look towards the source of my spiritual power, and I happened to see a face emerging from the trunk of the ancient war tree in the center of the valley, but at an altitude of seven to eighty meters, that face looked a bit strange. Not so clear.

The two names it mentioned are probably the names of the ancient war tree of Dustwallow Marsh and the ancient war tree of Green Valley Jungle, but I have never heard them mention it themselves, maybe I have never asked their names at all.

"Hello, Mr. Ancient War Tree." I said to this Ancient War Tree.

Only when I stand in front of the huge ancient war tree, can I feel how small I am, like an ant standing in front of a giant elephant.

It kept shaking the leaves on the canopy, and it seemed that victory made it feel good.

The ancient tree of war said to me: "You can call me Aniyuddin, hehe, it seems that I am really a young human with great potential, thank you for helping us clear up those bugs that emerged from the Great Rift Valley. "

I didn't expect that the first sentence of the ancient tree of war would convey such an important message to me. I think it is thanking me.

I asked Mr. Aniyuddin: "You mean that these Nibru spiders came out of the Great Rift Valley, that is to say, the connection channel between the Yero plane and the hell is probably in the Great Rift. In the valley?"

It hesitated for a moment before saying, "I'm not too sure about this. After all, I'm bound in this valley. Most of the information I know is obtained from other dryads."

Ancient War Tree stretched his brows slightly, and continued to say to me: "Okay, then... Tell me about your reason for coming, young human being."


There was a pause after I said the word.

Hearing what I said, the Ancient War Tree didn't seem too surprised. It still looked at me calmly, as if waiting for me to continue.

Standing on the grass in the valley, I looked like a speaker, and I said to this ancient war tree called Ani Yudin: "I want to unite all the indigenous tribes, warriors and trees in the southern part of the Black Forest. Spirits, let's resist those Nebulu spiders from the abyss together. My ultimate goal is to drive these spiders back to the abyss and seal the connecting passage hidden somewhere in the plane of Yero. "

Then I said: "Of course, this is just one of my goals, and I still lack a little bit of strength."

"You must have received some news. We defeated the Nebulu spiders in the green valley forest, and they fled all the way to the south. This time we chased those Nebru spiders to the southern part of the Black Forest. I am here The purpose is to ask you to call on the dryads in your territory to help us resist those Nebulu spiders. We need the dryads to provide us with information about the Nebru spiders, and we also need the dryads to give us some help on the battlefield. As you probably already know, I have a good group of heavy crossbowmen in my army, and as long as we can limit the movement of those spider warriors, we can shoot them easily."

"Of course, in the past few decades, in order to gain some living space in the Hierro plane, there have been frequent wars between the warriors and adventurers of the Grimm Empire and the Hierro natives. These wars are only for some land, I didn't think about changing this place, but the Nibru spiders are different, they will destroy the entire Black Forest when they come here."

"So, for the sake of this black forest that we share together, I want to unite all the warriors who have the courage to resist the Nibru spiders, whether it is the indigenous warriors of the Yero tribe, or the trees imprisoned by the sealing circle in the forest. Spirits, as long as we are willing to resist those Nibru spiders, we can unite and fight together."

I said these words in one breath.

"This is a good idea, but if you want to get rid of the hatred that the indigenous fighters have towards the Grimm Empire fighters in their hearts, I'm afraid you need to give them some time. You must know that the hatred that has accumulated over the past few decades is not easy to say. I can't help you with these things." The Ancient War Tree said to me helplessly.

Then it said: "But I can let the dryads in the territory assist you with all their strength and give you the greatest help, or you can also lead other Nibru spiders to the Cracked Stone Cemetery, and I can fight with you." Resist those spidermen together, as long as they dare to come to the Cracked Stone Cemetery, let these stone forests bury them."

Hearing the war stories in the Cracked Stone Graveyard agreed to let the dryads in this forest help us, and my mission is completed this time.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Anyuddin!" I said to the ancient tree of war.

I said to the ancient tree of war: "It is enough for us to be able to get the help of the dryads in your territory. Now that the Nebulu spiders have begun to realize the potential threat of the dryads, I would like to The southern part of the forest will never be the only battlefield in the Cracked Stone Cemetery, and perhaps our tree spirit friends in other parts of the southern forest need our help."

Probably the ancient tree of war felt that what I said was very reasonable, so the spiritual power it transmitted was constantly stirring.

Aniyuddin said to me: "That's right, I have recently been feeling the dangerous messages from the ancient war trees in other places, probably these nasty bugs have threatened other wars in the entire south of the Black Forest The safety of the ancient tree, it's a pity that I am bound here by a sealing circle, otherwise I will lead my partners to beat those reptile shit out of their asses."

Now that I have obtained the promise of the ancient war tree, I feel that there is no need to stay here, so I said to it: "Perhaps there are other battles waiting for me somewhere in the forest. Excuse me for your rest, Mr Anyuddin."

Anyuddin said very happily: "You are really a young human being with great ideas. No wonder Sail and Weissman chose you, probably forgot this!"

After saying this, a thick green breath floated from the face of the tree trunk, and the cloud of thick green breath slowly fell in front of me. I caught it in my hand, and it turned out to be a green leaf.

"Ah, the key of power!" I recognized it at once.

At this time, the voice of the ancient war tree gradually disappeared, and the voice that entered my spiritual sea became smaller and smaller:

"That's right, maybe you really have a way to undo the ancient sealing circle of our Treant family, accept the guidance of the soul, and fight bravely! Praise the Lord of the Forest."

And the face on the tree trunk gradually blurred until it completely disappeared...



"You actually got promoted at this time?"

After walking out of the dark tunnel and coming back to the stone forest, I said to Morayal with a smile.

Morayal also looked incredible, shrugged his shoulders naturally, and said to me: "It seems to be true, this trip to the Hierro plane is really worth it, every day in this plane, I can feel that my magical power is constantly growing, and then this feeling is amazing, as if it is a matter of course, and I have been promoted naturally."

Standing under an old tree, she said to me: "When I return to the imperial capital, I must tell my other friends in the wood-type magician's guild, and suggest that when they have nothing to do, they can go to the plane of Hierro for a walk! "

"...This is really a good idea. You can suggest that they form some adventure groups and live in the small town of Trum."

I rubbed my nose and said with a smile.

"Are you trying to solicit business in a small town?"

She winked at me playfully. She is the kind of girl who looks very delicate and makes people feel relaxed when chatting.

I glanced at her, at this moment her body was still exuding strong wood-type magic elements.

I said to her: "I'm just giving you a suggestion for reference!"

"Well, I'll seriously consider it, just if..."

She hesitated for a moment, and only spoke half of it.

"What if?" Hearing what Morayal said, I asked.

Morayal smiled slyly at me, with a teasing look in her eyes, and said to me: "If you can kiss me now, then I promise you... oh!"


(End of this chapter)

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