my age of magic

Chapter 137 137.magic parchment

Chapter 137 137.magic parchment
In the center of the square outside the castle, there is a circular pool made of bluestone. In the center of the pool are stacked gray rockery rocks. On the top of the strange stone is a magic fountain that spits out clear spring water continuously. The splashing mist is dazzling. Under the sunlight, a colorful rainbow is formed.The apple trees on the edge of the pool have spit out new buds, and each apple tree is green and tender. If you look closely, you can see clusters of stamens on the treetops that are just about to bloom.

Qige and I were walking aimlessly in the square, and we would always meet some young orcs who came out for a walk. They wore gorgeous and exquisite leather armor, with exquisite long swords in their waists, and would meet Qige with a smile on their faces. Say hello to Greg, what a coincidence.I think they are actually not in the mood for a walk, they just want to take the opportunity to meet Qige by chance and have a few words.

During lunch, Kurt ordered a letter to be sent back, saying that the appointment of Kurtz as the leader of the edge of the Death Swamp has been approved by the Presbyterian Council, and the letter of appointment will be reissued after Kurtz attends the adult ceremony. The territory is to the north of the entire dead swamp. The edge of the swamp is deep to the north, [-] kilometers wide, [-] kilometers long from east to west, and reaches the Baipu cliff at the confluence of the western mountains of the Pai Plateau and the Ulutu River in the west. From the east to the southern section of Yelian Mountain, it is a very narrow and long land.

Now that things are settled, we have to do some pre-departure preparations.Originally, we wanted to cut a few pieces of magic antelope skins we hunted into squares the size of a palm, and use them as magic parchment for making scrolls.However, a sentence from Katerina inspired and reminded us. When I was about to cut those complete magic antelope skins, she said: It is a pity that such a complete sheepskin is cut into pieces!At this time, I suddenly thought that when we first made the scrolls, they were all useless scraps of leather from Uncle Fred, which cost almost nothing.

Although we have enough magic antelope hides now, this is not a reason to waste it!So, we once again thought of selling these magic antelope skins. The most merchants in Gludin Town are those who sell leather and herbs.Although the price of the magic antelope hide dropped a little every day during the spring hunting period, there would never be a shortage of buyers in Gludin Town.

We asked the butler Kidd that there is a workshop in the east of the town that specializes in making magic parchment, so we decided to go there to try our luck. The magic parchment we make is usually an unconventional one-foot-square white paper. The value of each magic antelope skin, the general pricers need to carefully measure one by one with a tape measure to see how many magic parchments can be produced from each magic antelope skin. Since the size of the magic antelope skins varies greatly, so How many pieces of parchment can be produced from each magic antelope skin has become the standard for the constant value of the magic antelope skin.

After cutting the magic parchment in this way, the leftovers of the magic antelope skin will be sold cheaply by the paper makers to leather shops. The magic antelope leather light armor pieced together from scraps is not as good as the light armor made of complete leather in terms of defense, but it is better in quality and price.

In this way, we want to go to the magic parchment workshop to find out whether the leftovers of these parchments are worth money.We want to sell these complete magic antelope hides and buy back some leftovers.

The 76 magic antelope skins stored in the warehouse were rolled into two large rolls with a diameter of one meter, which was very heavy.In the afternoon, Kurtz found a mule, and we tied two large volumes of the devil antelope skin with a rope, and tied it to the mule's back, and Kurtz led the mule slowly out of the gate of the castle.

When I walked out of the gate of the castle, I happened to meet the young orc who was sitting opposite me at dinner yesterday. When he saw Qige standing next to me, his dark face immediately turned purple again, and his hands and feet were useless. Standing there awkwardly, he stared blankly at us as we walked by. He woke up when he saw Kurtz leading a mule with two rolls of magic antelope skin out of the gate.

He trotted forward a few steps to keep up with Kurtz, and asked Kurtz across the mule: "Uncle Qi, didn't you say yesterday that you only caught three magic antelopes by the side of the saltwater pond? How could there be?" So much skin? My God, have you captured a small herd of oryx?"

"These sheepskins were hunted by the orcs from the Raitu tribe that I met on the way. Would you like to go with us to the workshop to the east that makes magic parchment?" Kuz turned to the man in the beautiful yellow sheepskin. asked the young orc nephew in the overcoat.

When the young orc heard that he was going to the magic parchment workshop, he shook his head repeatedly and said: "Oh, my God! I don't want to go there, it smells so bad, even flies can't survive there, Uncle Qi, I see You still ask Steward Kidd to invite the owner to come to us, how good it is to talk here!"

Kurz smiled slightly and said, "I want to visit their workshop, maybe I will open one in my territory in the future!"

Walk east along the bluestone brick-paved street, cross Santiao Street, and at the outermost circle of the town, we found the magic parchment workshop.This parchment-like workshop covers an area of ​​about one acre, and is surrounded by piled adobe walls. When we were outside the yard, we could see the heat steaming inside, and a sour smell spread from it. The other strange smells irritated my throat a little sore.

A few of us covered our faces with scarves and came outside the workshop. At this moment, a human craftsman wearing leather overalls ran out of the workshop. He was about 40 years old, with a figure of 180 cm and a slightly belly. He has a bald head and a pair of black tortoiseshell glasses.With a ruler in one hand and a paper knife in the other, he said to Kurtz, who was leading the mule, with an excited expression on his face, "Didn't you say it would take at least a week? Sent it back."

"Ahem!" Qige covered her mouth and nose, and coughed lightly, indicating that this guy asked the wrong person.

But it seems that this master craftsman knows how to read people very well. When he saw that the person who asked the question couldn't speak, he knew that he had found the wrong person. He followed Kuz's gaze and found Qige behind him. He opened his mouth wide in surprise, and immediately realized that he had lost his composure. He quickly closed his mouth and said, "You also come here from the Green Empire to pan for gold? I'm sorry, you are so beautiful, I lost my composure for a while. How can I help you?" place?"

"Do you collect these devil antelope skins here?" Qige rolled his eyes aside, fanned the smelly mist around him with his small hands, and asked casually.

"These... These magic antelope skins, you don't plan to transport them back to Green to sell them?" The craftsman asked in surprise.

Qige waved his hands impatiently and asked, "Are you the owner?"

"Ah! You are a magician? Excuse me! I am the owner of this magical parchment workshop, and I have been running this workshop here for five years..." Maybe it is because the owner has not spoken to anyone for a long time Well, maybe he was born to be a chatterbox, anyway, as long as he is asked to speak, he wants to talk endlessly.But this guy still had a little wink. When he saw that Qige was wearing a black and white striped dedication magic suit with long trousers, he quickly realized that the girl in front of him should be a magician.

From time to time, his eyes drifted to the two bundles of magic antelope skins on the mule beside him.He began to explain how he ordered a batch of magic antelope skins at the beginning of the month, but the batch of magic antelope skins has not been delivered yet. If it is two days later, the workshop will stop working.However, the door of that leather business was closed. It is said that the boss has already rushed to the depths of the wasteland to buy the magic antelope skin with his work.That's why the owner of this workshop mistook us for someone who delivered goods for that firm.

But what makes the shop owner happy is that we are also here to sell the magic antelope skin. We did not sell the magic antelope skin to the leather firm, but sent it to him, which made the workshop owner very happy, and then he had a long article Tell us about the current form of the leather market in a big way. It can be said that any hunter who comes to Gludin Town to sell leather will be firmly watched by countless leather traders when he first enters Gludin Town. , they will keep persuading those hunters to buy them leather.

The leather shops and magic parchment workshops in Gludin Town can only buy magic antelope skins in the leather business.

Our appearance just solved the problem that the owner of the workshop store ran out of raw materials for the magic antelope skin. In this way, we sold it to the workshop owner with an average of 66 silver coins per piece of magic antelope skin.Then incidentally, we proposed to buy some leftovers of magic parchment, the owner of the workshop readily agreed, and soon asked an orc guy to take all the leftovers from the paper cutting room to the reception room .

Looking at the piles of scraps of magic paper, Kurtz and I really saw the magic parchment for the first time.In fact, speaking of it, the magic parchment is quite different from the magic antelope skin.First of all, after the flatness has been finely processed, even the leftovers of the magic parchment have a very uniform thickness.The second is more toughness and softness. According to the owner of the workshop, some preservatives are added to these parchments, which will allow the magic parchment to be stored for a long time without decay.Finally, and more importantly, these magic parchments were soaked in the juice of the white ring vine, which could repair the slight wounds caused by the skinning knife to the leather during the leathermaking process.

Usually, for the inscriber, there are many reasons for the failure of making a magic scroll, such as the lack of stability of the ink, the poor magic perception of the inscriber, the complicated structure of the magic circle, and the The reason why the inscriber's mana control is unstable is also because there are too many broken lines on the magic parchment.

Among them, the broken pattern means that during the leather-making process, the peeling knife damaged the texture inside the magic parchment, causing local breaks.This kind of accident is the most unacceptable for inscribers.

As a result, many potion masters began to look for potions that could repair the broken lines on the parchment. Many magic potions have this effect, but their cost is very expensive. Later, they found several kinds of potions in these magic potions. Economical, one of which is the sap of the white ring vine.

Looking at the scraps of parchment randomly scattered on the floor of the room, Kurtz and I looked at each other. It turned out that what we used before were all semi-finished products. Those things were not the parchment used to make scrolls at all, but some scraps of magic antelope skin. Son.Qige randomly picked up a piece of parchment scraps that were palm-width and one foot long from the ground, and asked the owner of the workshop, "How do you sell these scraps?"

"What are these leftovers worth? Only people from the leather shop always come to me to buy them. Usually we sell them in sacks, one sack for one gold coin..."

When we walked out of the magic parchment workshop, not only was there nothing missing on the mule’s back, but a sack of parchment material was added to the mule’s back. We spent a total of three gold coins to buy three sacks full of parchment from the owner. The edge of the material.The purse at my waist was full of heavy gold coins, 47 in total.I didn't expect these magic antelope skins to be so valuable. Kuz and I regretted that we didn't hunt a few more magic antelopes at the beginning. We only gave up hunting magic antelopes when the food in the tribe was sufficient. It turns out that magic antelope skins are so valuable. !
Qige quietly pushed behind me twice, and said in a low voice: "These gold coins are enough to buy a small yard around the capital of Green!"

"Jijia, let's go hunting the magic antelope again. I think we shouldn't just focus on those worthless sweet potatoes!" Kuz's eyes were also a little straight. He has been following the old Kuru all these years. We eat and sleep in the open air, and have very little money on us. An ordinary neti bow only costs fifteen silver. When we were in Yemen Town, we almost pawned our pants.Until now, it is still difficult for me to regard this guy as a noble child of the most powerful Ku family in Gluding Town. This kid is just a bumpkin from the mountains.

I was walking on the street, and finally dared to take a deep breath. I had to complain that the smell in the magic parchment workshop was really bad.

At this time, I saw an attendant in the castle running towards us from a distance, telling us that the weapons dealers had arrived and were waiting in the castle, and Steward Kidd asked Kuz, me and Qig to go back as soon as possible.The weapon dealer, who had been waiting for more than a day, finally came to the door when we were out of the castle for business.

In order to rush back to Kurtz’s castle as soon as possible, we did not continue to let Kurtz lead the way. This guy’s childhood memory is very unreliable. The attendant led us through the streets continuously. The magic parchment workshop was in ancient times. At the easternmost edge of Rudin town, this time, our way back to the castle is different from the way we came here. First, we walked along the edge of the town for a while, and then saw a straight road leading to the castle. .

Along the way, passing many shops, the one that greatly shocked my vision was the airport that was docked two kilometers away from Gludin Township.It was a lighthouse-shaped building. Twelve tall lighthouses made of boulders stood at the east end of the town. Each lighthouse was separated by a hundred meters. On the left and right sides of the top of the lighthouse, a wooden suspension bridge more than [-] meters long protruded outward.There are five magical airships nearly [-] meters long that are docked in the airport at this moment. The rugby-shaped giant airbag on the top of the airship is spray-painted with this colorful pattern, and a large wooden ship-shaped pod is hung under the airbag. When the airship docks at the airport, those The drawbridge of the lighthouse is built on the side of the ship-shaped gondola.

Qige was the same as me at the beginning, she always liked to look around curiously when walking on the street, but after we passed the airport, she began to become more careful, and anxiety began to appear on her beautiful face, and she hurriedly looked around. walked towards the castle.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" I hurried to catch up and asked with concern.

Qige glanced nervously on the street, and then said: "It's nothing, I just think we should speed up the progress, we can't continue to procrastinate here in Gludin Town, we have to rush to the death swamp as soon as possible."

"But we haven't even prepared the scroll!"

"Tonight, no, no! We will start preparations in the afternoon. I will mix the magic ink first. This time we will make more and try to prepare as much as possible." Qige seemed very nervous when she spoke. This is the first time for me See such an expression on Qige's face.She appeared to be in a hurry, and Kurz, who was behind, had to hand over the mule to the escort who led the way. He chased us, saw Qige hurriedly walking ahead, and asked me: "Jia, how is Miss Qi today? "

I shrugged and said helplessly, "How do I know?"

Turning my head to look at Katerina, I found that the girl was also bowing her head in frustration, and I realized that they had something to hide from me, but during the magic parchment workshop, Miss Qi was still chatting happily with that girl. Shopkeepers haggling over prices.In this short period of time, she became flustered. Is that the airship in the airport?

(End of this chapter)

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