my age of magic

Chapter 1374. 178. Living Woods

Chapter 1374. 178. Living Woods

The Thorn Crater is called a holy land by the Yero natives, and it is said that it was once one of the birthplaces of the ancient tree tribe.

The diseased forest and the misty swamp are regarded as two forbidden areas by the Yero natives in the southern part of the Black Forest. For a long time, the ancient war tree has been warning the Yero natives not to set foot in these two places, so the indigenous people Not much is known about these two places.

From the dry forest at the outermost edge of the diseased forest into a ring-shaped open swamp, I cast 'Water Walk' on all the team members except Deborah, and I passed here smoothly. We killed a plant system in the open swamp. The monster ghost corpse vine, but this ghost corpse vine has undergone a series of mutations for some unknown reason, and its body tends to be demonized. The Ghost Corpse Vine made us go through a lot of twists and turns before we were able to kill it in the end.

Let all of us cast a shadow in the bottom of our hearts. If all the monsters in this forest mutate and become demonized under the infection of a certain breath in this area, that would be the most terrifying thing. I dare not Imagine how many murderous intentions are lurking in the dark rainforest in front of you.

The open swamp is the first natural barrier of the diseased forest, almost blocking all the monsters in the forest that do not have the ability to fly from entering the diseased forest.

In this case, the diseased forest should be a paradise for birds, but the entire diseased forest is filled with the breath of death, and I can't see a single bird flying over the diseased forest.

Kalancuo walked at the front of the team with a double-edged sword in one hand, followed by the tauren Luka in full metal armor, Katerina in light dragon armor, Moraya and I Son, Koni, the three magicians are protected in the middle of the team, and the person who is in charge of breaking the back is Justus, and Deborah has been hovering in the sky above our heads. this swamp.

A forest with lavender branches and leaves appeared in front of us. The plants on the edge grew very luxuriantly. It looked like a huge banana tree in a tropical rainforest. A leaf was usually two or three meters long. The leaves are covered with black veins, making the woods look dark and decayed.

Kalantso had just stepped into this woodland, and the dark green grass on the ground seemed to come alive, wrapping around Kalantso's ankles.

Although those grass blades are only about two fingers wide, they are extremely tough. It can be seen that every time Kalancuo lifts his feet and takes a step forward, it takes some effort. cracking sound.

Those huge plantain leaves stretched towards Kalancuo one after another. In the whistling wind, the plantain leaves were like sharp blades. Fortunately, these leaves were not as tough as imagined. The sword cut these leaves into pieces one after another.

Morayal and I looked at each other, unable to imagine that there was a living forest in front of us.

Kalantso just walked a few steps forward on the grass in the forest, and did not go further, so he retreated cautiously from the edge. Instead, the branches and leaves on the edge of the forest were still chasing towards Kalantso Come on, this pursuit will not be considered suspended until Kalancuo has completely retreated to the open swamp.

It seems that there is some kind of binding force that imprisons them in a huge ring-shaped area, only

I looked at this dense and dark forest, and the picture in front of me suddenly felt familiar.

"How did this happen? All the plants and trees are completely alive." Morayal said in surprise as he took two steps forward and looked at some vines dancing in the air.

She walked forward cautiously, trying to get close to the vegetation. The poisonous flower vines next to her kept circling around her, appearing extremely agitated.

Standing beside Morayal, I expressed my feelings at this moment: "I found that the plants here treat us... It's like when the Nebulu spiders were blocked in the green valley forest, the dryads desperately killed the spiders. The way the human fighters intercepted it, probably the heart wall of the Nibru Spiderman when he resolutely rushed into the green valley forest will be like ours now."

I condensed an ice arrow in my hand and threw it into the forest. After the ice arrow broke a leaf, the ice arrow instantly turned into a handful of ice powder.

After the leaf fell, it immediately turned into an ordinary leaf, but the color remained dark green.

I said to Morayal: "The way I see it, these forests now also regard us as enemies."

Morayaer said with certainty: "That's right, the plants in the sickwood forest don't seem to welcome us, and they seem to have been 'activated' by the ancient war tree in the forest.",

"The trees with the 'Revitalization' technique should have been created by the dryads in this forest." I said to Morayal.

Moraya'er's hands were entangled in some grass blades, and she had to cut them off with a knife. She rubbed her red wrist, and asked me, "Then what should we do now?"

I said: "It's very simple, just rush in, these trees should not have a strong attack power."

Hearing what I said, Kalancuo said: "That's good..." and raised his sword to rush up again, but I stretched out my hand to stop him.

"Let me try ice magic!" I said to Kalanzo.

Kalancuo stopped and looked at me suspiciously. I released an 'icicle' directly at the edge of the woods, and charged into the woods with a great chill.

The nearly two-meter-long hexagonal icicle exploded in the forest, and the surrounding three-meter range instantly turned into a vast expanse of whiteness. Within the three-meter range, the branches and leaves that came alive and barked at us all condensed into ice. The instant it exploded, it turned into icy shards, and some activated branches and leaves receded one after another.

Afterwards, I condensed an 'ice edge path' under my feet, and the green grass covered by this 'ice edge path' also froze in place one after another, crystal ice particles appeared on the surface of those grass blades, and Kalancuo took the lead in stepping on it. On the icicle path full of icicles, one foot crushed the frozen grass blades on the icicle path, and walked into this dark forest full of strange atmosphere again.

Some branches are constantly entangled towards us. The tauren Luka wields the two moon blade axes in his hand, fighting side by side with Kalancuo, cutting off most of the obstacles. Once those branches and leaves are separated from the tree body, all the strange All symptoms disappeared immediately.

In this way, we forcibly opened a passage in the diseased forest and walked to the center of the woodland.

 Sorry, the state is not very good today, let me adjust it, just update these
(End of this chapter)

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