my age of magic

Chapter 1453 3. Crystal

Chapter 1453 3. Crystal
Galle, the ambassador of the Janna tribe, grinned, and his piercing eyes seemed to blink for a while in the blue eye sockets.

His eyelids were almost transparent, and he blinked very quickly. He stared at Ying Li standing in front of Mrs. Manda, his thick and round tail swung a few times, his body kept sliding on the carpet, and he stood again. Under the high platform in the living room, a tall and burly figure made up for the gap of the high platform. He stared at Ying Li, and the pupils of those eyes seemed to be burning with two cold flames.

His body exudes a kind of coercion possessed by a strong man, and his strong body is covered with blue scales.

Ambassador Janna said to Yingli: "From the standpoint of the royal family of Janna of the Endless Sea, I hope that you can refuse, Your Highness the Princess."

Everyone on the field did not expect Ambassador Janna to say this, and they were all stunned.

Ambassador Janna ignored everyone's reaction, and continued to say to Ying Li: "If this was not a curse cast at the cost of the life of a Janna royal family, I would not have traveled thousands of miles to the Green Capital to complete this task." pledge."

Looking at his expression, he also showed reluctance. He curled his fat mouth and said to Ying Li: "Although I also feel very absurd about this matter, I swear that everything I said next is true. And said After this matter is over, no matter what you decide, I will wait for you in Green Emperor for three days, if you want to go to the endless sea with me, you can come to me at any time, within three days."

Yingli glanced at me, thought about it seriously, and nodded to the Jana ambassador.

The ambassador of the Jana tribe glanced at the people around the reception hall. He put his hands together in front of his chest, and then lifted a ball of blue water lightly. Bobo's water accumulation, everyone in the hall looked at the scene in front of them vigilantly.

At this moment, the water polo in the ambassador's hand suddenly exploded, and a light blue water ring instantly opened from the Jana ambassador's body, forming a layer of transparent water cover in the reception hall, covering Ambassador Janna on the high platform, James The prince, Mrs. Manda, Ledie, Yingli and I were trapped in the water cover together.

There was another person inside the water cover—the diplomat from the Green Empire was also expanded into the water cover, while the others were blocked outside the water cover.

I was a little nervous at the moment when the water polo exploded, but then I found out that this is just the most common sound-proof water cover in water magic. It seems that what the Naga ambassador will say next must not be heard by too many people. Therefore, the soundproof water cover will be set up.

The senior generals of the South Wind Legion in the reception hall immediately surrounded the high platform, and even a few great knights took out their swords and shields and aimed at the Jana warriors in the reception hall.

At this time, Prince James, who was trapped in the water cover, stood up calmly, and gestured for silence to the dozen or so great knights in the hall outside the water cover.

Seeing the gesture of His Excellency the Prince, the great knights retreated to the high platform one after another, confronting the Janna warriors.

Ambassador Janna also made a gesture to tell the Janna warriors to back off and not to approach the water cover. Those Janna warriors obeyed the orders of Janna Ambassador Galle, but a gesture immediately made the Janna warriors back away.

The tense atmosphere in the reception hall eased a little. Ambassador Galle just glanced back casually and turned his head indifferently. He turned his back to the great knights in the reception hall, and faced everyone in the water cover He said bitterly: "This matter is related to many secrets of the Jana royal family. Once it is spread, it will definitely affect the situation of the entire endless sea. As a neighbor of the east coast of the endless sea of ​​the Jana sea clan, I certainly don't want to These things will affect the peace between our two races, so we put up such a soundproof water cover."

I could feel that Ambassador Galle had to bite the bullet and say these words, and he seemed extremely reluctant.

"What happened to the Jana tribe in the Endless Sea?" Prince James asked Ambassador Galle. I can see that he still hasn't figured out what the Janna tribe wants to do!
Ambassador Galle slowly closed his eyes, and then slowly said: "Princess Alicia died seven days ago on the island of Agalega on the west coast of the eastern continent, and the body of the eldest princess has been transported to the capital of the Abyss. "

I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. The eldest princess of the Jana clan who was loved by thousands of people from birth actually died...

Judging from the expression on Prince James's face, it was obvious that he knew nothing about this matter before that.

"Ah! The eldest princess of the Jana tribe is dead?"

The one who spoke was Lord Kyle, a diplomat of the Green Empire. There was a regretful expression on his face, but it was a bit exaggerated, but Ambassador Janna didn't seem to care. Maybe he couldn't understand the complexities of human faces. expression.

Ambassador Galle nodded and admitted: "It is true. According to the last wish of the eldest princess, I hope that Princess Yingli can go to Dahaiyuan to attend the funeral of the eldest princess."

Let Yingli attend the funeral of Princess Ganna Sea Clan?This thing sounds ridiculous.

Ying Li and I looked at each other and understood the doubts in each other's eyes, but Ying Li could still hold his breath at this time and didn't express his opinion immediately.

Prince James and Mrs. Manda looked at the Jana ambassador in surprise, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Apparently Princess Janna's last wish was a big problem for both the Janna Sea Clan and the Grimm Empire.

"Ambassador Galle, did you come to the empire to inform us of such news?" Lord Kyle, a diplomat of the Green Empire, squeezed an ugly smile on his face, approached the ambassador of the Janna clan and asked, "...would you like to invite Angie? The princess of the Boulder royal family is going to attend the funeral of the eldest princess of the Sea Clan?"

The ambassador of the Janna tribe said it very frankly: "Uh... this... is mainly to invite Princess Yingli to attend the funeral in the deep sea."

The diplomat Lord Kyle showed an absurd expression on his face, staring at the eyes of the Jana ambassador and asked: "Why do you think that Her Royal Highness Princess of the Angibald royal family will go all the way to the deep sea to pay condolences?" A deceased sea princess?"

This question made the ambassador of the Janna tribe seem speechless. He paused, deliberately slowed down his speaking rhythm, and then said in a deep voice: "As I said, it is up to Her Royal Highness Princess Yingli to choose this matter. I will wait for three days in Green Capital, if Princess Yingli doesn't want to go to Dahaiyuan, I will leave!"

I didn't expect that Yingli would make his own decision on this matter, but what's the good decision?
Ying Li has never had any contact with that princess of the Hai Clan. If the two must be brought together, it must start with the war that broke out in Haiyinsi City 14 years ago...

But obviously after that incident happened, after Yingli made sacrifices for the Angibald royal family, it is impossible for her to have any contact with the princess of the Janna Sea Clan, let alone any relationship. The deceased princess Janna actually had this idea before she died, such a last words are somewhat unpredictable.

Obviously, the Jana ambassador was not in a hurry to ask Yingli to express his opinion on the spot. After he told the matter, he did not wait for Yingli to agree, as if he had completed his mission, he let out a long breath and paused Then he said: "In addition... In order to express to His Majesty Emperor Charles of the Green Empire that Janna and human beings have non-aggressive and friendly exchanges, we have decided to withdraw the No.17 Legion of the Sea Clan from the seawall of Haiyinsi City by [-] nautical miles. , this shallow sea near the continental shelf will become a buffer zone between Janna and humans."

Unexpectedly, the king of Janna in the Endless Sea would make such a decision, which is equivalent to owning a huge sea area near the coastline near Haiyinsi City. The tight city of Ignas, the emerald bay in the province of Palestina, is connected together and a new seaway is established.

In this way, from south to north, starting from Haiyinsi City at the southernmost point of the coastline, passing through Ignas City in Emerald Bay, and arriving at Xinghai City on the northernmost frozen coast, a brand new sea route will appear. , HNA is far cheaper than land transportation, and land transportation is cheaper than air transportation by magic airship. Of course, magic airship transportation is not the most expensive, the most expensive transportation method is through the teleportation hall controlled by the stargazer guild. portal of transmission.

Because of this, when the diplomats of the Green Empire heard that the Lord of the Endless Sea, Janna, had decided to cede the sea area around the coastline of Haiyinsi City, they couldn't help repeating: "The Janna Sea Clan is going to release the sea area on the east coast of Roland Continent. Give up the coastline near the sea?"

"That's right, this is indeed my king's decision! Of course, my king's decision comes with some small requirements." Ambassador Janna continued.

I am a little worried about the request of King Janna Sea, which is to let Yingli go to the funeral of the eldest princess of the Janna Sea Clan.

At this time, Master Kyle, a diplomat of the Green Empire, asked: "What is it that can make the King of the Endless Sea Janna make such a big sacrifice?"

"The Endless Sea and the Seventh Sea are currently at war, and the envoy of the Seventh Sea is probably on their way to the capital of the Grimm Empire. My king hopes that the Grimm Empire will not make any covenant with the Lord of the Seventh Sea before the outcome is decided. That's it!" The ambassador of the Janna tribe directly relayed the request of the King of Endless Sea Janna.

It's just that this sentence once again brought us a new piece of information, that is, the Jana tribe of the Endless Sea is currently engaged in a civil war with the Janna tribe of the Seventh Sea.

The civil strife of the Janna clan is definitely good news for the Grimm Empire.

Moreover, the Lord of the Endless Sea's Jana's request is extremely simple, that is, to let the Grimm Empire sit on the sidelines during this civil war, and not to participate in the civil war of the Jana clan, is to give the King of the Endless Sea the greatest support.

I didn't expect Janna Sea King of the Endless Sea to speak quite boldly.

Hearing what Ambassador Janna said, Lord Kyle, the diplomat, was really relieved. He put his hands on his chest, and assured the Ambassador of the Janna tribe, "I will repeat these words to His Majesty Charles."

The atmosphere in the soundproof water enclosure has obviously eased up a lot.

The Jana ambassador then said: "I hope that the current monarch of the Green Empire is a wise king who can accept the olive branch offered by my king."

After saying this, Ambassador Janna set her eyes on Ying Li again, and his eyes looked extraordinarily complicated.

Ying Li also looked at the Janna ambassador with no timidity on his face.

She raised her chin, posing like a princess of the Green Empire.

The ambassador of the Jana clan leaned forward slightly, and then took out a magic crystal from his body. He reached out and handed the magic crystal to Ying Li.

Then he said: "This is the last word left by the eldest princess before she died. She entrusted my king to send someone to the capital of Grimm to hand over this magic crystal to Princess Yingli in person. Now my mission is officially completed. Then I will stay in the imperial capital for three days, and I will leave here after three days..."

After saying this, the Jana ambassador Galle saw that Yingli had taken over the diamond-shaped light blue magic crystal, so he removed the sound-proof water cover, led a group of Janna warriors to leave the reception hall quickly, and walked out in a short time. Castle, and the diplomat Lord Kyle left the lakeside estate of Prince James in a magic caravan.

After Ambassador Janna left, the diplomat of the Green Empire also hurriedly bid farewell to Prince James, and then the diplomat was going to return to the Floating Imperial City.

After the Jana Sea Clan and the Grimm Empire diplomat Lord Kyle left one after another, James's lakeside garden soon fell silent.

Mrs. Manda ordered the maids to prepare a sumptuous afternoon tea on the terrace of the castle. Prince James and his wife took their two daughters and I to the shaded terrace to discuss these Jannas while drinking afternoon tea. The purpose of the Sea Clan's visit to the Green Capital.

Prince James still has reservations about Lord Janna's initiative to show favor to the Grimm Empire, but it is clear that if the coastline in the south of the empire can have a buffer zone of [-] nautical miles, it will be of great benefit to the Grimm Empire.

" still have to decide this matter!" Prince James said softly.

Ying Li was silent and did not speak, sitting in front of the dining table and flipping over the magic crystal with both hands.

"What do you think will be in this magic crystal?" Ying Li held the magic crystal, threw it upwards in his hand, and asked us all with a smile.

I looked at the familiar magic circle on the magic crystal, and asked curiously: "This is an image crystal..."

"If you don't plan to go to the Great Abyss, it's best not to open this magic crystal lightly." Mrs. Manda reminded Yingli and me.

Obviously, she does not advocate that we open this magic crystal. After hearing Mrs. Manda say this, we then turned our attention to Prince James and asked for his opinion.

Prince James glanced at Mrs. Manda, and without any hesitation, he said to us: "I agree with Manda. If it is not necessary, don't open this magic crystal lightly."

Ying Li glanced at Le Die...

Le Die sat on the left side of Mrs. Manda, and the maid standing behind her was adding milk tea to her cup.

Le Die glanced at the magic crystal in Ying Li's hand, and said to Ying Li: "If this magic crystal is mine, I will smash it immediately!"

"But I want to see..." Ying Li said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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