my age of magic

Chapter 1456 6. Rafting

Chapter 1456 6. Rafting

The day before school started, most of the magic students had already returned to the Royal Academy of Magic.

There was a lot of voices in the academy, and the scene was quite lively.

Many magic students will choose to travel during the holidays. They haven't seen each other for more than two months. When they meet again, they can't wait to tell their friends about their experiences during the holidays.

A large number of magical students gathered by the fountain in the academy square. Everyone sat together talking and laughing in groups. Some magical students would show off some new accessories in their hands to their friends, maybe a magic ring, maybe A brand new wand, or perhaps a small piece of singing crystal.

The star magic students in the academy are often the most popular at this time. There are many magic students from other grades who take the initiative to greet them, and you can always hear some novel things around them.

Noah and Shirley Newman unknowingly became quite popular magic students among the second-year magic students. Magic students from other classes or different grades would always come forward to greet them. They were already standing by the fountain to chat with them. The magic students chatted for a while, and it seemed that they couldn't get away for a while.Even Senior Vernon was surrounded by people. They asked Senior Vernon about the trip to the Vashki plane during the vacation, and when Senior Vernon told about some adventure experiences, some people would keep screaming.

When passing through the crowd by the pool, the eyes of awe, vigilance, jealousy, hatred, and appreciation gathered from all directions, but no one came up to greet me, which made me have a kind of Wearing a leather armor suit, it feels like someone will be stripped naked with their eyes.

In fact, at this moment, I really want to beat my strong and thick chest towards them like the mountain giant ape, roaring and protesting.

或者像一位绅士那样带着白手套,走到仇视我的那些人面前,然后对着他们丢下一只白净的手套,然后一脸高傲的说出一个决斗的日子,到时候在将他们揍I have to look for teeth all over the place.

Through the crowd, I saw Ivan and Diego sitting by the pool from a distance, surrounded by a small group of magic students. The group of magic students seemed to be discussing a silver magic rune board. In the past, Ivan raised his head as if he felt it, with an indescribable hatred on his face, but our eyes were blocked by the bodies of those magical students who came and went in less than a second.

I finally found that someone was willing to take the initiative to greet me, and then I remembered that those people were classmates in the class... I spent so little time in the class during the last semester that I felt very strange to some classmates in the class. Standing there, he tugged at his ears in embarrassment, and realized that he was really a different kind of existence in the academy.

I just came out of the office of the teaching director, Lord Freeman, as he said: I have not stayed in the academy for more than two months in the past six months, just like other magic students have a short summer vacation, and I stayed The time to practice outside is as long as half a semester, which is extremely unfavorable for the growth of a magic student who needs to constantly absorb magic knowledge in the academy.

And in my opinion, the reason why Master Freeman's face is getting darker and darker is mainly because Qige's influence in his heart is getting smaller and smaller.

It has been nine months since Yingli left the imperial capital, except for a letter he received before, basically there is no news. I have also specifically inquired about the merchants in Qiyan City. I don't know much about things.

When I think that these magic students can still sit in the classroom and learn magic quietly, and I haven't even meditated for a long time...

It's like a frenzied storm is being suppressed in my heart.

Putting away those messy thoughts, I calmed down my breath, and saw a group of magical newborn girls surrounded by the pool in the distance, and Ying Li was also mixed in.

She didn't attract much attention because of her status as a princess. Instead, she just stood in an inconspicuous corner and listened quietly to her friends sharing their summer experiences. On the contrary, it was the elven beauty Tinuviel who seemed to be a The focus among the group of magic freshmen, and even some senior seniors all set their eyes on her.

People in the imperial capital longed for the world of elves, and many nobles even spent huge sums of money to decorate their gardens like the Nightsong Forest.

It is human nature to like to pursue beautiful things, and it is not uncommon for people in the imperial capital to worship elves.


Ying Li sat quietly by the fountain holding the magic parchment, a breeze blew Ying Li's hair, and when she stretched out her hand to smooth her hair, she saw me standing aside.

She raised her head and smiled at me, her clear eyes and the clear pool water behind her complement each other, showing an indescribable brilliance.

Seeing that my hands were empty, she asked me with some concern: "Has Mr. Freeman approved it?"

Ying Li is asking me about leave.

It has been decided that Yingli and I will go to Janna King City. Although James and Manda don't support it, seeing that Yingli has made such a choice, they don't say anything more. Ying Li made some necessary preparations for this trip, only Le Die kept his face dark these two days, as if he was having trouble with Ying Li.

I nodded, shook the parchment roll in my hand and said, "It's no problem if James comes forward."

Nothing was written on the blank parchment, only a personal seal of Prince James.As the most trusted prince of the Angibald royal family by His Majesty Charles and the supreme commander of the South Wind Army, this dual identity gave James a lot of power in the imperial capital, at least within the imperial capital, as long as James fully supported him, It's pretty much easy to get through no matter what you do.

When he walked out of the teaching director Freeman's office, he could still see his somewhat darkened face. After Qige's influence gradually disappeared in the Royal Academy of Magic, Mr. Freeman's original thought was to hope that I was able to settle quietly in the Academy of Magic for a period of time, and my request for leave was originally not approved for any reason, but I showed a bigger hole card and was forced to accept it, which made him very upset.

Ying Li was sitting by the fountain, holding a stack of parchment in his hands to make documents.

After I appeared, the female magic freshmen around Yingli quickly found an excuse to leave, and I sat next to Yingli as a matter of course.

The information she holds in her hand is an overview of the current basic situation of the Jana Sea Clan provided by the Imperial Capital Intelligence Office, which also includes some interpersonal relationships around the princess of the Naga Sea Clan. According to the information sent by the Intelligence Office Some clues can be seen from the information provided above.

As the eldest princess of the Jana Sea Clan, Ariel was born with almost all the most glorious auras.When she was born, almost all the witches of the Endless Sea came to bless the princess, and then experienced a change, and a princess from the Green Empire who was next to King Jana came out of some kind of jealousy. Using the hairpin on her head to disfigure the eldest princess of the Sea Clan, this incident directly led to a protracted war between the Green Empire and the Jana Sea Clan in Haiyinsi City.

It wasn't until the eldest princess of the Jana Sea Clan regained a more beautiful face than before that the war was finally subsided.

After Ariel became an adult, he married the Lord of the Seven Seas. It is said that the dowry presented by the Lord of the Seven Seas was a treasure "Crown of Silence". This princess and the Lord of the Seven Seas are very affectionate , but after three years of marriage, the eldest princess of the Jana Sea Clan would die in a place called Agalega Island on the eastern continent, which is really hard to understand.

In addition, according to the Janna ambassador, the Jannas of the Endless Sea are currently at war with the Jannas of the Seventh Sea. If the Green Empire does not sign any covenant with the Lord of the Seventh Sea, they will receive Haiyin The coastline around Silk City has given up nearly [-] nautical miles of shallow waters along the coastline to the Green Empire. There must be many unknown secrets hidden in it.

Although the life of this princess of the Sea Clan was extremely short, but she caused the two wars of the Jana Sea Clan. To put it bluntly - she is really an ominous person.

Ying Li handed me a piece of parchment below. The information on this parchment actually came from the Seventh Sea. I didn’t expect that there would be intelligence personnel from the Grimm Empire hidden in the Seventh Sea, so I was thinking : Are the intelligence agents of the Empire hiding in the Seventh Sea human beings disguised as Jannas, or are they themselves Jannas?
The information sent from the Seventh Sea is even more pitiful, there are only a few words, and the parchment is just an introduction: The main reason for the war between the two seas is that the queen of the Seventh Sea secretly ran back to the endless world with the crown of silence. The sea, and more importantly, the princess died inexplicably after returning to the endless sea. After Ariel died, the crown of silence also disappeared... The seventh sea lord wanted to find the silence Crown, will initiate this Ganna clan internal war.

After I said goodbye to Noah, Shirley Newman, and senior Vernon, Ying Li and I left the Royal Academy of Magic and Magic very quickly. Ambassador Jana only agreed to wait for us in the imperial capital for three days, and we will be leaving tomorrow. Here Before, there were still many things waiting for me to deal with in the imperial capital.


Sitting in the magic caravan, I hurriedly read these materials again, and couldn’t help persuading Ying Li: “Otherwise, we should not go, even if the princess of the sea tribe is dead, she seems to be in trouble. !"

"What do you think she is hiding in the magic crystal?" Ying Li sat opposite me with his hands on his cheeks, frowning and thinking carefully.

I shook my head speechlessly.

The magic caravan drove along Yulin Avenue into Lakeside Avenue, and the trees on both sides of the road were speeding backwards.

Ying Li took off his boots, and sat on the soft leather sofa with his calves in his hands.

She curled her body together, resting her chin on her knees, and said: "The words recorded by the magic crystal before she died... I have never met her before, why do you think she still has this beautiful face after she dies?" give me back?"

I raised my head, and although my eyes left the document, I was still thinking about the information on the document.

I asked her back: "It was originally yours, so what's wrong with giving it back to you?"

Yingli decides to go to the royal capital of the Jana Sea Clan to attend the funeral of Princess Janna. Helena and Becky will also accompany her. At this time, the two girls are not with Yingli, and they also want to go home with their families. People say goodbye.

Perhaps because of the soul link, the three girls led by Ying Li still have very unified opinions. Since Ying Li proposed it, let's go.

Ying Li patted his cheek with his hands and said, "This is what I look like! How can I accept her face when you say it? Could it be the witchcraft of the Jana Sea Clan?"

"Probably so!"

I'm a little speechless, how would I know such a thing.

Yingli then continued to make bold guesses, and said to me: "You said if I accept witchcraft, will I suddenly become a Jana Sea Clan?"

Hearing what she said, I imagined her becoming a Jana again in my mind--when I thought of Jana, the beautiful Princess Jana in the magic crystal light curtain appeared in my mind unconsciously When I thought that I might call the name 'Ying Li' to that Janna mermaid in the future, I felt a burst of sweat in my heart!
So I couldn't help persuading Ying Li again: "I don't know about this, but I don't recommend you to take risks!... You look pretty good now, otherwise we should not go..."

Ying Li looked at me with a smile, and didn't respond to my proposal at all.

She said to herself: "I want to get back what originally belonged to me, and I also want to see how she died. Who did you say killed her, the Janna of the Endless Sea? The Jannas of the sea?"

Regarding the question of Ying Li, I fell into deep thought again. How did this great princess of the endless sea die?

At this time, the magic caravan passed the private pier owned by Qige beside Weiyang Lake. After the water level of Weiyang Lake gradually receded, the pier had been cleared out, and at this time, there was still a small boat parked beside the pier.

"Stop...stop!" Ying Li leaned on the window of the carriage and shouted to the coachman as he watched the boat.

The coachman immediately parked the carriage beside the avenue, Ying Li quickly put on his shoes, opened the carriage door and jumped off the carriage, and stepped onto the pier in a few steps.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I chased out of the car and asked her.

"I want to go boating?" Ying Li stopped and said something to me back.

"Here?" I asked her.

At this time, she had already jumped into the boat, and then sat on the bow, beckoning me to sit on it too, and it was obvious that she wanted me to do my best to row the boat.

"Before I leave, I want to visit Qige's island. Do you remember the scene when we held our wedding ceremony on that island?" She turned her head to look at the surface of Weiyang Lake and asked me.

"Yeah!" I replied, boarded the boat, and went to untie the cable tied to the stern, and we went boating on Weiyang Lake.

"... Later, you and Qige lived on the island for a while. At that time, I felt... You married two brides in that wedding, but in your eyes there was only one bride..." Ying Liyi He stared at me with a resentful face and said.

Yingli had never said these words to me before, and when I heard her say that, I whispered to her without confidence: "Hey! Why do you say that?"

"...You said that after we graduate from the Royal Academy of Magic, there will be another wedding. I really want to put on the wedding dress again and be your bride. This time, I want to look beautiful." Win Li showed a smug smile.

"It's not because of this that you want to take the risk to go to the capital of the Jana Sea Clan, is it?" I asked her very speechlessly.

"...Actually, I just want to see another me." Ying Li sat on the bow, looked at me seriously and said.

"What?" I said.

Yingli exhaled lightly, and said to me: "If it wasn't for that incident, apart from the fact that the body would be a little different, the current Ariel should actually look like me. I want to see it with my own eyes. one look……"

(End of this chapter)

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