my age of magic

Chapter 1466 16. Sister Singer's Home

Chapter 1466 16. Sister Singer's Home

The beauty of Haiyinsi City lies in the mutual integration between water and architecture.

Most of the buildings here are in Baroque style, and all the buildings have a strong artistic atmosphere. Under the cover of clear water and blue sky, the ancient stone walls are slightly yellowed, just like those in the library that are full of words and yellowed. Parchment, no matter where you go, you can always see beautiful pictures from different angles.

In the water market of Haines City, there are some docks where ships can dock temporarily. We took a small boat to dock on a dock. Angelo took Liya to get off the boat first, and the two children ran in front. Zhen chased after the two children and told them to slow down.

Most of the northwest of Haines City is a civilian area, and various workshops can be found near here.

Kongzhen told me that Fred and Sister Singer used all their savings to buy a very ordinary house with a small courtyard in a civilian area here, and used the saved money to open a leather shop, but Hai Yinsi The city is very hot all year round, and no one likes to wear leather clothes. The main purpose of opening a leather shop here is to make some furniture, protective gear, bags, etc. Therefore, in Haiyinsi City, the business of leather shops is not like that of northern cities. That hot.

The boatman took the silver coins from Helena's hand, bowed deeply to Helena, and rowed the boat away with his oars.

Yingli, Helena, and Becky and I followed Kong Zhen and walked slowly along the bluestone road. The buildings here are much neater, at least not so old, and some places can even be seen to have been re-covered There are many small workshops along both sides of the street, and the entrance of these workshops is only a pedestrian stone street that can accommodate three people in parallel. There is a wide waterway in the center, and the blue water is extraordinarily calm in the city.

There are many handicraft workshops in this area. Some civilian women set up wooden tables on the street outside the workshops. On the table, they face the oysters like hills. The women hold a shelling knife in their hands and quickly peel the oysters. Pry open the shell, and then take out the oysters inside and throw them into a water basin. It is said that some peeled oysters are not for eating by themselves, but are sent to the market. Many nobles like to eat lemon oysters, but they don’t like to peel them. If there are shells, they will buy these shucked oyster meat in the market, and women in many commoner families are also happy to use this to earn some money to subsidize their families.

Uncle Fred's leather shop is at No.17 on this street. Angelo took Liya and ran all the way to the shop with a leather plaque on the door. There is also a wooden table. A woman with a waist as thick as a bucket is quickly plucking out oysters with a knife. He said in a bitter tone: "Look who is here, who patted his chest last time and said he would never come again? Why did he come here again within half a month?"

The sharp eyes were fixed on Angelo's body, with a strange sharpness.

But Angelo was leaning against the wall, pursing his lips, standing there without speaking, his face full of stubbornness.

At this time, I didn't expect Liya, who was behind Angelo, to stand up bravely. She blinked her big innocent eyes and ran to the wooden table, her chin just resting on the wooden table. The woman said, "Aunt Marianne, how many oysters have you shucked? Lia helps you shuck them!"

When Aunt Marianne heard Liya's voice, her eyes became softer, some smiles appeared on her fleshy face, and she praised Liya:
"Hey, my little Liya, you can really talk. Auntie doesn't need your help. Hurry up and play with Brother Garcia. Auntie will cook oyster soup for you for dinner."

Angelo was so angry that his mouth bulged, and he stood in the corner and said stiffly:
"I don't want to come, Liya dragged me here, and..."

Before he had finished, Aunt Marianne's eyebrows were on the verge of raising.

"Angelo, Liya, come in quickly." A familiar voice came from the room. Although the voice was a little hoarse, I could tell it was Sister Singer's voice at once.

A familiar figure came out of the room, wearing a neat linen skirt. She pulled Angelo aside, bent down and touched Angelo's head, then took Angelo with one hand and Lily with the other. Ya walked into the house, saying as she walked, "Angelo seems to have grown taller again, and these pants are a bit short, come here, take these pants and try them on."

Angelo, who had a somewhat stubborn personality, quickly refused, "Aunt Singer, these pants can still be worn."

Singer gave him a pair of pants that were resized, and said to him: "Hurry up and change them, I will tell her about Kongzhen."

Xiao Liya followed Angelo, raising her skinny hands above her head, holding a box of canned luncheon meat that was only half left. It's cute, but it's so stubborn, it seems that Singer will keep holding it if he doesn't take it.

"Little Liya, what is this?" Singer took the can and asked Little Liya when he saw that there was still half a box of luncheon meat left in the box.

Liya looked extremely happy to see Singer took the box of canned food.He said quickly, "Aunt Singer, here is a box of canned luncheon meat, which Angelo and I saved for you."

Singer shook the canned luncheon meat in his hand, and asked the little girl with a puzzled expression, "Liya, where did you get this?"

"It was given to us by Princess Yingli." Liya and Angelo replied in unison.

"Princess Yingli?" Singer repeated with some confusion.

The two children began to scramble to explain: "Yes! Princess Yingli and Master Jijia came to my house..."

Sora stood behind me, she gently pushed me, and let me walk into the house.

The woman in front of the wooden table at the door saw us and was about to ask Kongzhen, then she glanced at Yingli and me, and shut her mouth immediately in fright.

"Miss Singh..." I followed in the footsteps of Angelo and Liya, and walked into this residential house. This house is the house of Hai Yinsi's ordinary civilian family. It is obviously much better than the house in Kongzhen. There is a small courtyard, and the side facing the street seems to be a storefront.

My voice fell into Sister Singer's ears, she turned around suddenly, and then saw me standing at the door, her eyes sparkled.

"Jijia, it's really you, you... have grown so tall, have you really become a magician?" She walked over as she said, and saw that I was almost as tall as hers, with a gleam in my eyes. Looking at me with deep concern.


Talking about height as soon as we met really made me a little embarrassed. I put a magic badge on my chest and showed it to her.

Her eyes were full of relief and excitement, and she grabbed my shoulders with both hands, almost holding me in her arms, and said to me: "How have you been here in the past few years? Occasionally thinking about that trip, I always feel like What happened yesterday."

Sister Singer didn't look so young anymore, crow's feet appeared at the corners of her eyes, and her hands looked a little rough with a layer of calluses, probably left by doing rough work these years, but she was in good spirits.

I asked Sister Singer, "Sister Singer, where is Uncle Fred? How are you doing?"

"He's still the same. You know he's a tanner, and he opened a tannery shop here, and he can still get a bite to eat with his skills." Sister Singer wiped her red eyes, speaking calmly I was so excited, I looked at Ying Li, Helena and Becky behind me, and asked, "Look at me, I forget everything when I see you, these ladies are your companions?"

At this moment, I hesitated for a moment, because I was thinking about how to introduce them. Because of the relationship between the soul link contract magic, the three of them have already merged into one. After Ying Li married me, it is equivalent to Helena and Becky. became my wife too, so I said to Sister Singer:
"This is Yingli, Helena, and Becky. They are all my wives. Sister Singer, I got married last year!"

Sister Singer's eyes widened. I could tell from Sister Singer's eyes that she could see that the girls of Yingli were closely related to me, but she was a little surprised that they had all married me.She stretched out her finger to calculate, and said, "Let me think about it, last seems that you are going to participate in the coming-of-age ceremony..."

"It's the wedding the night after Bar Mitzvah," I explained.

Sister Singer was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. She felt that she was losing her composure and wanted to cover her mouth with her hands, but she couldn't help asking me:

"The night of the coming-of-age ceremony? You really can't wait! They are all your brides? Then where do you live now?"

I said to her: "I live in the imperial capital now, and I have been living in a place called El City in the northern border for a few years ago!"

Sister Singh took us into the yard, which was kept clean and tidy. She invited us to sit on the wooden chairs in the yard, made tea for us, and asked me:
"Have you seen Qige and Katerina in the imperial capital? I know Katerina has been waiting for you."

I knew Sister Singer would ask these questions, and I wasn't going to hide anything, so I said bluntly:
"Well, at last year's coming-of-age ceremony, I married Qige! Katerina has been by my side recently."


Sister Singer was almost suffocating at this moment, and she stared at me in disbelief.


The water in the cauldron of cooked leather is still steaming hot, the charcoal fire under the cauldron has almost been burned out, some cooked leather is drying on the wooden shelf next to it, and the workshop is full of rotten animal fur There was a sour and rotten smell, some coarse salt was piled up in the corner, and some dried animal skins were stacked on the wooden shelf at the door, basically all the space in the narrow room was covered.

Uncle Fred sat on a small wooden chair with his belly shy, dozed off with his head down, and snored intermittently. He held a pair of pokers in one hand, and an iron hook dangling from the other hand. He was wearing a pair of cowhide boots, his upper body was bare, and he was only wearing a leather apron. His face was flushed red with sweat and oil stains, and his eyes were squinted with tiredness, and his temples were already graying.

Singer walked into the workshop, first took the hook and tongs from Uncle Fred's hands, and whispered his name: "Fred, quickly see who is here."

At this time, Uncle Fred slowly woke up from his sleep. He opened his eyes, which were bloodshot, and saw that Singer was wiping his face with a towel, and asked, "Are you ready for dinner?" ?”

Sister Singer leaned her body to the side, exposing my figure, and said to Uncle Fred, "It's Ji Jia."

Uncle Fred opened his mouth wide. He pushed Singer away, stood up from the small wooden chair, looked at me standing behind Singer, his eyes suddenly changed from chaotic to clear, and he smiled excitedly: "Gee! Jia, it’s you who came here, let me see, oh, you’ve grown a lot taller, and your appearance has changed a lot. I remember you were only a little taller when you were in the caravan, and now you wear decent clothes. Walking on the street, how can I recognize you!"

Uncle Fred looked at me carefully. He wiped his hand vigorously on the leather apron and squeezed my shoulder vigorously.

Uncle Fred's face was covered with wrinkles, and even his teeth became loose when he smiled. I couldn't help sighing and said, "Uncle Fred, you are getting old."

Uncle Fred just said 'hey', hugged me, and said as he walked out: "Quick, let's sit in the yard, this studio is too choking."

We all sat in the courtyard, me and Yingli, Helena, Becky, Kouma and her two children, and Uncle Fred and his family, her other two wives and three children, Sister Singer is Uncle Fred's third wife. The woman we saw at the gate of the yard before is his eldest wife.

I said to Uncle Fred: "This time I came to Haiyinsi to accompany Yingli to attend a funeral, and I can only stay in Haiyinsi City for a short time. Sister Singer, do you want to return to the imperial capital with me?" , you and Kongzhen, as well as Uncle Fred and the family, the living environment over there will be better than here, I also mentioned this matter to Kongzhen, you can come to the imperial capital to help me, wait for me Return to Haiyinsi City again, if you are willing to go to the imperial capital, you must go with us."

"Of course, if you want to stay here with Haiyinsi, I happen to have some resources in hand. I can help you open a magic store, or a grocery store specializing in imported goods from the orc tribe. Of course, you have other ideas. I Now that I have some spare money in my hands, I will be making venture capital.”

"Or, have you ever thought about going back to the northern border? I know that Uncle Fred's hometown is in Sloitt City, and he seems to have offended a certain noble over there. If you want to go back to the northern border, this matter Let me help you settle the matter. We can invite that nobleman to sit down and talk with you. I know some very energetic friends in Sloit City. If they come forward to help us, there should be no problem. "

Hearing what I said, Uncle Fred fell into deep thought. He took a deep puff of his cigarette, held up the pipe in his hand, and was unable to say a word for a long while.

(End of this chapter)

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