my age of magic

Chapter 1471 21. So Fierce and Scary

Chapter 1471 21. So Fierce and Scary

After I got used to the dim light here, I looked out through the shimmering mask. On the dark bottom of the sea, the general outline of Haiyuan City was hidden under those faint magic lights.

In the shimmering light of many magic masks, the city of the sea abyss flickers and lights up in the darkness under the abyss, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

This is a strange city composed of countless magic masks, large and small. Some rocks in the mask can be vaguely seen traces of being corroded by sea water. Many exquisite buildings are made of shells and coral reefs, and some of them are shining. Plants with magical lights grow on both sides of the street.

At the port pier of Abyss City, the Jana people seem to have long been accustomed to the appearance of such a huge Rasma sea beast. The sea beast Rasma put its head into the mask, leaving its mountain-like body outside. The Jana people quickly entered Rathma's mouth with the stone pots on their hands. Looking at the Jana people, they found that there were a lot of Jana people gathered here. The stone pots were piled up like a hill. These strong Jana people The Na people raised the stone jars above their heads and lined up into the mouth of the Lamas beast.

Behind these Jannas stood a group of Janna warriors in full gear. In the dim light, I couldn't count how many Janna warriors there were, but I could only see a mass of tall figures in black, wearing armor on their bodies. Holding a halberd in his hand, he stood silently in the field.

When the Jannas carrying the boxes passed us by, their faces were full of surprise and joy.

Ambassador Galle walked in the front with a shy stomach.

He was followed by two teams of Janna warriors, and our group was sandwiched by the Jannas, and we quickly walked out of the port of the city of the abyss.

There are circular arched corridors connecting the magic masks of the City of the Abyss. These arched corridors connect countless semicircular masks. Walking out of the dock area, we come to a larger mask. This The light shield is enough to completely cover the city of El. The Jana people built many magnificent buildings and temples here. These temples are composed of countless tens of meters high stone pillars. Relief, the tallest building is almost touching the edge of the mask above the head.

We walked through a street paved with flat stone slabs, and passed a market. It seemed that the food of the Jannas was similar to that of the elves. Many stalls were filled with fresh fish and shellfish, and some stalls displayed various kinds of food. Seaweed, other than that, there are no other kinds of food in the market. When we passed by a store, we happened to see a big iron pot with a thick green soup boiling in it. The fishy smell of the soup made me a little sick.

The central area of ​​the mask is a square where thousands of Jannas gather, looking like they are holding a priestly event.

Ambassador Galle led us across the square and continued towards the temple with the highest mask.

When we passed by an unusually exquisite residential area, I accidentally saw a little girl of the Jana tribe standing at the door, pointing at our group, and said a lot of words to the adult Jana people next to me.

Because they were communicating in Jana language, I couldn't understand a word, but seeing the innocent and cute appearance of the underage little mermaid with big blue eyes, I couldn't help but turn to Jas who was behind me. Tess asked, "Justus, what were those two Jannas talking about just now?"

"It's nothing, they are also like human beings, they are full of curiosity about some new things." When Justus said this, his expression was a little awkward, and he hesitated.

Such a strange expression aroused my curiosity, and I said to Justus: "I know they seem to be talking about us, so what are they talking about?"

"Really want to know?" Justus asked.

"Yes." I thought it was time to understand the thoughts of the Jannas, so I said to Justus.

Justus explained to me: "The structure of Jana language and Imperial language is very different. When they chat, they always have the habit of stretching some syllables very long. Although it feels like they talk a lot, In fact, they only exchanged three sentences. The Jana girl was asking her mother just now: "Mom, what are those weird looking things?" The Jana woman told the little Jana girl: "They... It seems to be human!' The Janna girl finally said: "These humans look so vicious and scary!'..."

Ying Li, who was walking side by side with me, couldn't help but burst out laughing. I chose to shut up in embarrassment, and secretly swore in my heart that I would never talk about such topics with this siren descendant in the future.


Ambassador Galle led us along the highest part of the long street. I don't understand why there is no convenient means of transportation such as horse-drawn carriages in such a big city, and I also don't know how far the road below will go. The terrain in the cover is very layered, and many round stone houses stand on the side of the coral reefs. Walking along the stone long street to a higher place, the buildings on both sides of the street are getting denser and denser.

I don't know how long I walked, but when I turned my head and looked down, I found thousands of buildings lined up under my feet, layer upon layer, exuding a cool and dark beauty under the magic twilight.

Ying Li, Helena, and Becky beside them couldn't help holding their breath when they saw the scene under their feet, and Ying Li said softly: "It's so beautiful!"

We came to the highest place of this mask, which is a magnificent temple with a tall obelisk in the center of the temple.

Ambassador Galle led us to the temple. There were some Ghana guards at the entrance. There were many Ghana people on the stone steps at the entrance of the temple. Didn't stop us.

We walked into this majestic temple. Some Jana priests in the temple saw the Galle ambassador. Most of the Jana priests here are beautiful Jana women. These mermaids are covered with shell ornaments. They see Galle. The ambassadors all saluted and avoided the sides. Ambassador Galle just waved his hand calmly, then walked over calmly and led us to the front of the obelisk.

The area around the obelisk is filled with strong space magic elements. It is constrained by the power of space. There is a huge portal under the obelisk. Electric snakes are constantly gathering on the teleporters from all around. There is an invisible force Keep the portal running.

Ambassador Galle stood in front of the obelisk and said to us: "In the city of the abyss, there are several passages connecting each magic mask, but not all magic masks have this kind of two-way magic portal. There are only 27 large magic masks in the city of the abyss with portals, and there are countless large and small magic masks connected around the 27 magic masks. If you want to walk around in the city of the abyss, the easiest way It is through the portal on the obelisk to move around 27 large magic mask areas."

At this time, the two guards in front of the obelisk came over, and Ambassador Galle showed them a magic seal. The Jana guard hurriedly saluted and talked to Ambassador Galle very attentively. After talking for a long time, that The two Janna guards backed away, and Ambassador Galle led us straight to the portal.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped, turned around and said to Ying Li: "Of course, if Your Royal Highness wants to take a stroll in the city of Abyss, you can send someone to inform me, and I will send someone to take you around. Let's go!"

Ying Li looked up at Ambassador Galle, and said to him without hesitation: "I want to find a suitable time to visit my cousin, Prince Hitt."

Prince Hitt is the half-blood son of Princess Casey and the King of Janna. When the conspiracy planned by Princess Casey was discovered by the Janna people, they left Prince Hitt and fled back to the Green Empire alone. Life in the City of the Abyss will not be too comfortable, and he may be imprisoned somewhere in the City of the Abyss by the new king of the Jana Sea Clan.

Ambassador Galle hesitated for a moment, and said to Ying Li: "I will report to Queen Vicki that the meeting between Her Royal Highness and Prince Hitt needs to be approved by Queen Vicki."

The Queen Viki mentioned by Ambassador Galle is not the wife of the current Monarch Janna, but the mother of the current Monarch Janna and Princess Ariel.

"Okay, then I will wait for news from His Excellency Ambassador Galle." Ying Li said indifferently.

Princess Casey Angel Boulder is the imperial princess who triggered the Battle of Haiyinsi City more than ten years ago. Back then, she was married to the Endless Sea. In the eyes of the Grimm Empire, she was also a very remarkable royal princess. Now this Princess Casey is still living in the floating imperial city of the imperial capital with Emperor Charles the Great. If Ying Li hadn't mentioned this matter, I would have forgotten that Her Royal Highness still has a son staying in the city of the abyss.

"I will take Her Royal Highness to the hotel in District [-] first, and ask Her Royal Highness to rest in the residence." Ambassador Galle said and walked towards the portal.

At this time, the guards in front of the portal retreated one after another, leaving a passage for us.

Ambassador Galle walked into the portal, Yingli and I followed Ambassador Galle, walked into the portal with a calm face, passed through the portal as smooth as a mirror, and we appeared in front of the obelisk of another majestic building .

I saw four tall towers standing inside the mask, and the top of the sword-like towers was burning with fiery flames. These four groups of flames were like four artificial suns, and the glow from them spread in the mask. Therefore, the light in this large magic mask is much brighter than the previous one.

It said that it was arranged for us in a hotel, but in fact it was on a high cliff platform, where several houses like giant sea anemones were built around a clear swimming pool. Surround the pool together.

These houses may be left behind after the death of some unknown giant sea anemones. The room is filled with a faint smell of dried salted fish. I knocked on the wall with my hands, and there was a muffled sound of 'bang bang bang' The Jana people like to build round windows. The transparency of the window glass is very good. The only thing that is not good is that these houses generally do not have a roof. A little bit of starlight, and the deep dark deep seabed.

The biggest surprise of this temporary residence is the crystal-clear swimming pool, which looks like a light blue magnificent gem.

There are more than a dozen mermaid maids in the yard. Their chests are covered with exquisite shells. When they walk, they seem to be covered with wind chimes, and they will make a tinkling sound. These mermaid maids are different from other Jannas. Like a human being, he couldn't hide his curiosity.

The buildings of the Jana tribe are obviously more suitable for the tall tauren to live in. Whether it is the height of the door or the width of the bed in the room, the tauren is lying on the big bed in the room, which makes him sigh in admiration.

I quietly asked Justus, do the Janna undersea cities on the Vashki plane also look like the City of the Abyss?
Unexpectedly, Justus shook his head with a weird face, and told me that it is true that the Jana people of the Vashki plane have cities on the seabed, but those cities are actually the cities of the Jana people. Some real underwater cities do not have these gorgeous magic masks, because the Jana tribe is a sea creature, they can breathe freely in the sea water, and they usually live in the sea.

He couldn't understand why the Janna tribe of the Endless Sea wanted to build these huge magical buildings, and let himself live under the sea as if he lived on land.

We lived in the stomach of the sea beast Lamas for three days. Although the closed space was completely separated from Lamas' stomach, when we walked out of Lamas' body, I felt like a rotten fish , The first thing to do when you come to the residence is to find the bathroom to wash off the smell of fish.

Here is the same as the Yerro plane, there is no distinction between night and day.

Calculated according to the time of the Green Empire, it was probably after dinner. We had just had time to take a shower in the hotel in the city of the abyss. Everyone was lying on the lounge chairs by the pool and chatting. Ambassador Galle brought someone over to tell us : "Queen Vicky decided to summon Princess Yingli immediately."

When we followed Ambassador Galle to meet Queen Vicky, we couldn't help asking Ambassador Galle: "When will Princess Ariel's funeral be held?"

Ambassador Galle told us: "After the magic transfer ceremony is held for the princess, the sea burial ceremony will be held after fulfilling the princess' last wish."

Hearing what Ambassador Galle said, Yingli touched her face subconsciously, and she could see that she was a little hesitant at the moment.

I took Yingli's hand and asked her softly, "What were you thinking about just now?"

Ying Li looked at me hesitantly, and whispered to me: "Suddenly, I don't want to accept that magic ceremony. I'm worried that if I become a different person, you won't like me."

"Why do you think so?" I Yingli said, holding her hand tighter.

She also squeezed me back hard...

(End of this chapter)

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