my age of magic

Chapter 243 43. The First Arrival at the Academy of Magic

Chapter 243 43. The First Arrival at the Academy of Magic
The hustle and bustle outside the house had stopped. In fact, this was just a scene for Sister Dali to establish her prestige in front of that girl. After Bin married Sister Dali, he would still marry that girl. Sister Da Li couldn't stop what she had promised to the girl and her family. The law of the empire allowed polygamy.The only thing that Sister Dali can do is to establish enough prestige and pose as the hostess.

Actually, I didn't expect such a result. After the girl was punished by Sister Dali, she gave in.

After the turmoil subsided, Bin showed his frame and put his arms around Da Li into the room, and the girl with the haircut followed in disheveledly, wrapped in a sheet, as if nothing had happened. After going through a lot of noise, it was Bing who became the biggest winner. His hair stood on end, as ugly as a strange professor who had his afro permed. My weakened lightning made his eye circles black. Like zombies in a swamp.

The irascible sister Da Li was able to calm down her anger so easily, probably because she felt that Bin was miserable enough.I don't know if they will resent me when they find out that I am the troublemaker.

In the entire courtyard, only one weeping willow was left swaying its green branches, and the surroundings returned to silence again.

I was not in the mood to read any more, so I simply sat next to the desk, picked up a magic engraving pen, and gently drew magic patterns on a piece of blank parchment. The nib of the engraving pen was not dipped in any magic ink. So this engraving pen cannot draw any patterns on this small piece of parchment.In fact, I have already manipulated the magic power in my body like a spring silkworm spinning silk, continuously condensed into bundles from the tip of the pen, and penetrated into the magic parchment.

Maybe it's because my room is well ventilated and cooler. Tracy didn't act like she used to. After seeing me, she hurried away as if she had met a snake. She seemed to be entering my room for the first time. The decoration is full of curiosity.

I lowered my head and drew the visible magic runes that only I could see. The tip of the magic carving knife was constantly volatilizing magic elements, while Tracy was holding the book "Roland Continental Talk" on the bookcase, She flipped through very slowly, and she picked out the place where I had made notes.When she sat on the bed, her waist was bowed, and her body was extraordinarily slender.

I lowered my head and said to her, "You don't actually hate me!"

This idea came to me today.In the past, I really thought that Tracy hated me very much, but when I became a magic apprentice, I suddenly put myself in Tracy's position, and I found that I began to gradually understand Tracy's Inner world.

Tracy was concentrating on reading the essay and couldn't catch what I said for a while, so she turned to me and asked, "Well, what?"

Holding the magic engraving pen, I stared at the glass windows of the attic, and the curtains were gently fluttering in the wind.

I looked at her firmly and said, "Tracey, I can understand your thoughts. You just want to tell others that your life is up to you. You want to tell Fanny and Lynn that you don't need other people's care. You are Tracy, independent, strong character."

She seems to be in a particularly good mood today, maybe this has a lot to do with me becoming a magic apprentice, a knot in her heart was untied, and she began to reject me less.I have always wanted to work hard to integrate into this family and feel the warmth of the family. For a long time, Leonte and Fanny have taken good care of me, but Tracy always got into trouble with me, which made me feel a little small Small regret.

"Actually, it's not those things that bother me. The thing that worries me the most is that you need to be 16 years old to join the army. If Fanny can't send you to the reserve of the Knights of the El City Police Department, it will mean When you are 16 years old, you are going to join the North Wind Legion, hey, they won't delay too long." Tracy said.

"Why? Fanny likes mine, isn't that all right?" I asked.

Tracy tapped my forehead lightly with her fingertips and said: "Don't be silly, I was almost 16 when you were 20, according to Fanny's arrangement, if I want to marry you, you You must marry me before I am 25, and if you join the army before you are 16, you will still be serving when I am 25. Do you understand?"

"But...but Fanny won't do that, what if...what if I don't want to?" I wanted to find some reason to refute Tracy's words.

Tracy leaned over and looked me in the eye and asked, "Will you refuse Fanny's request?"

"No!" I said firmly.

Tracy gave me a very helpless expression, and turned to look through the empty bookcase in my room. There were only a few travel notes and essays about Roland Continent in the corner. She asked me while flipping through the books: "Do you like to read books?" these things?"

I nodded, carrying the gradually brightening star in the sky outside the window, took a deep breath and said, "Maybe I will travel in the future, to many, many countries, and to the entire Roland Continent!"

"You're looking for your freedom?" Tracy asked me with a half-smile.

The wind outside the window brought in a fresh smell, which was the scent of roses.

I squinted my eyes and began to think about the future. My vision was very colorful, but I didn't know how to describe it. I just brewed some words and said to her: "At first, I didn't know much about you. Feeling, but now I have some understanding. After I stepped into the college and saw the vibrant scenery inside, I suddenly felt that my life should be full of colors, and I should feel those beautiful things and appreciate those beautiful things. Scenery, to taste those delicious delicacies, to savor those sweet love."

"Are you going to abandon me? Are you afraid that I will tell Fanny?" Tracy raised the corners of her mouth, she was clearly teasing me as she suppressed a smile.

I reached out and pressed her round shoulders. Her skin was very cool and smooth, and the texture was even more soft. Soft and elastic. I tried to pinch her shoulders, but the muscles on her shoulders seemed to be able to move automatically. Repelling my fingers, I can't even use my strength.I gasped slightly, this is a sign that the physical coordination of the soldiers has reached a certain level. Kurz was like this back then, and now Tracy can do the same.

I smiled and said to her: "Go and have a good relationship! I will also go after the most beautiful girl in the academy, well, if one day, you come back and tell me who bullied you, then I will beat him up for you. "

Tracy pressed me persistently: "What if I'm abandoned?"

"You will never be abandoned, because you are Tracy, and you have never abandoned anyone, and you have me."

I stood up, and under her surprised gaze, I quickly picked up the towel and walked out of the room, turning into the bathroom.

...beautiful dividing line...

With a fried donut in my mouth, I ran along the trail behind the Zhanzheng College in the morning sunshine.The white short-sleeved vest was already soaked with sweat, and my breathing was very rhythmic. As long as my breathing was not disturbed, I could keep running like this without stopping to eat and drink.

I have persisted in this kind of morning exercise for a long time. At first, it was because I found myself hiding in the attic and reading for a long time, and my physical fitness declined very badly. I used to dare to jump off the back of the Thunder Rhinoceros that is seven or eight meters high, but later I found that after gaining weight, I can't do this anymore.In order to maintain a good body, I gradually began to do morning exercises in the early morning.

This path is very secluded, you can always bypass the main teaching building from the back door of the Junior Magic Academy, and the path is winding, and the various vegetation beside the path are some rare and rare species that are rare to see. Walking in it, it is like It is in the plant encyclopedia.Only those with certain botanical knowledge can taste the wonderful taste.I am a person who likes to study rare plants very much. This hobby was forced out by the old Kuru. At that time, in the caravan, Kurz refused to follow the old Kuru to learn herbal medicine. Later, the old Kuru discovered that My memory is excellent, so I began to deliberately cultivate my knowledge about various herbs, but he taught me completely in a sheep-herding way, and he didn't care about it. He just threw me a roll of parchment magic paper every day, and then I Memorizing all the above knowledge by rote directly was very hard every day at that time, but now that I think about it, everything is very worthwhile.

I found this path by accident when I was looking for the library of the Junior Academy of Magic.

That time I walked directly from the teaching building to the north gate of the Magic Academy, and then found that the way from the Magic Academy to my home was the shortest way, and I would not meet too many people along the way.It is far away from the training area of ​​the Junior Warrior Academy on the south side of the school, so not many people choose to take this road.

Gently pushing open the iron side door of the school's north gate, I nimbly slipped through the narrow gap.The old concierge, who was lying on the rocking chair and pretending to be asleep, saw that it was me, his eyelids drooped again, and he ignored me.I walked in lightly, and closed the side door again.

"Ouch!" There was a coquettish cry from behind the door, probably because someone was accidentally squeezed in when the door was closing. .

I turned around and saw that a little girl with a round face was gently covering her forehead with her hands. She was already tearing up from the bump and looked at me innocently.She has beautiful features, and her facial features are also very correct, but these delicate-looking eyebrows and eyes are put together, but they are not so beautiful, but her temperament is very good. Standing at the door is as beautiful as a graceful little lotus standing in the water. It was the first time I felt that a girl with an ordinary appearance is also very attractive.

It was me who hit someone, and I hurried over and asked: "I'm sorry, I didn't notice there was someone behind me, and I hurt you!".

She only raised her head to look at me at this time, and when she saw me again, her frowning brows were completely stretched out, and then her pink lips were like pomegranates that opened, and the corners of her mouth curved upward slightly after splitting, giggling non-stop She smiled, and her smile was charming, and she was a very quiet girl just by looking at her.

"You are Jijia!" Her voice was very special, slightly hoarse, but very pleasant.When she spoke, she obviously didn't have a northern accent, but she had the taste of Miss Qi Geqi.

Seeing me looking at her suspiciously, she went on to say, "We are classmates in the magic class, don't you remember me?"

She covered her forehead with her hand, she looked cute, but she was a little embarrassed at this time, I really don't know her name.

The class division of the Junior Magic Academy is very interesting. These magic instructors gather more than 30 of our magic apprentices who have just awakened the magic pool to form a class, and this is the case every year. We are first-year freshmen.

But for us new magic apprentices, the magic factions that everyone learns are very different. Among the four basic series of air, fire, water, and earth, the number of people who learn fire magic is the largest, and of course they also have the spirit of learning. Department and earth department, the instructors will teach us knowledge about magic skills according to different factions.The need to learn fire magic needs to be studied with those senior students with the fire magic instructor Brand.Freshmen learning air magic need to learn from Luna tutor.

Having said that, it doesn’t make any difference whether I choose water or ice. I will report to Heidi, the water magic instructor. She is as cold as an ice cube, but is extremely beautiful. At that time, the pores all over my body can stand up.

To be honest, these days I have been almost mentally broken by various things: the first thing is that after I chose to major in water magic, I finished reporting in the elementary magic academy, and found the water magic tutoring for the class placement form. After class, I found out that there were only seven magic apprentices in the whole class, and these magic apprentices were students from grades [-] to [-] who all studied water magic. Of course, I was lucky to be the eighth person, and I was the only male in the water tutoring class .

The second thing is that the teaching assistant of the water magic tutoring class is actually the beautiful water magician Sophie who I met once. I went to the cursed land together with the rescue team. I didn’t expect to come to El City with Morayal and become the two assistant teachers of the Junior Magic Academy here. I thought I was lucky to avoid Morayal, but I didn’t I thought of this woman named Sophie.She is as curious about me as Morayal. God knows what kind of relationship she has with Mo Xiang, whom I dislike very much...

The third thing is that I discovered that it’s not that I can’t use the magic of those orc tribes, but that I need to directly use the magic power hidden in the nodes in my body after completely isolating the magic power from the magic pool, and still be able to Using those Stone Drum Totems and "Shadow Cloak" and "Flame Tongue Weapon", which are already handy for me,

The fourth thing, on the first day of school, I found that my magic pool is really very different from others, almost none of them have a magic vortex.I'm the odd one out among them, and it bothers me a bit.

Based on these rotten things, I don't have time to pay attention to those magic apprentices in the same class. I am very unfamiliar with them.At this time, when I saw the girl in the gray magic robe ask me, I didn't know how to answer her.

"I...Of course I remember, hey, I'm sorry, does your forehead still hurt?" I said with some embarrassment.

She shook her head with a smile on her face. She always had a smile on her face, which made people feel very comfortable. Then we walked up the mountain together along the path. I slowly found that her eyes would always fall on some magic herbs. , obviously she is also very interested in these magic plants.

(End of this chapter)

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