my age of magic

Chapter 400 197. The Value of Slaves

Chapter 400 197. The Value of Slaves
"Hey, Jijia, don't rush away! We haven't gone to the backstage to get the elf slave girl, but I gave up a lot of pocket money to buy it!" Bobby grabbed my arm, he didn't care at all. I thought that I would not be interested in such a seductive elf girl at all.

I stood up a little angrily, turned around and left the seat, trying to get out of the auction house.

He ran forward to grab my arm in two steps, and couldn't understand why I didn't want to accept his gift.

"At least you should respect my opinion before bidding for my product!" I complained helplessly to Bobby beside me.

Then, I walked out of the auction house without looking back, completely ignoring Bobby behind me. In fact, I can't accept such a heavy gift from him. It is difficult for ordinary people to accumulate fifty magic crystals in their lifetime. Bi's mouth is like an inconspicuous number, but it is still too heavy for me now. I don't want to waste the newly accumulated wealth in my hands on a beautiful vase like ceramics.

I have already made a very detailed plan for these magic crystals in my hand, that is, to learn more advanced inscription circles. It is not an easy task to practice drawing advanced inscription circles. Some people say that inscription masters belong to the hottest One of the careers of money, the success of many famous inscribers is paved with yellow and orange gold coins. Countless expensive ink and high-level Warcraft leather are the biggest stumbling blocks on the way for inscribers to advance.

I have accumulated more than [-] magic crystals in my savings these days. I originally planned to buy some high-level magic beast leather, because many high-level magic pattern circles can only be activated by the magic power contained in high-level magic ink. , and the huge magical power contained in these advanced magic inks, the carrying capacity of ordinary monster leather is not enough at all, and only advanced magic beast leather can draw more advanced magic scrolls.

Except for some small accidents, Su, I decided to hide her in Xinliu Valley. In order to let her live like a normal person, after my persuasion, she finally agreed to use the magic prosthesis from the Orianna store. It can be regarded as the fulfillment of my biggest wish in the past five years. This used to be Guoguo's dream. Now that I can help her complete this matter, it feels like a mountain has been lifted from my back, and my whole body feels relaxed a lot of.But the price I paid was almost all the magic crystals on my body, a total of 30 yuan.

Now I only have less than two magic crystals in my magic pocket, so even if I want to buy the elf slave, I don't have enough magic crystals in my pocket.What's more, I don't want to buy such an expensive female slave at all. Could it be that I buy such a stunning and top-quality elf female slave and let her go to Xinliu Valley to accompany Su?

The middle-aged aristocrat who just left was very scheming. From the moment he put on a very reluctant look to the moment he asked Bobby to raise the price to an outrageous height, it was all because he wanted Bobby to raise the price. Bi sold me a big enough favor, and he also saw that it would be difficult for him to persuade Bobby not to participate in the auction, and he might still need to pay for it in the end, so he simply asked Bobby to pay a sky-high price to snatch the elf slave girl away with lightning speed. return.

This will make my heart more impressed with this auction. The scene where Bobby bids for the elf slave girl at the end will become an indelible imprint in my heart, and it will be hard to forget this beautiful elf The value of a slave girl.

In fact, I knew in my heart that Bobby might not need to spend a copper coin to buy this female slave. After all, the middle-aged nobleman was his uncle. Although I don't know what kind of identity he is, I can vaguely guess He should be the organizer of this auction.

Many times, in order to attract the attention of enough bidders, some large-scale auctions will do some publicity in El City half a month in advance, just like releasing some smoke bombs, and the organizers will distribute the list of auction items In the hands of every wealthy person in El City, there will always be one or two or more eye-catching auction items on the list.These rare and expensive auction items may not be all the items that the organizers want to auction. In this way, on the day of the auction, some people will mix with the crowd of bidders and sell some auction items that have not reached the expected price. Some treasures and some treasures that do not want to be auctioned are bought back at high prices.

It is not difficult to see that this young elf slave girl is one of the gimmicks of this auction. Her appearance completely ignited the enthusiasm in the auction.From the tone just now, I found that the middle-aged nobleman was very dissatisfied with the bidding price of the elf slave, and it was reasonable for Bobby to buy the elf slave back.

Just as I was about to sneak out through the back door of the auction venue, a group of guards once again led a group of female slaves in through the side door of the stage. After those female slaves walked onto the stage slowly, it seemed that they had finished their rehearsal. Similarly, standing on their respective circular wooden platforms, waiting for the old men in white to bid one by one.

When I saw an orc female slave wearing a half-body leather armor in the team, as she took a gentle step, a small white hand was tightly holding a piece of linen, the little orc girl seemed very nervous and followed the female slave Beside her, the orc female slave had a tattoo of a wind wolf drawn on her arm, and her face also had cloud patterns that only a tribal orc warrior had. A scar that almost runs through the entire chest can be clearly seen on the skin that came.

Involuntarily stopped, I stared at the little half-orc girl who was only four or five years old, and I couldn't take my eyes off. The old straw mat that was draped over her made me recall the past thoughts again. Unable to control the emotions in his heart anymore, he strode up, chased the group of slaves who came onto the stage, and shouted at the female orc warrior and the little half-orc girl in orc language: "Don't worry, I It's Ji Jia from the Blood Wolf Tribe in Gludin Town, I will buy you back and return them to you."

The female orc who was about to step onto the stage looked at me in amazement. Although she was surprised, her face was as calm as a pool in late autumn without any fluctuations. I could see endless vicissitudes in her eyes.

Seeing that she was silent, I asked again: "Who brought you here? Don't they worry about the vengeance of the orc warriors?"

"Hey, Jijia, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?" Bobby behind me followed, and stood behind me curiously watching me communicate with the orc female warrior.

The female warrior shook her head lightly, with endless loss and guilt in her eyes, she was careful with words, and only said to me: "No one has brought me here, and no orc warriors will fight for me anymore. Burning with vengeance..."

Before she finished speaking, she was pushed hard by the guards on the side. Although that push was powerful, it seemed to her that she didn't feel the slightest push on her body, and even her shoulders didn't shake. one time.But she obeyed the guard's password, followed the entire formation, and stepped onto the auction stage firmly.

I don't know where the anger came from, and it rushed to the top of my head. I knew that my face must be very ugly. I stared at the guard fiercely, as if I wanted to swallow his bones alive. He was taken a few steps back by my ferocious gaze, but he retreated hastily without saying anything harsh.He was very smart, knowing that he couldn't offend me, so he immediately hid.

My eyes were fixed on the female orc warrior standing on the stage. She was also looking at me at the moment, obviously curious about me.I secretly made a code word to her that only the soldiers of the blood wolf tribe could understand. Finally, there was a wave in her eyes. She was so cautious that she didn't believe that I also had the identity of the blood wolf tribe until now. I finally nodded, I think she should have recognized me.

The white-robed old man on the stage continued to introduce the characteristics of this group of slaves. Unexpectedly, the group of female slaves of all races who came to the stage had the same characteristics, that is, they all had certain combat power and could become close body guards.Among the nine female slaves, five were human slaves. Probably only the slaves sold from Aitia would be traded on the stage in such a grandiose manner. In short, they could not be Imperials.In addition, there are three female slaves of different races. Their skeletons are obviously taller, and their exposed bodies can be seen to have obvious muscle mass. They are very strong. Only one is a female orc, and there is a small one beside her Tail, a half-orc girl aged four or five years old, her eyes are glass-colored, and the rest of her body is the same as ordinary people, but just such a small difference will make people see it at a glance. She is a half-orc.

I didn't expect the war slaves to be so hot. Starting from the first alien female slave, the auction field once again ushered in a new upsurge. The nobles who bid exceeded half of the audience, which was similar to the situation of elf slaves. , I couldn't help being stunned by such a hot auction house. Looking at Bobby beside me, I asked incomprehensibly, "Why is it so hot all of a sudden? Don't these nobles lack guards?"

Bobby squeezed out a weird smile and said, "In the entire city of El, there are thousands of fighters who come out of the academy every year. How can they lack close guards!"

"Then why do these nobles still buy female war slaves?" I asked him puzzled.

Bobby was very clear about the doorway here, and said to me unabashedly: "That's because only slaves can participate in boxing matches in the underground martial arts arena. Sai's female slaves, they are the ones who want to participate in the boxing game!"

It suddenly occurred to me that a few days ago, when Big Brother Chambach came to me suddenly, he revealed a piece of information to me, that is, two old friends of the Starry Knights are now struggling to make a living in the underground boxing match in El City. I have already made an appointment with Benjamin, and asked him to take me to see the underground boxing match in El City. Many things happened later, but this matter was delayed.

From Su and Cindy, I got the news that Ignaz in the manor also caught all kinds of homeless people from all over the place. He sent the strong homeless people to the underground boxing arena, and the weak homeless people. The rescue became his flower fertilizer, nourishing those Hell Trees and Ye Meiluo with the corpses of the homeless, I originally thought that the underground boxing game was controlled by Ignaz, and the underground boxing game would eventually disband with Ignaz's death .

Later, even Simon Joe and Oya Joe were arrested by the Magic Guild. I think there will be no backstage for this underground boxing match, so I have forgotten about it.

Unexpectedly, now that I have come to the slave auction house, there are so many nobles in the city of El who are frantically buying war slaves. Is this to say that the underground boxing match did not disappear because of Oyacho's downfall, but was not affected at all? It is still going on like a raging fire. The underground boxing match is a place where there are filth and filth. It can also be said to be the best living place for some fugitives. I suddenly felt that I should go and have a look.

If it weren't for Baoji and Hamasaki's relentless pursuit of me, I wouldn't have stayed in Gludin Town, and the Wind Chaser Adventure Group wouldn't have disbanded. If it wasn't for this, Sister Guoguo wouldn't have died either. How can I easily forget this unforgettable hatred, since I know they are hiding in the underground boxing match, I think I should get better as soon as possible, but don't wait for me to go, the two of them have already died on the field.

At this moment, my heart is burning hotter.

"Hey, why are you still auctioning female orcs? The rules of underground boxing don't allow orcs to disrupt the situation. Who can beat these big guys with bare hands!"

"Those orcs are crazy. If they know that someone tortured their people, we will be burned to ashes by those vengeful fires!"

"Who would buy an orc? It stinks all over!"

"Hey, don't you think the figure of the female orc is also very good? Look at the girl next to her, she is clearly a half-orc. Doesn't this mean that there was a kid with a strong taste who married a female orc and gave birth to a half-orc? A child! Haha, this is so funny!"

"Who has such a strong taste and dares to sleep with a stinky orc in his arms? I also convinced him!"

At this moment, there was a lot of discussion in the audience, and the white-robed old man offered a price of one gold coin amidst the chaotic discussions in the audience, but even so, there were only three people participating in the auction, including me.Since the orc warriors could not participate in the underground boxing match, the atmosphere in the auction room suddenly became freezing point. Those nobles who were eager to bid for other war slaves made no secret of their dislike for the orc female warriors.

No nobleman is willing to buy a female orc warrior who cannot participate in black market boxing matches. Does it mean to let her stand by her side all day long as a personal bodyguard?

The nobles in the auction can't help but think: When did orcs become so trustworthy?Why don't these natives who only know how to believe in the power of their ancestors go back to that barren plateau?
At this moment, I raised my arms and shouted:
"Nine gold!"

I raised my hand to signal that I could raise the price to nine gold coins. No one in the audience continued to bid with me, so I easily bought the orc mother and daughter back.

No matter who has the experience of living in the wild, they are far inferior to the orcs living on the Pai Plateau. I bought their mother and daughter back, naturally I want the orc female warrior to go to Xinliu Valley to take care of Su. I only hope that her true strength has not reached seven She is not at the level of a super warrior apprentice, otherwise the rules of Xinliugu World alone will keep her out of the door!
For those nobles, even if the orc female warrior is very cheap, few people buy it.

But for me, the orc female warrior has the blood of the blood wolf clan, even if I give everything I have, I must buy back her freedom...

(End of this chapter)

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