my age of magic

Chapter 405 201. Meyana's Letter

Chapter 405 201. Meyana's Letter

A beast girl dressed only in a layer of gray and tattered linen came out of the tent. She silently sang a folk song praising the richness of the wilderness, with a melodious voice.The orc men sitting around the bonfire unconsciously turned their heads to look at her, with infinite longing in their eyes. This may be the most lively moment in the bonfire camp. I got out of the shack, and sang that melodious folk song together with the beast girl before. The lyrics are not too many, and the tune is very simple, but I keep singing it over and over again, and the more I listen to it, the more I feel like In the northern foothills of the Pai Plateau.

The lame old orc stood up and looked at our group from a distance. He had already spotted me standing on a high hill looking down, and he seemed to want to invite us to go over.

I guess the female orc warrior beside me must have a lot to say to this group of orcs, but now she is standing quietly by my side, refusing to take a step forward, and has probably begun to enter her new role , I sighed, and whispered to her in the orc language: "I have lived with an orc brother since I was a child. The orc tribe can be said to be my second home. I can meet some orc compatriots in this Green Empire." , can be regarded as the fate between us."

As I said that, I gently raised my hand, and a piece of pure ice crystals slowly condensed in my palm. The strange effect of the instant crystallization of water magic elements made the female beast warriors around me stunned. She almost She looked at me in disbelief and couldn't say a word. I guess it was because she was stunned when she saw magic for the first time.

In fact, my original intention was just to prove that I am a magic apprentice. I have the privileges that some civilians in El City do not enjoy, and I have been living a life without worrying about food and clothing.I said to her: "Perhaps a few gold coins are only enough to buy an ordinary magic scroll, or I just shook my hand a little on the test bench, and a piece of Warcraft leather worth ten gold will be completely scrapped. It's just a small loss for me, but a few gold coins may be enough to pay for all of you to return to your hometown. I'm just helping some orc friends, just like they selflessly helped me a few years ago Same. You don't have to mind at all!"

"Please accept this little kindness from me..."

Before my words fell, I saw the female beast warrior in front of me kneeling down in front of me. This is the courtesy of the tribe's people to the leader. What's the matter.She knelt down respectfully in front of my feet, touched my boots with her forehead, and sang a hymn to bless the beast god in a low voice. No matter when and where, these orcs who worship their ancestors will never be abandoned.

At this moment, cheers erupted from the bonfire camp. I saw the lame old orc running towards the hillside with only one good leg, and the other leg Half of it was completely an iron rod, but it didn't affect his actions at all. He was almost running at the front, holding the stone drum totem that had been emitting a faint light between his hands.

I never thought that I could still see the shaman and witch doctor of the orc tribe here in El City. Yes, it can be seen that this old orc has only a little bit of weak magic power, and it is just a man who has just been able to use it. Stone Drum Totem's lowest level shaman, but even that surprised me.When did the orc tribe actually let the shamans with high status in these early tribes also exile?

The orcs in the entire bonfire camp began to boil, but the orc girls standing in the camp still sang hymns in praise of the beast god in unison.

Everyone's eyes were full of excitement, I bent down in amazement and asked the female beast warrior in front of me: "Hey, wake up, what's wrong with you?"

"You are the servant of the beast god, the one who guides us away from suffering!" The female beast warrior raised her head and smiled at me with tears streaming down her face. vivid.I think they must have misunderstood. How could I be the emissary sent by the Beast God? The Beast God has never communicated with me in private. What's more, I am just a human child, and I am also a magician. Apprentice, no matter what, it is impossible to be the messenger of the Beast God!

The female beast warrior stopped explaining to me at this time, and she didn't even care about a pair of fat big rabbits jumping out of her half body armor. There was a layer of oil on her chocolate-like skin, and she went crazy The general continued to crawl at my feet, constantly singing songs of praise to the beast god.

It was only at this moment that I deeply realized that the beast god has a supreme status in the hearts of every orc in the orc tribe. For the orcs, the beast god may be their supreme and oldest ancestor.Just thinking that the Beast God didn't abandon them made them ecstatic.They were still confused at first, and the hard life and uncertain future made them live numbly, but just at this moment, inexplicably found that the Beast God did not abandon their group of people, so they broke out like a sea tide. enthusiasm.

The lame old orc rushed to me first, and knelt down on the ground facing me, with the other prosthetic leg embedded with half an iron rod lying flat behind him, even if there was a young orc next to him who wanted to Helping him to kneel down, he also slapped him away.The old orc's cloudy eyes were full of excitement, he stared closely at my eyes, and said to me in the orc language: "I beg you to take us away from this endless suffering, my lord envoy."

At this time, my mouth was so wide that I could stuff two walnuts into it. I didn't know what to say, I just pointed at myself with my hand forcefully, looked at the old orc, and then pointed at myself forcefully.

The old orc raised his head, the wrinkles on his face were squeezed together because of laughter, his eyes revealed incomparable joy, his smile was very bright, and he said to me respectfully: "Master Messenger, can you show the power of flame?"

Sometimes, things are so bizarre. When I was still in a state of confusion, an old orc with a happy smile on his face suddenly came to me and asked me to show the power of my fire magic. He didn't even refuse. He stretched out his other hand and ignited a pure fire element in the palm of his hand. The hot flame in the palm of his left hand reflected with the ice crystal in the other hand.

At this moment, all the orcs in the bonfire camp were cheering, and I was so shocked that my jaw almost dropped.

What's happening here?Could it be that these ignorant orcs thought that the person with the power of fire and ice was the messenger who came to save them?In that case, there must be at least dozens of envoys in the Academy of Magic on the central mountain of El City who can save them!Seeing the excited expression of the old orc, I shook my hands in embarrassment, let the two balls of magic elements dissipate into the air, then rubbed my nose in embarrassment, and said to him: "Are you sure I am the person you are looking for? "

Seeing the old orc nodding his head very resolutely, I hurriedly said without waiting for him to speak: "Do you know that there are many magicians who can do fire and ice magic at the same time in the magic academy in El City... "

The old orc raised his head and smiled at me. He nodded to show that he understood, and then said to me: "But you are the only one who is willing to rescue us!"

"What power do you think a magic apprentice like me has to save you?" I asked puzzledly, and then suddenly said: "Maybe I can send you a little travel expenses so that you can return to the Pai Plateau safely, so is it considered a rescue?" You guys, I still have the ability to do this!"

In fact, I regret buying this orc female warrior a bit. I didn’t expect so many accidents to happen. Now I’m entangled by a group of orc refugees who ran down from the Pai Plateau. I never thought that I would save so many orcs. See Come today, no matter what, it will cost a fortune.

But I didn't expect that the old orc shook his head and said to me seriously: "We will not return to Pai Plateau, we will follow you, Master Messenger..."

The bonfire in the camp is still beating non-stop. In such a hot summer, there are actually a few orc children who are not afraid of the heat of the bonfire. Put it into a wooden bowl, and then quickly get into a cooler shack.The orc girls have also taken back the shack, and only the male orcs are sitting around under the shade of the trees, listening to the old orc telling the prophecy of an orc sage who is good at divination.

The old orc began to talk about how they were abandoned by the tribe as sick people during the great famine five years ago. At that time, he was also eligible to continue migrating with the team because he was a member of the tribe. The few shamans and witch doctors, as the supreme shamans, have far greater rights in the tribe than magicians have in human cities.

But he insisted on staying. At that time, his idea was very simple. He just wanted to make these sick orcs less painful as much as possible, and maybe he could find a way to survive!
In fact, he did!Although there is some element of luck in it, they were rescued by a team of human merchants, and it was also because a human teenager with a strong voice in the team of human merchants liked a thin-looking young man from the tribe. The female warrior, in the eyes of the orcs, would not think that the orc girl was so good-looking, but she was shocked by his human youth. In order to bring the orc girl back to the human country, she even rescued all of them. people.

At that time, as long as there was something to eat, those sick orcs could recover their physical strength. In fact, they didn't have any serious illnesses at all. After eating two full meals, their bodies would recover immediately.But the orcs would never easily lose their faith and leave this wasteland because of such a simple two meals.Even the orc female warrior was powerless to persuade these orcs to leave their homeland.

What really changed everything was a wise man who walked alone on the wasteland. In order to save more orc victims, he set out from Gludin Town alone and wandered in the wasteland for an unknowable how long. The wise man successfully persuaded these orcs to leave the wasteland, and followed the human boy back to El City.

The old orc sat under the shade of the tree, squinting his eyes as if recalling the memorable past, he said to me: "The sage once prophesied to me: when I saw him, the young beast god The messenger will not admit that he is walking in the world with the glory of the orcs and the gift of Mother Earth. He will carry the power of ice and fire, wind and thunder to the human kingdom to save you. Go! Children, this is not a real experience How can some sufferings and tortures hone an indomitable steel will, see how prosperous the human world is, maybe one day you will return to the Pai Plateau with the glory of the beast god."

My heart moved, the fact that I have the four magic elements of ice, fire, wind and electricity should still be a secret, and even those magicians in the magic academy who have changed jobs for the first time in the magic school, at best, they just learned Two-line magic, even those who have learned three-line magic are rare. The old orc said four-line magic, which really fits my situation.

At this time, the old orc carefully took out a scroll from his arms. It was not so much a scroll as a piece of discarded magic parchment left over after using magic. The parchment is only the size of a palm, but it looks very familiar to me. It is clearly the magic parchment of a Gathering Scroll that was discarded after use. Looking at the parchment that was cut very irregularly, the whole parchment The paper is even just a piece of extremely simple cooked magic antelope skin.

I was able to see this fire-gathering scroll that I made in a hurry when I rode Yagui Beast with Kurtz on the northern foot of the wilderness. It seems that the workmanship is very simple. The magic circle had already disappeared without a trace of ink. I didn't expect the old orc to keep it as a treasure.

He handed the parchment to me carefully, and then said to me respectfully: "The wise man said, you will understand everything when you read the contents of this parchment!"

I took this piece of parchment in surprise, not knowing what mystery was hidden inside. When I unfolded it, I found that it was actually a letter, which was written in orc characters:

Dear Giga:
I am very glad that you can read this letter. If my prediction is correct, you should be living happily in the human kingdom at this moment.

At this moment, do you feel that 'divination' is very mysterious?

That's right!It is a very mysterious power, which can make people lift a veil covering the future time and space, and vaguely see a little shadow inside, well, please forgive me for not revealing the oracle.

These orcs are the sufferers in the great famine. Your appearance just changed their future fate. I hope these orcs can help you. Please treat these poor orc children well!
Meyerna the Wise
 I have always wanted to say some words of thanks, thank you for your help and support from Zhizuijinfan, thank you for helping me complete the comment area, because I am too busy with work, it is really difficult for me to take care of this part, and the other is this Volume 200 was originally finished with 200 chapters, but I feel that I have not finished writing a lot of things to say. Thanks for your support, I will present additional chapters after [-] chapters in volume [-]. By the way, there seem to be about ten chapters left.

(End of this chapter)

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