my age of magic

Chapter 568

Chapter 568
This place is like a paradise hidden in the Royal Academy of Magic. Except that it is a bit hot and humid here, there is almost nothing to be picky about. I even think that if I am an Abel scholar, I will consider building in the center of the island. A small wooden house, if you open the window every day, you can see the garden full of flowers, all kinds of herbs are exuding vitality in the nursery, and it will not feel too bad to grow freely in this corner of the world.

Before I saw this piece of Pteris flame grass, I had been thinking about how the Abel scholar transplanted these flame grasses that like hot and dry environments into the aquatic ecological garden. Now the mystery has been revealed. It turns out that this In the center of the small island in the middle of the lake, there is actually a geotropical zone. The reason why some tropical plants can be planted in this ecological garden is probably because of this reason.

The ground of less than [-] square meters was covered with a thick layer of volcanic ash, and traces of fire elements poured out from the ground through the volcanic ash, and were absorbed by the fairly well-growing flame grass. The flame grass continuously radiates heat to the surroundings. The leaves of the flame grass are somewhat like maple leaves in October, covered with a layer of faint flames. This piece of flame grass has blossomed and produced flowers like ears of wheat. Seeds, these flower seeds are also attached to this layer of faint flames.

I stood two meters away from the Pteris fiery grass, and I could still feel the heat from the flame grass. The young magician Luke who was standing by was a little unnatural. He forced a smile at me and hesitated for a while. Said to me: "Don't touch the flames on those flame grass leaves and stamens."

He stretched out his left hand and rolled up the sleeve of his white shirt. A striking red scar wrapped around his arm like a giant centipede. Although the wound had completely healed, the exposed pink tender The meat still looks shocking in my eyes.

"Is this a burn?" I asked Luke.

Luke nodded slowly with a wry smile on his face.Facing the flame grass that was burning like a cloud of fire, Nu Nuzui said: "I was burned by these flame grass, and I accidentally got a little bit on it. Once the flames on these flame grass stand on the body, there will be no water. It cannot be extinguished."

It can be seen that when Luke told me about the experience of being injured at that time, he still had lingering fears and his face turned slightly pale.

"If you can't do it, don't force it too much. This nursery is usually handled by Albert University scholars." Luke secretly said to me.

The tauren Luka and I looked at each other, and then said: "If this is the case, then at least... try it!"

Luke saw that I was very active, so he didn't try to dissuade me any more. He just said, "Of course, if you make up your mind."

I condensed a lot of water elements at my fingertips. Using water magic in this ecological park was unexpectedly easy. Basically, enough water elements can be gathered without consuming too much mana. The water elements here It's really full.Seeing the water element at the fingertips draw beautiful blue lines in front of my eyes, I casually asked Luke: "If Ice Shield is activated, will these flame grasses be affected?"

Luke stood aside, nodding without hesitation.

The half-drawn magic circle in the air was terminated, and those light blue water elements dispersed in the air again. Originally, I planned to use the ice shield to resist the burning of the flames, but now it seems that I was a little naive. Sure enough, these flame grasses are still extremely afraid of the cold.

"Are you a water magician?" Luke asked me in surprise. He saw me casting 'hydrotherapy' magic, so he decided that I was specialized in water magic.

"Yes!" My eyes were fixed on the piece of flame grass in front of me, thinking about how to complete the task assigned to me by Scholar Abel.

Hearing my answer, Luke seemed very happy, and said directly: "That's good, at least when you are burned by the flame grass, you can receive timely treatment."

I don't quite understand Luke's thoughts at this time. He believes that I will be burned by the flames without stopping, but he is full of joy because I can get timely rescue after I am injured. This young magician's temper is really unpredictable Impenetrable!

"..." At this moment, I don't know what to say.

Squatting next to the flame grass, I carefully looked at these magical grasses that kept swallowing flames. There were several volcanic ash that emitted plumes of black smoke from time to time. Those so-called weeds were like a layer of moss, covering the On the volcanic ash, the pieces are like mottled rust on the steel plate.These mosses growing on the volcanic ash are exactly what Luke and Abel scholars call weeds.

This kind of bryophyte called 'volcanic red algae' is also a kind of elementary magic herb. It is not very rare, and their shadows can be found near active volcanoes. This 'volcanic red algae' is still A very good ingredient for grinding milky white ink, adding the milky white ink of 'volcanic red algae' to draw fire magic scrolls, the power of fire attribute will be slightly improved.

But it is precisely this kind of elementary magic herb, which is no different from the existence of weeds for the precious flame grass, and it is accompanied by the flame grass, and it is necessary to compete with these flame grass for the fire emitted by the underground lava leylines. Elements, not only that, the red algae covering the volcanic ash will also greatly affect the heat dissipation of the land. This water system ecological park still needs to maintain a stable temperature in late winter and early spring. Otherwise, the tropical plants in the ecological garden will freeze to death. Therefore, how to eradicate these "volcanic red algae" in the ecological garden has become the most distressing thing for Abel, Luke, teachers and students.

The weeds in the fireweed field are usually done by Abel scholar himself. Luke probably didn't expect that this time Abel scholar would call Luka and me over to clean up these moss-like 'volcanic red algae. '.I can't figure out how the Abel Scholar figured out that I could do the job.

Squatting on the ridge of the pool with suspicion, I reached out and touched the hot volcanic ash. The heat was like holding a glass filled with hot water at [-] or [-] degrees. There was a tingling feeling soon, I tried to turn on 'anti-magic' and 'petrified skin', the pale pattern of granite appeared on the whole body, at this time, I stepped into the field of flame grass again, but I can no longer feel the tingling sensation from being roasted, but a faint warmth.

In Luke's surprised eyes, I stepped on the volcanic ash, like walking on a river bed full of fine sand, walking towards the ridge.

Luka pouted his big ass, and imitated me and squatted next to me, touching the hot volcanic ash with a big callused hand. I could even smell the burnt fluff on the back of his hand, Luke Stand aside and say to Luka: "If it's too hot, don't force it."

Seeing Luka's hesitant expression, there was a trace of expectation on Luke's face. At this moment, his expression was somewhat contradictory, as if he was expecting that Luka would not be afraid of the heat of the flame grass, and that Luka would not be qualified for the job. Two diametrically opposed emotions were twisted together, making a knot on his brow.

At this time, Luka, who was a little hesitant at first, stretched his brows, and said with a relaxed face: "The flames of these flame grasses are not as hot as imagined!" Exuding a faint natural aura, when he got close to a flame grass, the flames on the branches and leaves of the flame grass became much weaker.

Luke, who was standing next to the flame grass nursery, stared dumbfounded at Luka the tauren and me bending over in the field full of flame grass, talking and laughing while shoveling the volcanic red algae on the ridge. Walking forward a little bit along the ditch, he casually threw the shoveled 'volcanic red algae' onto the field ridge. At this moment, Luke's perception of the burning damage of fire magic became confused again. Luka and I squatted on the ridge of the field, pouted our buttocks and reached out to touch the hot volcanic ash.

"Hiss..." The scorching pain immediately spread to his fingertips, causing him to take a breath of air. Seeing that his fingertips were burning red, Luke completely gave up his plan to weed with us and could only stand on the ridge of the field On the road, I watched Luka and I walking casually in the flame grass field, and finally I could only sigh, and turned my head and walked into the wild steel flower field, allowing us to root out those volcanic red algae.


Any batch of crops planted at the same time will have a very small number of crops mature first, and then a large number of crops will mature together, and at the end of the harvest, there will still be young seedlings falling down.

I never thought that the flame grass is also unavoidable. This piece of flame grass that has produced fruits like ears of wheat has also been bent by the full grain-shaped flower seeds, but there is a faint layer of flame on the surface of those grains. , this piece of flame grass will fully mature in a short time, but most of the flower seeds have not yet entered the mature stage, but in this piece of flame grass field, there are still a few flame grass plants that are obviously better than other flame plants. Grass, I found that the flower seeds produced by those flame grasses may mature in a few days.

The price of green flower seeds will be greatly reduced in the market, and the magic essence of fire attribute contained in them is only one-third of that of mature flower seeds, and there is no market for such immature flower seeds, except for some Outside of the black market, no businessman will buy the seeds of magic herbs that are picked before they are ripe. The reason is also obvious. Growing magic herbs is not an easy task. Often the masters of herbalism who grow magic herbs , will not harvest immature magic herbs in advance because they can't wait for the maturity period in the last few days. If there are no special circumstances, most of the people who sell those immature magic herbs are from some thieves unions Thieves.

Therefore, there is a customary rule in the potion market, that is, generally serious potion merchants will not buy magic herbs that have not yet reached maturity.

In addition, just now Luke showed me the horrible scar on his arm. This kind of burning is precisely because of touching those flame grasses. The magic flame on the surface of the flame grass sticks to the skin, and there is no way to extinguish it for a while. That's why I was burned, and he showed me the scars, and it might be that there was a warning in them.

I think it is because of these two reasons that Luke let us weed alone in the flame grass field, and went to work in the wild steel flower field on the other side.

In fact, this is precisely another reason why I came here. I want to find some intermediate magic herbal seeds. Unfortunately, only some elementary herbal seeds were for sale in the potion shop and auction house in El City. However, I have never been able to find potion seeds above the first rank. Recently, I have visited a few potion shops in the imperial capital, but I found nothing. This is how mid-rank magic herbs sell well. Most mid-rank magic herb sales The channels are all in the hands of some noble families.

Therefore, there is a gap in the magic herb market, that is, it is difficult to buy many middle-level magic herbs in potion shops. In this way, many magic pharmacists who do not have the background of aristocratic and wealthy families will face a A very embarrassing problem, that is, it is very difficult for a junior magic pharmacist without social background to become a mid-level magic pharmacist without the support of the nobles. This is not because they are not talented enough, but because They usually do not have access to those mid-level magic herbs, and they cannot make those mid-level magic potions, so naturally they cannot grow into a mid-level magic pharmacist.

In the same way, I will also encounter this problem on the road of inscriber. I can buy Xueluo ink to make the magic scroll of "Frost Nova" in the market. It is already a small city like El City, and I can't control it. The ice grass brought back by the treasure hunters and demon hunters from the icy tundra can also be exchanged for this rare magical herb in the city hall of El City, so a large number of 'Frost Nova' can be produced, but if I want to make higher-level magic scrolls, the first problem I face is to solve those intermediate-level magic inks.

The nobles' control over mid-level magic herbs has been successfully grasped from the root, that is, it is difficult to see the seeds of mid-level magic herbs and others in the market.

I have a huge medicine garden in Xinliu Valley, and now there is a very embarrassing situation, that is, the most advanced magic herb in the herb garden is only golden needles that can be made into spiritual power potions, and strength potions Pueraria, I want to get back some seeds of middle-level magic herbs. Recently, after being prompted by the "Royal Academy of Magic Life Guide", I discovered that this water magic ecological garden is actually a nursery for cultivating middle-level magic herbs. .

The flower seeds of the flame grass look like ears of wheat, and each ear of wheat has at least seventy or eighty seeds.

Standing beside the tauren Luka, with the help of the tauren's huge body, I secretly reached out to the full seed ear of the best-growing flame grass, and quickly pinched the flower at the bottom of the ear that was only the size of a grain of rice. Seeds, a faint flame immediately stuck to my hand, I have not experienced such a strong burning tingling sensation for a long time, that kind of feeling is like the fire poison of burning fruit is devouring my body Every flesh and blood is the same, it really hurts.

But my body has a very strong blood power to 'heal itself'. There is a faint layer of flame on the pads of my right thumb and index finger. This hot flame is constantly carbonizing the skin and flesh of the finger pads. It collapsed rapidly, but it was constantly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, which kept causing the cluster of flames to burn continuously on my fingers. Although it did not spread, it did not go out.

And I endured the pain of the burn, and picked off the greenest immature flower seed at the end of the full-looking flower seed spike, and quickly put it in the magic sealing box of the magic pocket for storage...

(End of this chapter)

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