Chapter 60

I saw the waiter brought our food, so I didn’t continue talking. After he put away a few wooden plates and left, I picked up a piece of lamb leg sprinkled with fine salt with a knife and stuffed it into my mouth. Said: "Who says I don't have a weapon? Sister Guoguo gave me a spiked dagger." Then I remembered the joke I made with Katerina today. But, is it possible to have a crossbow, but now!I looked at the eight glittering gold coins in the purse, and suddenly an impulse came out of my heart.There is a reason why I think the crossbow is suitable for me, because I thought of the magic skill 'Flame Tongue Weapon' I just learned. I know that this is not a simple magic. It is a magic skill inherited by the orc shaman and witch doctor. It represents another magic skill road to the top of the magic tower. This is a magic skill unique to the orcs. It is a magic skill that can temporarily infuse magic power into a weapon, allowing the weapon to temporarily increase magic damage. What is added is magic damage, that is to say, even if I can't shoot through the skin of the magic antelope, if I add a 'flame tongue weapon' to the weapon, then the magic antelope will still hurt.I can't attach this skill to melee weapons like other orc shamans, and rush up to fight with monsters with two axes. I am not strong enough, my strength and agility are not good enough, and my physique is not strong enough. One claw, under normal circumstances, the orc shaman who can learn this skill is bigger than Kurtz, and his physical fitness has already surpassed that of ordinary people, but I am still young after all, maybe using long-range attacks will make me safer Bar.So I said, "Maybe I can buy a crossbow, as long as I can handle it, it doesn't require arm strength at all, and there are sights, just aim."

Kurz added next to him: "We need to buy some wind mace arrows. This thing has armor-piercing properties. It will be much better to use it to hunt the devil antelope."

Now that you have money, you might as well spend it according to the money in your hand.It makes me feel that our thoughts are changing every moment. Just in the morning, we were still looking forward to buying a decent Neti bow, and then we went back to the camp and headed to the wilderness with the prepared luggage. After giving all the money to Qige in the free market, I wondered if I could spend less money, as long as I could buy an ordinary neti bow, and now I am sitting in the restaurant slowly tasting the delicate and delicious roast lamb When it comes to legs, we have already set our sights on higher-grade alloy bows. This kind of exquisite metal mechanical bow can only be made by dwarf craftsmen. It is said that there is a very magical mechanism inside that can properly reduce the arm strength requirements for the shooter. , but the range and rate of fire are far superior to those of Neti and Ironwood bows.Now Kurz even wants to buy some Wind Spike Arrows with wind attribute and armor-piercing attribute, it can be seen that he wants to do something big.

"Qiqi, can you make magic ink?" I suddenly thought that Qige is a magic pharmacist, so if I want to make magic scrolls, it seems that I don't have to worry about ink anymore.

Qige's eyes lit up, she looked at me curiously, squinted her beautiful eyes and raised her snow-white chin and said to me: "Jia, I'm getting more and more curious about you, you really don't want to be the one in that book the one from?"

She knew it was inconvenient to say these things here, so she deliberately made her words so vague.I think this secret seems to be impossible to hide from Qige, so fortunately, let's confess it.So he nodded slightly and said, "I want to try it before entering the wasteland! Maybe... I can."

The reason why I am so confident is based on my own magical perception.Old Kuru believes that my current magic perception is equivalent to the sensitivity of a ninth-level magic apprentice to magic perception, because the magic power in my body is scattered all over the body, and it is very rare. If the fire poison produced fire magic power in my body, the fire magic energy that was scorching all over my body was the initial magic force in my body, and then I succeeded by relying on the magic force existing in my body Casting 'heating', this magic skill is to increase the speed of my own magic recovery, but the extra magic energy recovered has become a magic force that does no harm to my body.I don't know how much energy it took me to be able to control these subtle magical forces and bring them together successfully, but now I can condense three different magic force balls in one hand, and I can easily combine these The magic power is only the size of a match head, and I can skillfully make three magic force balls move without trajectory in my hand, just like there are three small satellites in my hand.

The old Kuru was also surprised when he saw that I could use the magic force in this way, and told me that if I didn't have too little magic force in my body, I could even learn another magic skill called 'Lightning Shield', That is the signature skill of the orc battle shaman, and it is said to be very powerful.

All in all, my super magic perception gives me a super and super delicate control over the magic force, which is exactly what the inscriber needs most.

Qige's eyes narrowed into two crescents on his bright face, and he said excitedly: "Well, we can try it later!"

Sometimes, the person you don't want to meet will meet more frequently, and the resentment in your heart will deepen every time you meet.What I can't see the most is the young nobleman swordsman Dai's eyes looking at me, the very straightforward and clear sense of hostility and oppression seems to tell me: you boy who always likes to hide under women's crotch, don't let me be alone met you.

I really can't understand, why Dai has such a big resentment towards me, is it just because I am very close to Katerina?I never figured out where his jealousy came from, I'm a kid who hasn't even grown hair yet!But Mingqian, I must admit, we have a grudge, and if possible, I will kill him at all costs.When he strangled my neck like a poisonous snake, fear actually surged from the bottom of my heart, and I felt that the mist of death had swallowed my body.For a homeless person like me, the insult of hitting him on the back with a small silver coin, I think he feels like a light is on his back, and it is not very good. I think he is in the same mood as me at the moment. Like to kill him.The last time I was protected by Sister Guoguo by the waterfall pool, he didn't dare to do anything.This time Qige was next to me again, and I noticed that he retracted his trembling hands into his sleeves. I think he must have endured a lot. Originally, a nobleman wanted to kill a homeless person would not be more difficult than killing a dog. , but he has no way to deal with me, which will make his mentality unbalanced, and sometimes it will be even more uncomfortable to bear it.

The group of young nobles from the Starry Adventure Group walked into the restaurant surrounded by Wu Niang from the dance troupe. After marveling at the majestic panoramic murals in the restaurant, they saw us hiding in the corner at a glance.Some people even murmured in a low voice: It's really haunting!I think if it wasn't for Qige sitting here, they would rush over and beat us up at the lightest.They found the biggest table in the middle of the restaurant and sat down. It seemed that Mingqian and Dayi had a high status among this group of people, and they were still accompanied by the same Moura they saw that day. The complicated long skirt revealed a piece of white chest muscle.It's just that today he seems a lot more reserved, I think maybe it's because of the relationship with Wu Niang who was sitting with Dayi.

When the young people clamored to discuss what to eat here, unexpectedly, Wu Niang walked towards us holding Dai's arm. Katerina stood up a little nervously, and walked towards Wu Niang I saluted.The class status system of the dance troupe is very strict, and you will be punished if you do something wrong. At this time, Katerina doesn't want to leave Wuniang with a handle because of some small etiquette.

"Ah! When I was by the well in the camp, I didn't dare to recognize it. I didn't expect that we would meet here. What a coincidence!"

Dayi stopped in a gentlemanly place a little farther away, and let the beautiful short-haired Wu Niang walk up to greet Qige alone. I think the nine girls in the dance troupe don't seem to be very familiar with Wu Niang.Qige turned her head to look at Wuniang quietly, and smiled before speaking, her innocent appearance appeared very natural and charming, and said: "Who says it's not! The road to the mountain will take more than a month, and it will soon be over. People are suffocating. Shada, do you come here to eat with your friends? The leg of lamb here is pretty good, I recommend you to try it."

Then he pointed at me and said: "This is the younger brother I just recognized. I heard that the caravan picked it up in the Burned Forest. I have a good relationship with his god-sister, Guoguo Magician, and I also recognize my younger brother. Jia , Say hello to Sister Sha!"

I naturally stood up pretending to be obedient, saluted and called obediently: "Sister Sha!"

The dancer Shada kept smiling and seemed to nod to me.Then he turned around and glanced at Dai, and said generously to Qige: "Day's brother and I are old acquaintances, so we went to this free market with these nobles, if there is nothing else, why don't we go together? "

"Next time!" Qige smiled charmingly, declined and said, "We've almost eaten, and we still want to go out for a stroll."

After Wu Niang was rejected by Qige, she didn't hold back much, she nodded politely to Qige, and returned to the young nobleman.Dayi was still staring at Katerina closely at this time, Wu Niang glared at him when she walked back, pulled him hard, then turned his gaze away, turned and left resentfully.

As the saying goes, it's true, look at what's in the pot while looking at what's in the bowl.A wife is better than a concubine, a concubine is better than stealing, and stealing is better than not being able to steal. That Mora, who was chased by Dai, is like this in many dance troupes. It takes careful thinking to catch him. When the two of them have sex together, they still have to make it clear Is it necessary to charge money? It’s right to see the right eye, but if it’s really a free bed, it’s a crime. Cheap, Mora can be regarded as the dancer that Da Yi chased after. She can’t say she’s not beautiful, but now she’s like throwing it away. The shoes are also because they are bored and tired. On the contrary, they think of the fat in their mouths that they have never been able to eat. They can't help but feel that Katerina is very good, and the more they think about it, the more they want it. , I think this young man must have never encountered too many setbacks in his life, so he is so willful!

With this group of people beside us, we are naturally not in the mood to eat. We settled the meal and went out. When I passed the table of the nobles, I suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed me. , and someone jokingly said: "Hey, why are you leaving so soon, I still want to buy you a drink! I heard that you kid likes to drill women's skirts and hide in women's crotch as a shrinking head Turtle, I just want to ask if sister Katerina's thighs are white or not!"

"Mud horse!" I cursed in my heart, I was so fucked, this group of pig-brained nobles are too troublesome, what's the point of always rubbing the ball with a hairy kid like me?Without thinking too much, I took out the mace dagger that was pinned to my waist and stabbed the thigh of this nobleman who couldn't even see his face clearly.

"Damn it! This kid is really ruthless!" The nobleman had already taken precautions, maybe my speed and strength would not pose a threat to their group of eighth and ninth-level warrior apprentices, the man just took a deep breath , retracted his legs and dodged my silent stab, and cursed in a cold sweat from fright.

Just when I was about to raise my hand to slap me, the big slap was in the air, and when those pricked eyes were staring at me fiercely, I saw a white magic light instantly raised the man Wrapped by the hand, the ball of light exploded instantly like a grenade, and the collapsed hand was bloody and bloody.

"Ah!" The young nobleman screamed, and no longer cared about grabbing me, he covered his bloody hand with one hand and screamed.The entire table of young nobles stood up, but they were eerily quiet. They all looked behind me with a slight sense of apprehension.

I rubbed my wrist that was pinched red, and with the other hand, I inserted the dagger into the knife storage, kicked the ribs of the young nobleman who was crying with his arms folded, and looked back curiously to see who saved me.

(End of this chapter)

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