my age of magic

Chapter 808 308. Tangle in Qige's Heart

Chapter 808 308. Tangle in Qige's Heart

Everyone knows that the Francis scholar in the Alchemy Research Department is famous for his bad temper in the Academy of Magic.

He always likes to wear a colorful magic robe, hides in the laboratory all day long to study alchemy, and doesn't like to come out of the laboratory very much. Except for Vice President Bruce and a few senior officials in the research institute, almost no one is willing to do so. Communicating with Francis scholars in private has a lot to do with his eccentric character. When he speaks, he doesn't know the depth, and when he does things, he doesn't abide by the basic principles.

However, for alchemy, this Francis scholar always has some unique insights of his own. For some academically accomplished scholars, it is very common in the Academy of Magic to be poor at communicating with others or have a withdrawn personality.

Speaking of the Francis scholar, Yerkes rolled his eyes and curled his lips, as if he was not even interested in mentioning him.He was also noncommittal about his ability to transform gold essence into metallic liquid at normal temperature, but said: "Magic scholars who can gain a foothold in the Magic Research Institute must of course have their own little tricks. This is nothing special."

It seems that the Yerkes scholar must have had some conflicts with Francis before, otherwise he would not put on such a stinky expression.

Since this is the case, I did not continue to talk about the Francis scholar with the Yerkes scholar. Instead, I shifted the topic to the magic pattern structure we designed. I asked Yerkes: Can you help me? Make an enhanced version of the magic-weave structure similar to the 'Magic Serpent's Tooth Suit'. The specific direction of strengthening is to allow this magic-weave structure to have skills like 'hidden'.

Yerkes pondered for a moment, and then said to me: "For the leather armor made of nightsaber skin, such magic patterns are already the maximum limit of the magic pattern that nightsaber skin can carry. If you want to improve the magic pattern The attributes of the suit, or to increase the skills on the suit, requires more advanced magic leather."

I asked Yerkes: "So what kind of Warcraft leather do you need?"

Yerkes sat on the chair behind the test bench, crossed his hands in front of his chest, groped the back of his hand covered with thick hair with his bearded chin, squinted and said to me: "It's like a third-grade test. If you want to improve the agility attribute of the beast king squid leather, it is best to use wind monsters, but the emperor squid leather is the leather of water monsters, so it is not suitable for making agility equipment."

Then he asked me again: "How much carrying capacity does this tailor-made magic pattern structure need?"

I thought about it and said, "It's suitable for level [-] assassin equipment."

He smiled lightly and said to me: "I thought you would definitely give priority to the magic pattern construction of a powerful fighter?"

I asked him, "Why do you think that?"

"Isn't that female orc warrior by your side known for her strength?" Yerkes asked.

It turned out that what he was referring to was Kalancuo. I shrugged my shoulders and said: "Of course, if you can design a set of power attribute suits that can rival the teeth of the magic snake, of course I will consider letting you Design an enhanced version of the magic pattern structure."

With a sassy smile, he took a ruler on the test bench and knocked on a wooden shelf next to a magic-weave structure with the skill of 'Earth Shield', and said: "This magic-weave structure with defensive skills Isn’t it good? Why do you insist on strength, on the battlefield, the one who can survive is the final winner, isn’t it?”

I asked the Yerkes scholar: "Can the magic pattern circle on this set of 'Earth Shield' magic pattern structure be completely moved to the magic metal armor? Strong defensive equipment."

"Of course there is no problem, but you need to prepare a breastplate made of mithril. Of course, thorium is better. The width of the magic pattern drawing on the breastplate must not be smaller than this leather. It’s better to copy it according to the appearance of this leather?” He raised his eyelids to ask for my opinion, but seeing that I didn’t say anything, he continued, “Find a blacksmith shop with better workmanship!”

I said, "That's no problem. Once this metal armor is finished, I'll ask someone from the blacksmith shop to send it to you. I need a custom-made large one."

The Yerkes scholar took a breath, and asked me in surprise: "You spend so much time making metal armor, isn't it for the tauren who follows you?"

"That's right!" I said.

"The tauren clan were originally warriors who were good at defense. Unfortunately, the rough armor in the orc tribe does not have the exquisite armor suitable for the tauren clan. Even so, those tauren warriors are already very brave. Arm yourself, God knows how powerful those tauren can display." Yerkes scholar said with gestures, he is also very familiar with the tauren Luka, of course he understands Luka's strength.

I said to the Yerkes scholar: "This magic metal armor that is going to be carved with the shield of the earth can certainly be slowed down, but since you have designed such an excellent magic serpent's fang, naturally you don't want to miss such a perfect set of magic patterns Compared with the common magic pattern of "Light Spirit Wind" on the thorntail crystal lion leather armor, or the "Goshawk's pupil" magic pattern on the wind snake leather armor, this set of agile attribute magic pattern structure The decoration properties are even more excellent,"

Scholar Yerkes waved his hand at me and said, "Designing these tailor-made magic pattern structures is very simple for me, as long as you can come up with high-grade metal armor or high-grade leather armor that meets my requirements. Recently, I have also been thinking about the magic pattern suit of the power attribute, but I always want to design a set of magic patterns that is different from the "Power of the Giant Bear" magic pattern suit, and even surpasses the "Power of the Giant Bear". With such a little idea, I believe that the magic pattern structure suitable for the orc female warrior beside you can be made in a short time."

I smiled and asked, "What kind of high-grade leather do I need to prepare?"

The Yerkes scholar chuckled and said, "If we talk about the first choice of leather, it is of course the hide of the wild bull king living in the wild swamp!"

This is just a joke, like the strength of the bull in the wild swamp has reached the level of a fourth-level monster, that is not something I can touch, I put my chin on the corner of the table, like a deflated ball, sigh He took a deep breath and said, "Can you reduce the demand for leather a little? The cowhide is not the high-grade monster leather that I can get!"

"Then the leather of an adult two-headed snake lizard or a petrified lizard." Yerkes said that it is reasonable. For monsters such as two-headed snake lizard and petrified lizard, at least I can hear their skin. trace.

"It's a bit far away, let's talk about the one in front of you!" He pointed to the 'Magic Serpent's Fang' magic pattern structure of the nightsaber skin on the wooden frame, and asked me: "This enhanced version of the magic pattern structure What kind of leather are you going to use for your leather armor? Tailoring the magic pattern structure for a level [-] assassin, with the magic pattern of the associated attribute, I can at least raise the overall attribute of the leather armor to level [-] Assassins can equip the attributes of leather armor, in that case, the third-level Warcraft leather is absolutely indispensable."

Pushing aside the messy things on the Yerkes Scholar's test bench, I reached out and took out a piece of dark blue leather exuding a strong magical atmosphere from my magic pocket, and spread it casually on the Yerkes Scholar's test bench. A dragon skin obtained on the plane of Yero.

Yerkes looked at the sub-dragon leather on the table, breathing heavily. This dark blue leather was covered with fine scales the size of goose eggs. For an adult sub-dragon, only the softest part of the abdomen, Only such fine and soft leather will have scales the size of goose eggs. If it is on other parts, then the scales of an adult dragon can at least reach the size of a coconut.

" Yalong skin?" Yerkes asked with some uncertainty, and Yerkes knew very little about this high-end product.

I nodded, and the Yerkes scholar stretched out his big thin hand and pressed it on my head, ruffled my hair violently, and then said a little excitedly: "Your kid has a lot of good things hidden. !"

Resisting the urge to take out the giant piece of leather from the Spider Overseer, I grinned at the Yerkes scholar.

When I walked out of Yerkes Scholar's laboratory, Yerkes Scholar still reminded me: "Be sure to spare the high production cost, at least find a master-level leather craftsman to use this sub-dragon hide to make leather armor. "

The Yerkes scholar raised his hand above his head and said, "Understood."

I walked down the steps slowly, and the Yerkes scholar chased me out of the laboratory worriedly, and said to me: "If there is no suitable leather master, then you might as well wait, the truly skilled leather master , are very busy.”

I turned around and said to him: "Don't worry about this, I will take care of it. Why am I also a student at the Royal Academy of Magic? It won't be difficult."

When I immediately finished walking the stone steps and turned to the corridor on the left, I saw Yerkes was still following me. He seemed a bit tangled up, as if he had something to say in his heart, so I stopped. Turning around to look at him, he was stared at by me, looking a little unnatural.

"What the hell is it?" I asked the Yerkes scholar, "that makes you so hesitant to say it?"

"It's just... I know that you have been helping Scholar Qige recently, helping her test the... power of those inks, but I heard that the Queen-to-be has recently developed a very convenient exhaust fan and put it in the laboratory Here, to be able to clean up the smoke and dust in the laboratory, I want to say, if possible...can you help me get one from Princess Qige?"

"Of course it's no problem!" I said briskly, turned around and disappeared from the Yerkes scholar's sight.

It turned out that I came to Scholar Yerkes today to ask him: Is he familiar with Scholar Francis? In the Imperial Academy of Magic, these two people seem to have the same bad temper. I just want to know from the side, whether the two will also cherish each other , but the information revealed from the words of the Yerkes scholar, the relationship between the two people is not only bad, but also seems to have a little bit of trouble.

Mrs. Alia has always insisted on meeting Qige. After all, I used Qige's guise to tell Mrs. Alia that the design of the rune metal plate came from a Qige scholar from the Academy of Magic.

But recently, Qige has become completely obsessed with the production of exhaust fans. I heard that Mrs. Alia is a manufacturer of rune metal plates. Madam Ya had a large amount of rune metal plates owed, and she immediately rolled her eyes, expressing that she had no time to waste on such meaningless social interactions.

In fact, the reason Qige thought of as an alternative to the mithril rune metal plate is very simple.

To put it simply, this method of drawing pure gold magic patterns on the magic red copper rune metal plate is to let the inscription master who is good at carving rune metal plates use a magic engraving pen dipped in gold essence solution on the rune metal plate Draw the corresponding magic circle. The magic effect of this rune metal plate can completely reach the magic effect that the mithril rune metal plate can achieve, and the cost is relatively not expensive.

Of course, this kind of rune metal plate composed of red copper and gold essence is more expensive than the mithril rune plate in terms of craftsmanship and materials, so this manufacturing method cannot be maintained for a long time, it is just expedient plan.

For Mrs. Aliya, even if it costs more, it is still better than breaking the contract.

What's more, the purpose of the Marquis Edgar is not so purely for business. For Mrs. Alia, this kind of craftsmanship is obviously a life-saving straw, and she refuses to give up no matter what.Of course, in the magic caravan that day, I have already discussed with Madam Alia, I will provide her with some gold essence solution, and she will make a sufficient number of rune metal plates according to the method I said, at least this will not Violation of the magic contract signed.

In this magical world, once a contract is breached, it is a serious matter, and the arbitration of magical power does not care about those objective reasons.

I promised Mrs. Alia that I would get some gold essence solution for her. I originally wanted to find Francis through the Yerkes scholar, but I asked about the relationship between the Yerkes scholar and the Francis scholar from the side. The relationship between the two seems to be Not very rapport, so I didn't tell the Yerkes scholars about it.

I can only come to Qige's laboratory and let Qige figure out a way.

Pushing open the door of Qige Magic Lab, I happened to see Takama guarding the rest area at the door.

Seeing that it was me, Takama, who was sitting on the sofa, pointed at the opposite side, indicating that Qige was the inner part of the laboratory, but now her laboratory is full of custom-made wooden boxes and red copper runes The metal plates seem to be ready for a big fight, and the raw materials for these semi-finished products are piled up in the laboratory.

If Qige didn't find a suitable rune metal plate processing factory, the work piled up in the laboratory is destined to be my job.

Originally, Qige heard that Mrs. Alia had the ability to make rune metal plates, so she wanted to entrust the production of these rune metal plates to Mrs. Alia, but unfortunately this matter fell through.

I slowed down my pace and walked into the laboratory lightly, just in time to see Qige standing by the window, with her hands folded in front of her chest, looking out of the window quietly, with her head slightly raised, revealing a slender and white body Neck, eyes fell on the huge indoor dome of the institute.

Even my presence didn't make her turn her head.

It is rare to see Qige thinking deeply like this, she is quiet at the moment, just like a beautiful night flower, just blooming incomparably quiet and beautiful in a flash at night.

I stood beside her, looking up at the dome with Qige and imitating the star map. The various magic gems inlaid in the dome exude dazzling brilliance.

After a while, Qige opened her vermilion lips lightly, and her beautiful eyes, which are more gorgeous than the magic gemstones of the sky dome, fell on me, and said faintly: "Wales has won the battle and returned in triumph. There will be a dance, will you come?"

(End of this chapter)

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