my age of magic

Chapter 810 310. Puzzled

Chapter 810 310. Puzzled
In the open space on both sides of the streets in the first district of the imperial capital, you can always see some exquisite gardens. These gardens do not have any walls. Many gardens are directly connected with the lawns on both sides of the street. Various rare trees are planted in those gardens. , famous and precious flowers competing for beauty, various marble sculptures with unique shapes, and some artistic pool fountains and long granite stone corridors.

The magic caravan took me to No. 69, Lakeside Avenue. The magic caravan came to an abrupt end here. I opened the door and saw a lush green belt in front of me. Through the dense woods, I could also see a green lawn and blue sky. Weiyang Lake, I never thought Mrs. Alia would ask me to meet here. The scenery here is beautiful, quiet and elegant. This is a rich area. There are almost no pedestrians on the street, but occasionally there will be gorgeous carriages speeding past. .

The scorching sun in the sky casts scorching light, and the heat waves steaming on the streets paved with bluestone slabs can almost roast people.

I jumped out of the carriage, stepped on the bluestone slab with both feet, and could feel the warmth from the ground immediately. I quickly took two steps forward and hid in the shade of a maple tree.

The magic caravan did not dare to stay in the first block for a long time. The coachman raised his long whip and slapped a loud whistle in the air. With a soft neighing, he spread his hooves and pulled the magic caravan away quickly.

This green belt is composed of red pine trees. Although the trees are densely arranged, there are no weeds in the forest. It feels very cool to pass through the forest. The dense needle-shaped leaves of the pine trees completely block the sunlight outside.

Looking around for a while, I realized that maybe I came early, and Mrs. Alia's gorgeous carriage did not appear.

In the shadows by the woods, next to the edge of the lawn on the side of Weiyang Lake, I sat down leisurely and looked at the incomparably clear Weiyang Lake, and the imperial city in the sky above looked extremely majestic. The royal griffin knights flew out from the observation deck of the imperial city, and they were as small as a flock of wild geese in the sky. The royal griffin screamed in the sky, even though it was so far away from me, it still came through. I feel a little harsh.

I didn't expect at all that during the time when I was in the city of Trum on the plane of Hierro, I gave Qige a few bottles of "devil's blood", and she discovered that in the first week after returning to the capital Insane stimulant potion known as 'Number Five' potion.

'No.[-]' crazy potion can stimulate the potential power of the human body.

The 'No. [-]' potion can change a person's physique, allowing people to temporarily have fish gills, allowing them to 'breathe underwater'.

The 'No. [-]' potion can stimulate the stamina and running speed of the human body, allowing people to run like a horse.

The 'No. [-]' potion is a 'powerful troll potion' made from extremely rare dragon's blood grass, but Qige didn't say anything, even I don't know what's so special about the potion that contains the blood of the dragon Ability.

I didn't expect to successfully develop No. [-] potion so quickly, but this potion with "devil's blood" seems to be extremely powerful, but the consequences it has to bear are also very terrible. Not only will the user's mental and physical strength be doubled, And it will gradually become addicted, and finally form drug dependence.

These crazy potions made Qige famous in the Academy of Magic. The scholars in the academy thought that Qige only accidentally knew the effect of Concentration Grass, so he wrote such an ingenious academic article, which shocked everyone. Scholars in the academic field of magical herbalism in the Green Empire.Without the support of that thesis, Qige is just a very ordinary wind magician. Her most outstanding status is the fiancée of the Seventh Prince of Wales and the quasi-princess of the Green Empire.

However, since the crazy potion began to appear in Qige's magic laboratory, magic scholars' views on Qige are gradually changing. They no longer think that Qige is just a vase in the field of magic potions, but an academic knowledge potion with a certain foundation and unique style. academics.

Originally, in the eyes of magic pharmacy scholars, these potions were completely useless. Even though they were powerful, they undoubtedly caused a certain degree of harm to the users.

Only this time, the Prince of Wales won some decisive victories in the battle against the evil ghost army in the Kampato River valley of the Warsaw plane, which not only shows that the Prince of Wales is another rising star of the Grimm Empire, People who know the real situation also know that the victory of this battle also depends on the unique magic potion refined by Qige, the fiancee of the Prince of Wales.

When many scholars set their sights on Qige, they found that Qige had given up the research on magic herbs very willfully in recent days, and hid in the laboratory all day long, studying a rune metal plate This practice of not doing business properly has been condemned by many magic scholars, but Qige still insists on going his own way.

Of course, these heats do not see how popular the exhaust fan is in the magic research institute, but it is very unwise for Qige to give up the research of magic herbal medicine at this time.

But this voice of condemnation did not affect the magic trading hall on the first floor of the Tower of Pride. The magic merchants knew about exhaust fans. The noses of those merchants were obviously more sensitive than a dog's nose. After discovering the business opportunity of exhaust fans, they decisively approached Qige. , I want the right to sell the exhaust fan.At this time, Qige was embarrassed to find that it was such a simple and easy-to-manufacture exhaust fan. If you want to mass-produce it, you still need the support of a large supplier of rune metal plates. It is impossible to expand this business by relying on your own small private workshop. of.

Obviously, as the widow of the Babington family, Mrs. Alia is very suitable to be Qiger's collaborator.

At the beginning, Qige thought that Mrs. Alia was deeply involved in the dispute of the magic transaction contract, and she had no patience to understand Mrs. Alia, but after turning around, she found that the main plane of Roland Continent was within the territory of the Grimm Empire. In China, mithril is extremely rare, and the silver mines of many great lords are built on rich planes.

This time period happened to coincide with the plane invasion war of the dark forces in the deep prison, and many rich planes were caught in the flames of war.The mines in many planes have already stopped working. At this time, Mithril has become a strategic reserve resource. Even the great lords of those wealthy countries will not easily touch Mithril. This has caused an extreme shortage of Mithril. .

Even the Babington family in San Carlos City, the largest rune metal manufacturer in the Grimm Empire, only maintains magic items at the level of magic red copper for processing orders for civilian magic items. All magic items have been controlled. At present, there are only two kinds that are most strictly controlled, namely Mithril and Thorium. As a higher-level magic material, gold essence is extremely expensive, so there is not so much control.

Suddenly, a group of maids wearing long white silk dresses appeared beside them. The silk seemed to be wrapped around them. There was no upper cut, but a white silk sash was used around the waist to tie up the slender waist. Even though the long skirt hangs down to the feet, when you walk, you can still see those alluring white thighs through the high slits of the silk dress.

They quietly spread a layer of exquisite tablecloth on the grass beside them, and then placed plates of exquisite food on it, all kinds of fresh fruits, barbecue with spice smell, exquisite pastries, several bottles of bright red The sweet wine of blood, and the tableware on the tablecloth are all silver, with golden patterns inlaid on the outermost periphery, and magnificent gemstones are also inlaid in the patterns.

I didn't expect Mrs. Alia's trip to be so ostentatious, even though I just made an appointment to have a look at the beautiful Weiyang Lake together on the garden outside the manor, and then discuss about those red copper and gold mixed with rune metals Unexpectedly, Mrs. Aliya brought a whole table of exquisite and gorgeous food.

"I have always thought that the imperial capital is the most beautiful city. The extremely clear Weiyang Lake is like a sapphire inlaid on the eyebrows of a beauty. I also like the weather in this city. Although it is hot in summer, the winter here It’s much better, unlike the winter in El City, where you can only hide in front of the fireplace and enjoy the fire all winter, eating beef stew with potatoes, eating hard wheat cakes, and drinking golden wine full of scorching smell. Apple cider, if the golden cider has not been precipitated for more than five years, it will not be able to eliminate the dry and hot smell in the wine, and if you drink too much, your head will hurt." Alia's voice sounded from behind me, and I didn't get up. There is a faint warm fragrance, which spreads into my nostrils more and more clearly as I get tired.

Even in such a hot summer, she was still wearing a court-style long dress, which seemed to make her a little out of breath. She was holding a beautiful small hollow folding fan, and kept fanning the cool breeze with one hand. This kind of court-style long skirt can best reflect the soft and beautiful figure of women. A large piece of white and greasy skin on the chest and round fragrant shoulders are exposed outside. , some overly plump round buttocks are hidden under the long skirt like a big umbrella, and the tip of the iceberg can only be peeped from an amazing arc at the back.

Mrs. Alia seems to have walked two steps closely, which made her gasp slightly. She sat down beside me, her gorgeous court dress spread out on the grass like a blooming flower, A maid knelt on the tablecloth, took out two silver goblets, filled the glasses with blood-red sweet wine, then opened a magic-sealed box, took out a few pieces of ice from it, and threw them into the glasses , placed in front of me respectfully.

Mrs. Aliya couldn't wait to pick up a glass of wine, raised her head up, and poured the cool wine down her throat.The outstanding-looking personal maid stood behind her, holding a parasol for her.

It seemed that she was in a good mood. I turned to look at her. She put the empty wine glass aside and blushed a little. I didn't know whether it was because of me or because of the glass of wine. The maid on the side quickly moved She added some ice cubes and poured her a glass of wine.

Mrs. Alia took out a silk handkerchief from her bosom, put it in front of me, and said: "The fabric sample of the spider silk magic weave cloth has been spun, and the soft texture is really worthy of being called the magic weave spider silk. It is both light and tough, and in the morning, I took those fabrics to the tailor shop, and they were bought immediately, and I can feel that this batch of magic-weave spider silk must be a sure-fire deal!"

It looked like just a piece of cloth, but it smelled of Mrs. Alia's perfume. I took the magic-weave spider silk cloth in my hand and tore it vigorously. Sure enough, the spider silk product is really very tough. It is recorded that the magic-weave spider silk cloth can be made into inner armor.

I asked Mrs. Aliya: "How much are you going to sell for a foot of these magic-weave spider silk cloth?"

Mrs. Alia stretched her brows and said: "Seven gold coins a foot, the price is almost the same in the Taidu tailor shop, but I'm sure these magic-weave spider silks will be very popular. Recently, I found that some of these spider silks have natural ice. After this kind of spider silk is spun into magicweave cloth, natural ice patterns will be formed on the cloth surface, which is very beautiful."

I casually rolled the spider silk cloth into a ball, rubbed it vigorously, and then threw it into the air. The silk handkerchief fluttered in the wind, and there was no trace of wrinkle. Unfolded, and then fell lightly to the ground.

I asked curiously: "Ms. Aliya, how many pieces of cloth can be spun from these magic-weave spider silk?"

Mrs. Aliya fell asleep earnestly at the side, and then said, ""There should be about one hundred and five bolts of spider silk and magic weave cloth. "

"I've visited some tailor shops. A piece of magic-weave spider silk cloth costs at least seventy or eighty gold coins in the capital of Grimm. If you calculate carefully, you can make a lot of money just by spinning the magic-weave spider silk into cloth. !” As I said, I took out the bottle containing the gold essence solution from the magic pocket, and placed it in front of Mrs. Aliya.

Mrs. Aliya looked at the bottle curiously, and asked me, "Is this the gold essence solution?"

"En!" I nodded.

Then he squinted his eyes and asked her with a smile, "Has Marquis Edgar agreed to use these substitutes?"

Mrs. Alia exhaled with ease, stared at the glass bottle in front of her with great concentration, and said to me with a trace of excitement on her face: "There is no other agreement in the magic contract, as long as the performance of these rune plates and metal plates Just reach the performance level of the mithril metal plate, and then, I want to see how Edgar ends up?"

Sitting under the tree, enjoying the exquisite food brought by Mrs. Alia, watching a group of young maids playing barefoot in the shallows by the lake with their skirts on, the water wetted their long white skirts, The wet skirt was wrapped around the legs, clearly showing the graceful shape of the legs, and the scenery in front of him was too beautiful to behold.

Mrs. Alia sat beside me and said, "Doesn't Wizard Jijia want to go to the lake to play in the water?" Her eyes were full of mature, feminine, charming charm. A provocative look.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, I looked back and stood up from the grass, patted the grass clippings off the magic robe, and said to Mrs. Alia: "If those magic-weave spider silk cloths keep selling like that, there will be more people around the beginning of next month." A batch of silk ingots has arrived in the imperial capital, and I will visit Madam again at that time."

Mrs. Aliya didn't expect me to leave as soon as I said, and when I was still sitting on the grass, I nodded slightly to her, and under her surprised eyes, I turned and walked through the pine forest.

There happened to be a magic caravan driving along the street and it stopped beside me. I jumped into the magic caravan briskly and drove away from the first district.

(End of this chapter)

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