my age of magic

Chapter 812 312. Applause and Cheers

Chapter 812 312. Applause and Cheers

A person who has completely fallen into a world of despair, once he finds the dawn of hope, the desire for life can make him lose his mind and pursue it desperately.

Marquis Edgar was sitting on the sofa in the rest area of ​​the Yerkes laboratory, and when he heard the Yerkes scholar asking him about the price of these magic rune tablets, he was immediately shocked and gave a very reasonable price: a piece of red The rune plate of copper mixed with gold and fine magic pattern sells for one gold and eighty silver, which is already twenty silver cheaper than the blank mithril rune plate.

In fact, I know that the production cost of the red copper mixed gold fine magic pattern rune plate is more expensive than the mithril rune plate.

Just in the morning, I was still discussing this matter with Yerkes scholars here, saying that the plane war has seriously affected the economic system of the Grimm Empire, and if there is no way to end it, then the selling price of various strategic materials will drop It will remain high, and after some supplies are missing, a batch of substitutes will flood into the market.

I told the example of Mrs. Alia to the Yerkes scholar, saying that she received a business and couldn't complete it after signing the magic contract. Fortunately, she found a substitute at the last moment, otherwise she would have paid for violating the magic contract. The cost may not be as simple as bankruptcy.

I don't know how much the price is on Madam Alia's side, but I think Marquis Edgar will never make too much profit by setting the price of the red copper mixed with gold fine magic pattern rune plate at such a low price to speak of.

Ordinarily, even the mithril rune boards in the imperial capital are out of stock, so the magic market should be a demand-side market for mithril rune boards. As long as there are mithril rune boards circulating in the market, they will be sold immediately. Buy them, the replacements of these mithril rune tablets in the hands of Marquis Edgar, even if they are not favored by magic merchants, they will definitely not be dumped at a lower price.

The more Marquis Edgar behaved like this, the more certain Yerkes scholars became. Yerkes scholars are also very familiar with the magic rune tablet market in the imperial capital. During the time before I came to the imperial capital, Yerkes scholars Sri Lankan scholars occasionally use inscriptions to make some money to spend.

Although he can't engrave inscriptions on blank rune boards like those inscribers, he often designs some low-level drawings of magic pattern circles suitable for drawing on rune boards, and takes them to the magic shop for consignment. It forced him to have a good understanding of the market for inscription items.

He glanced at Marquis Edgar, pursed his lips into a downward curving arc, and squinted his eyes in silence.

An invisible pressure caused a layer of greasy sweat to appear on Marquis Edgar's forehead, and he hastily wiped it off with a wet silk handkerchief.

Scholar Yerkes stretched out a finger, and said coldly to Marquis Edgar: "One gold coin, I won't pay more for this substitute of mithril rune boards, the research institute needs What you want is a blank mithril rune tablet, you can consider it, if you can’t accept this price, please do it yourself!”

Thinking that the rune board had been pressed to a price that Marquis Edgar could not accept, the Yerkes scholar looked at me calmly. He was also very eager to communicate with me in private at this moment, because although he I guessed a little bit of my thoughts, but I didn't know what I wanted.

In fact, I have been on the opposite side of Marquis Edgar since I was in Mrs. Alia's manor. The first impression I have of Marquis Edgar in my mind is the cruel and playful gaze on his catfish-like fat face. , and couldn't get rid of the way Marquis Edgar stood on the spiral staircase staring at Mrs. Aliya drooling, and his impression of him was extremely bad.

So even though I really want to buy a batch of red copper rune plates that will be embedded in the golden magic circle, I still want to give Marquis Edgar a hard time.

The Marquis Edgar was in an extremely bad mood, his chubby face was sometimes cloudy and sometimes sunny. When he left the Yerkes Scholar's magic laboratory, the emotional entanglement appeared on his face, and he moved very slowly, as if The next moment he will be forced to agree.

Watching Marquis Edgar disappear at the gate of the Institute of Magic, I stood on the terrace and looked away.

The Yerkes scholar asked me puzzled: "Didn't you say in the morning that you were going to the first district to talk to the Zimmerman family woman about buying red copper rune plates with golden magic patterns printed on them? Shut him out?"

I described to the Yerkes scholar what the Marquis Edgar did in Lady Alia's manor. After a short silence, the Yerkes scholar opened his wise eyes, turned to look at me, and stretched out his hand. He patted me on the shoulder, and just said lightly: "Sometimes, what you hear in your ears and what you see in your eyes may not be true. Only you can reveal the truth about this matter. I In the afternoon, we will study the enhanced version of the 'Devil's Serpent's Fang', you can find the answer yourself."

After finishing speaking, he ignored me and returned to the laboratory alone.

In fact, I also have some doubts about the Marquis Edgar in my heart, but after the Yerkes scholar reminded me of this sentence, all kinds of discordant things were infinitely magnified.

I don't understand why a marquis should put on a low-browed look when facing a magician's assistant.

Ordinarily, the person who can become a marquis is not a general who has illustrious military exploits in his hands, or who has inherited the glory of his fathers. How could he look like a magic merchant full of philistine atmosphere?


I was delayed by some things, and found that the time to meet Mrs. Alia was not far away. I ran all the way down the side stairs of the Tower of Pride. I ran out of the gate of the Tower of Pride like a whirlwind, but found that the door There was a neighing sound of war horses outside, and one looked out along the gap between the marble pillars at the door.

I saw a group of knights in neat magic pattern armor standing in the shadow outside the corridor of the Tower of Pride. Those knights on armored horses were filled with a faint killing atmosphere, and their bodies were full of blood. The magic pattern armor is full of magic light, and there are still purple stains left in the veins on the outside of the armor. I participated in the defense of the city in El City, and I know that the stains on the armor are left after being stained with blood. .

These battle-hardened constructed knights have a powerful aura, and just by taking a look at them from a distance, you can feel that they are fundamentally different from the master knights in the Knights of the Guard Battalion. Just look at them coldly. From the firm eyes in the distance, you can tell that they are a team of constructed knights with a strong will to fight.

I'm secretly guessing where these constructed knights came from. The imperial capital is not where these murderous constructed knights can come in casually, even those grand lords and grand dukes guarding various places. When he was in the imperial capital, he wouldn't have brought such an elite knight with him.

Then I noticed that they were wearing the Angibald royal badge on their chests, and I realized that they were a group of knights in royal costumes returning from the battlefield. Just when the answer in my heart was about to be revealed, I saw the Prince of Wales wearing He was dressed in a neat military uniform, followed by four guards wearing exquisite magic-pattern leather armor, walking up the steps, Wales looked proud, and talked with the guards around him while walking, looking so kind and kind, not at all The air of the prince always has a slight smile on his face, and whenever the people around him speak, he always maintains a listening attitude.

At this moment, everyone in the square of the Tower of Pride stopped in their tracks, and all their eyes fell on this radiant young prince.

I don't know who shouted in the square: "It's His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales!"

It was as if a black-backed crucian carp appeared on the surface of the still water, and the whole square was like a pool of quiet water, which was disturbed in this moment. From time to time, someone would cheer, and everyone's eyes would gather on Wales.

Some people applauded at the beginning, and the applause gradually became one piece.

Cheers and applause seem to be the best gift to welcome a returning knight.

Wales kept smiling, and kept waving to the crowd around him in salute. Instead, the followers around him gave up their easy joking, and everyone remained vigilant. I felt a huge aura emanating from them, that It is an extremely unfathomable power, and it feels like the seven knights around the Duke of Samoyed.

At this moment, my heart trembled, and I immediately knew that they were second-rank knights. I didn't expect that Wales would be followed by four strong men.

The Prince of Wales, who returned to the imperial capital from the Warsaw plane, reported his duties in the floating royal city yesterday. It is said that he was dined by Emperor Charles the Great, and today he was invited to a ball by the third prince Eric. There have been rumors that the Prince of Wales is an outstanding general among the younger generation, and he will probably be a powerful commander like James in the future.

I never expected to meet the Prince of Wales at this hour.

Standing at the gate of the Tower of Pride, I stepped aside quickly, and he walked over amidst the cheers of the crowd, his eyes fell on me inadvertently, the smile in his eyes gradually enlarged, and he stopped at the gate unexpectedly, Looking at me with surprise, he laughed and said to me, "Hi, Jijia, I didn't expect to see you here."

Without pausing, he strode towards me.

Just as I was stunned, I stretched out my hands and hugged my shoulders vigorously, and punched my chest lightly.

I thought to myself: ... When did I get so familiar with you?
However, it seemed that his actions were all without affectation, and seemed to come from the heart. I couldn't keep my face stiff, I could only force a smile, and I was still somewhat embarrassed in my heart, and said to the Prince of Wales: "You Well, Your Royal Highness, I heard that you have returned from Warsaw in triumph."

The Prince of Wales blinked at me, and then said: "I also know about you. I heard from Le Die that I went to practice with the Academy of Magic. How is it? Did you gain anything from Ye Luo?"

I was thinking about how to get out of this embarrassing conversation, and I responded casually: "It's okay! A little bit."

The Prince of Wales said happily: "My sister Ledie got a dragon egg. For me, this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that Ledie has changed a lot recently. I heard it from other people. I really want to have a good chat with you about some things in your experience. Ah! By the way, there will be a dance in Eric’s castle tonight, and you must come.”

Wales seemed to have remembered something, took out an invitation letter from his arms, and stuffed it into my hand. Just when I was looking for a reason to decline him, he patted my shoulder kindly and leaned close to me. He whispered in his ear: "Ying Li will also be there, but this time she can't be your female partner openly, you still need to find a dance partner to mix in, and then we will have a good drink or two!"

At this time, I saw him take out his pocket watch, glanced at it, and said, "Oh. I'm in a hurry, let's talk later!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly walked into the Tower of Pride with the four rank two powerhouses.

Walking out of the tower of arrogance, he looked at the invitation letter in his hand in a daze, with a faint wry smile on his face, thinking that he really shouldn't accept it.

The people watching on the side looked at me at this time, and their eyes were also intertwined with jealousy and envy.

Standing on the square of the Tower of Pride, looking back at the corridor outside the fourth floor of the Tower of Pride, I saw Qige standing quietly beside the stone railing and blowing the wind. The warm summer wind was blowing her long black hair. Her hair was flying, and there was a playful smile on the corner of her mouth, and her eyes kept falling on me.

I boarded a magic caravan on the side of the street, and the black carriage flexibly merged into the traffic on the street.

Qige's figure also became more and more blurred on the Tower of Pride.


When I came to Mrs. Alia’s beautiful and exquisite manor in the first block again, there were already two maids waiting for me quietly beside the rose bushes at the gate. They saw me stepping off the carriage and hurried to my side Nodding his head and bowing his knees, he said softly, "Magician Jijia, Madam ordered us to wait for you here."

I jumped out of the carriage and nodded to them.

It seems that every maid in the manor has been trained in etiquette, whether it is standing posture, speaking tone, or manner, it makes people feel very comfortable.Under their guidance, I walked into the manor again.

The gatekeeper is like a stone sculpture in the pavilion at the gate, staring straight at the gate with dead fish-like eyes. If I hadn't possessed an extremely keen sense of magic, it would be impossible to know that under his stiff body, It should have surging power.

The square in the courtyard is still very neatly cleaned, the lawn and the trees in the yard are trimmed very neatly, we walked through the straight bluestone road, all the way through the castle in the manor, and entered the back garden of the manor, Alia The lady is sitting on the swing in the garden pavilion, and the swing is entangled with purple morning glory.

She looked at the fountain in the middle of the garden and was a little fascinated. It wasn't until I walked into the pavilion that I came back to my senses.

There was a glass of golden cider by the table, and the golden liquor in the wine bottle beside it was half empty. It seemed that she really deserved to be the woman who went out of the Zimmerman family, and she was accompanied by golden cider all the time.

At this moment, there was a faint smell of loneliness on her body.

Needless to say, I didn't need to use any gestures or expressions to express it. I just sat there quietly, with memories in my eyes, and I could clearly feel the loneliness she hid in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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