my age of magic

Chapter 828. Knights and Mages in the Imperial Capital

Chapter 828. Knights and Mages in the Imperial Capital
The knights of the imperial guards are in charge of the security administration of the third area. They are riding Linma covered in black scales. The mail armor on their bodies is shining with silver. All I could see was the rain mixed with ice shavings flowing all over the street. The ice magic dropped the temperature of this block by more than ten degrees. The war horse felt the coolness of the rain and stopped at the entrance of the alley.

Anyone who goes on a mission in such weather will be full of complaints. The knights of these guards had a cold face and whipped the horse's butt with a whip. The horse neighed in extreme dissatisfaction before stepping its iron hooves into the ice water and walking over with a 'tap-tap-tap'.When they saw the mountains of ice debris piled up in the entire courtyard, they realized that this battle was no small matter.

The five-member knight squad looked at the traces of the fighting in the yard with serious expressions, and the ice and snow in the yard melted little by little in the heavy rain.

"Are you going to invite the law enforcement team from the Magic Guild? Captain." One of the knights sitting on the horse asked the knight in the middle.

"Let's see what happened here first. Maybe those magicians in the law enforcement group are sleeping in warm quilts. Who wants to come out to be on duty in such a heavy rainy day? Those magicians in the law enforcement group Most of them have eccentric tempers, and I don’t want to touch that bad luck.” The knight in the middle lifted the hood of his cloak, revealing a handsome face, his curly hair wet with rain.

He hesitated for a moment, got off his horse, and walked up to me in the icy rain that covered his ankles. He held the crusader's sword at his waist with one hand, wiped the rain off his face with the other hand, and looked at me with a frown. The messy scene asked me: "Dear Mage, do you know what happened here?"

Luka and I stood in the rain, waiting for the knights and gentlemen of the guards to step forward to interrogate them, and did not intend to invite them into the dilapidated house covered in ice and snow.The yard looked messy, and the traces of fighting on the lawn were vivid. After the pergola collapsed, the entire roof slid down onto the lawn in the yard.

I said lightly: "Someone tried to break into my house, and we had a fight in the yard, but that person had already left before you arrived."

The knight noticed the blue bruises on my neck, and his eyes fell on Luka's shattered hard leather shoulder armor, and then asked: "The guy who tried to break into your yard, you..."

I turned my head and glanced impatiently at some ice floes flowing down the ditch by the roadside. I was not in the mood to deal with these late guard knights.

Although it was just a routine interrogation, I was quite displeased with the blunt tone of the knight commander. His expression was exactly like that after I experimented with some kind of magic in such a bad weather, I destroyed the house and the whole house. The yard is a mess.These knight lords did not stay to help us with some aftermath work, but after getting a not-so-satisfactory reason, they found that the danger had been lifted, and they rode away in the rain.

"Look, the ugly faces of the gentlemen in the guard regiment of the imperial capital are really similar to those of the knight gentlemen in our guard camp in El City! Let's go, let's find a way to repair the wooden door of the house, and don't bother to care about them .” I touched my tight throat with my hand, and my voice was a little hoarse.

The outermost door of the house was shattered into pieces by the tauren while avoiding the 'ice blast'.This allowed us to sit in the living room and see the rain without looking through the window.

The rain also gradually became smaller, and the continuous rain made it dawn very late. Luka and I put together the broken wooden door again. Luka's carpentry work seemed to be well done, and it was put together improvised. The wooden door is a bit distorted, but it can still be used after all. The snow and ice on the lawn in the yard has completely melted under the washing of the rain. This house only needs repairing of the pergola and the outer door. The door has been repaired, but the pergola is not in a hurry .

I want to build a small wooden house for Luka in the backyard, but Luka thinks that in midsummer, living in a wooden house will be very stuffy, and it is better to live comfortably in a pergola. Unexpectedly, a sudden rainstorm and a fight ruined the He placed a pergola full of vegetation.

Puzzled, I asked Luka why he thought of setting up frost traps around the yard.

Luka put the foreign nails in his mouth back into the tool box, stared at Mrs. Alia curled up on the sofa with the big eyes of the copper bell, and said as a matter of course: "Of course I couldn't think of it, but I did it yesterday afternoon. , I secretly heard the lady talking by the window that Duke Ryan might send his followers to trouble us. It is not difficult to set up warning magic traps. We are hunting barbarians in El City Isn't it often used when it's dark? So I set up four magic traps around the yard after dark."

It turned out that Mrs. Alia had spoken to remind her.

Then I asked Luca, aren't you worried about disturbing the neighbors?

Luka sighed softly, and did not answer my question directly, but told me: "Ji Jia, I don't think Ella and I are suitable for living in the third district. There is also a half-orc residential area in the seventh district, let's find a new house there. People around here are always used to looking at us with strange eyes."

I never thought that Luka's inner world would be so sensitive, and I didn't know what words to comfort him for a while.

"Neighbors, they won't set foot in our yard." Little Ella poked her head out of the living room and said to me.

With Su's help, Katerina carried Mrs. Alia back into the house. Mrs. Alia didn't suffer any injuries, but was roughly thrown by the strong man, causing some bruises on her knees and shoulders. Qing, drenched in some cold rain again, stood in the cold rain wearing thin pajamas, and was not lightly frozen.At this time, Mrs. Alia took a hot shower, wrapped in a blanket and curled up on the sofa in the corner, and her mood had stabilized. She was holding a glass of golden cider, and her frowning and contemplative appearance was more like those in the previous life. Senior white-collar workers appear intellectual and focused.

However, the delicate clavicle exposed from the overlap of the thin blankets reveals a section of smooth and tender arms like white lotus root, giving people a feeling that they are not even wearing pajamas under the blanket, which makes me unable to bear it. Take a second look at her pale chest.

Su and little Ella nestled together intimately on the same sofa, and the two were whispering, seemingly having endless topics to talk about.Su seems to be able to fully control the power of the 'Shadow Body', and can freely switch between sacred and dark. Despite the powerful power in her body, her heart is extremely pure, and she has a lot in common with Ella. topic of.

Katerina wore that set of sub-dragon leather light armor, and went through a fierce battle. Although she suffered some injuries, with a priest like Su around, she didn't have to worry about the recovery of her injuries at all, and she seemed to be fine.


The strong magical atmosphere still disturbed the members of the law enforcement team of the Magic Guild. When the rain cleared, the magicians of the law enforcement team came in a magic caravan. They saw the magic badge on my chest and knew that I was a A student of the Royal Academy of Magic, he immediately regarded me as one of his own.

When I heard that the knights of the imperial guards had rushed over and left without doing anything, they said with a bit of hatred: "Those knights are used to domineering in the imperial capital, and they don't treat us magic guilds at all. The magicians in the world take it seriously, if this fight happened in the manor of a certain duke, the guards of the imperial capital would have exploded, so how could it be so quiet."

"Maybe, they even figured out the details of the intruder last night. Those knights don't care about the life and death of our magicians." Another magician from the law enforcement team said so.

I'm always curious about these magicians in the law enforcement group.I still remember that when I was in the caravan, Sister Guoguo once told me that she had the opportunity to join the Magic Guild Law Enforcement Team, but unfortunately she chose to join the Windchaser Adventure Group and traveled around the Roland Continent with the Adventure Group.

"Are you a water element?" One of the Law Enforcers of the Magic Guild held a six-sided prismatic crystal and kept turning around in the yard, asking me curiously.

"En." I answered honestly.

"You know a little bit of ice magic, right? Your affinity for water is pretty good. Who is your teacher?" The law enforcer just walked around the yard before stopping and asked me casually.

"Ah,... Teacher Sean, when I was at the War Magic Academy in El City, my teacher was Heidi." I said quickly.

The law enforcement officer looked dazed, and said: "So it's Xiao En scholar. I saw him two days ago. He came to the Magic Guild to make a statement. Among those water magicians, he is a very good one." Renowned magician."

The circle of magicians is probably that big, and it seems that there is no need to use the six degrees of social theory in it.

In my impression, most of the magicians in the law enforcement team should be paranoid, they only look at principles in doing things, and they don't show affection to anyone.

But these two law enforcement officers completely overturned my impression of the law enforcement officers of the Magic Guild. They can still chat with me about family affairs and pour out some dissatisfaction with the guards.

The law enforcer who put away the magic test crystal stood in front of me, suddenly pointed at my face, and said loudly in surprise: "Ah,'s you, I remember, you went to the hospital a few days ago I read the newspaper, why didn’t I think of it all of a sudden? That’s right, your injury healed quite quickly, could it be said that the effect of the ‘hydrotherapy’ has been enhanced?”

Another law enforcement officer also came over, and the two of them had the excitement of watching the gorillas in the zoo, and laughed: "I said, why does it look familiar, you are the one who dared to hold the fire phosphorus at the Prince Eric's ball The guy who slapped Duke Ryan on the face, haha, speaking of it, many people in our law enforcement team admire you very much. How dare you openly provoke a Duke, even though there are some things we don’t like, But without your courage, you are still worried about their revenge afterwards!"

I didn't think about it. My radical approach won the support of many magicians, but speaking of it, shouldn't the magicians in the law enforcement team maintain a neutral attitude?It is really true to express one's position so clearly.

"Revenge! Ah...why didn't I think of this just now? The Duke of Ryan actually launched an extremely vile revenge action against a magician officially registered with the Magic Guild in the imperial capital. It seems that this matter is not simple. "The law enforcement officer who used the magic crystal to test for residual magic traces widened his eyes and said loudly at first, but then lowered his voice.

I surrounded the law enforcement officer, thought for a while, and immediately gave me an idea, "In this case, you can go to the Magic Guild to appeal, although the Magic Guild has nothing to do to stop those rights holders from doing anything wrong. , but this is the imperial capital after all, they always have to estimate the face of the royal family, this time it is a bit too much, we should let the Imperial Capital Magic News continue to ignore this matter."

The previous law enforcement officer was a little more radical, "Perhaps we can unite all magicians to protest against Emperor Charles. The most urgent thing is to protect the rights and interests of our magicians. If this continues, we magicians will lose the last bit of dignity." There is."

The magicians in the law enforcement team are still very busy with their daily work. These two law enforcement officers are here to find out if there are any heretics from the Black Magic Retreat, but it is obvious that these two law enforcement officers have been led by the topic Well, set your sights on Duke Ryan.

Watching the two enforcers board the magic caravan and leave in a hurry, thinking that Duke Ryan might not let it go so easily, he considered whether to find Kalancuo from Xinliu Valley.

Sue and Ella stood on the balcony on the second floor, cleaning up the stagnant water.

The glare of the sun shines through from behind the clouds. The clouds in the sky are like fish scales. When the wind blows, you can still feel the coolness and humidity in the air. The whole imperial capital was washed very clean by the heavy rain. The leaves of the street trees on both sides become bright green, and the blue and red roof tiles on the roof look more vivid.

After all, this assassination incident failed to be published in the Imperial Capital Magic News.

The Magic Guild has also been calming the emotions of the magicians in the imperial capital.

Louis brought the decision of the royal family to deal with this matter. In view of the fact that Duke Ryan did something that seriously intensified the contradiction between the imperial knights and magicians during the war of planes, the royal family announced that the constructed knight to which the Prince of Wales belongs The regiment will withdraw from the Warsaw plane in large numbers in the near future, reducing the support for the Busman family.

The Magic Potion Association of the Magic Guild, the Union of Water Magicians, has also successively published a statement on the Imperial Magic News: the pharmacists (magicians) belonging to the association (alliance) will not provide any magic potion assistance to Duke Ryan.

For a while, it caused an uproar in the imperial capital.

(End of this chapter)

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