my age of magic

Chapter 837 337. Aliya's plan

Chapter 837 337. Aliya's plan
Nick's rune metal plate workshop covers an area of ​​less than 24 square meters. It is a typical courtyard-style workshop. There are [-] poor workers in it, and eight of them are proficient in the manufacture of rune metal plates. The big craftsman, in addition to thirteen young apprentices, and three other handymen, these people constitute the processing workshop of this blank rune metal plate.

The warehouse of the workshop is managed by Nick in an orderly manner. It is almost clear at a glance what is in the whole workshop. In fact, there is almost nothing in it except copper plates.

When we walked into the workshop, several craftsmen were gathering on the workbench next to the pickling pool to play cards. The young apprentices were silently tidying up the hygiene in every corner of the workshop, although it seemed that there was really nothing to tidy up.

The fire under the only crucible in the room has long since cooled down, and even the combustion chamber below has been cleaned up. It can be seen that Mithril has not been smelted here for a long time.

We stood by the pickling pool, and Nick dismissed the craftsmen who were playing cards during working hours, but those craftsmen didn't seem to have any nervous emotions, and the craftsmen who got together to play cards seemed lazy, although they didn't refute in person Nick, however, took it for granted, the expression on his face clearly said: There is no work in the workshop, what happened to us playing cards?
With a sullen face, Brennan looked at the craftsmen walking around the workshop casually, looking bored, and said to Nick in a low voice: "Why are you raising them at this time, you should give them a long vacation , it’s all raised in the workshop, and you have to post money every day.”

At this time, Mrs. Alia asked Nick to introduce us to the rune metal plate processing process in the workshop.

I say to myself, for these process flow, no one can know better than you.As a member of the Babington family, in the field of magic metal industry of the Green Empire, no one seems to be able to match it.

There was no expression on Mrs. Alia's face. She always kept an aristocratic smile on her face, her steps were graceful, and the powerful aura emanating from her body made the poor craftsmen in the workshop dare not even speak directly. Looking over, he was only willing to secretly look at our group in the corner.

Hearing Mrs. Alia's request to introduce the technological process in the workshop, Nick stood at the front of the line without hesitation. When the metal copper plates transported from the blacksmith's shop enter the workshop, this will be the first process. Each piece of metal copper plate They must be put into the pickling pool for full immersion to clean the copper rust on the shallow surface of the metal copper plate, and then enter the alkali pool to remove the grease on the surface of the copper plate, and finally put it into the clean water pool to clean it.

Then it will be sent to the grinding machine for polishing, and finally the copper plate will be polished as smooth as a mirror before it will be sent to the side of the crucible and coated with a thin layer of auxiliary alchemy potion, so that it can be immersed in the mithril in the crucible In the solution, a thin layer of mithril was applied to the surface of the copper plate that was polished as smooth as a mirror. Of course, the surface of the copper plate that had not been painted with alchemy potion would not be stained with melted mithril, even a small drop.

It must be taken out of the crucible before the copper plate melts. The copper plate passes through the wind wall formed by the bellows, which will blow the mithril coating on the surface extremely thin, and quickly cool the blank mithril rune plate. Placed in the drying area of ​​the workshop for final aging treatment.

Originally, Marvin and I also opened a blacksmith shop in the city of El. At that time, we wanted to enter the field of blank rune metal plates. Unfortunately, we naively thought that as long as we hired a master blacksmith, we could do it. To come out with rune slates, we actually did make some blank rune slates with a layer of magic copper on them.

At that time, I didn't understand the difference between the primary rune metal plate we made and other rune metal plates. Now it seems that the difference is not 01:30. Just looking at these complicated pre-processing techniques, let me know the workshop What are the advantages of the rune metal plates made in batches here? The most obvious advantage is that the coating is uniform, and the entire copper base plate is polished as smooth as a mirror.

Such a finely processed rune metal plate is hard to dislike those inscribers who are good at engraving magic patterns on metal plates.

After seeing the entire process, I asked Nick: "Is this how each of the blank rune metal plates that come out of here is made?"

Nick showed a puzzled look on his face, and then asked me strangely: "Your Majesty, is there something wrong?"

"No, no, no, you've done a good job." I said quickly, "I've never seen how to produce a blank rune metal plate before, I'm just curious."

"This kind of finely processed mithril rune board is only suitable for small and medium-sized workshops, because the copper plate is polished to a mirror surface, which seriously limits the output. It is difficult for ordinary large-scale workshops to make every copper base plate Polish it to be as smooth as a mirror, as long as it is flat.” Mrs. Alia explained in a low voice beside me, this is why these small and medium-sized rune plate workshops were able to survive under the oppression of large-scale rune plate workshops down reason.

To put it bluntly, most of these surprise blank rune plates will be provided to the laboratories of the Magic Academy or the Magic Research Institute, the Magic Guild Inscription Research Institute and other research and development institutions. The inscription designers here design new magic pattern circles. Of course, I don't want my work to be in the experimental stage, because of the quality of the rune board, the experiment of the magic pattern circle will fail.

And Qige and I invented the magic red copper rune plate with gold essence magic pattern printed on the surface, which needs to plate the magic red copper on the copper substrate, and then draw the pure gold solution on the red copper rune plate. According to the different uses of the rune board, the pattern on the red copper rune board will also be very different, and the thickness and depth of the fine gold magic lines will directly affect the processing cost of this hybrid rune board.

Of course, the extremely thin and shallow adamantine magweave lines will minimize the material cost of the rune board. Unfortunately, if the inscription masters want to redraw the magweave lines along the fine gold magweave lines, the difficulty will be lowered. Unlimited magnification will double the manufacturing cost, so Qige and I have been thinking about how to bypass the expensive inscriber to manually seal magic runes.

It is Qige's very bold idea to directly imprint the pure gold magic pattern on the red copper rune plate with a fixed mold. The batch processing of red copper rune plates is still very feasible.

Mrs. Alia and I walked around the workshop. We didn’t directly say that we would buy the workshop directly on the spot. Instead, we told the owner of the workshop, Nick, to go back and think about it. Nick didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. , but there was a faint disappointment in his eyes. The price of his workshop was around [-] gold coins, which is really the price of cabbage.Although this is a poor area, such a courtyard-style workshop, even without the various facilities inside, is just such a courtyard of nearly a thousand square meters, and its own value will not be less than a thousand gold.

In the slums of the sixth district of the imperial capital, the price of the attic houses here is generally between [-] and [-] gold coins, which is five times the price of the houses in El City. Buying the courtyard here with [-] gold coins is also a surefire thing.

Instead, Brennan has been asking us insinuatingly about the bottom line we want to pay for this workshop.

I originally wanted to settle this matter before leaving, but Mrs. Alia stopped me with her eyes, so I had to agree to renegotiate in that restaurant the day after tomorrow.

When the magic caravan drove out of this alley, I sat in the magic caravan and asked Mrs. Aliya with some puzzlement: "Isn't this workshop worth [-] gold coins? Why not just buy it? "

Mrs. Alia didn't answer my question right away. Looking out the window at the houses on both sides of the street in the slums, I saw some poor women and children sitting in the shade of the street trees on both sides of the street, and the magic caravan passed by them. Only then did I realize that the number of poor people who came out of their houses to cool off in summer afternoons was quite large.

"Of course we're going to buy it, but not today." Mrs. Alia pursed her lips and said.

She frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about something, this kind of concentration looked beautiful.

She turned her head and said to me: "Since we have no dispute over the price of this workshop, the biggest problem between us is how to take over the craftsmen in the workshop. Between selective reception and selective reception, I am more inclined to selective reception. This workshop would rather recruit a new batch of craftsmen than those sloppy craftsmen whose inertia in this workshop has already Once it has been cultivated, it will be difficult to change it for a while, and I don't want these sloppy craftsmen to stay in the workshop in the future."

Mrs. Alia squinted her eyes, and rubbed her temples with light-white fingers in distress, and said in distress: "The last insistence of the workshop owner Nick is probably that he wants us to take over all the craftsmen here. And I don't want any of them!"

I stared at Mrs. Aliya with wide eyes, and thought to myself: I didn’t expect that she didn’t want any craftsmen, and I was about to ask her why.

Before she could ask, she heard her say again: "From now on, we will make a brand-new form of rune boards. The price of magic red copper is not high in the imperial capital, so when making red copper rune boards, there is no need at all. These craftsmen are required to do fine processing. In order to make up for the quality problem of the red copper rune plate, we can even thicken the plating layer and waste some magic red copper, which will make the production process much simpler, and the apprentices in the workshop are competent enough. These jobs are easier to manage than those craftsmen with a disorganized personality."

After all, Mrs. Aliya will still be needed to manage the workshop for making rune plates in the future, so of course I will not have any opinion on Mrs. Aliya cutting off those craftsmen who are loose in discipline.

Mrs. Alia curled up a faint smile, and said: "Only by satisfying Boss Nick's appetite can he be persuaded to give up his insistence. Otherwise, I would rather open the workshop in the third district, near the Royal Academy of Magic." In a residential area."

She took out a parchment booklet from the drawer, and then opened it page by page, silently recording on it.

After a while, I bit my pen, raised my head and said to me: "Also, we have two things to do next."

She stretched out a finger to me and said: "The first thing is to find a way to obtain the formula of the fine gold solution. Of course, even if we can't get the formula, we have to find a way to convince the alchemist, at least not Leak out the fine gold solution. In fact, there is no difficulty in processing this kind of pure gold magic pattern red copper rune plate. The core of this rune plate is the invention of the fine gold solution. There is no such special magic metal solution , there is no way to solve this special metal rune plate crafting problem, we'd better be able to control the formula in our hands."

Stretch out the second finger, and then said: "The second thing, how can we reduce the cost of the magic rune metal plate. If you want to reduce the cost of the rune plate, you must realize that the shaping mold can convert the gold essence magic pattern The thread is directly printed on the red copper rune board. If we can print the golden magic line on the red copper rune board, then boldly think about it, can mold printing replace the hand-carved magic pattern of the inscriber? "

I looked at Mrs. Aliya speechlessly, she really dared to think!


The magic caravan continued to drive along the long street in the sixth block to the outskirts of the imperial capital.

The farther away you are from the central area of ​​the imperial capital, the more dilapidated the attics on both sides of the street look. Ying Li and I came here two months ago when we were wandering in the alleys of the imperial capital in a magic caravan, and we saw this area at that time It looks a little depressed.

Those independent attics in the courtyard seem to be neatly arranged row by row from a distance. I heard that there are four or five poor families living in each attic, and even the living room has been partitioned off. Some of the balconies of the old attics even have proposed awnings, which can accommodate people in the scorching summer.

"Hey, speaking of it, the poorest poor are the poorest in this war of planes. Maybe every day they have to worry about whether their jobs will be ruined by themselves. At this time, a large number of workshops in various blocks of the imperial capital have closed down one after another. It's really hard to imagine how the poor who work in the workshop will live after losing their jobs?" I sighed to Madam Alia.

"No matter what, those poor people will not starve to death," said Mrs. Aliya.

"Why?" I asked Mrs. Alicia.

Mrs. Alia pointed to the Floating King City with her finger, and then said in a low voice: "The supreme emperor doesn't want to see people starve to death in the imperial capital, so once he finds poor people living in extreme distress, the civil affairs officer of the imperial capital I will find a way to arrange some heavy work for them."

"Like carrying bags on the pier at the airport?" I smiled and asked Madam Alia.

"Hmm, almost." Mrs. Alicia glanced at me.

(End of this chapter)

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