my age of magic

Chapter 861 362. The Welfare of the Dean

Chapter 861 362. The Welfare of the Dean

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, I gently nailed the gemstone base to the center of the magic pattern circle, knocked out a fragment from the magic crystal, and carefully placed it on the gemstone base, the red copper magic rune board flashed With the streamer of magic, traces of fire elements emanated from the magic rune board, the temperature on the rune board rose little by little, and there was a burnt smell in the air, and a blue flame burst from the rune board. Steam up.

The surrounding students let out a low cry.

"It's that simple?" Dean Freeman asked me in surprise.

I conveniently put the magic engraving pen into the magic pocket, and said to Lord Freeman: "That's right, that's how the magic pattern of Gathering Fire is, it's so simple!"

The three giants of the Royal Academy of Magic gathered together and looked at the extremely simple red copper rune board, with a look of relief on their faces.

"I'd like to know, how did you solve the fire element mana required by 'Universal Magic'?" The dean of the Royal Academy of Magic looked at me with a faint smile, his deep eyes were like the starry sky after the rain on a summer night bright.

When he stared at me, it was as if he saw every capillary in my body, which made me feel panicked.

My heart seemed to be tightly held by a big hand for no reason, and an irresistible bondage emerged from the bottom of my heart.

It's just that the dean didn't delve into it, he just took the rune board on the table in his hand, and didn't see how he put it into the magic pocket, he just waved it casually, and the rune board was in his hands. All of a sudden it disappeared between the five fingers.

He turned around slightly, made some eye contact with the vice president, and then said: "Of course, every magician has his own secrets, but being able to master the general magic drawing skills is enough to show you It's nice to have something unique in the magical realm already."

The dean only said "this is very good" to me, but at this time, the eyes of the people around me looked at me with a different flavor, from curiosity and indifference at the beginning to envy and jealousy, everyone With his mouth wide open, he stood on tiptoe as hard as he could, wanting to take a look at the red copper rune board that was approved by the dean through the gaps in the crowd.

More magic students squeezed towards the exhibition area, discussing behind the crowd: What exactly is the universal magic that the dean is talking about?What is so special about the magic pattern circle drawn on a red copper rune board?

On the contrary, the few nobles who entered the development area at the beginning and signed the order for the oven with Noah and the others, heard the comments from the senior officials of the academy, and then realized that the magic oven they ordered on the spur of the moment was actually approved by the senior officials of the academy. They are also very proud of paying attention.

The surrounding onlookers gathered more and more, even though there were magic teachers and teaching assistants from the teaching office to maintain order on the scene, the entire road by the fountain was almost blocked.

Seeing that the situation became more and more uncontrollable, the two deans of the college walked out of the exhibition area of ​​our class together. The onlookers standing in front of the dean retreated one after another. The dean chatted in a low voice while walking to the next class exhibition area.

Perhaps it was because the dean and the vice-president valued me very much. The dean Freeman's eyes changed. He followed the vice-president two steps behind and whispered something in his ear. The chief nodded slightly, then stopped, turned around and looked at me with a pleasing expression.

He reached out and patted me on the shoulder, and said to me in an encouraging tone: "Jijia, your performance is very good, please go to the student group at the back of the team. Master Dean is qualified to have dinner with you."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly took two steps forward to catch up with the two deans of the academy, followed by a group of scholars from the academy.

When Scholar Abel passed by me, he took a deep look at me, as if he wanted to say something to me, but hesitated for a while, and finally didn’t say it. I guess: Maybe he wanted to ask the tauren Luka current situation.

Scholar Sean did not hide his relationship with me. When he passed by me, he patted my shoulder affectionately and said to me: "Hey, Ji Jia, you did a great job!"

The old magician who was walking beside Scholar Shaun gave me a serious look, and walked past me expressionlessly.

At this time, Melville, the magic rune instructor, came forward from the crowd. He had a thick beard and his voice was as thick as beating a drum when he spoke: "Can you combine moonlight ink with red copper rune board?" Such a perfect connection, the lines that transmit mana are so smooth, and the focus point is ten centimeters above the rune board. The control of these details shows that you have adept magic pattern seal cutting skills. Why am I not in the Inscription Literature Society? met you?"

For the most famous scholar of magic runes in the Royal Academy of Magic, I still have a deep awe.He is the tutor of the Inscription Society, and I said to him: "Mr. Melville, I did not join the Inscription Society, I am a member of the Sword and Rose Society."

Mrs. Melville inevitably showed a hint of disappointment, and just said: "So that's the case, no wonder I don't know you."

But then Melville said again: "However, since you have such a rare magical talent, why don't you try to be an inscriber?"

I just wanted to explain to him: I am the assistant of the Yerkes scholar, and I studied inscriptions with the Yerkes scholar at the Imperial Academy of Magic, but obviously he has no intention of having more conversations with me, nor did he give me a chance to speak.

He went on like a cannonball, "Of course, I'm not denying that there is anything wrong with the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts pursued by the Sword and Rose Society, but I hope that some young magicians with this inscription talent can pay attention to inscriptions, comprehend Some of the mysteries in the magic runes, some deeper understanding of the magic runes."

After saying these words, he walked forward with the teachers of the college. The magic teachers of these colleges surrounded the two deans who were walking at the front of the team like stars holding the moon.

"Mr. Melville..." The following words were blocked in his throat, and he did not shout out.

At this time, Qige, who was at the end of the scholar team, passed by me, seeing her faint smile, felt that she seemed to have something to say to me, but under the watchful eyes of everyone, she wanted to maintain her own Nobility and pride, so we made an appointment on campus, even if we meet each other on a walk, there will be no communication other than saying hello.

The smell of perfume on her body is always so unique, obviously she is in a good mood today.

In the hot summer, there will always be cool wind blowing around her. I think this may be related to the magic robe on her body, or the reason why a certain magic ornament on her body has a wind magic circle.

Somehow, a ball of magic parchment fell into my palm, which made me stunned.

Before I understood how Qige stuffed the magic parchment into my palm calmly, a group of magic students following the scholar team overwhelmed me, and I could only put the magic parchment in my hand. Putting it into my pocket, I was staggered by the crowd, and I was carried forward by the crowd of magic students.

"Hey, you are really lucky. You are only a first-year student, and you were invited by the dean to have a dinner with him at the same table." A senior senior walking next to me said happily to me.

At this time, I happened to look back for Noah, but obviously Noah was not invited, and joined the crowd, watching Noah and Joe standing in the class exhibition area, waving to me excitedly, I could only reach out to They shook, and then glanced at the senior beside them.

Seeing my ignorant expression, the senior smiled indifferently, with an uncontrollable joy on his face, and explained to me: "Could it be that you don't know that you can get along with the dean?" What an honor it is to have dinner with adults, isn't it?"

I nodded honestly.

"Every student in the School of Magic hopes to have such an opportunity, because after the dinner, the dean can answer a question for each student invited to the dinner. Of course, if you don't know what to ask, you can also ask The dean gave you a piece of advice, which can often make your journey as a magician easier in the future." The senior squeezed beside me and said to me.

No wonder everyone on campus prepares so actively for the summer festival every year. It turns out that there will be such benefits in it. I guess Noah probably doesn't know about it either!Otherwise he would have told me.

"It took me three years of hard work to design the 'flame' of fire magic into a magic trap." The senior of the fire magic class seemed a little too excited, and he couldn't wait to find someone to confide in his heart That joy, he raised his eyebrows.

It turns out that he is the senior who designed the "flame" magic trap in class one of the fire department in the third grade. It is one of the three most popular magic designs in the summer festival. No wonder he is so excited, I thought to myself road.

He continued: "If it was in the past, maybe my fire magic trap would not be rated as an excellent magic idea, but this year is slightly different."

Seeing me looking at him and waiting for him to say 'what's different this year', he couldn't hide the smug smile at the corner of his mouth, I think his smile is a bit cheap.

"Plane war! It started, and many people died. Those aristocratic families with rich planes were so busy because of this, but the priests in the temple stayed out of it, pretending to be indifferent, what? ! This is obviously a good show for us Green people!" He said with righteous indignation.

"So! At this time, any design that is beneficial to this plane war will be valued by people, just like my magic trap. To be precise, it just draws magic skills on the magic rune board Let’s make a small change. In previous summer festivals, it was difficult for such a design to be rated as excellent, but this year is different! You may not know how many little lords at the marquis level want to be in private Find me below to buy this magic trap blueprint..."

The senior was still telling me about his creative experience triumphantly. Ivan squeezed up from behind, put his arms around the senior's shoulders, smiled coldly at me, interrupted the senior, and said bluntly: " Hey, Clark, I think if you knew that this young schoolboy standing in front of you was someone who was so bold as to compete with Duke Ryan for a woman at Prince Eric's ball, I think you would probably say something The tone can't be so relaxed, after all, you don't need me to tell you how serious the consequences of offending a duke are!"

The senior named Clark looked at me dumbfounded, not knowing what to say for a while.

Seeing that I acquiesced in this matter, he gave me a very admiring look, but stopped nagging.

After finishing speaking, Ivan squeezed into the group of young people from the Inscription Society.

Maybe it was these young magic students who gave him some courage to say these words in front of my face.

"Hey, Ivan, since he can be favored by the dean, it proves that he is qualified to enter the circle of excellent magic students. Why do you say those things!" A friend of the Inscription Society whispered to Ivan .

Although the voice was a bit noisy, it was faintly heard in my ears.

"So what if we can get into the eyes of the dean, after all, we are better!" Ivan's voice was full of magnetism and bewitching power, but he was a very suitable leader, and every word he said was very Has a provocative effect.

The other members of the Inscription Society deeply believed what Ivan said.

Ivan went on to say: "It's just drawing a secondary magic skill on the red copper rune board. You probably didn't see how simple the lines on it were just now. I stroke...only one stroke... Draw the magic pattern with the pen, oh, maybe the magic pattern can't be called a magic circle, it should be called a stick figure, haha!"

A friend around him asked Ivan curiously: "But the master said that this set of rune plates uses a very rare 'universal magic'. Ivan, you have read the most books. Do you know what 'universal magic' is?"

"It shouldn't be something difficult! Maybe it's a synonym for low-level magic." Ivan said indiscriminately.

"Ivan, I remembered. Is he the freshman who took your magic assistant position in the Academy of Magic?" A friend suddenly realized and asked Ivan.

"Well, it's him. Speaking of which, the Academy of Magic also participated in the exhibition of this summer festival celebration, but this guy didn't rush over to help, but just hid in the exhibition area of ​​his class to barbecue, probably not participating Among those designs, maybe it was discarded like garbage by that grumpy Yerkes!" Ivan's voice was full of resentment.

Those members of the Inscription Society probably knew something about the grievances between Ivan and I, so those people got together and talked about my various mistakes, saying that it was because of my appearance that the Ivan was unable to learn the knowledge of inscriptions in the Academy of Magic, which greatly affected the progress of the academy's inscription club.

At this time, under the leadership of the two deans, a group of us walked to the front of the exhibition area of ​​the Imperial Academy of Magic by coincidence, and there were also a lot of onlookers gathered here.

The Yerkes scholar was standing on the booth, explaining a set of magic pattern construction, and the surrounding crowd also showed various disturbances.

(End of this chapter)

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