my age of magic

Chapter 869 370. Alchemist Dennis

Chapter 869 370. Alchemist Dennis

The dazzling morning sun slowly climbed out from the mountains of Mount Majaro, the faint mist on the grass began to be gradually blown away by the morning breeze, and the clear and crisp birdsong sounded from the woods. The beaked birds walk freely in the dense foliage forest. Their copper beaks can easily knock open the bark of the tyro bark, and use their hooked tongues to find a kind of white borer from the inside of the tree trunk.

The floating imperial city was bathed in the golden sunlight, and the golden rubble washed by the morning dew reflected the dazzling light. From a distance, it seemed that the entire palace was inlaid with gold and silver.

The lawn on the square of the Royal Academy of Magic looked like a mess, and the ground was full of garbage. The cleaners loaded bags of garbage into the magic caravan, and quickly transported the garbage out of the imperial capital before the morning fog cleared. .

The gardeners in the college were busy mowing the lawn again, and the bitter smell of grass juice filled the entire playground.

I slowly opened my eyes from the stone steps beside the fountain, and the magic pool in my body finally broke through the upper limit of mana just a moment ago, successfully recasting.

After becoming a sixth-level magician, I can clearly feel the breath of water element around me as if sticking to my skin. Every time my heart beats and the blood flows through the blood vessels in my body, the breath that sticks to my skin The water elements on the skin will be injected into my body along the pores, flow around with the blood, and finally be hidden in every node of the body.

The star-like nodes in the body are slowly turning...

I was pleasantly surprised to find that after being promoted to a sixth-level magician, in addition to the obvious improvement in attributes such as magic pool, mental power, magic affinity, magic resistance, etc., even the nodes of the whole body... these miniature mana containers Magic perception has also been greatly improved.

I stretched my hand into the pool, and the magical perception extended, and the entire pool seemed to be completely integrated with my arm after a while.

When I was a fifth-level magician, my magic perception was still unable to fully control the changes in the smallest details of the entire fountain in this fountain covering an area of ​​less than two acres.

But now, I can even feel the wonderful moment when the magic circles in the fountain spurt out and every drop of water leaves the pool and flies into the air.

The fresh air rushes into my throat, the magic level is promoted, and a large amount of water element mana is injected into my body in an instant. The feeling of mana pouring into my body is like the tumbling and rushing water of the Benma River, all of which flow into my body. In the magic pool.

I opened my eyes and saw the extremely clear and vivid world in front of me. At this moment, I seemed to have a new understanding of life. An indescribable touch made me want to shout loudly to the sky.

Standing up from the side of the fountain, the fountain behind me that was closely connected with me became turbulent. Countless water waves surrounded my body, as if with vitality, I wanted to get out of the pool and turned into water dragons, surrounded My body spins.

"Don't be so exaggerated! Jijia, you won't be promoted again!" Noah looked unbelievable not far from me. He spread his hands and seemed a little helpless to Shirley. Both Newman and Dennis said: "I think it was a huge mistake to know Jijia in the Royal Academy of Magic. Every time he advances, he will blow us away."

"Although Noah's expression is a bit exaggerated, but Jijia, your magic promotion speed is really too fast recently. Will this affect your magic foundation?" Dennis hugged his elbows and walked to my room with Noah. In front of him, he frowned slightly, and said to me with a worried look: "I'm worried that you will be promoted again before the magic pool is fully stabilized. Although it is an era where magic levels are respected, I still I am very worried about your magic foundation."

Shirley Newman, who was standing aside, stood beside Noah, her lips parted slightly, revealing her shell-like teeth. She looked at me in amazement and asked, "Ji Jia, have you really advanced?"

I tried my best to control the turmoil caused by the infusion of majestic mana into the magic pool in my body at this moment, so that the magic breath in my body became calmer, and I felt that the magic vortex in the magic pool has been growing continuously recently, almost in the magic pool. It is showing the momentum of Optimus Prime. Every time it spins at a super speed, the solution in the magic pool will be stirred up, and the compressed mana solution in the magic pool will become part of the magic vortex instead.

I'm afraid that even Scholar Shaun would not have imagined that the magic pool in my body would undergo such a huge change at this moment.

Barely controlling the surging mana in my body, I nodded to Shirley Newman.

Fortunately, last night's summer festival dance was very successful, and the magic students in the academy played until late.After officially entering the summer vacation, it is rare for magic students to relax, so there were not many people meditating on the lawn of the square this morning, and these small abnormalities by the fountain did not alarm others.

It's also my fault that I was greedy for the strong water elemental breath by the fountain, so I came here early in the morning to meditate. I didn't expect this promotion to be so easy, and there is a feeling of 'it will come when it happens'.

I jumped down from the stone steps by the fountain, walked over and squeezed my arms between Noah and Dennis, put my arms around their shoulders, and asked Dennis, "Dennis, what are your plans for the summer vacation?"

"My mentor wants me to stay in the imperial capital. I don't know how long this plane war will last. The Alchemy Guild still needs to hoard some magic metals, so I need to stay here to help." Dennis said with a sigh.

But judging by his appearance, there is nothing to be sorry for. There is nothing to be dissatisfied with being able to gain the respect of a master alchemist.

Dennis asked me: "Jijia, what about you? Will you stay and help in the Academy of Magic? The Yerkes scholar has made a big splash at the Summer Festival this time, and wants to order magic pattern structures from him." If you pretend, you can take pictures of the Tower of Pride from the Royal Academy of Magic, you will be busy this summer!"

He thought I would stay in the imperial capital and help Yerkes scholars make the 'Snake Devil's Tooth', and then asked Noah: "Noah, are you going back to Emerald Bay in Palestina Province?"

Noah said to Dennis across me: "The original plan is like this, but I'm afraid that Jijia and I have a little change in our summer vacation plan. Jijia and I may go to a plane of my family to stay for a while."

Noah did not say that the plane we are about to go to is Vashj, the richest plane among the planes occupied by the Mensa family.

Dennis still asked Noah curiously: "Are you going to participate in the plane war? Do you want to earn some merit? At this time, the opportunity is rare, but is it too dangerous?"

Obviously, for the children of aristocratic families, following the opportunity of the summer vacation, they can participate in the war to open up territories in the plane. They can not only earn meritorious service and be promoted to the title of title, but also fully exercise their actual combat ability. A magic student in the Royal Academy of Magic dreams of all, but this year's situation is a bit special.

After the large-scale war with the dark forces of the abyss broke out, those planes where you can usually take vacations and earn merits have all become dangerous.

It is said that the number of magic students preparing to go to the plane for training this summer is at least half of the number in previous years.

"Specifically... we can't decide yet, I have to ask Louis, without his consent, we can't go anywhere!" Noah said with some uncertainty.

Hearing what Noah said, Dennis asked me in surprise: "Jijia, don't you plan to stay in the imperial capital during the summer?"

Maybe he suggested that I should stay in the imperial capital at this time to help the Yerkes scholar deal with his orders. In fact, for those orders, the first thing the Yerkes scholar has to do is to order the 'Nightsaber tight leather armor' , but also to prepare a large amount of magic ink, but there is no way to draw magic patterns during this time.

I smiled at Dennis and said, "Go to the plane of Noah's house, I proposed it last night."

Dennis showed a look of surprise, but when his eyes fell on the medal of the noble earl on my chest, he smiled at me in relief and said, "May you have a pleasant trip!"

Dennis patted me and Noah's shoulders heavily, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

After a hasty breakfast, the carriage of the Mensa family was already waiting outside the gate of the Royal Academy of Magic. Dennis stood at the door of the large cafeteria and waved goodbye to us, watching Noah, Shirley Newman, and I walk out of the academy. After boarding the magic caravan, he turned and left.


Noah and I galloped all the way in the magic caravan. When we arrived at the Emerald Bay Trading Company, Louis happened to be wearing the standard hard leather armor of the Royal Griffin Knights and a silver cloak. Come down, Louis was on duty in the Griffin Knights last night, and he just returned to the Emerald Bay Trading Company at this moment.

Seeing Noah and I jumping off the magic caravan, he asked us with a smile: "Why are you two here? Didn't you say that you will wait a few days before going to Palestina Province? The airship has been arranged. After waiting for Ji Jia to fight with you, set off immediately!"

"But to be honest, how sure are you, Jijia, in the face of William, who has the 'blood of the dragon' from the Mo family? I don't want you to be carried onto the airship. Then again, Ken There are some major changes in the Da plane. At this time, those Mohists probably don’t want to cause trouble, so if you don’t want to duel with William, I will find a way to help you reconcile with William. He is a very humble magician." Louis said to me as he walked.

As soon as I thought of the experience I experienced on the Hierro plane, I said to Louis: "I want to teach William a deeper lesson in this duel. Don't be so unconfident in me!"

"Noah and I still have some confidence in you, but the difference between you and William is a big level. After all, he is a first-rank dragon blood mage, and the magic skills and magic power he masters are beyond your current ability. I can't figure it out, where does your confidence to win come from?" Louis patted my shoulder and reminded me again.

Noah stood beside Louis with some excitement, and said to him: "I have confidence in Jijia, I know he can win, and William is just a little showy."

Louis stretched out his hand and gave Noah a shudder, which made him scream, and Shirley, who was following beside her, covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Tell me, this time you came to me so early in the morning, what new ideas do you have?" Louis leaned in front of Noah and asked him dotingly.

It has to be said that Noah has such an elder brother, which is something that other noble children cannot envy.

"Attention! Don't think too far. I can't help you if it's too dangerous. Why don't you go on vacation on the beach of Emerald Bay obediently." Before Noah was about to speak, Louis gave Noah another Small warning.

"Louis, you are completely prejudiced. Don't you have any expectations of us?" Noah said angrily, covering his head.

In front of his girlfriend Shirley, being treated like a child by Louis made Noah a little angry.

"Of course there will be some, otherwise I would have returned to the big bed in the bedroom and slept with the beauty in my arms. I would be so idle there, chatting with you!" Louis untied the belt around his waist as he walked. , and handed the exquisite saber to the sexy female assistant who was following her, then untied the hard leather wristband from her hand, and threw it on the ground aside.

At this time, a waiter immediately ran up, carefully picked up the wristband, and held it in his hand.

"Louis, I'm afraid you don't know who stole the limelight at the Summer Festival yesterday!" Noah said triumphantly.

"I know the shock, it can't be you anyway!" Louis smiled lightly and turned to me, "Is it Jijia?"

"It seems... really... everything has something to do with Jijia!" Noah suddenly remembered, whether it was the fact that someone among the first-year freshmen was awarded an excellent magic student, or the inscription department of the Magic Academy designed a The incident of the 'Magic Serpent's Tooth' seems to have something to do with me.

At this time, we have reached the top floor of the Emerald Bay Trading House, which is considered the residence of Louis Mensa.

Louis found a quiet place in the sky garden on the roof and sat down. Immediately, the maids brought exquisite cakes and tea to the table.Louis sat on the rattan chair and said to Noah: "Take it out, what is it, it is worth rushing over early in the morning and showing it to me?"

Noah reached out and took out a magic sealing box from the magic pocket, and put it heavily on the ground. He reached out and opened the lid of the magic sealing box, revealing the 'Earth Shield' magic pattern structure inside, the light blue evil The Ghost General's armor doesn't look that delicate, but the faint earth magic aura emanating from it immediately attracted Louis' eyes.

"Earth-type magic pattern structure? And it's still a complete set?" Louis just glanced roughly, and immediately stood up from the rattan chair with a moved expression, and asked Noah in surprise, but his eyes were on me. look over here...

(End of this chapter)

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