my age of magic

Chapter 872. 373. The Attachment of Night Wolf Cliff

Chapter 872. 373. The Attachment of Night Wolf Cliff
She leaned her hands on the inner wall of the glass container, and through the light green nutrient solution, Deborah's dark pupils kept flickering, with a trace of doubt and confusion.

The wings on one side are white wings, and the pure white feathers are soaked in the solution, stained with traces of green juice.

The wings on the other side are black and gray meat wings, and the dark gray skeleton seems to be covered with a layer of light blue oily skin.

The sexy and graceful body was exposed in my sight, she looked at me suspiciously, slowly put her beautiful face on the glass container and peeked out, her white hair stuck to her forehead, her body released a secondary With the faint coercion only possessed by peak monsters, she stared closely at my eyes, and her eyes fell on my chest.

I thought she was looking at the magic badge on my chest, but I didn't expect that she pressed her hand on her tall, crisp, chest. The warehouse was very quiet, and the sound of heartbeat came from the glass container...

Strangely enough, Deborah's heartbeat was in sync with mine.

At this moment, I seem to be able to feel the helplessness, darkness, despair, fear, panic and many other negative emotions in her inner world. Everything that exists in the world is pulled into the bottomless abyss.

I stretched out my hand and pressed it on the outer wall of the glass container, overlapping with her slender and weak hand. At this moment, our hearts were connected.

Deborah felt a little uncomfortable on her neck, and reached out to touch the cold mithril collar. This mithril collar was tightly stuck to his neck, and it seemed to have become a part of her body. Inscribed my name in both Imperial and Old Elvish: 'Master: Giga (Magician)'.

I gradually let go of my spiritual sea and tried to communicate with her on a spiritual level. It was an endless golden ocean, and in the middle of the sea stood the phantom of Night Wolf Cliff Mountain. A huge wind column rushed straight from the top of the cliff. Entering the clouds, there are electric snakes that are constantly wandering hidden in the clouds in the sky.

Maybe it's because we have a soul contract with each other, so my heart is connected with Deborah. When I let go of my spiritual world, Deborah turns into a white bird and flies into my spiritual sea. Flying aimlessly between the clouds and the sea, she flew around the lighthouse next to the reef for a few times, then let out a few soft crows, and then stretched her white wings by the sea breeze, soaring over the sea like an albatross .

It was as if there was something guiding her in the dark, flying on the golden sea, getting closer to the high mountain in the middle of the sea.

It flew to the foot of the mountain, and the Night Wolf Cliff rising from the sky was like a huge chimney, and it wandered around the Night Wolf Cliff, whining loudly.

I think maybe the shadow of Night Wolf Cliff is still engraved in her memory. Night Wolf Cliff carries the memory of her childhood and is her hometown.

Maybe it's because of the warm sea breeze, maybe it's because of the calm golden sea, maybe it's because of the Night Wolf Cliff standing quietly in the sea, maybe it's because of this vast world, the negative emotions in Deborah's spiritual world are dissipating little by little , the huge vortex like an abyss slowly calmed down, presenting a silent night in her spiritual world.

I stood in front of the terrarium and slowly opened my eyes.

At this time, Deborah's eyes opened at the same time as mine. The negative emotions in her eyes gradually dissipated, and clear water ripples appeared in her pupils. I have to say that when Deborah regained her senses, the harpy The face of the demon still looks very pure.

Her smile seemed a little stiff, but the ignorance and innocence in her eyes were endearing. The clear eyes formed a great contrast with the peach-like mature body.

Her body was close to the glass container, looking around, trying to find an exit to come out, she tried to push the glass curtain wall with her hands, and frowned.

I waved to her, trying to tell her through telepathic communication: I climbed to the top of the container, opened the lid, and fished her out of the glass container.

But before I could pass on the information, she stretched out her slender index finger, her black nails were as sharp as a hook, and looked like a scorpion's tail needle, lightly touching the glass container, the glass container After the sound of 'click', it cracked open like a spider web, and the crackling sound was uninterrupted, and the cracks on the glass container were infinitely enlarged.

The magic assistant at the door looked at the glass vessel that was about to break in horror, and was speechless.

Deborah, who was standing in the glass container, stretched out her hand and gently pushed the glass curtain wall, the entire glass curtain wall shattered, and the light green nutrient solution flowed all over the ground instantly. I stood in front of the glass container, With an ice shield on his back, he narrowly avoided those nutrient solutions.

Deborah got out of the hole in the glass container wetly, stood beside me and looked at me blankly, the wings behind her were half-closed because they were covered with nutrient solution, and her plump body kept flowing downward Dressed in a light green nutrient solution, her skin is lightly dark gray, with inscriptions engraved on her chest, back, arms, and flat lower abdomen. There are five in total, like exquisite tattoos.

I once saw a magic circle of water-gathering magic power on Sister Guoguo's belly, and I thought this kind of magic pattern structure engraved on the body was very wonderful. I didn't expect Deborah to have the magic pattern After the body, the five magic pattern structures on the body can be preserved intact, but these magic patterns are all gray, without a trace of mana fluctuations. I guess these should be the magic pattern circles of the shadow system.

Probably, after Deborah occupied the body of the succubus, her strength became weaker, and she was unable to carry the magic pattern structures on her body, which caused all the magic pattern structures to fail.

She looked at me with those clear eyes, and carefully stretched out her hand to touch my face. I just saw her destroy the glass container with one finger, and I knew very clearly what was hidden in her finger. With what kind of strength, seeing her stretching out that hand, I felt a little uneasy, and subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but seeing her clear eyes, I felt an impulse for no reason, stood up straight, and waited. Watching her finger land on my face.

Although I only touched it lightly, the sharp fingernails still pierced my face. I felt a slight tingling pain, as if a drop of blood was dripping down my cheek.

"Ah!" screamed, Deborah seemed to be frightened, and quickly withdrew her finger. She put the finger in front of her eyes, looked at the drop of blood on the tip of her finger in horror, and then put her finger into her mouth. Li sucked lightly for a moment, and the guard in his eyes disappeared without a trace.

She raised her face, and when she stretched out that hand again, she became more careful. The hand with sharp nails fell on my face, which made me feel a little itchy.

I asked Deborah, "Are you awake?"

She looked at me in doubt, thought for a while, then nodded, then gently tugged on the sleeve of my magic robe, and said to me: "Hungry!"

She was like a child who had completely lost her memory, looking at me pitifully in front of me.

Seeing Deborah as beautiful as a ripe peach, and the world in her eyes as clear as white paper Deborah, at this moment, I have mixed feelings in my heart.

Reaching out from the magic pocket, he took out a gray magic apprentice robe. This kind of tube-style robe is the most convenient to wear, and the most important thing is that this apprentice robe has a large hood, which is big enough to cover Deborah's chest. Face.

I uttered the magic spell, and a handful of clear water appeared in my palm, pouring down from the top of Deborah's head, washing away the sticky green nutrient solution on her body.

The water was a little cold, and Deborah was a little timid by nature. When the clear water was poured on her head, she trembled all over and let out a joyful scream.

The magic assistant waiting at the door had a bitter face, looking at the messy warehouse secret room. As soon as she entered through the door, she was discovered by the extremely alert Deborah. Her wings spread out behind her, and her wingspan was almost four or five. Mi, the white wing was dripping with water, and the other fleshy wing looked a little better. At this moment, her eyes suddenly became icy, and when she looked at the magic assistant, her eyes Full of murderous intent.

I didn't have time to grab her, her body was like a ghost, flitting out lightly, although she couldn't fly for the time being, her body was extremely agile, and she even flashed behind that magic assistant, sharp Deborah's fingers clasped tightly around his neck, and blood flowed from Deborah's fingers all at once.

"Deborah, stop! Don't kill him." I yelled hysterically.

At this moment, Deborah actually stopped, turned her head and looked at me suspiciously, the killing intent in her eyes dissipated little by little when she saw me.

I quickly ran over, at this time the magic assistant had already fainted from fright, and was as soft as a puddle of mud in Deborah's hands. A circle of magic assistants rescued him, let him lie flat on the ground, took out a roll of hemostatic bandage from the magic waist bag, and wrapped up the wound of the magic assistant.


After casting several 'hydrotherapy' spells on the magic assistant in a row, I was relieved when I saw the magic assistant lying on the ground with a pale complexion and his breath calmed down.

Deborah looked at me puzzled.

I pointed at the magic assistant, and said slowly to her word by word: "You can't kill people casually in the future, it's not good to do so."

Deborah nodded half-understanding, and the annoyance in her eyes gradually eased.

I couldn't help but take another look at the pair of fancy wings behind her, and then took out a towel to dry her wet hair, she seemed to enjoy being played with her hair, closed her eyes and made a 'hmm' sound, just Like a little girl whispering.

Originally, she wanted to wipe her wet wings, but she didn't expect that she herself felt uncomfortable from the water stains on her body. Like a big white goose, she suddenly opened her wings, shaking the water drops on her body, and her plump body was shaking. Under the violent shaking, it became somewhat blurred, but the high, towering sky was so real under the violent shaking.

I felt that I had an evil thought at a certain moment, but it melted away in my majestic spiritual sea.

Putting the gray robe of the magic apprentice on Deborah's body, even though her wings were also wrapped in it, it made her feel very uncomfortable, the back of her body was bulging, holding up a big bag, but she was I calmed down and became quiet.

She probably can't remember those things before, but after entering my spiritual sea and seeing the Night Wolf Cliff in the golden sea, the very familiar feeling made her very attached.

Looking at the ignorant Deborah in front of me, it reminded me of Rengar's entrustment before he died. I promised him that he would always take care of Deborah, and Deborah's current appearance is also considered a blessing for her. the best choice.

After surviving from death, maybe she forgot the miserable life before, the Harpy Queen and Rengar, and the hatred in her heart.I put my hand on her head and stroked her long white hair gently, and Deborah made a weak protest.

At this time, I realized that the Schindki University scholar made me sign a soul contract with Deborah, and this master-slave contract also gave me the identity of the master. Deborah is more like a magic pet of mine, or it can be regarded as A very loyal follower.

Now Deborah needs to get in touch with human society slowly, and learn all the etiquette to get along with people. She needs to know what she can do and what she can't do. These must be taught to her little by little. Now she is like a white The paper, and what was written on it, would be fresh in her memory.

I squatted down again to carefully check the unconscious magic assistant. Deborah also squatted down with me, looking at the magic assistant curiously.

I'm still wondering, it's just that five finger marks appeared on the neck, and the neck didn't suffer any injuries, and it was wrapped up in time by my hemostatic bandage, and I also received five 'hydrotherapy' spells. I have woken up a long time ago, but there is still no sign of waking up now...

At this moment, the University scholar Schindeki appeared next to me wearing an Abaddon magic robe. He bent down to check the injury on the magic assistant, then turned to stare at me and said, "Your magic pet frightened him!" , you should restrain it more strictly, although it has forgotten the past, but the wildness in the body has not been eliminated, the greed, cunning, suspicious, timidity of the harpy, and the succubus was originally a addict Killing demons, these things in the bones are hard to get rid of. Now that I have signed the "soul contract" and have been fed with your blood for several months, you can now completely restrain her on the spiritual level. I have to Just to remind you, take good care of your magic pet, and don't let her cause trouble for you in the imperial capital."

I kept nodding my head like pounding garlic, and then said, "Yes, I understand, Scholar Schindeki."

I'm really afraid that because of Deborah's violent hatred, Schindke University will do harm for the people or eradicate evil for the people in a fit of anger, making my three months of painstaking efforts go to waste. I took a peek at Scholar Schindeki and saw that his expression was still calm, so I secretly breathed a sigh of relief in my heart.

"Since you're all awake, you still can't get up on the ground. What's that? Don't you know how to use magic to protect yourself? You idiot!" Scholar Sindeji scolded the magic assistant lying on the ground with a gloomy face.

Before Scholar Schindeki finished cursing, the magic assistant quickly got up from the ground, saluted Scholar Schindeki with embarrassment, and then thanked me in a low voice.

I hurried forward and asked carefully. Although the 2 magic assistant had an embarrassment on his face, he readily stated that he was fine.

I didn't stop at Schindler's laboratory, for fear that Schindler would treat Deborah as a guinea pig and pull her back to the operating table for a comprehensive academic examination, which would frighten the little girl. , taking advantage of Schindky University scholar to teach the magic assistant, and sneaked out of the laboratory with Deborah.

(End of this chapter)

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