my age of magic

Chapter 888 389. Le Die's Problem

Chapter 888 389. Le Die's Problem

The clear water of the lake rolls with white waves and kisses the soft sandy beach.From time to time, a few ospreys flitted across the sparkling lake.

The blue sky is dotted with a few cotton candy-like clouds, and a cloud happens to float under the majestic and majestic floating king city, which looks like a golden city in the clouds from a distance.

The streets in the first district are clean and tidy, and the stone slabs are even carved with anti-skid exquisite patterns. The street trees on both sides are also some rare trees, and the low shrub walls are trimmed neatly. The distance between the two sides of the street is more than ten meters. There will be a street lamp.

Here, you will always see guard knights on tall horses patrolling the street. They wear chain mail and wear long swords around their waists, and they look majestic when passing through the street.

I took a magic caravan through Yulin Street, crossed an arch bridge, turned a corner into the lakeside avenue, and walked another five kilometers before seeing a corn-colored castle hidden in the green mountains and green waters. between.

It is built near the lake, where there is a rather high hill, half of the castle is built on the hill, and half of the castle is built in the lake. The red tiles on the roof, the lush trees, and the clear and blue lake make up the A beautiful and peaceful picture.

"That's the old castle of Prince James. It's a pity that in the past 20 years, he can spend only a handful of time here." Mrs. Alia put her head on the car window and pointed to the distant place. An ancient castle, introduced to me.

I asked Mrs. Alicia, "Won't you come with me?"

Mrs. Alia shook her head calmly, her eyes turned to Weiyang Lake outside the car window, the cool lake wind blowing into the car window, blowing the hair around her ears.


I was wearing a clean magic robe with an earl medal on my chest, and I stood in front of the gate of this manor with Katerina.

A middle-aged butler came out of the gatehouse at the door. He walked up to me without asking who I was, nodded slightly to me, and said, "Your Excellency Jijia Magician, I am ordered to wait for you again. This way please ..."

I don't know how this middle-aged housekeeper knew me. He has a pale face, sunken eye sockets, and his paper-thin lips are slightly purple-black. He is wearing a gray dress, and he looks like an undead. Count Vampire.

His eyes were indifferent, and he walked quietly. When he was leading the way, no matter whether I walked fast or slow, he always kept a distance of two meters from me.

We passed through a forest path, climbed the stone steps on the edge of the fountain in the square outside the castle, and walked for a quarter of an hour before arriving at the gate of the majestic castle.

In the exquisite garden courtyard, Le Die sat on a swing under the apple tree, staring blankly at the clouds in the sky, until he saw me walking in behind the middle-aged housekeeper, his eyes regained some spirit, and sat There looked at me quietly.


The first time I saw her was in front of the ivory tower of the Advanced Magic Academy in Sloit City. She wore gorgeous armor and rode a dragon proudly, and let the dragon spit fire on me. At that time She is a proud and wayward princess.

Le Die tried to punish me severely after the experience in Xinliu Valley, but was stopped by Princess Sha of the Aili family in time and kicked out of Sloit City, making Le Die lose face.

The second time I saw her was in El City. She and Nelson, as exchange students of the Xinghai Academy of Magic, went to the El City Academy of War Magic to study. There was a massive clash among the graduates.

This directly led to the intensification of the conflict between the aristocratic class and the civilian class in El City. A large number of young people from outstanding civilian families were sent to the border town to garrison. Just in time for the barbarians of the Storm Bear tribe to invade Shiluo in that winter. In the province of Yit, all the youngest fighters in El City died in battle, and there was an indelible rift in the relationship between the nobles and civilians in El City.

The third time I saw her was in the plane of Hierro. At that time, she was by William's side. She originally wanted to take the opportunity to take revenge on me during the journey of training, but I didn't expect that the spider warrior secretly invaded the plane of Hierro. In the Black Forest, while exploring in the forest, Le Die and William were ambushed by a giant spider. William escaped alone at a critical moment, and the relationship between the two broke down.

Seeing Le Die sitting quietly on the swing, time did not leave marks on her face, but it wiped her eyes brighter.

She stood up from the swing and walked towards me slowly. The morning sunlight penetrated through the gaps in her body, not only showing the edges of her fair skin a transparent and magnificent color, but also leaving a slanted shadow on the grass .

I stood at the door and smiled at her, like greeting an ordinary friend, and said to her: "Hi, Le Die, how are you doing recently?"

The corners of Le Die's mouth tugged slightly, she lifted her long skirt lightly, walked up the steps, and said to me, "Did my father call you here?"

I nodded and said 'yes'.

She pursed her lips, smiled faintly, stretched out her hand to gather her long golden hair behind her head, and said to me: "A very healthy baby dragon hatched out of that dragon egg, but the two wings are very small, not yet big enough. Very good at flying."

"Oh, that's good, but do you really want to wait for it to grow up?" I asked Le Die with some puzzlement.

I know that the lifespan of a sub-dragon is about 500 years, and it takes at least 80 years for a sub-dragon to grow into an adult sub-dragon. Even strong humans usually have a longer lifespan, but it would be a bit too unreliable to let Le Die wait like this for 80 years.

"Yes!" Le Die replied very readily.

I was speechless for a while, not knowing if I should say something to encourage her, or to comfort her, or if she needs both.

"Do you think it's weird?" Le Die covered her mouth and asked me in a low voice.


I kept my mouth shut, but nodded stupidly.

Le Die squinted her eyes and looked at me. She had two dimples on her face like Ying Li's. Her face was slightly thinner than Ying Li's. The standard oval face and delicate face fit the style of a royal princess. .

"It's actually not that complicated. Don't you know that the time flow rate of each plane is different?" Le Die asked me with wide eyes.

Hearing what Le Die said, I shook my head blankly.

"Usually, when we choose to conquer those unknown and unfamiliar planes, we will look for those planes that are almost the same as the world rules of the Roland Continent, but among the countless planes, there are also many planes whose time flow rate is several times that of the Roland Continent. times, even dozens of times."

"After it hatches and signs the magic contract, I will order someone to take it to a plane where the time flow rate is about fifty times that of Roland's continent, so that I only need to wait quietly for two years before it can grow into a An adult dragon."

After listening to Le Die's explanation, I finally realized that it didn't take so long to tame a dragon.

When Le Die widened her eyes, at a certain moment, it seemed as if Ying Li was standing in front of me.

She asked me: "You don't even know this? The Royal Academy of Magic, didn't they talk about this?"

The middle-aged housekeeper who stood quietly by the side suddenly coughed twice, and then said apologetically to Le Die: "Ahem, Princess Le Die, Prince James has probably arrived at the reception room."

"Okay, I won't bother you to see James." The smile on Le Die's face suddenly disappeared, she lowered her head and lifted her white gauze skirt, turned around and was about to leave, but a second later, she stopped .

She turned around again and called out to me: "Oh, yes, please wait a moment."

Her voice is very clear, like a yellow warbler singing on a branch in the early morning.

I stopped in a hurry and stood there looking at Le Die who turned around.

At this time, the attendants standing on both sides pushed open the gate of the ancient castle, and the middle-aged butler stood on the stone steps, his rigid face seemed to be covered with a layer of ice, he could only stand where he was and be patient wait for us.

I calmly asked Le Die: "Princess Le Die, what else do you need?"

"Ying Li, she still..." Le Die's eyes darkened, and she stopped after only half a sentence in her mouth, and said with some frustration: "Oh, forget it, I have nothing to do."

I can hear that she wants to ask about Yingli's recent situation, but it's really not suitable to talk about it here.

At this moment, she held up the hem of her skirt and ran for a few steps, caught up with me and walked side by side with me, and walked into the castle together, the attendants on both sides saluted Le Die as a knight.

The hall on the first floor of this ancient castle is very luxuriously decorated, the floor is covered with a thick layer of beige velvet carpet, all the furniture and decorations are plated with a thick layer of gold, and there are several huge lamps hanging on the ceiling. There are crystal chandeliers, some precious oil paintings and collectibles hanging on the surrounding walls, and there are exquisite reliefs on almost every beam and column, and a refreshing fragrance floats in the hall.

I saw that among the maids walking through the hall, there were some faces of elves. They were only wearing a thin layer of gauze skirts, and their snowy skin appeared and disappeared. I secretly sighed that this is the Prince's Mansion after all. Ah, there are even elf maids.

While walking, I said to Le Die: "I heard you are getting engaged?"

"..." Le Die remained silent.

"I also heard that it was that guy William?"

"En." Le Die bit her lip and snorted.

I leaned close to her ear and asked her in a low voice, "Don't you feel sick when you see him?"

Le Die whispered resentfully: "It's disgusting, but what can I do, no one believes what I said, everyone thinks he is a great hero in the Yerro plane, even James doesn't exception."

So, I asked Le Die: "Then this wedding is not what you want?"

Le Die seemed to have heard the implication, showing a surprised expression, and said, "Can you help me convince James?"

I scratched my head and said with a little embarrassment: "Oh, I'm afraid this is a bit difficult, but I have other ways!"

Le Die's eyes lit up, and she couldn't wait to ask me: "What can I do?"

I grinned and said to Le Die: "Before you got engaged to him, I beat him until his mother didn't recognize him, and made him ashamed to appear on the engagement scene."

Le Die rolled her eyes, became listless again, and said to me very confidently: "Well, I think there is probably no one who expects you to win more than I do now."

I asked her, "You don't seem to have much confidence in me?"

Le Die nodded bluntly and said 'hmm' to me!

The middle-aged housekeeper took me to a wooden door carved with figures in relief. There were two knights in magic pattern guarding outside the door. They stared at me vigilantly, making me feel like I was being stared at by two wolves. , the butler motioned me to wait here, but he pushed the door open and walked in.

I casually looked at the exquisite decorations in the castle. Not long after, the middle-aged butler came out and said to me: "You can go in, the prince is waiting for you inside."

The moment I opened the door, I was quite nervous, because I didn't know the supreme commander of the South Wind Corps, and Ying Li rarely talked to me about family affairs.

But the moment the door was pushed open, I calmed down instead.

This living room is not too big, the whole room looks very empty, only in the center of the living room, there is a mahogany round table, Prince James is standing in front of a round table, he is wearing a straight black military uniform , tall and burly, with his mouth pursed, his eyes fell on the crystal ball in the center of the round table, with a focused expression.

I didn't feel the oppression of a strong person in him, but I felt the majesty of a superior person in him.

Standing at the door, the entire living room was very quiet, and I could even hear my heartbeat.

In him, I can't feel the suffocating sense of oppression brought by the prince. The breath he exudes at this time makes him more like a father.

Finally he raised his head and stared at me with those eagle-like eyes.

I didn't avoid his sharp gaze, but chose to face his gaze calmly. He looked for me and said, "Your name is Jijia?"

I nodded and said honestly, "Yes."

"Do you know that Yingli is my daughter, the princess of the Green Empire?" His voice wasn't too loud, but after every word came out of his mouth, it was like a boulder hitting my heart, making me There is a feeling of being out of breath.

I said: "Know!"

At this moment, the room suddenly seemed to be extremely cold.

Another suffocating silence.

Prince James returned his gaze to the giant crystal ball and waved to me.

I went to the round table and looked at the crystal ball with him. James asked me, "What did you see in it?"

There seemed to be layers of fog in that crystal ball. When I stared at it, I saw the layers of fog dissipate little by little, and a blurry face gradually emerged inside...

(End of this chapter)

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