goddess of revolution

Chapter 1022 It's dawn again, a sharp bend in the torrent of history

Chapter 1022 It's dawn again, a sharp bend in the torrent of history
Mary's Hospital in the middle of the night is as busy as it is in a state of war...

"The part that stabbed the avatar of the gods!?"

"The soul of the wounded does not match the Goddess of Order, is it a passive acceptance of God's drop?"

"Of course the soul will be hurt!"

"You still don't believe me? You won't be hurt if you smash your birds and eggs?"

"This action of yours almost instantly superimposed the pain of the first night thirty times on the wounded!"

"Remember to take responsibility!"

Wearing light green work clothes, the female druid who participated in the Leia conservation project was ashamed of Sardar. Hearing the last sentence, she said in horror: "Isn't it that there is no problem with the body, but a problem with the soul? How can you be responsible for this?" gone?"

The female druid became even more angry. She spewed out branches with her fingers and poked Sardar's heart: "I didn't expect you to be a carnalist! It's common sense that the soul is more precious than the body! Physical injuries are easy to recover from." , if the soul is injured, even if it recovers, it will leave an indelible scar!"

"You took away the chastity of the wounded, shouldn't you be responsible?"

Sardar is about to cry, can this count?

A faint voice suddenly sounded from behind: "Whose chastity was taken away? Sa... Da... Er..."

Sardar's body trembled like an electric shock, Rui Luoer! ?

"I heard you said that you were in the hospital. I thought you had an accident. I was so worried."

The beautiful girl stepped forward and brushed her blond hair. Compared with a few years ago, she lost that sad and weak temperament and became beautiful and dazzling.

Rui Luoer, the last princess of the Old Kest Kingdom, is now the pillar of the Love Commune, and she is full of confidence in every gesture.

Without looking at Sardar, she asked the doctor, "Are you talking about Princess Ariel?"

The female druid was full of admiration, Rui Luoer is now the ace matchmaker, and everyone rushed to her shift to witness the love.

She nodded repeatedly: "Yes...ah, so it's..."

Then he realized who he was educating just now: "It's His Excellency Sardar..."

She said in such a tone: "Since it was the princess who killed...uh, it is not surprising if it is His Excellency Sardar."

At this moment, Rui Luoer glanced at Sardar, his gaze was like an armor-piercing projectile fired by Thor's Hammer, shooting straight into the depths of Sardar's heart.

Rui Luoer said coldly: "Look, your reputation is like this, don't you know how to review yourself?"

Sardar sweated profusely: "Th-things are not like this, you listen, listen to my explanation..."

"I don't listen!"

Rui Luoer turned her head and shook her sleeves: "I'm going to accompany Ariel!"

Sardar whimpered, looking like the sky was about to collapse.

After walking a few steps, Rui Luoer stopped and said without looking back, "Aren't you going home?"

Sardar obediently let out a cry, then turned around and left.

At this time Rui Luoer turned around, saw the blood stains on Sardar's back, screamed, rushed over and hugged him tightly from behind.

She came down with tears in her eyes: "Why are you getting more and more stupid! Can't you even protect yourself?"

Sardar smiled innocently: "It's okay, little injury, I'm the Red Guard, I have to protect others first."

Rui Luoer jumped up and put his arms around his neck, twisting like a catfish: "No! You have to protect your princess first!"

Sardar scratched his head: "Princess Ariel is also a princess, ah...don't bite!"

Rui Luoer bit his neck, and said vaguely: "Hmm... the saturation is strange... the red pig..."

Relieved, the ex-princess snorted, "Remember, only I am your princess!"

"Now I can hear you explain!"

"Let's accompany Ariel together!"

The female druid in the back covered her face. This couple really feed people dog food regardless of time and occasion.

In another part of the hospital, Dyke curled up on a chair in the aisle, waving his hands to the doctors and nurses: "Leave me alone! Really leave me alone! Go save the others!"

A cart passed by, and several helmets closed into balls in the cart were still stained with blood. They were "seriously injured" in the blasting operation, and the chance of survival was no more than one-third.

Deckard was stung by this scene and shrank into a ball, his voice was higher and shriller: "I'm not worth it! Don't waste medicine on me!"

The nurse looked at the doctor, and the doctor waved his hand, signaling to leave it alone for now.

The nurse asked in the channel: "Do you want to notify the paladin in the psychology department? It feels like he is going to be unable to hold on, and there are signs of a mental breakdown. He should be given trial treatment."

The doctor shook his head: "Psychiatry paladins have to spend time getting to know the patient, and have to establish a sufficient trust relationship with the patient before they can do trial treatment. If you just use magic to stimulate the soul, the sequelae will be very serious."

He said firmly: "This guy is a hero. I'm not talking about rank. He is the Deckard who volunteered to die in order to rescue his comrades."

"He also survived the soul impregnation of the goddess of order. Although the divine power of order remains in the soul, the most fundamental crimson divine power has not been eliminated."

Leading the nurse to the side, the doctor said again: "He should be able to hold on. Of course, it would be better to have someone close to him help. I have already notified, so I don't know if he will come."

While talking, a petite woman came over and shouted timidly: "Deck..."

Deck raised his eyes, his eyes were full of confusion, as if he didn't know each other.

The woman said eagerly: "Brother! Don't you even recognize me?"

Deke's body shook, and he murmured, "Nini? Is that you, Nini? Are you resurrected?"

The woman was surprised: "I'm Miriam, who is Nini?"

"Oh, Miriam..."

Deke woke up a little bit, recognized his sister, and said bitterly: "Yeah, besides you, no one else cares about me, and I don't have the qualifications, only Nini...Kenini has also left me."

Miriam sniffled and said loudly, "Brother, you are a great hero. How come no one cares about you? Who is Nini? I'll help you find it!"

The nurse sighed: "Doctor, the sister you found is not very useful?"

The doctor shook his head: "I'm not looking for his sister..."

There was a sound of footsteps, and a large group of people suddenly rushed over, all of whom were young and beautiful girls.

The leader shouted, "Who is calling me? Everyone calls me Nini!"

Another said: "I'm Nini too!"

He said happily again: "Here! Dyke is here!"

The doctor said, "This is what I'm looking for..."

Miriam was stunned as she watched the group of girls in service center receptionist uniforms surround Deke.

"I'm Lite Anne. I heard that Dyke is here, so I brought my sisters to look for him."

"Yeguang Annie, Deke still owes me a pair of shoes..."

"Lily Anne, taught Deke how to mop the floor..."

"Angel Annie, you scolded Deckard for being shameless..."

A large group of Anne chattered, and Miriam muttered blankly: "Are you all...Nini?"

Deckard was also woken up naturally, his cheeks twitched, and he didn't know what waves were churning in his heart. He turned his head and said hoarsely, "I'm fine, really. Don't worry about me, I'm not worth it."

"Caring about you? We don't have that much free time!"

Lit Anne stepped on the chair with her arms leaning on her knees, looking like a big sister.In fact, she is also the eldest sister, the director of the Beta City Service Center.

She said frowningly: "Since you are fine, go to the service center to work! Don't forget that you still have several unpaid hours in the service center!"

Yeguang Annie also raised her foot, her little leather boots almost stepped on Dyke's face: "Yes! Don't try to be lazy!"

Dyke looked up, his eyes full of disbelief: "You..."

"Look at your miniature, it's no different from four or five years ago!"

Lit Anne said: "You have to receive labor education!"

She waved: "Sisters, take this guy away!"

All kinds of Annies responded yo-ho, and cast their hands of the red net, and several translucent lavender magic hands supported Deckard, and just carried him away.

When she was leaving, Lit Anne gave the doctor an OK gesture, and the doctor smiled and nodded in response.

Seeing sister Dyke who was chasing after him under unknown circumstances, the nurse was dumbfounded: "Doctor Vincent, how do you know..."

The doctor was a bit older, with his hands in the pockets of his light blue coat, and a meaningful smile on his face: "How could I not know, this guy Deke, I've known him for six or seven years."

"However, the Deckard at that time was not the great hero Deckard now, just like the ranger Vincent at that time, not the current doctor Vincent."

The doctor's expression became complicated again: "Annies really remembered this guy. He also shamelessly called Nini, so I asked Annies to educate him. It seems that it should be effective."

The nurse enviously said: "Although I am a woman, I am willing to accept the education of Anne's... No, I will never tire of it!"

Beta City Service Center, reception hall, Deckard cleaned it up clumsily.

Although there are still injuries on the body, the pain of flesh and blood is nothing at all.

The tools in his hands were constantly changing, brooms, mops, and rags, and the Annies beside him were shouting endlessly, but Deke felt that the abyss-like hole in his heart gradually became brighter.

The light brought warmth, and the warmth filled the void. Deckard gradually focused on his work, but he didn't seem to notice the various glances of people passing by occasionally.

When he jumped off the outer wall of the service center and looked at the polished brass words "Beta City People's Service Center", the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

The copper characters reflected the golden light, it was already dawn, and the morning light shone on the earth.

Lite Anne and Yeguang Anne brought the other Annies to him and looked at him with concern.

Deckard only felt that his eyes were wet. He blinked his eyes and tried to stop the tears, and bowed deeply: "Thank you..."

The Annies smiled gratifiedly, but Lite Anne put her hands on her hips and said, "Thank you! The garbage in the office has not been confiscated!"

Yeguang Annie also said, "My shoes haven't been polished yet!"

Dyke raised his head and showed a bright smile: "Wait, wait, I'll be here soon."

The morning sun cast on his side face, and his smile was bathed in golden light. At that moment, the Annies blinked and captured the smile of this great hero.

This is a rare commemoration that is worth collecting for a lifetime.


The morning light sprinkled on the terrace through the enchantment, and Jon, whose surname was changed to Dawn, bathed in the golden light, feeling himself integrated into it, and the whole world saluted him.

The swaying soul gradually stabilized, as if returning to the mortal world from the kingdom of God.He let out a long breath of relief, and the stiff body curled up in the chair finally relaxed.

"Thank you, O'Flynn..."

He pressed the hand that was still massaging his shoulder: "Without you, I can't pass this level at all."

The chestnut-haired short-haired woman behind her also exhaled, but her tone was very stern: "Don't ignore Her Majesty's Goddess! The Goddess has chosen you, so there is nothing you can't overcome!"

Jon didn't have time to admit his mistake, O'Flynn softened his tone: "Of course, you can't deny your own efforts. The throne of the Crown of Order is connected to the Kingdom of God. You can sit on it for three hours and still maintain a clear consciousness. You have nothing to say to those who doubt you.”

Jon said in a very grateful tone: "Fortunately, it's just this once..."

The Crown of Order, together with the upper floors of the Emperor's Castle, including the Queen's study, sleeping hall, and gardens, will all be closed off as a forbidden zone for miracles.This is a necessary gesture for the new emperor to pay respect to the God Emperor of Order and to be under him. Moreover, as a pure mortal, the new emperor cannot stay in a place closely related to the kingdom of God for a long time.

Looking up from the balcony, the upper floor of the Emperor's Castle is hidden in the clouds and mist, like a part of the kingdom of God that penetrates into the mortal world.

Jon said regretfully: "It's a pity that I didn't even have the chance to see my adoptive mother for the last time. The last time was... almost two years ago."

O'Flynn was also a little distracted: "Yeah, you were not as tall as me at that time."

She shook her head slightly to shake off some distracting thoughts: "Don't think about it anymore. No matter which queen you are, you are only following the will of God. You are the son of God, and your established destiny is to guard the entire empire for Her Majesty and shepherd hundreds of millions of subjects."

Jon nodded in a daze, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles in the crown of order... No, it was more like a few hours of torture. He survived by trying to focus on the topics of quarrels between the parties, and when he thought of the final resolution, he became uneasy again.

"Is this arrangement really good? The Holy See organizes the resources needed by Her Majesty the Goddess, and the magicians provide the resources needed for war. There will be a lot of conflicts between them. I look at the faces and responses of the Prime Minister and other ministers, and I feel that they can't afford to coordinate at all." work."

O'Flynn continued to rub his shoulders, and said casually: "It's you who needs to coordinate, and what you have to do is not to think about how to coordinate, but to let officials who have the means and ability to coordinate. The prime minister... I see him It is not suitable to continue to be prime minister, you can suggest that he resigns, I think he has such thoughts himself."

Realizing that Jon's status is different, she said again: "I'm just offering a suggestion. You should think about it carefully and have a deep understanding of these things before making your own decisions."

Jon didn't feel anything, just nodded subconsciously.

He frowned again and said, "On the Holy See side, manpower and supplies can be settled by conscripting, and on the magician side, Jinpuer must be used. The war budget given by Duke Tangus is 30 billion Jinpuer, which is terrible. Last year The total tax revenue of the empire is less than a billion goldpools."

O'Flynn frowned, this was indeed a big problem.After the throne conferring ceremony, the rest of the time was basically spent on discussions related to the war, and almost all problems could be attributed to Jin Puer's problems.

The empire has experienced unprecedented development in the past three years. The biggest reason is naturally the stable life brought by the empire. At the same time, the rule has continued to extend to every corner of the countryside, connecting more people and more materials.

Another reason is the rapid development of the temple of commerce. After the goddess of commerce became an ally of the goddess, the application of Jinpuer became more and more extensive, and commerce became more and more prosperous.

The third reason is that magic is changing the lives of mortals at an incredible speed. Hathaway's free and open magic particle technology has created a class that is scornfully called "magic artisans" by traditional magicians.This class, which is equivalent to the magicians of the Storm Islands era, uses magic particle technology to transform low-level spells. Referring to the illusions flowing out of the Chilian, it invents innumerable low-level magic tools, which are used to make life more convenient and comfortable for mortals. , thus gathering sand into a tower, bringing together a huge magic industry.

Against this background, the fiscal and tax revenue of the empire doubled every year, and the total tax revenue in 1231 exceeded [-] million Jinpuer!
Although Jinpuer has depreciated, compared to the embarrassment when the empire was founded, the [-] million Jinpuer used by the mortal queen to build the floating fleet had to borrow money, which is a completely different change.

But now the empire is facing the same problem that the mortal queen faced back then. To defeat the Chilian, a powerful enemy who can use a small number of elites to raid the Emperor's Castle and have the strength to fight against the inner and outer planes, the Minister of Military Affairs, Duke Tangus, gave 30 billion The Kimpool budget is just the bottom line.

This budget does not take into account the Holy Will Empire, the enemy who will inevitably stand with the Red Federation, and the internal enemy that everyone does not want to mention for the time being... Hathaway Ted.

"Tax increases are inevitable, and every imperial subject should contribute to the crusade against the enemy of God..."

Jon sorted out his thoughts. Although he was only 14 years old, under the strict supervision of O'Flynn, his physical and mental development had far surpassed those of his peers.

"Without the supervision of His Majesty the Emperor, if we want to collect the wealth and taxes into the hands of the empire, the corruption of officials and the exploitation of the nobles will cause an astonishing loss."

"Through the Holy See of Order, if more costs are spread to the believers and clergy, it will not only affect the Goddess' Heaven Mountain repair project, but also create great injustice."

"Requiring nobles and magicians to be as dedicated as believers will push them to the Red Federation, and even create opportunities for the Red Federation to overthrow the empire..."

Speaking of this, Jon said with emotion: "When the Duke of Pryor defeated the Northern Alliance Army in Valentine, I knew he was very powerful. I just didn't expect him to come this far with his adoptive mother and the empire. This enemy , is really too powerful."

O'Flynn's movements slowed down, and she asked in a low voice, "Are you afraid? Afraid that you won't be a match for Richie Player?"

Jon shook his head: "Only relying on me, of course I am not his opponent, but I have a goddess, and..."

He held O'Flynn's hand, and said with relief, "There's also O'Flynn."

Then he sighed: "O'Flynn, you should also take a good rest, your hands..."

He rubbed it and said, "There are so many calluses, they don't look like girls' hands."

Wrapped by the scorching palm, O'Flynn felt faint ripples in her heart.

She pulled out her hand and slapped the emperor on the back of the head: "Are you practicing tricks on me to seduce girls? That's why I can't rest! If you don't keep an eye on you, you will become a foolish king. Your Majesty the Goddess wants to settle accounts with me." of!"

Jon cried out in pain, rubbed his head and muttered: "I'm almost 15 years old, and I'm so much taller than you, don't think I'm a child!"

O'Flynn smiled and said, "Yes, you are still His Majesty the Emperor now. But in my eyes, you will always be a child!"

Thinking of the time seven years ago when he was only as tall as O'Flynn's thighs and was led out of the straw hut by her, and the two of them lived and slept in the open, Jon felt a surge of heat in his heart.

The Dawn Empire with a population of hundreds of millions, the upcoming war, the military budget gap of billions of gold, and even the Goddess's project, all the problems were no longer so heavy on Jon's heart.

With Oveline by his side, he has nothing to fear.

"By the way, why don't everyone talk about Hathaway's handling?"

Another thing came to mind, and Jon was both curious and worried: "Didn't Hadron report that she also participated in the kidnapping of Ariel, and even fought with the incarnation of Her Majesty the Goddess?"

O'Flynn sighed, this matter is indeed a bit complicated.

The goddess did not issue an oracle against Hathaway, and I don't know if the goddess has thought about it or left it to mortals to make their own decisions.

Without an oracle, no one wants to make another strong enemy outside the Red Federation.

Hathaway is not strong in personal strength, no matter how strong she is, she is a legendary peak, but her influence is too great.

In addition to her influence in the magician family, she gained a high prestige among low- and middle-level magicians and "magic artisans" by publishing magic particle technology for free.In the past few years, the "craftsman faction" magicians that have spread out from the Ted School of Magic have also grown stronger and stronger, and they all have the momentum to fight against the Zhentarim Society and become the other pole of the new era of magicians.

If Hathaway is to be moved, it will inevitably cause great turmoil in the magician class of the empire. If Hathaway is forced to the side of the Red Federation, the consequences will be even more unimaginable.

There is another reason why everyone is reluctant to talk about Hathaway in depth. Hadron's report mentioned that there seems to be a clone or incarnation of a god beside Hathaway. This is not something that mortals can make a decision on.

Since the goddess did not send down the relevant oracle, everyone is too lazy to trouble themselves.

"But you have to deal with it, you can't just leave it alone..."

Jon patted himself on the forehead: "By the way, I am the emperor. I have to take responsibility for this matter, so everyone keeps quiet."

He thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "Show her some kindness and win her over temporarily?"

O'Flynn shook her head: "Don't ask me, you make up your own mind, and the emperor must have the awareness to take responsibility."

She naturally disliked Hathaway, but since the goddess didn't express it, she didn't need to care too much, and it happened to let Jon exercise.

Jon thought about it again, patted the armrest and said, "We have to concentrate our efforts on dealing with the Red Federation and guarding against the Holy Will Empire. We shouldn't waste energy and resources on Hathaway's side. Anyway, I just succeeded to the throne, and she founded it again." Senior of the empire, I don't mind paying some face price to appease her."

Glancing at O'Flynn, seeing that she had no objection, Jon stroked the ring and summoned the attendants to prepare the paperwork.


The sun was bright, and in the Magic Tower of Ted Island in the Storm Islands, Hathaway took out the urgent letter sent by her uncle from the transfer box, glanced at it, and said contemptuously: "This little brat is just a puppet who picks up leaks. Take it seriously!"

With a flick of his hand, the letter spontaneously ignited in the air. Seeing that it was about to burn to the point that even ashes were gone, the blue magic fire suddenly froze.

It was like going back in time, the magic flame faded little by little, and the burned letters recovered little by little.

The completed letter floated down and landed in the hands of the girl who was paralyzed on the sofa. Cynthia, who was still being carried by Ms. Ye, also glanced at it, and then said, "Haini, your arrogant index is getting better and better. It’s too high. People will be convinced and call you the magic jewel in the crown of the empire, and even shamelessly call you auntie, but you still despise him.”

"Am I an aunt!?"

Hathaway said angrily: "I'm still so tender!"

Ms. Ye shook her head: "Fresh and tender? I remember you are 27 or [-], right? It's equivalent to three years old, a real old leftover girl."

"I'm only 25! 25 forever!"

Hathaway's cheeks flushed and said: "This is going to be three years, you are omitting too much! And an old monster who has lived for countless tens of thousands of years, how dare you accuse others of being an old leftover woman?"

Ms. Ye crossed her arms, raised her slender legs, and said leisurely: "Although Ms. Ye is old, she is not a leftover woman. She has seen thousands of people before the dark age, and men and women are not male or female. There are 170 other genders that have been substituted."

"Besides, I am Ms. Ye, but Ms. Ye is not me. I am just a part of Ms. Ye's will. Strictly speaking, I am actually less than four years old."

Hathaway was stunned, and said bitterly: "That's why I hate gods, and your ethics are in a mess!"

"lets change a topic……"

Ms. Ye raised the letter paper that should have the emperor's seal: "You have to write a letter."

Hathaway threw herself on the sofa, and said in a broken tone: "Didn't the lady decide everything for me? I did it for you."

"Anyway, I have to issue an anti-imperial declaration within ten days. Why don't I just scold him bloody and have completed the task."

Ms. Ye sighed: "Haini, it seems we have to rebuild trust."

She said solemnly: "Why don't I help you get Misya to become a god right now."

Hathaway snorted: "I haven't figured out how to maintain a state of soul symbiosis with Misia. Although she is now in a stable relationship with my soul, when she ignites the divine fire, her life form will be sublimated. At that time, it was hard to tell what would change.”

Ms. Ye said: "I have a way, just right, in order to prove my sincerity, so that we don't suspect each other, I will take you to a place and explain some past events clearly."

Hathaway was silent for a moment, then got up and asked, "Where are you going?"

Ms. Ye pursed her lips, the seriousness on her face Hathaway had never seen before: "Hidden Moon Tower..."

 Originally, there were two shifts today, but it turned out that I was not used to it after a three-day trip to the dead house. My body was sore and drowsy, and it became one shift again.

  Fortunately, the number of words is still almost equal to the amount of two updates...

(End of this chapter)

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