goddess of revolution

Chapter 1036 The dimness of the light of the dark moon, this world is too scary

Chapter 1036 The dimness of the light of the dark moon, this world is too scary
The stars in the night sky twinkled, meteors continued, and the moonlight became dim.

The team continued to advance in the grassland, and this time the alert was raised to the highest level.Magician Lubbock even opened the barrier of silence, covering a range of tens of meters, enveloping everyone and their mounts, allowing them to speak freely, but unfortunately, everyone was silent.

"It's a pity. With these magic crystals, I can protect everyone with a concealment barrier."

Lubbock tried to strike up a conversation with the eldest sister, so he came to chat with Tasmi.

When they left just now, they cleaned the battlefield and picked up a lot of good things from the goblin mercenaries.

Not to mention a pair of copper breastplates for everyone, there are also treasures such as mithril daggers, eagle glasses, and spider eye mirrors that are priceless in the northern black market.In addition to the standard magic spar, which is like the supplies of the imperial legion, it can arm the goblin mercenaries with golden pools all over their bodies. The extent of the extravagance of the city lord of the Lion King City is completely beyond imagination.

Of course, it was the magic gun that had the biggest impact on Tasmi and everyone else.

Lubbock said that Minnie's magic gun was snatched from a certain nobleman. Before that, Mainie used a single-shot magic gun, which was similar to the magic gun of Leas carried by Tasmi.

Dark Moon once asked about the price on the black market. The magic gun could sell for tens of thousands of Kandas silver coins. However, because it was too conspicuous and the team needed strong long-range power, they left it with Mai Ni. hand.

Now, including Tasmi, everyone has a continuous-fire magic gun, and it is a more powerful and faster-firing musket gun.

Coupled with the magic machine gun with even more frightening rate of fire and power, it's no wonder that the eldest sister always talks about what's wrong with this world.

Lubbock looked over Tasmi's back and said, "You can throw away that gun..."

Tasmi shook her head firmly, that was the only relic of Rheas, how could he throw it away.

"It seems that you and Bollard are really on the same side," Lubbock sighed, and the tall warrior next to him also carried Minnie's gun at his waist.

"Mai Ni...is a miserable person..."

Lubbock said: "We Dark Moon are all miserable people, but Minnie is even more miserable. She has half-orc blood. When she was incapable, she had cat ears and cat tails. Later, she became a ranger and learned Fold up ears and tail with the force of nature."

Cat ears and cat tails! ?
Tasmi struggled to picture the new image of Minnie in her head, and then felt even sadder.

The magician fell into memory: "It's so cute..."

"Because of her cuteness, when we rescued her in the noble's cellar, she...was very bad anyway, and it took half a year to recover, and she could eat, walk and talk to others by herself."

"The first action she participated in was to assassinate the slave trader who sold her. Later, she killed the slave hunter who killed her family and captured her. She said that she has no regrets in this life, and the rest of the day is earned, so she always All so happy."

Tasmi looked at Bollard, and thought that although Bollard and Mai Ni were too different in size, they were very compatible in temperament.

"Bollard does like Mai Ni very much, but it should not be that kind of liking. He likes another girl, but I dare not say."

Lubbock rubbed his nose and said, "It was Bollard who insisted on taking Minnie away from the cellar at first. He said that he liked cats and couldn't bear to see this cat girl suffer, but everyone knows that Minnie Like his sister, both have pink hair."

"His sister was captured seven or eight years ago by people who were loyal to the Holy Court and said that she was a saint. Later, the Loyal Holy Court became the Holy See of Order, and it was revealed that she was made into a... witch. I don't know where they are."

Bollard heard it, and said in a low voice: "Enough..."

Lubbock shrugged his shoulders and didn't move his mouth anymore, but Tasmi's words still drifted into his ears: "We killed the priest who arrested people at that time, which was regarded as revenge, but now who should we find for revenge for Mainie's revenge?" What? Pollard is suffering from this."

"When our Dark Moonlight had the most people, there were nearly [-] people. Some left and some died. Everyone was indifferent to life and death. But there is one rule that will never be forgotten, that is, teammates who must sacrifice Pay the debt of blood."

Tasmi's heart was lifted up, yes, to pay back the debt of blood!
Following the instructions of the leader of the Goblin Revolutionary Army, the team went around to the west of Lion King City, and arrived at the edge of the hilly area in the middle of the night.The south is an endless plain, it is too dangerous to continue to advance, and the injuries of the team members also need to be treated, so the eldest sister decided to camp here.

No expense was spared in the security of the camp this time, and Tasmi also opened his eyes.Lubbock used his ancestral "dexterous staff" to cast a concealment enchantment, so that the camp and the hills became one, and there was no trace of it from the outside.

Lubbock was still very heartbroken, and when he cast the spell, he was still muttering that the three third-level magic crystals were just gone.

In the camp, several girls took off their coats and wore small vests to heal their wounds. Tasmi had nowhere to hide, even if he closed his eyes, the white jade and amber-like halos, and the arcs, were still there. Flickering in front of my eyes.

After being slapped on the forehead, Leona giggled and said, "You really are a shy little brother, don't tell me you've never seen a girl's body before!"

Of course I’ve seen it, speaking of it, Yusha’s skin is really fair, not as pale as Xi Yili, but soft like Ankalei.And Yusha is not as thin as Qiqi, and like Ankalei, she has everything she should have, and she is very...beautiful.

Tasmi shivered subconsciously, the beating she received after that peep was not light.

"Leona, don't scare Tasmi!"

The red-haired girl Qiqi complained, and said in surprise: "These medicines are very effective, the wound heals so quickly!"

The eldest sister said with a low head: "The red devil's stuff has always been so evil and extreme. Fortunately, this potion has nothing related to the soul, and it can still be used."

Speaking of Red Devils, Tasmi is very curious. Has the eldest sister had contact with Red Devils before?
Before he walked out of the mountains with Rheas and Yusha, he had never heard of the red devil.Then, he traveled through Gawain and the Kingdom of Kandas, taking risks and experiences all the way, before he came into contact with the news related to the Red Demon.

In various rumors, the red devil is described as the culprit of the era change, just like the dark elves who invaded the main plane in the last era.

However, the red devil is more terrifying than the dark elves. Their master, the red lady, is a great demon king who pretends to be a goddess. The terrible power to destroy the world.

They destroyed all order in the south, so that there is no dignity between the top and bottom, and there is no shame for men and women.Everyone becomes a slave, cannot own any property, and has to hand over all the fruits of labor.In short, they are making the main plane more evil than the abyss and more chaotic than purgatory.

Except for those ordinary people who are enslaved and controlled, the real red devils obey a demon king called "organization", and through this "organization demon king", they accept the instructions of the red lady.And Duke Li Qi Pryor is another demon king, as the spokesperson of Lady Scarlet, presiding over affairs in the mortal world.

This demon king burns, kills, loots and loots, and the sword is silver, and the most beautiful ladies in the south are reduced to his taboo.

The beautiful Countess Aurora Behemia that even Tasmi yearned for...

Princess Catherine, the younger sister of Empress Dawn...

The Silver Dragon Princess of the Dragon Clan...

Half a million from the Golden Family of the Storm Islands... oh, the legendary magician Hathaway Ted...

There were even rumors that the Empress Shuguang had been involved by him, but because of the face of the empire, the news has been forbidden...

At that time, he led the red demon army that had not yet shown signs to follow the queen to attack Valentine, and even wiped out all the saints who were loyal to the court...

In short, for Tasmi, a young adventurer who has just stepped out of the mountain village and entered the bustling world, defeating Li Qi Pryor is the biggest goal in life, and it is also the highest honor.

Since the commander of the Red Demon is such an evil and hateful guy, how can the Red Demon itself be any better?

Leona said: "The potion contains a lot of life force, I don't feel how evil it is."

Qiqi snorted: "Didn't the eldest sister say it? The red devil is best at soul impregnation. Adding that kind of power to the healing potion is too obvious who will use it."

Both Lubbock and Bollard were asked to turn their backs to the lady. Hearing this, Lubbock couldn't help but say, "But they even control the goblins, so why care about things like healing potions?"

Tasmi said timidly: "Those goblins... the revolutionary army, they look like good people."

Ankalei said in a cold tone: "There is a purpose for being nice to us, and you should think about it seriously, those goblins kill even their own kind, don't they understand the evil of the Red Devil?"

The elder sister nodded and said, "Yes, the scariest thing about the red devil is that it makes people kill each other."

Tasmi said casually, "Don't people kill each other all the time?"

"What do you know!?"

Ankalei became angry: "My eldest sister and I have joined the Hand of Order, and we were planning to fight the Red Devil. I didn't expect that even people in the Hand of Order were bewitched by the Red Devil. They have been secretly destroying the most loyal and steadfast member!"

"It was only when I was chasing and killing the eldest sister that I realized that the upper echelon actually sent me to die."

"However, the red devil is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is those guys who use the existence of the red devil to distort the will of the gods and usurp authority. They still occupy high positions in the church. They have been trying to deceive the gods, enslave their compatriots, and satisfy their luxury Rotten desire!"

After speaking, he turned his head and wiped the blood from the wound on his arm, ignoring Tasmiller.

Qiqi sighed: "Anyway... this world is too dark..."

Xi Yili added: "Damn it all."

In the second half of the night, Tasmi couldn't sleep. In addition to being too sad and too shocked, the light of the dark moon, especially the background of the eldest sister and Ankalei, also made him fall into a deep loss.

Lubbock couldn't sleep either, and continued to chat with him.

He talked about some past events. The eldest sister was a member of the loyal court seven or eight years ago, and participated in the battle of Lion King City.After the defeat, the loyal court was also cleared, and she became a paladin of the Church of Kem.

Afterwards, the Church of Kem was reorganized into the Holy See of Order along with the churches of other gods of order, and she was elected into the Hand of Order.After completing the training, he was supposed to go to Valentine to join the fighting team of the Hand of Order, but something went wrong in the faith test.

"The Hand of Order was established by Cardinal Baudouin alone. It seems that something went wrong in several operations, the leadership was weakened, and another faction took the opportunity to infiltrate."

"Their backstage is southerners. They failed to grasp Valentine's hand of order, but they manipulated the selection and training process in the north. Even the Northern Tribunal of the Holy See has their people."

"The elder sister believes in pure gods, not the Goddess of Order and the Empress of Dawn who are both human and god. She failed the belief test set by those people and was accused of heresy."

"The eldest sister escaped, and those people were hunted down by the loyal judge Esdis, and Ankalei was also a heretic they wanted to clear up through the hunt."

"That Estes is now going to Valentine to be the Grand Inquisitor. The eldest sister led us there, and we also want to make a thorough settlement with her."

Tasmi felt a headache from hearing this, the world is too complicated.

Wait, the Northern War...lost?
He was very surprised. Didn't the northerners win the Northern War?Later, the southerners captured Valentine, and the three northern countries felt that the court of loyalty was over, so they concluded a peace agreement with the southerners. They joined the Dawn Empire and reorganized the court of loyalty as a price, preventing the southerners from continuing to invade the north.

"I was there at the time..."

Pollard also joined the topic: "If you lose, you lose. Your friend's uncle and many people say you won? Hehe, you don't need silver coins to brag about it."

"How did you lose..."

The soldier sighed and said: "Until now, my eldest sister and I still don't understand. I was on the left wing, my eldest sister was in the center, and the right wing collapsed inexplicably. Take care of the enemy."

He patted Tasmi on the shoulder: "When you go out, the first lesson to learn is to forget the rumors you have heard before."

Tasmi smiled wryly, there were too many things to forget.

Everyone didn't sleep well all night. After packing up in the morning, we continued to set off. Although we were still silent and not in good spirits, our hearts were no longer so heavy.

The members of Darkmoonlight are strong-willed, and Tasmi is equally strong-willed.As Kiki said, this is a dark world where anything can happen.As long as you are prepared to do this, no matter what happens, you will be able to break through the quagmire of emotions such as sadness and shock.

On the vast prairie, a group of eight of them rode short-footed wildebeest, wore cloaks, and dressed as unremarkable travelers, advancing along the grassy path stepped by the caravan.

Not long after leaving the hilly area, when the sky was bright, there was a huge roar in the west, and the ground trembled slightly.

I could vaguely see puffs of smoke and dust on the far horizon, as if some great disaster had happened.

Lubbock said, "I'll go up in the air and see..."

He pulled out his eagle glasses and looked excited.I have been fiddling with this thing before I got it, and now it can come in handy.

The eldest sister frowned and said, "Be careful..."

Lubbock raised his staff, and the magic spar shone brightly in the groove on it: "Don't worry, there are enough magic spar now, I won't need much mana to use flying and invisibility."

The eldest sister's furrowed brows unfurled. Flying and invisibility skills are indeed very safe.

Tasmi was also excited. It's not that he has never seen a magician before, but they are all low-level magicians who are apprentices or first and second levels. He has never seen a magician who can fly.

Lubbock rose slowly into the air, his figure gradually became transparent, and soon disappeared, but his voice was transmitted to everyone through something like a large earplug.

This is also something picked up from goblins, and it can transmit voices to each other within a short distance. Lubbock worked on the road for a long time before he figured out how to use it.

"There's so much smoke and dust, I can't see the details at all..."

"That should be the air force base that Goblin said..."

"I'll confirm whether there are patrols outside the base. Our current location may be within the patrol range."

"It's moving again!"

"I saw... what did I see, is that a flying boat?"

"It's so vague..."

Lubbock muttered, and the movement in the distance became even bigger, as if some invisible and terrifying monster was churning violently.

"Come down!"

The eldest sister had a bad feeling in her head and shouted sharply.

"Wait, I'll see right away..."

"Aha...that's really..."

Lubbock was still chanting, and the sudden change occurred.

The sky was violently cut by some invisible giant blade, and several storm-like transparent eddies were pulled out by the churning airflow, passing over them at a height of tens of meters.

The speed was too fast, so fast that it seemed that his eyes flickered, and Tasmi blinked subconsciously.

The roaring thunder that followed, as well as the impact of the eddy current, made him realize that his eyes were not dazzled.

The space in mid-air was rapidly expanded, and then suddenly closed, a tiny figure squeezed out of the air, and was knocked away by a transparent giant blade.

Before flying away, the airflow pulled the body back, and threw it into the water tank that seemed to have invisible sawtooth rotating rapidly, and the blood sprayed out in pieces.


The screams echoed in the earplugs, mixing with the exclamation of the elder sister's head.

Tasmi and the others stared blankly at the figure in the air spinning and tearing apart, completely unresponsive.

They didn't realize what happened until the eldest sister pulled out a golden light from her head and shot it into the air, and Bollard yelled to get down.

But they didn't have time to think about what happened to Lubbock, the storm roared like a beast in the distance, wrapped in vegetation and mud, rushing towards him.

Ankalei propped up the golden light barrier, and Bollard's great sword was stationed, and he threw a rope to tie everyone up.

In the following time, Tasmi seemed to have separated his soul from his body, fluttering in the frantic air currents, and when his body felt it, he found himself lying on the ground, almost stripped of his body, only a belt tied to his body stuff, and tight-fitting underwear.

The other people were also in the same situation, and ran towards the golden light in the distance without caring about cleaning up.

The eldest sister's head is really unusual, relying on herself, she can stand upright in such a terrifying storm, and her clothes are in good condition without any effect.

Tasmi ran behind and found that she was almost deaf. After running, she regained some hearing, and vaguely heard the eldest sister saying: "No... Lubbock..."

Passing over Qiqi and the others, and looking at the place in front of the eldest sister's head, Tasmi's eyes stared straight.

That's Lubbock, but only a part, just a head and half a chest.

Lubbock was still alive and conscious. He vomited blood and said, "That's...a flying boat..."

"Bollard, I said so! I said there are such fast ships!"

"As I said, faster than lightning..."

His eyes turned to the elder sister's head, and his voice became weak: "Don't waste the medicine, I'm done."

"I'm sorry, Naj, I still want to wait until you promise me..."

The eldest sister interrupted him, and said in a guttural voice, "I won't promise you! Unless you bring me back to life!"

Lubbock twitched the corner of his mouth: "Don't go to Valentine, this world..."

He spat out the last few words: "It's terrible..."

The eldest sister propped her head on the ground with her hands limp, and the others also stood there dumbfounded.

Tasmi looked back with difficulty, looking at the several gullies on the ground that had been drawn from the horizon far away, like the lines drawn by the gods, separating the vast grassland one by one, her heart fluttered endlessly.

Yes, this world is really scary...

(End of this chapter)

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