goddess of revolution

Chapter 1056 My Nini!Captain Deckard and the Navy Ethereal

Chapter 1056 My Nini!Captain Deckard and the Navy Ethereal
On the west side of the Shenyun Plateau, in the Jiaoshi Wilderness, this forbidden land has been brought under the rule of the Red Federation and designated as the Zeta District.

The afterimage of the deer mother ancestor ancestor and the "Dawn Core" that were the source of the forbidden magic power were cleared away by Li Qi and the witches, but tens of thousands of years of erosion have created an incomparably huge hole in the source magic field here, and they are scattered deep in the ground. The "Dawn Crystal" in the place, that is, the high-purity alchemy stone is still functioning, so that this place still maintains a state of forbidden magic.

This is also deliberately done by the Red Federation, and there are too many benefits to retaining this forbidden zone.

Relying on this "Forbidden Demon Reservoir", several giant micro-magic tide wells can be built...

You don't need to build a special environment, you can test various micro-magic technologies...

Whether it is traditional magic or new magic based on magic particles, it will be affected by the Forbidden Zone.Moving all kinds of important production facilities and research institutions here will add a layer of natural protective cover...

So Chilian's military automation factory, navy factory, Wonders Engineering Department (formerly Mobile Fortress Engineering Department) and the corresponding research institutes have all moved here. The three spirits of Zelda and Zelda also moved here.

These production and research institutions are all state-owned by the Red Federation, with only one exception, that is the Ethereal Commune, where the research institutes and laboratories of the Ethereal Commune are built.

The Void Spirit technology is unique to the Red Federation. The top leaders of the Red Federation have high hopes for it, so they adopted the commune system, mobilized all people's forces to participate, and were extremely vigilant about it, putting it under strict control.

From the perspective of technological development, Void Spirit also needs to be attached to micro-magic technology, which has a wide range of adaptability. Like conventional electricity, it can take effect in any environment.The cost of building a harsher experimental environment on the basis of the Forbidden Zone is much lower.

"No wonder it's so special..."

After reading the background information given by the accompanying Void Spirit, Deke, the officer of the Public Relations Department of the Red Federation Navy, muttered and walked out of the portal built at the bottom of the Tongtian Tower.

The image of him now is completely different from that of the past. He is wearing a pure white navy uniform woven with special spider silk, which is particularly resistant to dirt, wrinkles and breathable, and white leather boots on his feet.He had a big white cap with a purple rim, the brim of which was pressed down to his eyebrows.The smiling sun on the brim of the hat leads the five stars to shine on the sea of ​​stars, and the badge of the Chilian Navy with giant ships galloping and cannons flying high is particularly eye-catching.

The original beard is gone, and there is a circle of green skin on the clean-shaven face, which is full of vicissitudes besides cleanliness.Coupled with the two three-star dark gold epaulets, it will definitely attract the attention of men and women wherever it goes, and the little girl will scream.

"It doesn't feel right, empty..."

Deckard was very uncomfortable, being noticed by others was second to none. He was now full body, except for a magic belt with a "basic protection system" around his waist. He didn't wear magic weapons or sidearms. He seemed to be naked. Insecure.

As a naval public relations officer, going to an important confidential research department is not only a necessary security measure, but also a necessary etiquette.

After the reception virtual spirit of the virtual spirit commune docked with Deckard's portable virtual spirit, according to the guidance of the reception virtual spirit, Deckard rode a tram to the research institute.Looking around curiously along the way, it was his first time in Zeta District.

Compared with other areas of the Red Federation, the Zeta area lags behind a lot.In the sky, there are neither the transparent ripples unique to the protective barrier, nor the floating vehicles and airships flying all over the sky.The avenue on the ground is not three-dimensional, but only a single layer. There are no repulsion cars in sight, and all of them are trams that run on wheels.

The buildings on the left and right of the street are not all fancy and fancy, but well-formed buildings.In fact, most of the buildings are underground, protected by thick rock formations and steel, and the ground is only living and logistics facilities.

Beta City, Gamma City, and even Delta City’s huge illusion screens and even projections are not here, but the Internet of Everything is still valid, and Deckard can still see the enhanced vision signs of each building, but they basically represent confidentiality. "XXXX".

The Zeta District will not always be like this. Dyke also knows that researchers are still advancing micro-magic technology day and night, rebuilding all past technical achievements with micro-magic technology, so that even in the forbidden area, you can enjoy extraordinary technology The benefits of great development.

This is not only related to people's lives, but also determines whether mortals can exert their power in the void where magic is completely forbidden, or even in the star sea and the kingdom of God dominated by other forces.For example, the Void Fortress, which even Deck was fascinated by, is a city in itself. To be able to fight in the void, it is necessary to ensure that every link, whether it is life or battle, can break through the restrictions of forbidden magic.

Guided by the arrows in his field of vision, Deckard rode a small two-wheeled vehicle called "Electric Sheep" and soon came to the technical headquarters of the Ethereal Commune.

This department is located under a rocky mountain. It is said that several legendary magisters and druids experimented with micro magic here, almost hollowing out the mountain, just to house the secret department.

He was received by a dull young man and two young girls.The expressions and movements of the girls are a bit weird. In Deckard's induction, they are two puppets, but they are so precise that they can't be distinguished without careful induction.

"Alan Maxisen", the young man introduced himself, which made Dyke respectful. This is the director of the Ethereal Research Institute under the Red Federation Science and Technology Industry Committee, and also serves as the technical director of the Ethereal Commune.He is also in charge of the technical headquarters of the Ethereal Commune, specializing in reviewing the research results of various guilds and research institutes in the commune, and supervising the research direction.

The two girls introduced themselves, and they were indeed golems, but not ordinary golems.

A more mature girl with long hair said: "Esti 200 Lusia, serial number 31007."

The girl with shorter hair and more lively said: "Aijie 700 Zelda, serial number 30081."

It turned out to be Ruthia and Zelda, two wise spirits...

Deckard didn't know how to deal with Zhiling, so he bowed stiffly: "Navy Public Relations Department, Colonel Deckard Qingteng, has been ordered to come to discuss matters with Zhiling."

What type of Luthia smiled and said: "Don't look outside, we are very familiar with you, Old Qingteng."

What kind of Zelda smiled more happily: "We know you better than yourself, but don't be afraid, keeping the secrets of mortals is the natural duty of every wise being."

Deckard smiled wryly, that's why the navy put him in the public relations department to run around, everyone knows him.

These two puppets are just a branch process of Luthia and Zelda. They are still paying attention to thousands of things at the same time, talking and communicating with countless people, just like gods.

Zelda works in the Micro-Magic Research Institute and the Ethereal Research Institute at the same time, and also serves as a consultant for the Ethereal Commune.Ruthya is mainly busy with the wonder project, but she also has some involvement in the study of ethereal spirits.Anyway, for Zhiling, it is a matter of dividing part of the process, and it is not surprising to have multiple roles.

Allen said with a smile: "They are very curious about you, a big man, so they came to meet you."

Dyke was very panicked. You are the big shots. Although you have a bit of reputation, what kind of reputation is that.

The two wise spirit processes were busy with other things, and when they left, that kind of Luthia kissed Allen on the cheek, which made Deke confirm a rumor with his own eyes.

Alan Maxisen and Zhiling Ruthia are conducting scientific research on love and fertility between mortals and Zhilings...

Allen took Deckard to his office, talking non-stop on the way.

"We are very busy with this matter. The test period is still more than two months away. The Navy is rushing to join this project, so we can only finish it as soon as possible."

"Since the navy is here, the air force, army, and strategic forces must also be on board, and the Hell Plane Army is also indispensable. We are under a lot of pressure."

"So the focus is on your navy. If everything goes well, the rest will be easy."

Dyke came here for a major decision of the navy. Although there is a government and military information network based on the red network, and the information exchange between the various departments of the Red Federation is very fast and smooth, this decision directly affects the vital interests of naval officers and soldiers. , and the basic concept, someone needs to do a more in-depth and comprehensive understanding, and then publicize it to officers and soldiers at all levels of the navy.

This decision is to equip all naval officers and soldiers with a unified standard of portable Void Spirits.

The nationals of the Red Federation, including soldiers, personal assistants and virtual spirits, are all free to choose.Even in the military and secret departments, it is only to review the members' portable ethereals and require them to have corresponding functions.

Now that the Navy is implementing such a policy, it will inevitably arouse many concerns and even waves of opposition.

Everyone is worried that once there is a problem with the unified Void Spirit, it will not be an individual problem, but the overall victim.Of course, there are also many people, especially those free people who are free and easy, who don't like to carry ethereals with them, and they want to argue that this direction will lead to the evil abyss that imprisons the souls of mortals.

"I can't help it. The big battle is imminent, and the chief cardinal may also make big news. He is mobilizing warships and transforming equipment..."

Deckard had participated in the decision-making meeting on this matter, and he knew why the navy made such a decision: "We suffered heavy casualties in the Raid of the Emperor's Citadel and the Battle of Hunter's Air Reef. can be avoided."

"Moreover, the existing virtual spirits still conflict with the first-aid methods of head cutters. When the soldiers' soul states change, the virtual spirits will have various problems. The light ones will leave the host, and the heavy ones will drag the soul to stay on the main plane. .Many souls that could have gone down to the cemetery to become heroic spirits were either twisted into hell, or were brutally strangled by the enemy."

Entering the office, Allen pointed to the sofa, sank into the chair, and sighed: "Yeah, the various portable ethereals in the commune before did not focus on military use, and we all focused on Engaged in low-level research, did not pay attention to this demand.”

He spread his palms, and a projection similar to a crystal ball appeared.

Taking a closer look at it, it was a diamond-like polyhedron. Deckard estimated that there were about fifty or sixty facets.

"This is not the crystal or soul stone that holds the Void Spirit, but the Void Spirit itself. The original Void Spirit has no shape, flows like water, and is more void than air. But now we can solidify the Void Spirit into a state of 64 facets , and then combine with the nuclei to form a stable individual.”

"What does it mean that there are many facets and that they are fixed? It means that the Void Spirit can carry a more complex movement state of extraordinary power. Well... don't use such an academic term, it is equivalent to a spell structure, but it is only at the level of a micro-magic."

"In the beginning, our technology of solidifying and processing Void Spirits was very rough, and it was done through the soul enslavement circle. On that macro scale, the success rate of solidifying Void Spirits was less than 5.00%. Until the micro-magic technology matured, through micro-magic Fluctuation screening, purification of the void spirit, and the soul enslavement array was replaced by a more sophisticated soul cutting technique, and finally reached the current height."

"The 64 facets can almost carry a spell structure equivalent to a millisecond, and it can barely accommodate a rune structure of a macro zero-level spell..."

The projection shrinks, and countless polyhedrons are distributed in the viscous transparent liquid, forming a structure similar to a magic circle.

Allen patiently explained Void Spirit to Deck: "So we connected them to each other, just like stacking magic circles, and also created an embedded structure."

"So we used tens of thousands of these gadgets, which we call virtual spirit substrates, and stacked virtual spirit units. Considering the needs of magic dispersion and effective management, the upper limit of each virtual spirit unit's matrix is ​​[-]. Because Each substrate in the unit can form an independent circuit, so the whole unit can simulate the situation when a real soul invokes a certain sixth-level spell."

"The portable Void Spirits, magic weapons, weapons, and various small node furnaces, magic electric furnaces and other magic devices on your body all use this level of Void Spirit units."

When Allen said this, Deckard touched his wrist subconsciously.His portable Void Spirit is installed in the wristband, and the body is a thin translucent film.After soul binding through the Red Net, help him connect to the Red Net and use various magic tools.

Allen continued: "The production of Void Spirit Matrix has achieved automatic production by no one, and Void Spirit produces it by itself. However, the yield rate is only 30.00%, because each matrix is ​​actually different, and the accumulation of errors is too large, and stacking is formed. The structure cannot stably carry extraordinary power."

"The virtual spirit units can continue to be stacked to form a virtual spirit array. The virtual spirit array is powerful enough to simulate a legendary-level soul and manage and dispatch legendary-level extraordinary power. Our node furnaces, magic electric furnaces, fighters, floating battleships, and All kinds of large-scale magic equipment rely on the virtual spirit array to mobilize and manage extraordinary power."

"However, the Void Spirit Array requires a more complex magic-dispersing design, and more advanced programs are required to perform more efficient synchronization and exert the power that the Array should have. Therefore, each type of Void Spirit Array will consume a lot of energy , including His Majesty Xiaohong, often mobilize different coders...uh, the development department assists in the design."

Allen's tone became weird: "But I'm still very dissatisfied with some His Highness Sisi, who misappropriated the manpower of the development department, and even encouraged many guilds in the Ethereal Commune to spend a lot of energy on game development."

Deck was thinking about another thing at this time, that Nini in his Magical Fighter...

He subconsciously asked: "How does Void Spirit imitate the soul of a mortal?"

Allen replied: "Zhiling has experienced the transformation of the soul, and they helped us in the display mode of the power of the virtual spirit. In addition, we have also done many experiments with living mortal souls. Don't worry, that is a thing of the past. And whose soul was used at that time, you should also know. Now that we have the underlying data, especially His Majesty Xiaohong's analysis of the petitioner's soul in the Kingdom of God, there is no need to use living souls for experiments."

This was not the answer Deck wanted, and he asked again timidly: "Does this mean that it is possible for Void Spirit to transform into a real soul like Zhiling?"

Allen was stunned, and then laughed: "How is that possible? The structure of the virtual spirit is fixed, and the state is frozen. How to move is also set in accordance with the program. And each type of virtual spirit has a fixed purpose , can only carry one type of power or spells, which determines that it will not face any complicated environment that will cause it to change..."

Gritting his teeth, Dyke decided to tell what had been hidden in his heart for almost two months.

"Your... Nini..."

Allen tilted his head and tried to hold back a smile: "You said she would be resurrected?"

Deck blushed, but he said seriously: "I didn't have hallucinations at the time, it's absolutely true!"

He narrowed his eyes, and his tone became cold and stern: "Your Excellency Lusya and other Your Excellencies of Zhiling, they also changed from Void Spirits to Zhilings. Your Excellency, is it true that some of you already know, or Have you mastered a certain technique that can turn Void Spirits into living souls?"

"This is something that can only be done by gods. You want to monopolize this kind of ability, so you hide it from everyone, even His Majesty Xiaohong?"

Allen shook his hands and got an afterimage: "I don't have it! Impossible! Don't talk nonsense!"

He said eagerly: "Lusya's predecessors are still the souls of mortals. Strictly speaking, they cannot be regarded as ethereals, so there is a possibility of transformation."

"As I said just now, even the imaginary array is only designed for a specific spell and purpose, and there is no way to compare with the real soul with infinite possibilities."

Deke was just trying to scare him, and he hummed when he heard this, "But what's going on with my Nini?"

Allen frowned: "The situation you mentioned may have something to do with the... bad taste of some ethereal designers."

Deckard's eyes widened: "Bad taste?"

Allen smiled wryly and sighed, spreading his hands three times: "You also know that there are countless bastards with holes in their heads gathered in the Ethereal Commune, and they are always whimsical."

"For example, some designers have created a portable Void Spirit, which can not only record the thinking mode of the holder, but also carry the ability to inspire newcomers. The designer's idea is that when a member of the Red Federation After being promoted to a higher level, when you need to replace the Void Spirit, you can give this Void Spirit to the newcomer to act as a mentor and supervise his rapid growth."

"That guy has produced a lot of test products, passed the review, and many people in the adventurer commune and the pilot commune are using it."

"That guy also wants to create a new model of 'personal tutor' based on this thing, spread it in the Dawn Empire, and quietly train new people. But the Intelligence Bureau is not interested in this uncontrollable thing. The Legion Committee and the Science and Industry Committee I also feel that spreading it to the outside world is more likely to become a tool for targeted training by the Holy See of Order, and this direction is prohibited."

He nodded his forehead, which should be the habitual action of activating Void Spirit.

"Tell me the specific number, and I'll help you find out who designed that Nini."

Deck reported the number, and Allen sent it to the internal work network of Ethereal Commune, and the result came out a few minutes later.

"Jordi Kemaka..."

Allen flicked his fingers, and unfolded a light curtain in front of Deckard: "The portable Void Spirit I mentioned just now was also designed by him. Now he happens to be free, so you can ask him yourself."

Inside the light curtain is a guy with sleepy eyes, fluffy and messy blond hair wrapped around his head, like a lion's head.

He yawned and asked, "What Nini..."

Dyke hurriedly recounted the strange behavior of Nini, the fighter plane, before he activated the self-destruct device in the Emperor's Castle.

"Ah... I remember..."

The designer named Jodi said embarrassingly: "That is my previous batch of works, and a small easter egg was added in it."

"If there is any failure, or when it is about to be damaged, the set program will let Void Spirit tell the user that he will definitely be reborn."

Dyke clenched his fists and said angrily, "This is not an easter egg!"

Jodi shook his finger and said: "No, no, of course it's not just that. As long as you can find the fragments of the ethereal spirit and repair them, even if all the data is damaged, the interactive image you originally set will be restored, and then... ..."

He opened his arms, tilted his head, and said happily, "I'm telling you, I'm back! Surprised! Surprised? Is it an easter egg!?"

Dyke lowered his head and covered his face, muttering to himself: "Give back my fantasy and my Nini, bastard!"

Skip the episode, the designer named Jodi got excited and wanted to explain the newly developed "Monster Void Spirit", but Allen decisively blocked the communication.

Deck calmed down and talked to Allen about business.

A few months ago, the Navy selected one of the several proposals proposed by the Ethereal Commune, and it is still in the testing period. It was originally intended to be a suggested promotion, not mandatory.

This kind is named "Navy Type 32 Portable Void Spirit". Compared with ordinary portable Void Spirits, it mainly highlights three functions.

The first is to ensure safety more effectively. The portable virtual spirit will be more deeply integrated with the protection and life support systems, and at the same time enhance the protection at the soul level.When necessary, by sacrificing the Void Spirit, you can resist an attack that will cause the state of the soul to change, and to put it bluntly, it is death.

The second is through the in-depth integration of weapons and equipment Void, so that soldiers can fight and cooperate faster and more accurately, avoiding mistakes and deviations.

The third is to enforce military discipline more effectively, of course not through punitive coercive means.

In Chilian, especially in the Ethereal Commune, there is a supreme commandment regarding the research and manufacture of the Ethereal that is bound to the soul, that is, the Ethereal with you must not obey the external wishes that are not your own, interfere with their will, and implement Mandatory bondage and even injury.

This commandment comes from the soul, the fundamental tenet of the crimson belief, and is an inviolable iron law.

The solution of the Navy Void Spirit in this regard is to force the interface of the Portable Void Spirit to be set as a member of the Navy, which cannot be customized and changed, only gender and race can be selected.The interface is set as a soldier who is familiar with all military discipline laws and regulations of the navy. He not only serves the navy soldiers in all aspects, but also plays the role of supervision and reminder.

Therefore, this portable virtual spirit of the navy is actually a virtual spirit partner.When the owner retires, he can choose to unbind it, or take it away, and it will be counted as retirement together.

After Deck listened to the explanation, Alan gave a live demonstration.

Dyke came here to eat crabs. He was the first to bind the navy ethereal. Of course, he chose a human female.

Seeing the pretty figure projected, Dyke sighed sadly: "My Nini..."

 If there is something to do today, I will update it. The number of words is still enough.

  In addition, I recommend "Extraordinary Player", which is a rare and good game.Reality is made into a game, how can people survive and even compete in the "real OL"?The gangster had this brain hole before, but it was too complicated to mix it up.The beginning of this book is Carry. You can see how the world of brain holes where reality and games are mixed together will develop, and how the protagonist will rise.


(End of this chapter)

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