goddess of revolution

Chapter 1063 Climbing to the top of the white bird, an unexpected supporting role

Chapter 1063 Climbing to the top of the white bird, an unexpected supporting role

Seeing that the scarlet lightning was about to hit the hidden person in the sky, even Grand Inquisitor Esdis's eyes were filled with panic, but the lightning fell at a huge angle, heading towards the White Bird Knight in the distance. Shooting at the camp, Estis and her subordinates breathed a sigh of relief.

The Grand Inquisitor said firmly: "This must be my lord's blessing!"

The young man Waffer clenched his fist and said imposingly: "Then please Goddess continue to bless us, and make a break with that guy McGore here!"

The priest next to him, wearing heavy armor and a warhammer, took off his visor. It turned out to be a young girl. Her face was very similar to Ankalei's, but her pupils were scarlet.

She looked at the front in doubt, and Wav asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

The girl shook her head: "I seem to have sensed... Ankalei? It should be just an illusion."

The stern young man leaning on the stone with his arms folded said, "Is it your sister? A heretic in the Holy See, if you don't mind, let me, Sayu, execute her."

The girl glanced at him and snorted, "Of course I mind, she really came here, and I will kill her with my own hands!"

Another tall and thin young man pushed his glasses and said: "Don't get in the way of business because of personal grievances. Our primary goal is to eliminate the heresy McGore, and the second is the possible religious enemy Li Qi Player. Then use powerful force to deter Knights of the White Bird, submit them to the glory of the order of our Lord."

He looked at the place where the red light fell, and frowned: "It seems that Prell has arrived, he is very powerful, and there is a witch by his side. We need to adjust our plan and set him as the primary target .”

The Grand Inquisitor said approvingly: "You are always so calm, Long. However, Cardinal Baudouin has warned you never to underestimate Pryor, and Chapter Commander Emily also said that this person cannot be defeated in a head-to-head confrontation. So We still focus on McGore, cut off the evil hand of Brintor, and ensure that the will of our lord is not distorted."

"In short, let's play by ear. After all the forces are on the stage, we will appear as the final arbiter and crush all evil with a hammer!"

Everyone in the team shouted in a low voice, their hearts and eyes filled with confidence.


In the dense forest on the other side of the White Bird Holy Land, several shadows wavered slightly.

A deep and dry voice said: "Let's go, get out of here, the farther the better."

Another cold female voice was a little surprised: "Didn't your lord see the result with your own eyes?"

"The people who should arrive have arrived, and those who should not have arrived have also arrived. Anyway, the gift has already been sent in, and how things will change next is decided by the goddess of fate."

The person said in a sarcastic tone: "There are many protagonists in this drama. Who is the real protagonist in the end depends on who is closer to the essence of power."

"What I'm sure of is that some guys only have the lives of supporting roles, but they are arrogant enough to think that they are the protagonists. It is clear what will happen to them. If we continue to stay here, we will only be like them."

The female voice said flatteringly: "Are you talking about those Baudouin gangsters? You deliberately leaked your whereabouts to lure them here, just to trick them. Your lord is really cunning."

The man smiled wryly: "It's just being forced, just like what is said in the phantom drama, people are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves."

This team hidden in the shadows was led by McGore, and was once a dark force directly led by the Queen.The Queen specially set up the Royal Special Supervision Office in the inner court of the Royal Palace to provide it with power and financial guarantee.

After the queen returned to the Kingdom of God, in order to keep the organization, especially the privileges of the organization, McGor had to defect to Brintole, and was regarded as a thorn in the side of the trial court directly under Baudouin.

The two cardinals worked together to maintain the overall situation and contend with the imperial faction, but it did not mean that the people below were also in harmony.Fights abound over beliefs and interests, or even just how the two communicate.

McGore said again: "It's just incidental to pull Estes's team of flies here. Since this place has become a place of storms, it's natural to pull everyone who can get caught."

The figure hidden in the shade of the tree looked up, and he said in a dignified tone: "And I always feel like I'm being watched by someone, maybe our every move is being watched by Li Qi .”

The woman beside her is the high priest of the Bloody Church, who has followed McGor for many years, and said in astonishment: "How is that possible? Even a god, unless the main body is squeezed into the main plane, it is impossible to monitor the people in such a wide range. Make every move."

McGore snorted: "That's why other people always look down on Li Qi and his gang. They still use gods as a measure of strength. But in this era, the biggest change in the world is that gods can no longer be the Standard."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the light and shadow in the dense forest were slightly confused, but soon returned to calm.


The Queen Shark landed in front of the big tent in the White Bird camp. It could have landed lightly, but Catherine, who was in Ellie's state, became playful and slowed down at a height of [-] meters, bringing about a violent airflow impact.It wasn't that the white bird knights spread out the legendary field to block the airflow, the scene was a grand occasion of tents and horses flying together.

Li Qi was receiving a report from the sea black whale, and after learning that a group of superhumans with the power of evil gods had left, he thought that those people were really interesting.

Of course, other lurking targets are still approaching. In the perspective view of the battlefield constructed by the sea black whale, the strength attributes, levels, and even body outlines of these people are all clear at a glance. Li Qi can only wish them good luck.

The perspective view doesn't see everything clearly, some people still can't distinguish some things, but compared with the surprise that Li Qi prepared, this unknown is nothing.

When Ellie did this, the planned "kindly meeting" would naturally come to naught.But it's not bad to come to such a show, Li Qi didn't reprimand her, but just crumpled the short light blond hair of his little head into a chicken coop as a punishment.

The hatch opened, and Su Enna jumped out of the queen shark in a hurry.Originally, it was a baby swallow throwing itself into the forest, and then it turned into a wild goose falling on the sand, with its feet up in the sky, spitting loudly.

She is an eighth-level legend, and this overload can be tolerated, but she has never experienced it before and hasn't adapted yet.

Fortunately, the scene was full of smoke and dust, except for Li Qi, no one else saw her embarrassment.

When the smoke dissipated, the white bird knights gathered in a circle, looking at this "flying boat" painted in bright red, with a strong shape, sharp edges and corners, and iron wings fluttering, which looked particularly dazzling. Heart echoed.

A tall, handsome black-haired young man stood in front of this strange flying boat, neither hat nor cloak.He was only wearing the "Swordsman's Uniform" with a short hem and a simple style, which didn't look much different from civilian attire.From the shoulders to the arms, from the armpits to the bottoms of the trousers, there are two dark gold borders, somewhat different from the ordinary people's decoration.

The gray eyes scanned the white bird knights, there was no detachment belonging to the pope, or the arrogance of the leader of a country in the eyes, they seemed very gentle and...curious.

This surprised the White Bird Knights, and even the third White Bird Janet, who was full of confrontation, couldn't believe it. This is the person who made their White Bird Knights face the greatest challenge in tens of thousands of years. By nature, the leader of the immoral and immoral red devil.

"I knew that you can't believe all the rumors," said the fourth white bird, the old lady Grace, "or is this your disguise? The monster full of fangs and spikes in the portrait is actually you real body?"

She looked at the messy scene hit by the air current, and said again: "Otherwise, it will be difficult to be worthy of what you did before, and what you are doing now."

Li Qi smiled faintly, and said with a magnetic voice: "I came here for the things I will do later. So, don't rush to draw conclusions about what I am like."

He put his hand on his chest and lowered his head slightly: "Ms. Red's mortal spokesperson, Chief Cardinal of Fein's Red Community, chief member of the Red Alliance..."

At this time, Ellie and Leia floated over and sat on his shoulders from left to right, Aurora stood beside him, and Oresa stood cautiously at the back.

He said again: "Husband of Aurora Behemia and Catherine Hadron, guardian of the Scarlet Witch, Li Qi Pryor, send my greetings to all of you White Birds."

Ellie rubbed his hair happily, and Aurora gave him a rippling white eye, seemingly complaining but actually happy.

Apart from Su Enna, the other eleven white bird knights had different expressions.The first white bird Reinfurt stepped forward and said with a wry smile: "If I live longer, I will pay tribute to Your Majesty on behalf of all the white bird knights."

Then he looked at Aurora, and he was a little cautious and stammered: "This, this is Your Highness Aurora, your beauty shines on the whole of Finn."

It was Li Qi's turn to roll his eyes at Aurora, who was elegantly returning the gift. I really didn't expect that Chilian's cultural output over the years has been quite successful. His wife is famous all over the world, but I feel very bad!

A little far away from the big tent, Xi Yili, who had always been taciturn, became very active, observing with a monocular eagle eyeglass, and then exclaimed: "Is that... Aurora?"

She changed into a different person immediately, and danced and said: "Oh, she played Scarlett and Queen Elizabeth are so beautiful! I want to find her autograph! I want to take a photo with her!"

Tasmi was staring at the big red "flying boat" in the distance. Such a magical weapon is really scary. The movement just now is indeed enough to kill people. Lubbock's death is really wronged and worthless.

"His Royal Highness Aurora is here!?"

Xi Yili's voice made Tasmi's heart itch. He had seen many fantasy dramas performed by Aurora in the mercenary stone building before, and was deeply shocked by the various beauties performed by the other party.

In the past few years, these phantom dramas were strictly prohibited, but after the queen returned to the Kingdom of God, the phantom machine, which could only receive online content of Order, could watch more things, and the Holy See of Order could not control it.In addition to still strictly prohibiting the rebroadcast of the Crimson Communication, they can only pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Ankalei, who also likes Aurora very much, didn't respond. Tasmi carefully asked her what was wrong, and she silently shook her head while clutching her chest.

Tasmi became even more nervous: "Um... did I squeeze you hard yesterday?"

Xi Yili went into a state of gossip: "You pinched Ankalei? Didn't Ankalei pinch you yesterday? What happened between you two?"

Ankalei's cheeks turned red, and she said angrily to Tasmi: "Nothing happened between us yesterday! I just feel a little wrong!"

Her tone became weak: "Like Ku... Kulomi is very close to me..."

Shiili and Tasmi took a breath at the same time, Kuromi is here too?

Doesn't that mean Grand Inquisitor Esdis is here too?
At this time, Deacon Rembrandt greeted them from a distance, and the three had no choice but to let go of the matter and let it go.

In front of the mysterious carriage, a strange box has been opened, revealing a large iron pot that looks like roasted calf or other rare ingredients.The outer layer has complicated patterns and patterns, and there are several handles. It looks like it needs many people to lift it together.

"You, you, and you..."

A thin woman with a face hidden in a hood was nodding in the group of mercenaries, and eight people including Tasmi were pointed out.

"This thing will be sent to the meeting of the White Bird Knight later, and you will carry it over."

Deacon Rembrandt said: "This is... a special gift. It requires the eight of you to activate it with extraordinary power to open the container. You follow this lady's instructions."

The hooded woman pointed to Tasmi and others to hold the handle, and at the same time stimulated the strength, and rehearsed it once, because there is a restriction that it cannot be opened now.

It was a very simple task, and Tasmi was so excited that her head was a little dizzy, that she could actually meet White Bird Knight, and even that Li Qi Player!
Oh, yes, and Her Highness Aurora...

Xi Yili stuffed something into his pocket, and whispered: "This is the mind language map, activate it before going in. Then you can record everything you see on it, remember to watch Her Royal Highness Aurora carefully! "

Tasmi smiled wryly, although this is what she wanted to do, but it always felt very rude and dangerous.

There was more than one such "gift", and the woman pointed out some mercenaries to practice on another gift.

The woman's tone was very severe, although her voice was not as loud as Ankalei's: "Remember, everyone must arouse their strength at the same time, otherwise they won't be able to open it."

Deacon Rembrandt chimed in: "If you can't open it, Her Royal Highness will be ashamed! Her Royal Highness is only ashamed, and what you will lose is your job and reputation!"

This side is making preparations, and the greetings between Li Qi and the first white bird have also come to an end.

After being attacked by the Queen Shark, the big tent was also full of mess. It was not a place to talk about things. Reinfurt led Li Qi to his tent.

At this moment, a purple light curtain suddenly rose from the ground, covering everyone in an instant.

Several light spots lit up on the light curtain, and then quickly condensed into a human body.

A deep and proud voice swayed in the light curtain: "Great, with Li Qi Player and a few witches, you are finally stupid enough to send them to your door!"

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the sixth white bird, the glamorous Trista, the "mercurial" flashed in front of those figures.

The light curtain contained a powerful restraining force, which made the White Bird Knights unsteady.


The first white bird barely supported its body, and looked at the sixth white bird with incredible eyes: "What are you doing?"

The sixth white bird said apologetically: "Old guy, in order to prevent leaking the secret, I have no choice but to keep it from you."

She raised her chest and said proudly: "I am protecting Shiratori. Only I understand what kind of challenges Shiratori is facing, and only I can prevent this disaster."

She stretched her arms and made an introductory gesture: "Behind me are five legendary arcanists from the Ice Wind Kingdom. Only they can deal with the Red Demon."

The figures of the five legendary arcanists became clear, leaving the light curtain and floating behind Trista.

Jie Jie, the leader, laughed and said, "Your soul and body will soon be the property of our gods and gods!"

 Originally I wanted two in one today, but if it’s too long, let’s cut it~
(End of this chapter)

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