goddess of revolution

Chapter 1083 Stormtrooper frenzy, this is not our favorite battle!

Chapter 1083 Stormtrooper frenzy, this is not our favorite battle!
In the northern part of the Red Federation, east of the Delta District, in the shallow valley close to the mountains, there are large mushroom-like pure white roofs, and a misty halo is emitted in the ripples of the protective barrier.

This small city is a transportation hub connecting Gale Cliff, the center of the Kobold Autonomous Region, and Delta City. Although it has an official name, everyone including the Kobold himself likes to call it by another name: Dog Gate Pass.

In the airport hall on the edge of the valley, Guga Majilin, the chief committee member of the autonomous region, said to the fat halfling: "The navy only gave [-] places, plus the army's [-] places, and the state department and Of the [-] quotas in each commune, less than [-] dogs have left the autonomous region this year!"

"Now the number of dogs on Gale Cliff is approaching 100 million, and there are at least 20 dogs who have completed education. It is a great waste to let them be enclosed in the autonomous region and play with their tails!"

"They can do more things, Minister Sam, you can think of a way to get more places in the Delta District."

The kobold affairs commissioner of the Red Federation next to him, the director of the Liefeng Cliff Coordination Department of the Fei Gong, and the kobold instructor Rezlin Makilin coughed and said: "It's not Sam who decides alone, and you are still a dog when you talk and keep your mouth shut." Son, don't always bring the kobolds and dogs together."

"What's wrong with pulling it together?"

Guga shook the braid on his head: "This is what His Majesty Xia An taught us. Since everyone regards kobolds as dogs, why do we have to clarify? Dogs are good partners of mortals, so we must establish kobolds. It's like a dog's idea!"

"What a wonderful dog, loyal, simple, capable, hard-working..."

The kobold high priest tried his best to show his scissors claws, and winked at Rezlin: "It's still cute!"

Rezlin covered his face and sighed: "Our Red Federation talks about racial equality, but you always dwarf the kobolds into dogs. That's not right."

Guga shook his paws and said, "Razlin, racial equality is not spoken out, nor is it given by other races. It has to be fought in other places. Here in the Red Federation, you have to prove yourself by giving."

"We dogs don't do anything in the Red Federation, just want to be equal, it's not fair. Moreover, our entire race has not yet fully evolved, most of the dogs are still in a state of ignorance, and many primitive instincts of lower races and even animals remain , this difference also dooms us to enjoy equality.”

"So, why can't we dogs start from a lower starting point? Just like me and you, Razlin, we can never be equal, because I will always be your dog."

Rezlin looked at the halfling who was struggling to hold back his laughter, tried his best to resist the urge to run away with Googa, and said with a wry smile, "Finally it's your turn to educate me clearly and at length."

Sam took the opportunity to interject. He felt that if he didn't speak and kept laughing like this, his gut would get knotted.

He was already familiar with the rumors of Rezlin and Guga, and seeing it with his own eyes, it was really worthy of the name.

Guga's point of view also refreshed Sam, and he found it very reasonable. After thinking about it carefully, the central government has always been dealing with kobolds according to this principle.Every year, only a part of the kobolds who have received a complete education are integrated into the Red Federation society, so that the kobolds and other races can gradually adapt.

Not only the kobolds, but also the orcs, half-orcs, werewolves and vampires who stayed in the Red Federation.First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the various races will not harm each other from the natural nature, and then let them accept the basic consensus of the patriarchal society through education, and finally put them together to live.

Racial equality is because souls are equal, but it does not mean that reality can be directly equal.To achieve equality of souls, we have to put aside things like equality for the sake of equality, and work together to build a patriarchal society.To realize Datongism is to realize equality.

In the words of the Chief Cardinal, all beings are equal under Datongism, and this is true equality.Equality without Datongism is a stage for all kinds of demons and ghosts to sing.

Sam said: "The Agricultural Production Promotion Association in the Delta area, as well as the slime farm and other units are discussing the introduction of kobold helpers. You can send some... dogs to try it out. Add at least [-] places."

"The Delta District is just a trial. If the effect is good, the Beta District and the Alpha District will follow up. At that time, there will be another four to five thousand places. This year's quota is not [-], but close to [-]."

Guga repeatedly applauded, and Rezlin subconsciously started planning: "Since it is about agriculture, the Kester kobolds are not very suitable. It is best to use the pastoral kobolds from Silver Pine. Patience, unlike the kester kobolds who like to drill holes for excitement."

Guga added: "By the way, many of the desert kobolds we took in have completed their education. They heard that the Weeping Sand Sea has become a battlefield, and they all hope to join the battle. Is there any shortage of people in the army?"

Sam frowned and said, "The battle in the Weeping Sand Sea is fragmented and dangerous. It currently has the highest casualty rate on any battlefield..."

Guga shook his paw and said: "Don't talk about the casualty rate. Compared with the previous kobolds who gave birth to a litter of cubs, only one-third survived, and only one-tenth of them finally reached adulthood. No war is as cruel as survival itself. ...and since humans, half-elves, gray elves, and halflings are all taking that risk, the dog should be at the forefront."

Sam sighed: "Okay, I will communicate with the army to see if they are willing to accept more kobold troops."

Sam had previously served as a district committee member in Gamma City, and had become an expert in civil affairs.Not long ago, he was transferred to the Integration Department of the Delta District, in charge of war mobilization affairs, and the "dog power resources" of the Kobold Autonomous Region were also within his scope of work.

While communicating with the two leaders of the Kobold Autonomous Region, another batch of kobolds boarded a large transport plane and headed for the Army Training Center in Gamma District.They have received sufficient training in the Armed Forces of the Gale Cliff, and learned to drive the kobold mechs to fight, and now they are doing informatization and joint combat training.

After receiving these kobolds, Sam has to go to various collective farms.

Over the past few years, the million-kister farmers living in collective farms have not only initially integrated into the Red Federation society, but also embarked on a journey to a new height in life.

In the past, they were just bored in the farms, relying on basic security and growing the grain purchased at subsidized prices by the Red Federation, with low income and little knowledge.Now there are various ways to work and serve as a soldier, no matter which one, it can make a big difference in the future life.

Rather than working, the farmers in Kester prefer to be soldiers. Their ancestors started as mercenaries, and they are not afraid of life on the bloody battlefield.What's more, the Chilian has advanced equipment and strong support, and the chances of being unlucky and dying are much lower than the soldiers of the Aurora Empire.

The army also likes to recruit Kester farmers. The blood flowing in their bodies makes them brave to take risks. Of course, the problem of military discipline is also very serious. After all, the ancestors are not regular soldiers but mercenaries.

Compared with other people who are in charge of this situation in the integration department, Sam's headache is how to appease those farmers who were not selected by the army and did not have enough courage and qualifications to join the adventurer commune, so they had to be workers or do other jobs .

Whether there is a threshold of extraordinary power enough to use zero-level spells is not difficult for Farmer Kester.The three legendary druids of the Red Federation, Mundel, Fischers, and Slucano, have worked hard to stabilize the farmers here and let them settle in the fields temporarily.The zero-level divine magic spiritual power they invented, as long as the farmers pay close attention to the conditions of the fields, most of them will be proficient in one or two years.

This trick made 40 or [-] farmers become superhumans, but this kind of auxiliary magic made them far from qualified fighters, so in the past, the army did not regard this group of people as a suitable source of troops for development.

Now, Sam has to select suitable seeds from this fertile field, and find satisfactory new paths for the seeds that have not been selected. This is not an easy job.The halfling who had already seen the effect of losing weight in the past two years, now has no time to exercise because of irregular work and rest, and watched the fat return to his body.

Fortunately, the Weeping Sand Sea has discovered a new group of magic spar mines. Even if it is not very useful here, it cannot fall into the hands of the Dawn Empire.The army must expand its battle lines and compete for these areas, so naturally more troops are needed.

Sam said goodbye to Razlin and Googak, boarded his special plane, and calculated how much margin he could leave in various farms.

The service plane converted from the gray dolphin transport plane rose from the ground and went straight into the sky.

Watching Sam go, Rezlin's gaze shifted from the plane to the farther west. He can't see it now, but it won't be long before the entire Red Federation, and even the entire main plane, can see the new one. The real moon is gone.

"I really want to visit the Heart of Silver Moon..."

The magician part of Raizlin's heart gradually revived: "In the end, it will carry His Royal Highness Fei Ni to break through the empty sea, right? I really want to see what is above the empty sea."

Guga said obediently: "Then go and tell the newcomers about the dogs, we will go together."

Razlin smiled and said, "You have said it many times, every time you encounter something related to kobolds, you stop again, thinking that they cannot do without you."

Guga shook his head: "This time I made up my mind, I think we have done enough for the dogs, if we continue, not only will we get bored, but the dogs will also get annoyed, they should be responsible for themselves. "

"Also, Raizlin, you should also find your own future, otherwise you will be depressed. I know, you still want to be a magician and study the mysteries of magic."

Rezlin smiled gratifiedly, and rubbed Guga's head. It felt really good, or maybe he got used to it.

Guga hummed comfortably, then said in a low voice: "Also, it's time for you to find a woman."

The hand stroking the dog's head stopped suddenly, and after a while, Rezlin seemed to fight back, and said in a blunt tone: "You should also...be bred, and you are almost past the age of fertility."

Guga bared his teeth at Razlin and snorted: "See clearly, the old dog also has teeth!"

A huge pillar of sand and dust soared into the sky, and a huge sandworm with a thickness of more than ten meters protruded its head from the pillar of dust. Several rings of sawtooth wriggled and fell towards the tiny body below.

A series of orange and bright red rays landed on the head of the sand worm, causing the big worm's flesh and blood to fly and its teeth shattered.

The slender figure leaped high, and the magic steel chopping ax in his hand struck the center of the sandworm's split head, and the dark gold power struck the core crystal inside, causing the sandworm to petrify suddenly, and then slowly toppled over.

When the figure fell to the ground, blood, water and minced flesh splashed all over his body, causing the surrounding soldiers to hold their noses and keep retreating.

"Hey, Actoria, you will never find someone to marry in your life."

Ektya, who took over from Yuskal and led the army's armored force, was in charge of fighting against the Dawn Empire's army on the surface and underground of the Weeping Sand Sea.

With a shake of the chopping ax in his hand, he threw the sandworm's core crystal to his subordinates. At this time, the sandworm's body sank into the dust, and the surrounding sand collapsed rapidly, forming a turbulent vortex.

"Okay, there is another passage here..."

Eketia issued an order: "Attack! Kick the imperial army's ass hard!"

The dust billowed in the rear, and the scavenger mechs and even the thicker butcher mechs jumped out of the sand dunes and stepped into the gravel vortex without fear.

In the underground world at least tens of kilometers away from the ground, lights and shadows flickered, explosions continued, the ceiling continued to collapse, and the entire space was filled with thick smoke and dust.

"This is not a battle we are familiar with!"

The captain of the Redstone Independent Armored Brigade of the Dawn Empire, halfling Viscount Frodo called to his superiors: "It's not the kind of battle we like, it's more convenient to blow holes here than to hit people! I bet the enemy who is fighting with us here is not the army , It’s those guys who are engaged in infrastructure construction, we are buried again!”

(End of this chapter)

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